I Heard There is a $1 Million Bounty on...


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
any video that is made by ISIS for recruiting purposes that uses Trump as the center piece of the video.

But I cant seem to find a single one.

Can any libtards here help me find one? Or maybe you have a collection of them and could just post the URL to one so I might see if this thing checks out.

Surely Hillary Clinton is telling the Truth that Trump is being used as a recruitment tool in their videos that they entice new suicide bombers and rape whores with.

If you could just post it on this thread that would be way cool.
any video that is made by ISIS for recruiting purposes that uses Trump as the center piece of the video.

But I cant seem to find a single one.

Can any libtards here help me find one? Or maybe you have a collection of them and could just post the URL to one so I might see if this thing checks out.

Surely Hillary Clinton is telling the Truth that Trump is being used as a recruitment tool in their videos that they entice new suicide bombers and rape whores with.

If you could just post it on this thread that would be way cool.

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