I have money, I have women and you still have to take the train


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I live somewhere in rural Austria European Union
Ich hab Geld, ich hab Frauen und du musst immer noch Bahn fahren

(I have money, I have women and you still have to take the train)

Fuck whatever eh.
The law means nothing to me
I always don't give a fuck about what's right
I have a big face even if you're a grizzly
My friend, I am the way I am because it is how it is
I have a dislike for teachers and a six in math
I just took it away from him when he had something better
I keep everything to myself, I never give up
I don't give a fuck about pity and feelings
I'm unpredictable, I don't let anyone talk to me
I have no problem taking the cash register with me
And to kick you if you stress me out, you bum
Because we here at the cult handle things like real men
Homeboy I can see you would like to be like me
You would do anything for a life from my perspective
Because yours is boring, you're good as always
And I'm off, let's do it, you weirdo
I am everything your parents always warned you about
But I have money, I have women, I have fun and you still have to take the train
I'm a bad role model
So who says what's bad?
Whe are you gonna figure out that you can't be anything but you? All that other crap you are trying to be just makes you look goofy.
'Just joking' is the goto excuse of the Neo Nazis or alt right when they're called out on their bigoted bullshit.
What is bigoted about my video, it is not even political, it is gangster rapp from berlin

Germans should stick to polkas. Their language doesn't blend very well with American ghetto thug street music.

I can't even imagine going to an Oktoberfest celebration and hearing something like that.
What is bigoted
The lyrics show bigotry to:
Law abiding members of the public

Oh, and they basked in a cult too, for good measure. But then Mort never saw a cult he didn't want to join. That's a feature not a bug for you, eh?
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