I get so tired of the myth of "American exceptionalism"


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Average joe republicans love to talk about America being the the best country in the world. It's so nauseating.

Now don't get me wrong - there's a lot of great things about America. The founding fathers were of course great. It's just stupid to assume it's "exceptional" now in today's age.

The problem is the delusion that our nation is better than every other nation on Earth in every aspect. What I find the most nauseating is that republicans delude themselves into thinking they are superior to people of other nations. Republicans are stupid, mostly uneducated, bigoted, and worship Trump. People of other countries laugh at people like this, but pathetically, republicans think foreigners are simply jealous of them. I mean republicans do NOTHING to contribute to what makes America good. They sure has hell had no place in shaping what America is today. They for some bizarre reason think they are an extension of Lincoln or Reagan even though they are really just degenerates.

America sucks in many ways and it's a waste of time to educate delusional, stupid people like republicans of this fact.
This is why I say we should keep the hard-working, family oriented, American loving Mexicans and deport the Progressives
Superior is not the same as exceptional. Exceptional implies we are some how fundamentally different from other nations and we should look and act a different way than them.

America is objectively superior to every nation in most aspects beyond the efficacy of our healthcare system.

We are pretty fucking awesome relative to everyone else, that famous rant on Sorkins news show was all off.

We have the best hospitals, military, land, colleges, and theoretically guaranteed civil liberties of any nation small or large. We're the largest economy on the planet (and will be for the foreseeable future unless the Chinese start breeding again) with very high per capita income. And IMO most importantly we are an extremely insular economy. The whole world could collapse economically.....Only ~15% of GDP is from exports, if anything all the domestic growth would probably make us larger than we ever were. It would be chaos, but we'd grow because our land is so fucking good we can do it all at home.
Average joe republicans love to talk about America being the the best country in the world. It's so nauseating.

Now don't get me wrong - there's a lot of great things about America. The founding fathers were of course great. It's just stupid to assume it's "exceptional" now in today's age.

The problem is the delusion that our nation is better than every other nation on Earth in every aspect. What I find the most nauseating is that republicans delude themselves into thinking they are superior to people of other nations. Republicans are stupid, mostly uneducated, bigoted, and worship Trump. People of other countries laugh at people like this, but pathetically, republicans think foreigners are simply jealous of them. I mean republicans do NOTHING to contribute to what makes America good. They sure has hell had no place in shaping what America is today. They for some bizarre reason think they are an extension of Lincoln or Reagan even though they are really just degenerates.

America sucks in many ways and it's a waste of time to educate delusional, stupid people like republicans of this fact.

We know. You hate america. When are you leaving for yemen?
America's only problem is 60 years of Socialism

Except we became the most powerful nation in the world with a mixed economy and public education...

So no, you're wrong

THe free market alone has never provided a decent life for the average citizen of any nation, nor has any major nation risen to geopolitical prominence with a free market economy.
The best I've heard it put is that Americans aren't exceptional, the fundamental principles that founded this country have allowed people from all over the world to come here and be exceptional.
Ah, another lib meltdown thread over Trump and the 60 plus million Americans who voted him President. Look at the hate and venom that's being spewed by the left, I love it when they come out of the closet and tell us what they really think.
And once again, tune in tomorrow night, folks. Same time, same place for yet another Billy000 meltdown and flame fest.
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Ah, another lib meltdown thread over Trump and the 60 plus million Americans who voted him President. Look at the hate and venom that's being spewed by the left, I love it when they come out of the closet and tell us what they really think.

Who ran on "make America great again'? America has been great.
Superior is not the same as exceptional. Exceptional implies we are some how fundamentally different from other nations and we should look and act a different way than them.

America is objectively superior to every nation in most aspects beyond the efficacy of our healthcare system.

We are pretty fucking awesome relative to everyone else, that famous rant on Sorkins news show was all off.

We have the best hospitals, military, land, colleges, and theoretically guaranteed civil liberties of any nation small or large. We're the largest economy on the planet (and will be for the foreseeable future unless the Chinese start breeding again) with very high per capita income. And IMO most importantly we are an extremely insular economy. The whole world could collapse economically.....Only ~15% of GDP is from exports, if anything all the domestic growth would probably make us larger than we ever were. It would be chaos, but we'd grow because our land is so fucking good we can do it all at home.
America has the worst hospitals and colleges among any of the developed nations. Americans aren't free to do anything, you want freedom go to the netherlands. The american economy is almost completely due to the fact that America was the only standing country after WW2 and as you notice with your wierdly racist joke about the chinese breeding, America is slowly falling to number two and will be number 3 behind India soon enough. America only has a large military because it spends literally more on it than every other country combined. Instead of colleges hospitals and things like infrastrucre something that americans haven't invested since the 1960's and is comparable to the 3rd world

America is also one the most racist sexist homphobic countries on earth, try asking anyone but a straight white wealthy christian male how much they love america for a change
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Average joe republicans love to talk about America being the the best country in the world. It's so nauseating.

Now don't get me wrong - there's a lot of great things about America. The founding fathers were of course great. It's just stupid to assume it's "exceptional" now in today's age.

The problem is the delusion that our nation is better than every other nation on Earth in every aspect. What I find the most nauseating is that republicans delude themselves into thinking they are superior to people of other nations. Republicans are stupid, mostly uneducated, bigoted, and worship Trump. People of other countries laugh at people like this, but pathetically, republicans think foreigners are simply jealous of them. I mean republicans do NOTHING to contribute to what makes America good. They sure has hell had no place in shaping what America is today. They for some bizarre reason think they are an extension of Lincoln or Reagan even though they are really just degenerates.

America sucks in many ways and it's a waste of time to educate delusional, stupid people like republicans of this fact.
They say this, although most of them have never lived in another country.
America is also one the most racist sexist homphobic countries on earth, try asking anyone but a straight white wealthy christian male how much they love america for a change

says the racist sexist homophobe lol

I'm a poor white non-Christian, and I've blown dudes. Not always white either.

Sexist? Okay... women aren't real human beings, but that's a discussion for another time.
Ah, another lib meltdown thread over Trump and the 60 plus million Americans who voted him President. Look at the hate and venom that's being spewed by the left, I love it when they come out of the closet and tell us what they really think.

Who ran on "make America great again'? America has been great.
So you disagree with Billy000 then?

Yes. Do you disagree with Trump?
Somewhat, yes. It's not as great as it once was or could be, and I think that's what Trump was saying in a not so eloquent way.
Superior is not the same as exceptional. Exceptional implies we are some how fundamentally different from other nations and we should look and act a different way than them.

America is objectively superior to every nation in most aspects beyond the efficacy of our healthcare system.

We are pretty fucking awesome relative to everyone else, that famous rant on Sorkins news show was all off.

We have the best hospitals, military, land, colleges, and theoretically guaranteed civil liberties of any nation small or large. We're the largest economy on the planet (and will be for the foreseeable future unless the Chinese start breeding again) with very high per capita income. And IMO most importantly we are an extremely insular economy. The whole world could collapse economically.....Only ~15% of GDP is from exports, if anything all the domestic growth would probably make us larger than we ever were. It would be chaos, but we'd grow because our land is so fucking good we can do it all at home.
America has the worst hospitals and colleges among any of the developed nations. Americans aren't free to do anything, you want freedom go to the netherlands. The american economy is almost completely due to the fact that America was the only standing country after WW2 and as you notice with your wierdly racist joke about the chinese breeding, America is slowly falling to number two and will be number 3 behind India soon enough. America only has a large military because it spends literally more on it than every other country combined. Instead of colleges hospitals and things like infrastrucre something that americans haven't invested since the 1960's and is comparable to the 3rd world

America is also one the most racist sexist homphobic countries on earth, try asking anyone but a straight white wealthy christian male how much they love america for a change

Uhhh that's just almost all patently false

In the netherlands they don't even have freedom of speech, the cops don't need a warrant to enter your home

You sound very ignorant about the rest of the world.

So much so I'm tempted to just not respond but I'll give you some links so you can think about the ridiculous notion of what you're implying.

Here is a link proving we have the best universities on the planet, from the Chinese...Which should be obvious, the only country that comes close per capita is Britain.
ARWU World University Rankings 2016 | Academic Ranking of World Universities 2016 | Top 500 universities | Shanghai Ranking - 2016

Random ranking of best hospitals in the world
World | Ranking Web of Hospitals

I could go on.

We have by far the most civil liberties of ANY nation on the planet* that's big enough for me to know it's name.

I challenge you to name one (no country in the EU or the commonwealth is free speech guaranteed nor is a warrant needed to enter your property, the standards are about as robust as the protections we have on a public roadway)

edit - and how do you think chinese breeding is racist? lol that's a basic marker for economic success and power. If you're not breeding fast enough to replace your population (2.1 children per woman*). Then your economy in the long term cannot grow.

Japan being the obvious example
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