I get why the vaxxed are pissed off

Good luck.

I really hope nothing happens to you.

But that's not a risk I'm willing to take myself.
I can sympathize with Blues man .... I actually get why he did it. But the rest of them? Gimme a break. I saw a puke in the market the other day ( this is the second time this happened to me ) who was wearing a monster face mask that made him look like Darth Vader for god's sake....he was horrified and cowering up and down the shopping aisles with terrified bug eyes trying in vain to keep at least six feet from everyone which is nearly impossible. I would rather be dead than to live like that.

I get why the vaxxed are pissed off
No, you don’t.

And no one is ‘pissed off.’

It’s more felling pity for those so reckless and irresponsible, those so willfully ignorant and stupid as to refuse to protect themselves and others with a safe and effective vaccine.
No, you don’t.

And no one is ‘pissed off.’

It’s more felling pity for those so reckless and irresponsible, those so willfully ignorant and stupid as to refuse to protect themselves and others with a safe and effective vaccine.
Does posting bullshit like that make you feel better about being a lemming?

Because while some folks might have carefully weighed the pros and cons before deciding to get vaxxed, I am quite sure you didn't....... you're a follower, and you do as you're told.
They're scared.
And justifiably so. The anti-vax crackpots endanger everyone.

The epidemic of the unvaccinated threatens normal Americans, their families, friends, and neighbors.

Florida COVID surge keeps getting worse; Texas brings in out-of-state nurses as hospitals fill​

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[Florida COVID surge keeps getting worse; Texas brings in out-of-state nurses as hospitals fill. Latest COVID-19 updates.]

The Bolsoraro of the Bluebells and the Lukashenko of the Everglades are totalitarian menaces.
And justifiably so. The anti-vax crackpots endanger everyone.

The epidemic of the unvaccinated threatens normal Americans, their families, friends, and neighbors.

Florida COVID surge keeps getting worse; Texas brings in out-of-state nurses as hospitals fill​

How many times must the media lie to you, before you realize they are liars?

If you don't see it for yourself, you can be pretty sure they're full of shit.
No, you don’t.

And no one is ‘pissed off.’

It’s more felling pity for those so reckless and irresponsible, those so willfully ignorant and stupid as to refuse to protect themselves and others with a safe and effective vaccine.
dont need your pity....don't want it either..... I made my choice ( as did you ) and will live with the consequences of my choice just the same way I have for my whole life.

Now what I need is to have all CONTROL FREAKS MIND THEIR EFFING BUSINESS ....
How many times must the media lie to you, before you realize they are liars?

If you don't see it for yourself, you can be pretty sure they're full of shit.
You may find this notion unfathomable, but most normal folks recognize that public heath experts know more about public heath than ideological zealots, your dogma notwithstanding.
How many times must the media lie to you, before you realize they are liars?

If you don't see it for yourself, you can be pretty sure they're full of shit.
Spectacular headlines to be sure....you know they're playing it up because Michigan is reportedly having a problem and has been feuding with the White house over it....yet....no press to speak of that paints Whitmar as an irresponsible Governor like they are trying to do with DeSanits.

You may find this notion unfathomable, but most normal folks recognize that public heath experts know more about public heath than ideological zealots, your dogma notwithstanding.
Always appealing to the " Higher Authority " does not work when it has been effectively compromised by Political bias.... Yes we are supposed to be able to trust the so called health experts.....just like the Tuskegee guys did .... remember?
You may find this notion unfathomable, but most normal folks recognize that public heath experts know more about public heath than ideological zealots, your dogma notwithstanding.
You might find this notion unpalatable, but doctors are wrong, and/or corrupt, just as often as everyone else. Maybe more.....

The 3rd leading cause of death in the US is medical error.

Don't blindly follow anyone...... lots of "experts" don't know shit.
And justifiably so. The anti-vax crackpots endanger everyone.

The epidemic of the unvaccinated threatens normal Americans, their families, friends, and neighbors.

Florida COVID surge keeps getting worse; Texas brings in out-of-state nurses as hospitals fill​

Hospitalizations are spiking in every state.....stupid.... Like Michigan for instance....now why do you suppose we are not hearing about that? Give you three guesses and also three more to figure out whether or not the virus understands politics.....such as you seem to believe it does....
You might find this notion unpalatable, but doctors are wrong, and/or corrupt, just as often as everyone else. Maybe more.....

The 3rd leading cause of death in the US is medical error.

Don't blindly follow anyone...... lots of "experts" don't know shit.
Here's a guy that was widely regarded as the leading expert in his field..

There are all these examples, all throughout history, and yet people today still refuse to believe that there are any people like that alive today, and working similarly repugnant agendas.

One of the dogmatic characteristics of profound Progressivism is the complete surrender to the Lords of Academia....Now since American Academia has been more or less totally absorbed by " Soviet era infiltrators " still active today even though Stalin is long gone....we can expect that their so called intelligentsia will advocate for that particular type of governance.... So we have American Academia acting as Stalin's disciple 70 years later and creating a population of clones who call themselves graduates.


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