I got the Swine Flu!


Why is this guys face making me :lol:?

I had the Shanghai flu back in '88 or '89 (lol, saying it that way makes me sound like an older timer. Shut up, I am not!). It was awful, felt like crap, begged the doc for meds. It hit me like a ton of bricks out of the blue. I survived and haven't had the flu since.
It could also be a hangover!

I have been feeling like crap all morning, I got a rumble in my belly.
I think it is pay back because I was talking crap about the media coverage of the swine flu last night.
Or it could be the fact I got a bad case of the munchies last night.:lol:

wasn't drinking the night before.

Why is this guys face making me :lol:?

I had the Shanghai flu back in '88 or '89 (lol, saying it that way makes me sound like an older timer. Shut up, I am not!). It was awful, felt like crap, begged the doc for meds. It hit me like a ton of bricks out of the blue. I survived and haven't had the flu since.

I feel better today, I think it was just something I ate.
Wasn't mono, wasn't strep. Swine flu outbreak in Antelope, which I drove through 3 times a few times prior, to attend dv training with caseworkers, child welfare workers, law enforcement and clinic workers from all over the area.
my son is really sick now, doctor said to keep him home and hyrdrated.
there have been 2,000 cases at WSU in just the first week of school and a lot of the students are from SPokane or the surrounding area.
yeah that is it!
and you have the cock fever.

Why is this guys face making me :lol:?

I had the Shanghai flu back in '88 or '89 (lol, saying it that way makes me sound like an older timer. Shut up, I am not!). It was awful, felt like crap, begged the doc for meds. It hit me like a ton of bricks out of the blue. I survived and haven't had the flu since.

You'll definitely know if you have swine flu. One of the very first symptons will be clear when you come out in rashers!
I'd suggest you read one of Terral's informative Swine Flu threads.

You won't need to know anything else.
yeah I am good, got over whatever it was and my son is almost over it.
yeah I am good, got over whatever it was and my son is almost over it.

Typically, that's the best thing to do with a cold or flu. You can dull the symptoms, but unless you have a weakened immune system, letting the body fight it will make you stronger against the next one.
I didn't give my son anything, just tylenol for his fever and fluids to keep him hyderated.
After you go through MRSA, you learn to just fight it on your own.
Refusing to give a sick child is equal to child abuse. Im shocked and dismayed. Perhaps it isnt child abuse, perhaps you are one of the 47Million uninsured? Your nickname is Latino so most likely you are a welfare case with no insurance. Obama will save you.
Refusing to give a sick child is equal to child abuse. Im shocked and dismayed. Perhaps it isnt child abuse, perhaps you are one of the 47Million uninsured? Your nickname is Latino so most likely you are a welfare case with no insurance. Obama will save you.

hey dipshit.....you see that little thing hanging between your legs with a sack attached?....go play with it.....bring some tissue....dont just let it fly wherever.....
Refusing to give a sick child is equal to child abuse. Im shocked and dismayed. Perhaps it isnt child abuse, perhaps you are one of the 47Million uninsured? Your nickname is Latino so most likely you are a welfare case with no insurance. Obama will save you.
my name is french asshole!

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