I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?

Yes I know it was a marginal rate. But it tells the story that you simply refuse to acknowledge. More silly scenarios to cover your stupidity. You understand nothing. I'm tired of trying to educate you so run along and go play with your guns. It makes you look so masculine! Fool.

The day YOU can educate ME is the day I jump off of a bridge. it doesn't seem like you have the slightest understanding of business thinking that jobs are created for the sole purpose of producing good paying jobs. Just make them happen because that's the way it's supposed to be.

Jobs are created because a business person(s) need help manufacturing their products or services for a profit. That's the only reason we have jobs. The American consumer is obsessed with saving money whereas years ago, our obsession was supporting the American worker and quality products.

You just can't come to terms with the facts of changing times and attitudes. Today if you want to make a decent living, you have to be able to provide a service that involves a skill of some sort. It may involve physical labor. It's not like years ago where you could sweep floors or put vegetables in a bin at the grocery story and make enough to raise your family of four or five. If you want to have a comfortable retirement, you need to start saving for it at a young age. SS may not even be here when you retire. It's going broke as we type. You or your broker are not going to invests your retirement money with a company that has a 1 or 2% return. You want your money to grow like the rest of us, and you can't do that with a company that overpays their workers because you believe that's the American way.
I truly would like to understand your thinking.
I have no argument with you regarding Trump being a braggart. A loud mouth. All those adjectives you come up with. But in my 60 years of working with bosses, the few that accomplished anything, i.e. got things done were like Trump! And Trump in 3 years because COVID devoured almost all of 2020 news, lives, etc. got things done!
Attached is a list of things Obama wanted and Biden wanted and some are happening now.
So I'm asking those few of you that look beyond the peccadilloes of Trump. Beyond his bragging, etc. and tell me how has Biden with 47 years of political experiences helped the country?
1) Look at today's gas prices: A year ago nationally $2.152... Today nationally $3.321 a $1.169 increase on 54%!

View attachment 553451
Why? look at the attached chart: Obama stopped for all purposes signing and Trump was increasing!
And these are just two charts showing the affect of Obama/Biden on our economy after Trump had done something that hadn't been done for 62 years by other presidents!
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
So gas prices affect EVERYONE here but the attached sheet shows MORE ways Obama now Biden want to shut down our economy!
Why would any president want companies to go bankrupt? Obama did.
Why would any president want 500,000 people let go from 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes?
Why would any president want 34 million barrels of oil per month floating on the open ocean?
Truly those of you that I mentioned earlier that have some intelligence. Can't you look beyond the petty foibles of Trump and see HE GOT THINGS done in just 3 years! And by the way... some of you that are vaccinated... it was Trump's Operation Warp speed that got the FDA going to start in late 2020 vaccinations. Totally done by Trump!
View attachment 553453

View attachment 553454
Only shills from Langley thst hate America support lying Biden
Job numbers are in for February. Over 650,000. Almost 7,000,000 new jobs created in his first 13 months. More than double of the jobs created under Trump in that same time period. Not bad. Not Bad. Largest numbers in a month since the start of the Pandemic.
You shills from Langley sure get paid to lie and suffer ass beatings.
The day YOU can educate ME is the day I jump off of a bridge. it doesn't seem like you have the slightest understanding of business thinking that jobs are created for the sole purpose of producing good paying jobs. Just make them happen because that's the way it's supposed to be.

Jobs are created because a business person(s) need help manufacturing their products or services for a profit. That's the only reason we have jobs. The American consumer is obsessed with saving money whereas years ago, our obsession was supporting the American worker and quality products.

You just can't come to terms with the facts of changing times and attitudes. Today if you want to make a decent living, you have to be able to provide a service that involves a skill of some sort. It may involve physical labor. It's not like years ago where you could sweep floors or put vegetables in a bin at the grocery story and make enough to raise your family of four or five. If you want to have a comfortable retirement, you need to start saving for it at a young age. SS may not even be here when you retire. It's going broke as we type. You or your broker are not going to invests your retirement money with a company that has a 1 or 2% return. You want your money to grow like the rest of us, and you can't do that with a company that overpays their workers because you believe that's the American way.
This stupid fuck ignores trump created more jobs than any other president in sixty years.thst Biden is destroying America
The day YOU can educate ME is the day I jump off of a bridge. it doesn't seem like you have the slightest understanding of business thinking that jobs are created for the sole purpose of producing good paying jobs. Just make them happen because that's the way it's supposed to be.

Jobs are created because a business person(s) need help manufacturing their products or services for a profit. That's the only reason we have jobs. The American consumer is obsessed with saving money whereas years ago, our obsession was supporting the American worker and quality products.

You just can't come to terms with the facts of changing times and attitudes. Today if you want to make a decent living, you have to be able to provide a service that involves a skill of some sort. It may involve physical labor. It's not like years ago where you could sweep floors or put vegetables in a bin at the grocery story and make enough to raise your family of four or five. If you want to have a comfortable retirement, you need to start saving for it at a young age. SS may not even be here when you retire. It's going broke as we type. You or your broker are not going to invests your retirement money with a company that has a 1 or 2% return. You want your money to grow like the rest of us, and you can't do that with a company that overpays their workers because you believe that's the American way.
Enjoy your jump. Safe landings!
Job numbers are in for February. Over 650,000. Almost 7,000,000 new jobs created in his first 13 months. More than double of the jobs created under Trump in that same time period. Not bad. Not Bad. Largest numbers in a month since the start of the Pandemic.
That truth thing can be a real pain in the ass huh?
For all of you who are confused or indoctrinated by the biggest scam artist in history. Here's a dose of truth for ya.
Which numbers? Jobs? Fair enough. Name me one pro-jobs policy created and implemented by that Dementia pedophile, just one.
He mandated masks and vaccines to get Covid under control to allow folks to go back to work. If left up to the GOP that would not have happened. In fact we'd be in horrible shape. Remember, your guy lied his orange ass off to downplay the seriousness of the virus so the numbers wouldn't effect him as much politically. Why? Because he's a fuckin' soulless stuffed shirt with no capacity for empathy. That's a major part of Severe Narcissistic Disorder. The diagnosis of that condition is met by 5 or more elements applying to the subject according to the bible of the Psychiatric and Psychological profession, the DSM 5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, More than 1,000 professionals said Trump exhibits all nine.
He mandated masks and vaccines to get Covid under control to allow folks to go back to work. If left up to the GOP that would not have happened. In fact we'd be in horrible shape. Remember, your guy lied his orange ass off to downplay the seriousness of the virus so the numbers wouldn't effect him as much politically. Why? Because he's a fuckin' soulless stuffed shirt with no capacity for empathy. That's a major part of Severe Narcissistic Disorder. The diagnosis of that condition is met by 5 or more elements applying to the subject according to the bible of the Psychiatric and Psychological profession, the DSM 5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, More than 1,000 professionals said Trump exhibits all nine.

If left to the GOP that would not have happened? From what party did the Governors refuse to institute a mask mandate in the first place? It wasn't Democrats. For the most part you could go to any Republican city or state and not have to wear anything. And what did Trump ever lie about when it came to Covid? It's the Democrats who lied. Would you like to see a video of Dementia tell people that if you wear a mask, you won't get covid?

That's besides the fact masks are not a jobs policy. I asked you for a pro-growth job policy and you come up with masks? At first I thought you were joking around. Remember Trump agreed to take a cognitive test that Dementia refused to take and aced the thing. Biden stayed 20 feet away from it.
He mandated masks and vaccines to get Covid under control to allow folks to go back to work. And, don't forget that he proposed free chaild care and/or child care credits to help folks return to their jobs as well. GOP crushed it! If left up to the GOP Covid would have us by the balls because of all of the Trumpian idiots rebelling against masks and vaccines, Here in Florida, Desantis is still at it to appear like Trump reborn. In fact we'd be in horrible shape. Remember, your guy lied his orange ass off to downplay the seriousness of the virus so the numbers wouldn't effect him as much politically. Why? Because he's a fuckin' soulless stuffed shirt with no capacity for empathy. That's a major part of Severe Narcissistic Disorder. The diagnosis of that condition is met by 5 or more elements applying to the subject according to the bible of the Psychiatric and Psychological profession, the DSM 5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, More than 1,000 professionals said Trump exhibits all nine. I'm sorry, you seem like a nice person at heart but so misguided. That's on you. The walls are closing in on the madman and his traitorous schemers and all will be revealed soon. Thank goodness for that and may it never happen again in America!
If left to the GOP that would not have happened? From what party did the Governors refuse to institute a mask mandate in the first place? It wasn't Democrats. For the most part you could go to any Republican city or state and not have to wear anything. And what did Trump ever lie about when it came to Covid? It's the Democrats who lied. Would you like to see a video of Dementia tell people that if you wear a mask, you won't get covid?

That's besides the fact masks are not a jobs policy. I asked you for a pro-growth job policy and you come up with masks? At first I thought you were joking around. Remember Trump agreed to take a cognitive test that Dementia refused to take and aced the thing. Biden stayed 20 feet away from it.
Yeah, Person, Man, Woman Camera TV!! He's a flappin' genius. For something that you claim is not a jobs policy, it sure as hell was an anti Job loss policy. Like I've said to you. Your indoctrinated position on just about everything Trump is ingrained in you and nothing I can say or do will change that. You have become a Trump parrot and little else. I don't want to talk to you about any fuckin' thing again. Got it?
Yeah, Person, Man, Woman Camera TV!! He's a flappin' genius. For something that you claim is not a jobs policy, it sure as hell was an anti Job loss policy. Like I've said to you. Your indoctrinated position on just about everything Trump is ingrained in you and nothing I can say or do will change that. You have become a Trump parrot and little else. I don't want to talk to you about any fuckin' thing again. Got it?

Then all you have to do is quit responding to my posts. But the fact that you are I'll respond right back:

I can point to Trump's policies that gave us the best economy in 50 years, and not one mask involved. You want to give credit to this dementia patient for something he never did, and in a problem he helped create. That's like giving an arsonist credit for putting out a house fire he started.
Then all you have to do is quit responding to my posts. But the fact that you are I'll respond right back:

I can point to Trump's policies that gave us the best economy in 50 years, and not one mask involved. You want to give credit to this dementia patient for something he never did, and in a problem he helped create. That's like giving an arsonist credit for putting out a house fire he started.
You're silly.

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