I have noticed an undercurrent on this board, which is that Biden won, however most of the Biden supporters are miserable

Some got out of their cars and marched, but they were just marching into their offices and onto construction sites, the ones where they work, because they have jobs and their whole lives don't hinge on who is or isn't in the White House.

"Look at how insane these Trump supporters are!" screamed one commentator on CNN. "They are flooding our streets and going to work like usual! AHHHHHHHH!!!"
69 million took to their cars?

Are you sure it wasn’t 69 billion?
Leftists are always unhappy about what their media masters tell them to be unhappy about. Keeps.them mindlessly pulling the D lever.
Fox told you that, didn’t they.
Nope. I've been laughing at mindless hysterical leftists before fox existed.
You don’t laugh a lot do you.

If you can, can post where trump is hiding?
Are you kidding me. 2016 election eve and the day after supplied me with enough comedy to last 6 months.
Leftists are always unhappy about what their media masters tell them to be unhappy about. Keeps.them mindlessly pulling the D lever.
Fox told you that, didn’t they.
Nope. I've been laughing at mindless hysterical leftists before fox existed.
You don’t laugh a lot do you.

If you can, can post where trump is hiding?
Are you kidding me. 2016 election eve and the day after supplied me with enough comedy to last 6 months.
Sure, you and Spicey bloating those inauguration numbers...with a good laugh.
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
Well, while they managed to drag old Biden over the finish line, they lost everything else, despite pouring millions into down ballot races. Biden will be able to issue executive orders, and little else.

And, they really don't want their corrupt big city voting systems closely examined.

Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you

You are imagining things.
Sorry kiddy way too many people are agreeing with me

They are? You mean other RW nutbags on here?
See, you won and are miserable..

Be happy you are going to pay more taxes

You confuse exhaustion with being miserable.

There are 4 years worth of angry and miserable posts on here from Trombies...who have always known that their guy is a lazy shitperson who wasn’t up to the job. Look within.
Some got out of their cars and marched, but they were just marching into their offices and onto construction sites, the ones where they work, because they have jobs and their whole lives don't hinge on who is or isn't in the White House.

"Look at how insane these Trump supporters are!" screamed one commentator on CNN. "They are flooding our streets and going to work like usual! AHHHHHHHH!!!"
69 million took to their cars?

Are you sure it wasn’t 69 billion?
No. The 69 billion is those that got infected with Covid.
They should be miserable. The last time a Democrat was elected President the sonofabitch turned out to be the worst President in the history of the Republic. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it, increased taxes, weakened military, giving away the store to China and other foreign interest, increased welfare, millions of Illegals and dismal economic growth.

This Biden joke has the potential to be even worst.
The last Dem ended our 745,000 a month job losses and raised the DOW 258%. His first 3 years saw the DOW go up 64%. Trump/Putin`s first 3 years saw it rise 34%. How do you get through life being so stupid and dishonest?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The economy was doing fine under Bush for six years until those filthy ass Democrats took over Congress in 2007. Then the economy went to hell when the Democrat sponsored CRA chickens came home to roost. The great Democrat plan to use the government to put pressure on lenders to give credit to those that neither had the inclination or the means to pay it back. You know, for social justice reasons. What could possibly go wrong? Another stupid Liberal program that almost destroyed our economy. Liberals fuck up everything they touch.

Obama was a terrible President. The worst this country ever had and anybody that voted for him was an absolute idiot. Just like the idiots that voted for this Biden clown.
You have a selective memory. It was only Democrats who pushed for more home ownership? Are you willfully uninformed or just ignorant.

You are really confused Moon Bat.

Home ownership is fine if you can pay for it. If you can't then screw you, Work harder and smarter.

The filthy ass Democrats are the idiots that came up with this stupid Libtard CRA idea that fucked the economy real bad. Use the government to force lenders to give credit to those that can't afford it. Those chickens came home to roost in 2007 and the Democrat controlled Congress that oversight of the lending institutions sat on their Commie asses and did nothing.

In fact that Democrat shithead Barney Queerboy, in charge of the oversight committee, was taking corruption money from the very organizations he was supposing to do oversight on.

The Democrat have terrible ideas and they are always a disaster whenever you idiot Moon Bats vote them into power.

Obama was a disaster and this clown Biden will be as bad or worse if the sonofabitch is elected.

Shame on you Moon Bats!
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you

Trump getting voted out doesn’t change anything. Millions are still sick and there are more than 125,000 new cases every day. 700,000 people applied for unemployment insurance last week. The economy is still crashed.

Why should anyone celebrate Biden’s victory? Nothing has been achieved at this point. Trump is still in the White House. People are still dying because of his incompetence, and your country is still on the verge of economic collapse.
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you

Trump getting voted out doesn’t change anything. Millions are still sick and there are more than 125,000 new cases every day. 700,000 people applied for unemployment insurance last week. The economy is still crashed.

Why should anyone celebrate Biden’s victory? Nothing has been achieved at this point. Trump is still in the White House. People are still dying because of his incompetence, and your country is still on the verge of economic collapse.
Millions are not sick. Check your facts shirley
"Miserable" is a good word to describe the mental state of anyone dumb enough to vote for that Biden clown.
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
I'm really more just dismayed at the insanity that Trump is encouraging among his loyal base members.

As a Dim you accidentally nailed it. You girls are still obsessed with Trump. That's all you can think or talk about. You know Biden is a senile, demented, old fool. Who would be happy talking about the corrupt old coot Biden. Answer: No one.
I would be miserable too if I voted for Biden and knew how fucked up this country is going to be because of my stupidity.

In fact his election should make all Americans miserable.
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
They are very upset that Biden will be hamstrung the exact same way they sabotaged President Trump. The taint of a stolen election will hover around him until the GOP takes the house in 2022 and investigates the election and his corruption, and impeaches him.

Republicans had control of both Houses of Congress for Trumpybears first two years in office.
For you Billy K
On Thursday evening, multiple networks declared President-elect Joe Biden the winner of Arizona’s 11 electoral votes.

Meghan McCain

In light of tonight’s news.... *sorry I had to, the meme is too funny.

Hard to believe Arizona not only went for Biden but elected two Democrats to the Senate.
This entire election is hard to believe. Something stinks like fraud.
Agree Hard believing there are 70 some odd million AH's voting for the POS Trump
They should be miserable. The last time a Democrat was elected President the sonofabitch turned out to be the worst President in the history of the Republic. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it, increased taxes, weakened military, giving away the store to China and other foreign interest, increased welfare, millions of Illegals and dismal economic growth.

This Biden joke has the potential to be even worst.
The last Dem ended our 745,000 a month job losses and raised the DOW 258%. His first 3 years saw the DOW go up 64%. Trump/Putin`s first 3 years saw it rise 34%. How do you get through life being so stupid and dishonest?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The economy was doing fine under Bush for six years until those filthy ass Democrats took over Congress in 2007. Then the economy went to hell when the Democrat sponsored CRA chickens came home to roost. The great Democrat plan to use the government to put pressure on lenders to give credit to those that neither had the inclination or the means to pay it back. You know, for social justice reasons. What could possibly go wrong? Another stupid Liberal program that almost destroyed our economy. Liberals fuck up everything they touch.

Obama was a terrible President. The worst this country ever had and anybody that voted for him was an absolute idiot. Just like the idiots that voted for this Biden clown.
You have a selective memory. It was only Democrats who pushed for more home ownership? Are you willfully uninformed or just ignorant.

You are really confused Moon Bat.

Home ownership is fine if you can pay for it. If you can't then screw you, Work harder and smarter.

The filthy ass Democrats are the idiots that came up with this stupid Libtard CRA idea that fucked the economy real bad. Use the government to force lenders to give credit to those that can't afford it. Those chickens came home to roost in 2007 and the Democrat controlled Congress that oversight of the lending institutions sat on their Commie asses and did nothing.

In fact that Democrat shithead Barney Queerboy, in charge of the oversight committee, was taking corruption money from the very organizations he was supposing to do oversight on.

The Democrat have terrible ideas and they are always a disaster whenever you idiot Moon Bats vote them into power.

Obama was a disaster and this clown Biden will be as bad or worse if the sonofabitch is elected.

Shame on you Moon Bats!

Shame on YOU for believing this load of bullshit. The CRA and the Democrats had had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the housing bubble. That was ALL on W and his concerns about declining home ownership.

Subprime mortgages had NOTHING to with the CRA, and everything to do with Wall Street greed and the deregulation which allowed Wall Street to sell this steaming shit sandwiches.

And then when it all came crashing down, Republicans said “We didn’t crash the economy! It was all those low income housing loans to minorities”.

And fools like you continue to believe this bullshit.
Well, Biden does promise a dark winter for the US. Just what can be more uplifting than that?
They should be miserable. The last time a Democrat was elected President the sonofabitch turned out to be the worst President in the history of the Republic. Increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it, increased taxes, weakened military, giving away the store to China and other foreign interest, increased welfare, millions of Illegals and dismal economic growth.

This Biden joke has the potential to be even worst.
The last Dem ended our 745,000 a month job losses and raised the DOW 258%. His first 3 years saw the DOW go up 64%. Trump/Putin`s first 3 years saw it rise 34%. How do you get through life being so stupid and dishonest?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The economy was doing fine under Bush for six years until those filthy ass Democrats took over Congress in 2007. Then the economy went to hell when the Democrat sponsored CRA chickens came home to roost. The great Democrat plan to use the government to put pressure on lenders to give credit to those that neither had the inclination or the means to pay it back. You know, for social justice reasons. What could possibly go wrong? Another stupid Liberal program that almost destroyed our economy. Liberals fuck up everything they touch.

Obama was a terrible President. The worst this country ever had and anybody that voted for him was an absolute idiot. Just like the idiots that voted for this Biden clown.
You have a selective memory. It was only Democrats who pushed for more home ownership? Are you willfully uninformed or just ignorant.

You are really confused Moon Bat.

Home ownership is fine if you can pay for it. If you can't then screw you, Work harder and smarter.

The filthy ass Democrats are the idiots that came up with this stupid Libtard CRA idea that fucked the economy real bad. Use the government to force lenders to give credit to those that can't afford it. Those chickens came home to roost in 2007 and the Democrat controlled Congress that oversight of the lending institutions sat on their Commie asses and did nothing.

In fact that Democrat shithead Barney Queerboy, in charge of the oversight committee, was taking corruption money from the very organizations he was supposing to do oversight on.

The Democrat have terrible ideas and they are always a disaster whenever you idiot Moon Bats vote them into power.

Obama was a disaster and this clown Biden will be as bad or worse if the sonofabitch is elected.

Shame on you Moon Bats!

Shame on YOU for believing this load of bullshit. The CRA and the Democrats had had NOTHING to do with the collapse of the housing bubble. That was ALL on W and his concerns about declining home ownership.

Subprime mortgages had NOTHING to with the CRA, and everything to do with Wall Street greed and the deregulation which allowed Wall Street to sell this steaming shit sandwiches.

And then when it all came crashing down, Republicans said “We didn’t crash the economy! It was all those low income housing loans to minorities”.

And fools like you continue to believe this bullshit.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, Moon Bat. Shame on you for being a dumbass Moon Bat.

The housing market collapsed because of all the foreclosures and people not making payments.

The CRA had the filthy ass government putting pressure on lenders to give credit to everybody and their little brown dog. You know, for social justice reasons because the Negroes and Illegals weren't living in real houses like those White folks.

Dumbass Libtard idea.
Democrats could potentially have it all come January if they win Georgia Senate seats and they still won't be happy. Why? Because about 50% of America will not be supporting them. Democrats can't accept opposition. They want it to go away completely. Look at AOC already threatening anyone whoever supported Trump or otherwise policies that are opposite of herself. Then you have talking heads like Robert Reich and Chris Hayes proposing "Truth and Reconciliation Commissions". How third world and fascist.

I think the good news is that there are cooler heads in the Democrat Party like WV Senator Joe Munchin. If they push too far Left and radical he very well could flip. WV is the start of what Democrats consider "Flyover Country" and is not as liberal or radical as say neighboring Virginia or Pennsylvania and Maryland.

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