I hate Joe Biden so much

I hate Joe Biden so much because he hates Serbia. He is not even President yet and I saw on NEWS that he said Serbia will never be in EU if they do not recognise Kosovo as independent country.

I voted for the right person!

Serbians need to realize that you must accept others rights to be independent but alas every Serbian I have met are nothing but cutthroat losers that are usually racist bigots that believe they are superior than anyone else but in reality they are the equivalent of the Filipino population which is Serbians are only good for low end jobs and even then they are not even good at that...

So if Serbia want to be accepted then Serbia need to change their bigoted and genocidal views or stay as the third world country that it is...

The Albanians are more racist to POC then Serbians, they are also more homophobic, and more sexist. Serbians are actually more liberal then Albanians and more multicultural. I know that because Im a POC from Serbia. You are misinformed, and you are a genocidal maniac yourself because you hate Serbians. Who talks like this about a ethnic group or national origin, is a racist.

Tell that to the people your people killed during the war because they were Muslim!

Serbs believe they are special when the reality are you are nothing but trash blood that the Slovaks hate with a passion!!

Hell all the former States of Yugoslavia hate Serbs with a passion, so let be fair my view of your trash country is not unusual and most if not all of Europe look down on Serbia!!!
I hate Joe Biden so much because he hates Serbia. He is not even President yet and I saw on NEWS that he said Serbia will never be in EU if they do not recognise Kosovo as independent country.

I voted for the right person!

Serbians need to realize that you must accept others rights to be independent but alas every Serbian I have met are nothing but cutthroat losers that are usually racist bigots that believe they are superior than anyone else but in reality they are the equivalent of the Filipino population which is Serbians are only good for low end jobs and even then they are not even good at that...

So if Serbia want to be accepted then Serbia need to change their bigoted and genocidal views or stay as the third world country that it is...

The Albanians are more racist to POC then Serbians, they are also more homophobic, and more sexist. Serbians are actually more liberal then Albanians and more multicultural. I know that because Im a POC from Serbia. You are misinformed, and you are a genocidal maniac yourself because you hate Serbians. Who talks like this about a ethnic group or national origin, is a racist.
You don't understand the Progressive mind Mort.

Social justice Progressive warriors have the added benefit of knowing that even though they may support sexism and homophobia and racism in their various stances that they are still morally superior to other people who are not as enlightened.

Add to it their ignorance of both human nature and international affairs and what you are doing is basically trying to reason with a 2 year old.

Yeah, Mort is a person that is just the poor victim of hate even though the poster has posted pro Nazi sites and propaganda on this board many times...

Funny how I am the one in the wrong just because Mort is anti-Biden!

Mort is racist, hateful and just like all Serbs is a piece of trash!
I hate Joe Biden so much because he hates Serbia. He is not even President yet and I saw on NEWS that he said Serbia will never be in EU if they do not recognise Kosovo as independent country.

I voted for the right person!

Serbians need to realize that you must accept others rights to be independent but alas every Serbian I have met are nothing but cutthroat losers that are usually racist bigots that believe they are superior than anyone else but in reality they are the equivalent of the Filipino population which is Serbians are only good for low end jobs and even then they are not even good at that...

So if Serbia want to be accepted then Serbia need to change their bigoted and genocidal views or stay as the third world country that it is...

The Albanians are more racist to POC then Serbians, they are also more homophobic, and more sexist. Serbians are actually more liberal then Albanians and more multicultural. I know that because Im a POC from Serbia. You are misinformed, and you are a genocidal maniac yourself because you hate Serbians. Who talks like this about a ethnic group or national origin, is a racist.

I'm forever grateful to the Serbians for giving us one of the greatest geniuses of all time, Nikola Tesla. As to Joe Biden and Kosovo, how nice of him, like every democrat, to decide how a group of people half a world away should live.

Funny that Joe doesn't think he should recognize Serbia for Kosovo, yet he has absolutely no problem recognizing and accepting the Chinese though they don't except and recognize Taiwan for its (already) independence and Tibet for theirs? Here are two nations who already WERE independent whom the Chinese are trying to usurp, in Tibet's case, having effectively destroyed the tradition and autonomy of their nation with the loss of the Panchen Lama.

Where is the Panchen Lama today, Joe, is he still even alive? Or have the Chinese killed him long ago? Or don't you even care?

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Funny thing is Serbians are as close minded as the Chinese you cry about and Tesla was the only thing that came from Serbia that was worth a damn and you couldn’t name another thing Serbia gave the World...

Serbs supported genocide of Muslims during the wars, well you would love them for that, so why even try to explain when you and Mort have so much in common from loving Nazism to genocide...
I hate Joe Biden so much because he hates Serbia. He is not even President yet and I saw on NEWS that he said Serbia will never be in EU if they do not recognise Kosovo as independent country.

I voted for the right person!

Serbians need to realize that you must accept others rights to be independent but alas every Serbian I have met are nothing but cutthroat losers that are usually racist bigots that believe they are superior than anyone else but in reality they are the equivalent of the Filipino population which is Serbians are only good for low end jobs and even then they are not even good at that...

So if Serbia want to be accepted then Serbia need to change their bigoted and genocidal views or stay as the third world country that it is...

The Albanians are more racist to POC then Serbians, they are also more homophobic, and more sexist. Serbians are actually more liberal then Albanians and more multicultural. I know that because Im a POC from Serbia. You are misinformed, and you are a genocidal maniac yourself because you hate Serbians. Who talks like this about a ethnic group or national origin, is a racist.
I had a Serbia all wheel drive wagon that I really liked
I hate Joe Biden so much because he hates Serbia. He is not even President yet and I saw on NEWS that he said Serbia will never be in EU if they do not recognise Kosovo as independent country.

I voted for the right person!

Serbians need to realize that you must accept others rights to be independent but alas every Serbian I have met are nothing but cutthroat losers that are usually racist bigots that believe they are superior than anyone else but in reality they are the equivalent of the Filipino population which is Serbians are only good for low end jobs and even then they are not even good at that...

So if Serbia want to be accepted then Serbia need to change their bigoted and genocidal views or stay as the third world country that it is...

The Albanians are more racist to POC then Serbians, they are also more homophobic, and more sexist. Serbians are actually more liberal then Albanians and more multicultural. I know that because Im a POC from Serbia. You are misinformed, and you are a genocidal maniac yourself because you hate Serbians. Who talks like this about a ethnic group or national origin, is a racist.
I had a Serbia all wheel drive wagon that I really liked

The Yugo was garbage like all Serbians!
I hate Joe Biden so much because he hates Serbia. He is not even President yet and I saw on NEWS that he said Serbia will never be in EU if they do not recognise Kosovo as independent country.

I voted for the right person!

Serbians need to realize that you must accept others rights to be independent but alas every Serbian I have met are nothing but cutthroat losers that are usually racist bigots that believe they are superior than anyone else but in reality they are the equivalent of the Filipino population which is Serbians are only good for low end jobs and even then they are not even good at that...

So if Serbia want to be accepted then Serbia need to change their bigoted and genocidal views or stay as the third world country that it is...

The Albanians are more racist to POC then Serbians, they are also more homophobic, and more sexist. Serbians are actually more liberal then Albanians and more multicultural. I know that because Im a POC from Serbia. You are misinformed, and you are a genocidal maniac yourself because you hate Serbians. Who talks like this about a ethnic group or national origin, is a racist.
You don't understand the Progressive mind Mort.

Social justice Progressive warriors have the added benefit of knowing that even though they may support sexism and homophobia and racism in their various stances that they are still morally superior to other people who are not as enlightened.

Add to it their ignorance of both human nature and international affairs and what you are doing is basically trying to reason with a 2 year old.

Yeah, Mort is a person that is just the port victim of hate even though the poster has posted pro Nazi sites and propaganda on this board many times...

Funny how I am the one in the wrong just because Mort is anti-Biden!

Mort is racist, hateful and just like all Serbs is a piece of trash!
And you post Marxist crap. Who has murdered and oppressed more people historically, Marxists or Nazis? I'll give you a hint, it's not Nazis.

Sure, Nazism is evil but so is Marxism. The only difference is, Marxism is politically correct world wide and Nazism is not which makes Marxism much more of a threat as idiot groups like BLM proclaim Marxism proudly. And idiots like yourself will get behind them not understanding that they are more dangerous than Nazism.
I hate Joe Biden so much because he hates Serbia. He is not even President yet and I saw on NEWS that he said Serbia will never be in EU if they do not recognise Kosovo as independent country.

I voted for the right person!

Serbians need to realize that you must accept others rights to be independent but alas every Serbian I have met are nothing but cutthroat losers that are usually racist bigots that believe they are superior than anyone else but in reality they are the equivalent of the Filipino population which is Serbians are only good for low end jobs and even then they are not even good at that...

So if Serbia want to be accepted then Serbia need to change their bigoted and genocidal views or stay as the third world country that it is...

The Albanians are more racist to POC then Serbians, they are also more homophobic, and more sexist. Serbians are actually more liberal then Albanians and more multicultural. I know that because Im a POC from Serbia. You are misinformed, and you are a genocidal maniac yourself because you hate Serbians. Who talks like this about a ethnic group or national origin, is a racist.

Tell that to the people your people killed during the war because they were Muslim!

Serbs believe they are special when the reality are you are nothing but trash blood that the Slovaks hate with a passion!!

Hell all the former States of Yugoslavia hate Serbs with a passion, so let be fair my view of your trash country is not unusual and most if not all of Europe look down on Serbia!!!
Serbs killed people during the war but it also happened the reverse way that Muslims killed Serbs also I think they didn't kill them just because they are Muslim in serbia no Muslim citizens were killed only in Bosnia and that tells me it is because they were opposing war parties with opposition interests just like Americans killed Iraqi but not because they are Iraqi
I hate Joe Biden so much because he hates Serbia. He is not even President yet and I saw on NEWS that he said Serbia will never be in EU if they do not recognise Kosovo as independent country.
You should get the fuck out of our country. Go back to your own country and practice your national sport of torturing and murdering innocents on cats and puppies.
He's a euro and our bro who lives in Austria ya stupid hick
You can't even write a sentence without making a glaring elementary grammatical mistake and call someone else stupid. One simple sentence and you failed.
Is that all ya got
Still doesn't change the fact that you're still a backwards hick and a rube

Probably fat and ugly to like the majority of misfit low iq progressives
Both of your sentences have grammatical mistakes this time. No problem if you have a deficiency in grammar, but you should not call other folks stupid if you failed elementary grammar.
It still doesn't change the fact that you're an ignorant moron....no matter what i type
Takes one to know one!
[QUOTE="Mad_Jack_Flint, post: 26104387, member: 75157Funny thing is Serbians are as close minded as the Chinese you cry about[/QUOTE]

A). I'm not "crying" about the Chinese or anything, Jack. Just stating facts. Try to keep that straight.

B). AFAIK, no one has ever died from being "close-minded" nor is that a crime. The Chinese invaded a sovereign nation (Tibet) and seized its government, killed its citizens and took over the country destroying their society. China invaded and have tried to take over and claim for their own the South China Sea which is the most important waterway in the word. China has invaded another sovereign country (Taiwan) and is now trying to take that over by force. Meantime, China hacks our government and business, spies on us, infiltrates our country, ruthlessly tries to control and manipulate our trade and currency while brutally suppressing their own people.

I'm pretty OK with Serbia. One Serbian (Tesla) has given the world more than 10,000 of the Chinese.

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