I have decided who I will support in November

you seem to be pretty keen on working on immigration, do you support his immigration stance? Its basically amnesty, just more drawn out.
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Evan McMullin for President

He is actually tied for first in Utah in the polls and more closely aligns with what I believe despite his religious views.
A vote for Trump will change very little because even if by some miracle he won the GOP hates him near as much as the left. Voting for Trump to merely send a message can also be accomplished by voting for McMullin and you don't have to violate your own sense of dignity or principles to do it.
Worst case scenario is if he won enough states the election would goto the House.

Consider your options. The election is not a binary choice as some would have you believe. This is my choice and will result in no regrets afterwards
Glad you found someone you can support.
you seem to be pretty kin on working on immigration, do you support his immigration stance? Its basically amnesty, just more drawn out.
I prefer Trumps original position. Thing is I know that unless congress actually drafts legislation & passes it nothing is going to change. Have to face reality at some point. No president can wave a magic wand. My biggest concern is the debt.
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.
It's only a binary choice because WE ARE SUCKERED INTO BELIEVING that it is. In the age of social media that myth could be easily disproven if enough people put it to the test on election day
The problem with what you're saying is that 45% or so of the country will not do that, they will vote Democrat. All you would accomplish is to get Democrats elected. But you'll still be making your statement, even though no one will ever notice it but you.
you seem to be pretty kin on working on immigration, do you support his immigration stance? Its basically amnesty, just more drawn out.
I prefer Trumps original position. Thing is I know that unless congress actually drafts legislation & passes it nothing is going to change. Have to face reality at some point. No president can wave a magic wand. My biggest concern is the debt.

If Trump pisses off China and Japan, then you should worry.
you seem to be pretty kin on working on immigration, do you support his immigration stance? Its basically amnesty, just more drawn out.
I prefer Trumps original position. Thing is I know that unless congress actually drafts legislation & passes it nothing is going to change. Have to face reality at some point. No president can wave a magic wand. My biggest concern is the debt.

If Trump pisses off China and Japan, then you should worry.
Tell us why :D
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.
It's only a binary choice because WE ARE SUCKERED INTO BELIEVING that it is. In the age of social media that myth could be easily disproven if enough people put it to the test on election day
The problem with what you're saying is that 45% or so of the country will not do that, they will vote Democrat. All you would accomplish is to get Democrats elected. But you'll still be making your statement, even though no one will ever notice it but you.
There are plenty of Democrats dissatisfied with Hillary. The choices for them are no more binary than they are for the rest of us. How else will we ever break the stranglehold of entrenched politicians?
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.
It's only a binary choice because WE ARE SUCKERED INTO BELIEVING that it is. In the age of social media that myth could be easily disproven if enough people put it to the test on election day
^ that

too many are duped into thinking they have to vote Republicrat
you seem to be pretty kin on working on immigration, do you support his immigration stance? Its basically amnesty, just more drawn out.
I prefer Trumps original position. Thing is I know that unless congress actually drafts legislation & passes it nothing is going to change. Have to face reality at some point. No president can wave a magic wand. My biggest concern is the debt.

If Trump pisses off China and Japan, then you should worry.

China and Japan both have reason to worry....their little currency and import restrictions won't cut it with Trump. I suggest we throw a 40% import tax on both of them for a wake-up call.
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.
It's only a binary choice because WE ARE SUCKERED INTO BELIEVING that it is. In the age of social media that myth could be easily disproven if enough people put it to the test on election day
The problem with what you're saying is that 45% or so of the country will not do that, they will vote Democrat. All you would accomplish is to get Democrats elected. But you'll still be making your statement, even though no one will ever notice it but you.
There are plenty of Democrats dissatisfied with Hillary. The choices for them are no more binary than they are for the rest of us. How else will we ever break the stranglehold of entrenched politicians?
By building a set of solid parties, not protesting voting which does nothing but help the top dog win.
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.

Not my way to protest personally, but we should all be protesting this power structure and politcal system in some manner.

Americans are a colonized people .. scared of everything .. including their government.

I've lost all faith that Americans have the will to do much of anything other than what they're told.

But in principle I agree with you.

Yeah, that's where I'm at with it as well. Authoritarian systems are always on shaky ground, that’s why they must rely upon force. All it would take would be a groundswell of noncompliance, nonparticipation, non-cooperation, and the withholding of consent. But we won’t even see that. So we’ll wail and moan and get exactly whatever we’ll put up with. Odd for a people always blathering on endlessly about liberty. Eventually the being gunned down in the streets while unarmed and being enslaved into a forced labor privatized prison system could be rolled out across society at large. We're all on the menu, some folks better clue up.
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you seem to be pretty kin on working on immigration, do you support his immigration stance? Its basically amnesty, just more drawn out.
I prefer Trumps original position. Thing is I know that unless congress actually drafts legislation & passes it nothing is going to change. Have to face reality at some point. No president can wave a magic wand. My biggest concern is the debt.

If Trump pisses off China and Japan, then you should worry.

China and Japan both have reason to worry....their little currency and import restrictions won't cut it with Trump. I suggest we throw a 40% import tax on both of them for a wake-up call.
People would still buy their stuff, you couldn't get a computer or a TV otherwise, and they'll pull their funds. A terrible idea which is why you love it of course.
you seem to be pretty kin on working on immigration, do you support his immigration stance? Its basically amnesty, just more drawn out.
I prefer Trumps original position. Thing is I know that unless congress actually drafts legislation & passes it nothing is going to change. Have to face reality at some point. No president can wave a magic wand. My biggest concern is the debt.

If Trump pisses off China and Japan, then you should worry.

China and Japan both have reason to worry....their little currency and import restrictions won't cut it with Trump. I suggest we throw a 40% import tax on both of them for a wake-up call.
People would still buy their stuff, you couldn't get a computer or a TV otherwise, and they'll pull their funds. A terrible idea which is why you love it of course.
Yes, we would have to stop purchasing tvs.
Good gawd, where do they get these people?
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.

Not my way to protest personally, but we should all be protesting this power structure and politcal system in some manner.

Yes, we should absolutely. But putting a despotic, sociopathic voyeuristic, sex-obsessed misogynist in the White House is not the way to go.

But Bill Clinton did a good job as POTUS no matter his personal issues. Why do you all of a sudden care?
Evan McMullin for President

He is actually tied for first in Utah in the polls and more closely aligns with what I believe despite his religious views.
A vote for Trump will change very little because even if by some miracle he won the GOP hates him near as much as the left. Voting for Trump to merely send a message can also be accomplished by voting for McMullin and you don't have to violate your own sense of dignity or principles to do it.
Worst case scenario is if he won enough states the election would goto the House.

Consider your options. The election is not a binary choice as some would have you believe. This is my choice and will result in no regrets afterwards
In other words, you want to help Trump win. Why not be honest and just vote for Trump?
Vote for banana-republic, or don't... simple as that.

Third world countries have elections such as we are having now. With two corrupt individuals ostensibly duking it out when in reality they are cut from the came cloth and most likely close business associates behind the scenes.

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