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I have a gut feeling Israel's Mossad is behind crackdown in Syria.


Nov 17, 2011
I have a gut feeling Israel's Mossad is behind crackdown in Syria. I do not have proof, but reasons for my suspitions are the interventions in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan. add the fact that Syria and Iran are in the same "axis". I suspect big money hires assassins, or the so called "sleeper cells" and they do all this. I could be wrong, but this is my suspition, because somethings very strange to me how desperately Israel/US seems to want to have a conflict with Iran. including those lies they spin for 6 years about how Iran's Ahmadinejad said he wants to "wipe Israel off the map" etc...almost like a horny guy running around with a hardon
Syrian Army deserters executed...
Syria unrest: Dozens of army deserters 'gunned down'
19 December 2011 - Activists say more than 900 people have died while Syria wavered on whether to agree to the Arab plan
Dozens of army deserters have been shot dead by Syrian troops as they tried to flee their bases and join anti-government protests, reports say. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said more than 70 defectors were gunned down in the north-western Idlib province. The claim has not been independently verified as foreign media are banned from reporting in Syria. Damascus earlier agreed to an Arab League deal to allow monitors in. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said the Arab League had accepted amendments demanded by Damascus.

The Arab League said an advance team of observers would go to Syria this week. In a separate development, the UN General Assembly voted by a strong majority to condemn the Syrian authorities for the crackdown, which has left some 5,000 people dead since the protests against President Bashar al-Assad began in March. The non-binding resolution - passed by a vote of 133 to 11, with 43 abstentions - demanded an immediate end to human rights abuses and called on Damascus to implement the Arab League plan.

Deal 'amendments'

On Monday, the Observatory said the deserters were killed in Idlib in heavy machine gunfire as they attempted to flee. The incident was also reported by local activists on the ground in Syria. The Observatory cited wounded survivors who claimed that as many as 70 people had been killed in the province - the main stronghold for army defectors. It also said that at least 13 protesters were killed across Syria on Monday. Separately, three government soldiers were killed in fighting with armed rebels in Idlib, the group said. The Local Co-ordination Committees, a group that organises and documents protests, put Monday's death toll across Syria at 31. The government of President Assad says it is fighting armed gangs, trying to destabilise Syria. The alleged shooting of the deserters came just hours after Damascus finally put its signature to the Arab League deal to deploy observers in Syria.

After the protocol was signed at the Arab League's headquarters in Cairo, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said Damascus had agreed because it wanted help to find a "political solution". "We want to emerge from this crisis and build a safe, modern Syria - a Syria that will be a model of democracy," he said. "The signing of the protocol is the beginning of co-operation between us and the Arab League and we will welcome monitors." He said Syria's sovereignty would be protected because the Arab League had agreed to amendments to the deal, which also calls for all violence to be halted, for the withdrawal of troops from the streets and the release of detainees. The observers would be "free" in their movements and "under the protection of the Syrian government", he added, but would not be allowed to visit sensitive military sites. Mr Muallem said he was confident that the observers would support the government's assertion that "armed terrorist groups" were stirring up trouble, and targeting security personnel and civilians.

Damascus 'manoeuvring'
I have a gut feeling Israel's Mossad is behind crackdown in Syria. I do not have proof, but reasons for my suspitions are the interventions in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan. add the fact that Syria and Iran are in the same "axis". I suspect big money hires assassins, or the so called "sleeper cells" and they do all this. I could be wrong, but this is my suspition, because somethings very strange to me how desperately Israel/US seems to want to have a conflict with Iran. including those lies they spin for 6 years about how Iran's Ahmadinejad said he wants to "wipe Israel off the map" etc...almost like a horny guy running around with a hardon

How's that tin foil hat fitting, Scout? Was Israel the reason the muslimes attacked Americans in the 18th century, genius?

Christopher Hitchens
...One cannot get around what [Thomas] Jefferson heard when he went with John Adams to wait upon Tripoli’s ambassador to London in March 1785. When they inquired by what right the Barbary states preyed upon American shipping, enslaving both crews and passengers, America’s two foremost envoys were informed that “it was written in the Koran, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” (It is worth noting that the United States played no part in the Crusades, or in the Catholic reconquista of Andalusia.)

Jefferson Versus the Muslim Pirates by Christopher Hitchens, City Journal Spring 2007

Is Israel behind Iran's support of al-Qaeda? Treasury Targets Key Al-Qa :lol:

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More killed, Red Cross havin' trouble gettin' through...
Syrian forces kill at least 12 people in mass protests
Sun, Jan 01, 2012 - Syrian security forces, undaunted by the presence of Arab League observers, have killed at least 12 protesters as hundreds of thousands demonstrated against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, opposition activists said.
Five members of the security forces were also killed in a shooting in the city of Homs, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday. Al-Assad, 46, has signed up to an Arab League plan for a verifiable withdrawal of his troops and heavy weaponry from towns and cities, where they have been trying to crush protests that have raged since March. However, the presence of Arab League monitors in hotspots across Syria since Monday has, if anything, energized the protesters, while provoking scepticism in Western countries.

Demonstrators determined to show the scale of their movement to the monitors threw rocks at security forces in the Damascus suburb of Douma, where troops tear-gassed the chanting crowds. Five people were shot dead in the city of Hama and five in the city of Daraa as crowds braved army and police, the Observatory reported, adding that at least two dozen people had been injured in Douma. “We are determined to show them [the monitors] we exist. Whether or not there’s bloodshed is not important,” an activist named Abu Khaled said by phone from the northern city of Idlib. Most foreign media are banned from Syria and witness reports and videos are hard to verify.

An opposition supporter named Manhal said thousands had tried to reach the main square of Idlib to start a sit-in, but failed “because the security forces are firing a lot of tear gas and a few rounds of live fire.” “People hoped the presence of monitors will prevent fierce attacks,” he said. The Observatory said security forces had shot dead two people and wounded 37 in Idlib province. Amateur video from Idlib showed monitors in white baseball caps and yellow safety vests wading through a sea of protesters. Protesters flooded the streets of many towns, shouting: “Peaceful, peaceful,” and “The people want you executed, Bashar!”

Syrian forces kill at least 12 people in mass protests - Taipei Times

See also:

Red Cross: Humanitarian Aid Hampered by Violence in Syria
December 31, 2011 - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says it is concerned about the escalating violence in Syria. The aid organization says it is particularly worried that the wounded and sick are unable to get access to medical care.
The ICRC says the situation in Syria is continuing to deteriorate. It says violence is taking a heavy toll, leaving hundreds of people dead or wounded. And, many protestors are being detained by the Syrian military. Hicham Hassan, the ICRC spokesman for the Near and Middle East, told VOA the agency’s main concern remains the obstacles faced by wounded and sick people to gain access to medical care. “People are more afraid to seek medical help in any place. So they really have to be selective out of fear for their own security," he said. "And medical staff and health staff are still finding difficulties to reach all persons at the right moment at a time where being late for 10 minutes or being on time could save a man’s life. If some person is wounded, which is the case for thousands of people since the end of March in Syria, and who have not received the necessary care, then they have lost their lives because of that, obviously.”

The Swiss humanitarian organization has been in Syria for more than 40 years, mainly to aid the population of the occupied Golan. But, its activities now have expanded to assist people affected by the internal violence. Fifteen ICRC expatriate staff are working together with some 65 colleagues from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent. Hicham Hassan says the Syrian volunteers are working non-stop to provide medical and food aid to people in particularly difficult and risky circumstances. Hassan says that with rising needs, the ICRC is concerned the arrival of winter will make living conditions even worse for the civilian population.

“Already there have been problems for people who are gaining their daily wages in a very difficult way. And today, with winter they will need more fuel. They will need more income to actually be able to take care of their families. Schools are there as well. So the needs are increasing significantly as the violence is also increasing. And, this is a main preoccupation for us now.”

The Red Cross spokesman says sanctions imposed on Syria by various countries also are making the lives of ordinary people more difficult. The ICRC says it remains concerned about the situation of thousands of detainees. In September, Red Cross delegates visited the Damascus Central Prison at Adraa. There have been no follow-up visits. Hassan says the Red Cross will not visit detainees unless the Syrian authorities agree to a certain set of conditions. This is still under negotiation. He says Red Cross delegates must be allowed to tour the premises, to talk in private with the detainees of their choice, and to repeat visits as often as necessary.

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Like I have always said: "Anytime there is chaos, conflict, or war, anywhere in the Middle East."

"Just scratch the surface a little and you will find Israel behind the scenes pulling the strings and financing the unrest." :doubt:
Israel and Britain Collaborate On Cures For Major Diseases
A delegation of 60 British top academics are visiting Israel this week to launch a groundbreaking programme to promote collaboration between the two countries in regenerative medicine as part of the Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership (BIRAX)

BIRAX was originally designed by the British Council in Israel in 2008 in collaboration with Pears Foundation and academic leaders from both countries. It was launched by the British and Israeli prime ministers with the aim of enhancing research and academic cooperation, creating new institutional links for the future and strengthening academic links between universities in the UK and Israel.

Over 250 people will participate in the first UK-Israel Regenerative Medicine Conference at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev on 22-23 November, with millions of people who have suffered major trauma, heart disease and Parkinson’s disease standing to benefit from this first-ever gathering of specialists.

Regenerative Medicine aims to restore the function of tissues and organs using a variety of approaches including cell therapy, tissue engineering, gene therapy and biomedical engineering. Both Israel and the UK are recognised as world leaders in this cutting-edge area of medicine.

Matthew Gould, British Ambassador to Israel, said: “Britain and Israel are natural partners in regenerative medicine. The UK is a world leader in science – we have four of the world’s top ten universities – and Israe lis a scientific powerhouse. We can achieve much more together than we can apart. My hope is that this conference leads to a surge of collaborations between British and Israeli scientists, with the UK-Israel Regenerative Medicine programme stimulating ground-breaking research projects.”

Trevor Pears, Executive Chair of Pears Foundation said: “We are delighted to see our partnership with the British Council and the British Government continue to deepen academic cooperation and research between Britain and Israel. We hope that these links will continue to grow and flourish for the benefit of Britain, Israel and the world.”
British and Israeli experts collaborate on finding cures for major diseases « Pears Foundation

"We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWIDZ7Jpdqg]Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life" - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah those Mossad guys are behind everything, best not to fuck with them yeah?

Israel is the only democracy in the fascist arab middle east, so, who better to bring it to syria?

Good point.

Since Israel has produced 7 Nobel Prize Laureates for groundbreaking achievements in science and economics and the 60 islimic shitholes have produced not even one, maybe you ought to post less and study more, muslime loser :lol:

Oh, and by the way, no 72 whores for you in paradise for insulting allah's Children of Israel. Stupid motherfucker :lol:
Quran 17:104 And We said to the Children of Israel after him: "Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near [i.e. the Day of Resurrection or the descent of Christ ['Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) on the earth]. We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd
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Like I have always said: "Anytime there is chaos, conflict, or war, anywhere in the Middle East."

"Just scratch the surface a little and you will find Israel behind the scenes pulling the strings and financing the unrest." :doubt:

Boy,you guys sure do fear that tiny little country huh? Maybe that's the big problem with these Middle Eastern Muslim Nations? Too much fear,superstition,and paranoia. Maybe it's time to let that stuff go? Israel is there to stay. There won't be any Holocaust II. Israel is a tiny little nation surrounded by giant Muslim Nations. How can these large Muslim Nations fear them so much? Or why hate them so much? It's time for wise & rational leaders in the Middle East. Time to let go of all the superstition & hate.
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Like I have always said: "Anytime there is chaos, conflict, or war, anywhere in the Middle East."

"Just scratch the surface a little and you will find Israel behind the scenes pulling the strings and financing the unrest." :doubt:

Boy,you guys sure do fear that tiny little country huh? Maybe that's the big problem with these Middle Eastern Muslim Nations? Too much fear,superstition,and paranoia. Maybe it's time to let that stuff go? Israel is there to stay. There won't be any Holocaust II. Israel is a tiny little nation surrounded by giant Muslim Nations. How can these large Muslim Nations fear them so much? Or why hate them so much? It's time for wise & rational leaders in the Middle East. Time to let go of all the superstition & hate.

If muslimes fixated more on their fucked up culture known only for terrorism and failure and less on the successful Jews, the muslime might not be such a loser

14 million Jews. 0.2% World Population
175 Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates For Science, Mathematics, Economics and Literature, 20% of All Nobel Prizes

1.5 Billion Muslims, 23% World Population
Just 4 Muslim Nobel Prize Laureates


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Like Israel is a threat to take over the entire Middle East or something? Man,such a tiny little Nation simply couldn't achieve that. I just don't get all the irrational hate & fear coming from these large Middle Eastern Muslim nations. And it's not like Israel is going anywhere either. They are there to stay. Time for the Muslims in the Middle East to accept that.
Like Israel is a threat to take over the entire Middle East or something? Man,such a tiny little Nation simply couldn't achieve that. I just don't get all the irrational hate & fear coming from these large Middle Eastern Muslim nations. And it's not like Israel is going anywhere either. They are there to stay. Time for the Muslims in the Middle East to accept that.

Alot of these countries have an inferiority complex when it comes to Israel, alot of these guys are still not over the ass whuppings they recieved in the 60's and 70's.
Like Israel is a threat to take over the entire Middle East or something? Man,such a tiny little Nation simply couldn't achieve that. I just don't get all the irrational hate & fear coming from these large Middle Eastern Muslim nations. And it's not like Israel is going anywhere either. They are there to stay. Time for the Muslims in the Middle East to accept that.
There is no irrational hate or fear concerning Israel.

The jews could stay once they shut down their illegal zionist government.

Renounce the abortion now known as Israel.

And become citizens of Palestine. :cool:
Like Israel is a threat to take over the entire Middle East or something? Man,such a tiny little Nation simply couldn't achieve that. I just don't get all the irrational hate & fear coming from these large Middle Eastern Muslim nations. And it's not like Israel is going anywhere either. They are there to stay. Time for the Muslims in the Middle East to accept that.
There is no irrational hate or fear concerning Israel.

The jews could stay once they shut down their illegal zionist government.

Renounce the abortion now known as Israel.

And become citizens of Palestine. :cool:

:eek: And that doesn't sound irrational to you? I guess i did diagnose the problem correctly. The Muslims in the Middle East need to end their old superstitious hate and paranoia. It's time to accept Israel.
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Israel is the only democracy in the fascist arab middle east, so, who better to bring it to syria?

Good point.

Since Israel has produced 7 Nobel Prize Laureates for groundbreaking achievements in science and economics and the 60 islimic shitholes have produced not even one, maybe you ought to post less and study more, muslime loser.

High_Gravity's a muslim? Really, or was that just a slip-up by the board's resident hasbarat?
It's time to accept Israel.
Never gonna happen. Period :cool:

You don't even know your own religion, ignorant motherfucker. No 72 whores in paradise for you, dumbass :lol:
Quran 17:104 And We said to the Children of Israel after him: "Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near [i.e. the Day of Resurrection or the descent of Christ ['Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) on the earth]. We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd

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