I Gaze into my Crystal Ball...


Feb 27, 2012
I gaze into my crystal ball....

"Barack Obama will win reelection in 2012. The crowds gather around Obama at his victory rally on the dark, yet unusally warm, November night.

"Four more years! Four more years!" They scream, as Obama comes onto stage. His wife Michelle holds his hand. His two daughters gracefully follow.....

It will not be a particularly close election.

Mitt Romeny will run a poor campaign and lose most of the significant battleground states like Ohio, North Carolina, Colorado, and maybe even Arizona.

His corny white collar-worker slogan, "Get with Mitt!" doesn't quite carry a legacy like "I like Ike!"

GOP will keep the House and win the Senate but only by 1 or 2 seats.

John Boehner sobs like a baby as he spits rhetoric to a sea of white faces in an upper class hotel event space."

... the crystal ball has delivered the prophecy.
Billy? Is that you?

First post, huh? Welcome to the board, hope you didn't pay much for that crystal ball cuz it sucks at forecasting the future.
This election will be decided based on the economy during the two month period leading up to election day.

The conservative partisans WILL vote R

The liberal partisans will vote D.

It's how the TRULY independent voters (maybe 10% of all voters) that will carry the day
First post, huh? Welcome to the board, hope you didn't pay much for that crystal ball cuz it sucks at forecasting the future.

You don't think Obama will be reelected? With MittBot and Medieval Man as the current GOP frontrunners, he simply cannot miss. In fact, if things continue on the same laughable trajectory, Obama can send his campaign people home, shut down his PACs, turn off his website and go to Hawaii...for a couple of months.....
This election will be decided based on the economy during the two month period leading up to election day.

The conservative partisans WILL vote R

The liberal partisans will vote D.

It's how the TRULY independent voters (maybe 10% of all voters) that will carry the day

And the Latinos, if you believe the editors of Time magazine.
I do believe that crystal ball isn't a good predictor of what's going to happen in November...........however if Obama appears in it you might be able to sell it on ebay for a good price. :D
Obamabots are weird..as they gaze lovingly into their crystal balls..

they have to Pretend the 2010 elections NEVER happened and he has a approval rating that is in the LOW 40's.

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I don't see the CONZ keeping the House, let alone capturing the Senate.

I see them getting thrown out for passing a grand total of SEVEN pieces of legislation since they took office over a year ago. Gee, nothing happening in the country that needed attention, was there?

CONZ are tone deaf to the middle class. Anyone who has to put in HOURS to get a paycheck and votes conservative, is cutting his own throat.
You think if you work hard your whole life and pay your dues, it'll come around. Well, it used to, before conservatives let the banksters go Vegas with YOUR money. Now they're shameless. Conservatives put CREDIT CARD payments as the SAME PRIORITY as CHILD SUPPORT payments in their bankruptcy legislation. Heaven forfend, we can't have credit card companies starving for their 30% vig...we know you're down and in trouble, but hey, screw your kids too!
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Obamabots are weird..as they gaze lovingly into their crystal balls..

they have to Pretend the 2010 elections NEVER happened and he has a approval rating that is in the LOW 40's.


Wow. I only predicted that Obama will win the election. I did not give policy arguments or give any kind of opinion regarding his choice of direction for our country.

Im sure if I predicted Romney as the winner, there would be a bunch of liberals all over me as a racist and 1%er.

Looks like you can't even make a prediction on these boards without people instantly cornering you into one political view. How sad.

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