I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?

It's common knowledge that Trumps was leasing land at an accelerated rate, Sucks to be you.
So if it is common knowledge... where are the links to prove it? Who would believe someone with "Blind" as part of your member name? "Blind" is certainly what you are!
Trump's idea of immigration policy was based on race, hate and abject cruelty. He would turn everyone seeking help or asylum into bogeymen to spread more venom. And fools like you bought into it.

This from a guy who voted for the most racist candidate of our time? Would you like some quotes from Dementia to make my point?

Trump is against illegal immigration period. It doesn't matter where they are from, or do you think people from Venezuela are black or something? When Cuba was having their problems, Dementia said any Cuban would be returned back to their country if caught here. Now why would he say that? Oh, that's right, Cubans are mostly conservative people, so screw them. It's the Hispanics that vote Democrat that we want. Those people are welcome here by the millions.
Then I challenge you to look at the economy under Clinton. This is the formula that Biden was trying to reestablish. But your POP were having none of it because they want to protect the 1%. Their lords and masters.

First of all Bill Clinton worked with the Republicans unlike Dementia today. It was Newt's idea to lower capital gains taxes. In that time came the tech era. People were getting rich overnight with the expanding internet use. Bill lost the House for the first time in 30 some years because his wife had to introduce her healthcare for all plan.
This from a guy who voted for the most racist candidate of our time? Would you like some quotes from Dementia to make my point?

Trump is against illegal immigration period. It doesn't matter where they are from, or do you think people from Venezuela are black or something? When Cuba was having their problems, Dementia said any Cuban would be returned back to their country if caught here. Now why would he say that? Oh, that's right, Cubans are mostly conservative people, so screw them. It's the Hispanics that vote Democrat that we want. Those people are welcome here by the millions.
You're assuming I give a shit about politicians. I don't. I think most are just in it for the gravy train. So, this attempt at Whataboutism is moot. Trump doesn't have the capacity to fashion a foreign policy because as Bolton and Tillerson said. "He's a moron!" He is and has always been transactional. What's in it for me? And as to dementia, your boy is a textbook case. He's a fuckin' nut! Against illegal immigration, period? He showed his hand when he said, "Why can't we have immigrants from Sweden?" Your nutjob had to be told that Puerto Rico is an American protectorate and that it has millions of US citizens. And even after that little tidbit of information, he treated those people like seals in a circus. He even had to be told that Puerto Rico is an Island! And he was so proud of his new found knowledge that he said, "It's surrounded by water! Big Water! Ocean Water!" And this is your expert in immigration? You're a tool brother.
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First of all Bill Clinton worked with the Republicans unlike Dementia today. It was Newt's idea to lower capital gains taxes. In that time came the tech era. People were getting rich overnight with the expanding internet use. Bill lost the House for the first time in 30 some years because his wife had to introduce her healthcare for all plan.
Clinton worked across the isle with a GOP that used to be sane and used to care about people. That's not true anymore. At all! Just look at the rogues gallery of nutjobs in the GOP today. It's like the Three Stooges multiplied to the Hundreds of Stooges. Your party is not interested in doing anything for the people. They just care about their cult master and not rocking the Clown car before the midterms. And How Dare Hillary propose healthcare for working folks!! Did she actually think this country was of and for the people? How very liberal of her. Get Lost!
Clinton worked across the isle with a GOP that used to be sane and used to care about people. That's not true anymore. At all! Just look at the rogues gallery of nutjobs in the GOP today. It's like the Three Stooges multiplied to the Hundreds of Stooges. Your party is not interested in doing anything for the people. They just care about their cult master and not rocking the Clown car before the midterms. And How Dare Hillary propose healthcare for working folks!! Did she actually think this country was of and for the people? How very liberal of her. Get Lost!

Our founders created the federal government to govern, not to do things for you or anybody else. If you need somebody to love you, try church or social club.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
You're assuming I give a shit about politicians. I don't. I think most are just in it for the gravy train. So, this attempt at Whataboutism is moot. Trump doesn't have the capacity to fashion a foreign policy because as Bolton and Tillerson said. "He's a moron!" He is and has always been transactional. What's in it for me? And as to dementia, your boy is a textbook case. He's a fuckin' nut! Against illegal immigration, period? He showed his hand when he said, "Why can't we have immigrants from Sweden?" Your nutjob had to be told that Puerto Rico is an American protectorate and that it has millions of US citizens. And even after that little tidbit of information, he treated those people like seals in a circus. He even had to be told that Puerto Rico is an Island! And he was so proud of his new found knowledge that he said, "It's surrounded by water! Big Water! Ocean Water!" And this is your expert in immigration? You're a tool brother.

Do you make this shit up as you go along or is that one of your prescriptions talking? You keep making all these claims about Trump nobody ever heard of before and never back one up with a reliable source.

As I posted earlier, President Trump lost over a billion dollar to do this job, and he donated every penny of pay to charity but one dollar per year which is required by law that he must accept. Others like the Clinton's or Obama's never had any wealth until they left the White House. So you really think for one minute that anybody in their right mind would pay Hillary a half-million bucks to speak for an hour or Hunter a half-million bucks for his paint-by-numbers art work? Hell no. It's pay to play with the Democrats and only the truly blind can argue that fact.

President Trump didn't get into this for money. He had plenty of that going in. He was a household name, rubbed elbows with all the celebrities, slept with the most beautiful women in the world, flew around on his own jetliner. He gave up a lot to be our President which is something you can't say about any other President of our time.
I truly would like to understand your thinking.
I have no argument with you regarding Trump being a braggart. A loud mouth. All those adjectives you come up with. But in my 60 years of working with bosses, the few that accomplished anything, i.e. got things done were like Trump! And Trump in 3 years because COVID devoured almost all of 2020 news, lives, etc. got things done!
Attached is a list of things Obama wanted and Biden wanted and some are happening now.
So I'm asking those few of you that look beyond the peccadilloes of Trump. Beyond his bragging, etc. and tell me how has Biden with 47 years of political experiences helped the country?
1) Look at today's gas prices: A year ago nationally $2.152... Today nationally $3.321 a $1.169 increase on 54%!

View attachment 553451
Why? look at the attached chart: Obama stopped for all purposes signing and Trump was increasing!
And these are just two charts showing the affect of Obama/Biden on our economy after Trump had done something that hadn't been done for 62 years by other presidents!
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
So gas prices affect EVERYONE here but the attached sheet shows MORE ways Obama now Biden want to shut down our economy!
Why would any president want companies to go bankrupt? Obama did.
Why would any president want 500,000 people let go from 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes?
Why would any president want 34 million barrels of oil per month floating on the open ocean?
Truly those of you that I mentioned earlier that have some intelligence. Can't you look beyond the petty foibles of Trump and see HE GOT THINGS done in just 3 years! And by the way... some of you that are vaccinated... it was Trump's Operation Warp speed that got the FDA going to start in late 2020 vaccinations. Totally done by Trump!
View attachment 553453

View attachment 553454
If you've ever voted for a lesser evil, then you already know why people voted for Biden. Maybe one day we won't have to vote for evil. But probably not.
Do you make this shit up as you go along or is that one of your prescriptions talking? You keep making all these claims about Trump nobody ever heard of before and never back one up with a reliable source.

As I posted earlier, President Trump lost over a billion dollar to do this job, and he donated every penny of pay to charity but one dollar per year which is required by law that he must accept. Others like the Clinton's or Obama's never had any wealth until they left the White House. So you really think for one minute that anybody in their right mind would pay Hillary a half-million bucks to speak for an hour or Hunter a half-million bucks for his paint-by-numbers art work? Hell no. It's pay to play with the Democrats and only the truly blind can argue that fact.

President Trump didn't get into this for money. He had plenty of that going in. He was a household name, rubbed elbows with all the celebrities, slept with the most beautiful women in the world, flew around on his own jetliner. He gave up a lot to be our President which is something you can't say about any other President of our time.
This is better than SNL. Trump didn't get into this for the money? You truly are a fool. Trump NEVER did anything that wasn't for the money. Wanna learn about Trump and money? Go enroll in Trump University.
If you've ever voted for a lesser evil, then you already know why people voted for Biden. Maybe one day we won't have to vote for evil. But probably not.
This is what Biden voters got..a .pedophile... that likes to smell kids hair, kiss on the lips among other truly disgusting actions He is NOT the lesser evil.
Our founders created the federal government to govern, not to do things for you or anybody else. If you need somebody to love you, try church or social club.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Listen moron! These weasels go into office with thousands and retire with millions. So you think that they can enrich themselves with our money but give nothing in return but a bunch of rules that they themselves ignore and flick into the ashcans of history? When our tax dollars end up in the pockets of thieves that's just fine with you? They can't do anything to actually better the lives of the taxpayers because that's a bad word (socialism!) OOOOHHH! Beware when they give back and close your eyes while they rob you. Only an indoctrinated fool who has been spoonfed what they want you to believe would settle for that excuse. They trade equities on insider information, they make tax policy to keep our money rolling faster and faster uphill to their waiting wallets and you still hold to quotes of our fathers who never foresaw anything like this. PT Barnam would fall in love with you. But to me, you're just a pigeon waiting to be plucked. Think of our tax money as a pie meant to be evenly administered. But those in charge of that pie want it all and want those they are bound to serve to have nothing. And those who have accepted this imbalance must now work 3 or 4 jobs to get by as the servants lounge in the lap of luxury. But we musn't talk about equity because that's been labeled a bad word by the thieves. "And when the taxman comes to the door, the house look like a rummage sale yo. Lord, don't they help themselves." John Fogarty
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This is what Biden voters got..a .pedophile... that likes to smell kids hair, kiss on the lips among other truly disgusting actions He is NOT the lesser evil.View attachment 609967
Yeah, the next thing ya know he'll be backing our sworn enemies and grabbing pussies and befriending Jeff Epstein!! Bastard! And hell, if he had a daughter he would lust for her as well! What a lowlife! We need to get the other guy back to restore honor to the Presidency!!! BY Jesus!! LOL Fuckin' willfully blind idiots!
Listen moron! These weasels go into office with thousands and retire with millions. So you think that they can enrich themselves with our money but give nothing in return but a bunch of rules that they themselves ignore and flick into the ashcans of history? When our tax dollars end up in the pockets of thieves that's just fine with you? They can't do anything to actually better the lives of the taxpayers because that's a bad word (socialism!) OOOOHHH! Beware when they give back and close your eyes while they rob you. Only an indoctrinated fool who has been spoonfed what they want you to believe would settle for that excuse. They trade equities on insider information, they make tax policy to keep our money rolling faster and faster uphill to their waiting wallets and you still hold to quotes of our fathers who never foresaw anything like this. PT Barnam would fall in love with you. But to me, you're just a pigeon waiting to be plucked. Think of our tax money as a pie meant to be evenly administered. But those in charge of that pie want it all and want those they are bound to serve to have nothing. And those who have accepted this imbalance must now work 3 or 4 jobs to get by as the servants lounge in the lap of luxury. But we musn't talk about equity because that's been labeled a bad word by the thieves. "And when the taxman comes to the door, the house look like a rummage sale yo. Lord, don't they help themselves." John Fogarty

I used to work two or three jobs back in the 70's when I first got into the workforce. You think anything is different today? I can't depend on government or politicians to give me a good paying job turning nuts onto bolts. Those days are long gone and never coming back. I had to find a trade.....a career that paid the bills, and that's what I did.

I eventually became a truck driver. Why? Because truck drivers were always in demand. I knew that joining the transportation field would never leave me without a job like some of those college kids face after graduation. In fact I've talked to a lot of drivers with a college degree. They chose driving for the same reasons I did.

As for the politicians, you have a choice on who to vote for like every voter unfortunately. When in discussion, you'll see me often say that we need to take a very simple test before being allowed to vote. The Republicans favor the idea while the Democrats are outraged. They want those Obama Phone people to vote because the stupid will always vote Democrat. The most important vote is the primaries, and that's when the polls have the lowest turnout.

So I never looked to politicians to provide for me. Until I became too ill to work I never needed them for anything. And this pie myth is exactly that, a myth. What you make has nothing to do with millionaires or billionaires. It has to do with you. Until the day comes where you ask for a raise, and your boss tells you he'd love to give you one, but the rich have all the money, then you've been hoodwinked into believing this fallacy of a pie. It doesn't exist. You can make as much as you want, or as little as you want. That's not up to any politician or rich person, that's on you. Money is not and has never been finite in this country. That's why all these people are trying to get here.
I used to work two or three jobs back in the 70's when I first got into the workforce. You think anything is different today? I can't depend on government or politicians to give me a good paying job turning nuts onto bolts. Those days are long gone and never coming back. I had to find a trade.....a career that paid the bills, and that's what I did.

I eventually became a truck driver. Why? Because truck drivers were always in demand. I knew that joining the transportation field would never leave me without a job like some of those college kids face after graduation. In fact I've talked to a lot of drivers with a college degree. They chose driving for the same reasons I did.

As for the politicians, you have a choice on who to vote for like every voter unfortunately. When in discussion, you'll see me often say that we need to take a very simple test before being allowed to vote. The Republicans favor the idea while the Democrats are outraged. They want those Obama Phone people to vote because the stupid will always vote Democrat. The most important vote is the primaries, and that's when the polls have the lowest turnout.

So I never looked to politicians to provide for me. Until I became too ill to work I never needed them for anything. And this pie myth is exactly that, a myth. What you make has nothing to do with millionaires or billionaires. It has to do with you. Until the day comes where you ask for a raise, and your boss tells you he'd love to give you one, but the rich have all the money, then you've been hoodwinked into believing this fallacy of a pie. It doesn't exist. You can make as much as you want, or as little as you want. That's not up to any politician or rich person, that's on you. Money is not and has never been finite in this country. That's why all these people are trying to get here.
As usual professor, you're missing the point. Taxes taken in in a fiscal year is indeed finite. That's the point. If you entered the workforce in the 70's then you're old enough to remember Mom staying at home and dad going to work. And you're old enough to remember that even the most menial of jobs provided a chance to get by okay. I'm not asking politicians to do a fucking thing for me. Again, that's not the point! I'm doing fine. I've been lucky. The point is that the average family can't keep their heads above water anymore without being a turnkey clan. Multiple jobs just to do okay. There's a reason for all of that and it has absolutely nothing to do with ambition. People are people and that hasn't changed. But what has changed is that the tax burden to finance the govt has slowly shifted from the top of the earnings scale and has permeated the middle class as if we were a separate economy. Tax policy as written by the top earners is to no ones surprise, written to serve themselves first of all. Capitalism gone berserk. Our leaders never look back to see if that greed is leaving anyone behind. It is! And those same greedy scoundrels have hammered home the idea that to point that greed out is to somehow become unAmerican. A parasite feeding off of the system. That's the mindset that I'm hearing from you. If folks are hurting it's their own damn fault! But it's not! What's at fault is unbridled corporate and Government GREED. That's why the gap in income is wide and getting wider. And that's why families are breaking apart. And to ask for or demand change is looked upon as just the middle class and their damn whiney greed. They are commies! They are Marxists! They are weak minded and they should shut their mouths and suck it up! And all the time they are not to look behind the curtain. Things are way out of balance and that's what economists said would be the death of Capitalism. That imbalance is Unsustainable! It has created wealth at the top that is almost pornographic in its debauchery. It has created hardship on everyone else. We have people living on the streets. We have Veterans being left to fend with their own disabilities from doing the bidding of war profiteers. We have inner cities filled with crime because the hope for a normal existence is just not there. A country is only as good as how it treats the least of us. And that gap is growing as well. Everything is so simple to people like you. If you are struggling, it's your fault. If you feel disenfranchised, that's your fault. We who make the rules like what the result is for us just fuckin' fine! And don't try to expose what's happening or we will label you and shame you because we've conditioned the American people to be our hit squad so that we can keep going to the bank. And each time a politician pushes for some of that finite money to level the playing field a little, the party of the corporation attacks it and sends out that hit squad that they've trained so well. It's a losing proposition.
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As usual professor, you're missing the point. Taxes taken in in a fiscal year is indeed finite. That's the point. If you entered the workforce in the 70's then you're old enough to remember Mom staying at home and dad going to work. And you're old enough to remember that even the most menial of jobs provided a chance to get by okay. I'm not asking politicians to do a fucking thing for me. Again, that's not the point! I'm doing fine. I've been lucky. The point is that the average family can't keep their heads above water anymore without being a turnkey clan. Multiple jobs just to do okay. There's a reason for all of that and it has absolutely nothing to do with ambition. People are people and that hasn't changed. But what has changed is that the tax burden to finance the govt has slowly shifted from the top of the earnings scale and has permeated the middle class as if we were a separate economy. Tax policy as written by the top earners is to no ones surprise, written to serve themselves first of all. Capitalism gone berserk. Our leaders never look back to see if that greed is leaving anyone behind. It is! And those same greedy scoundrels have hammered home the idea that to point that greed out is to somehow become unAmerican. A parasite feeding off of the system. That's the mindset that I'm hearing from you. If folks are hurting it's their own damn fault! But it's not! What's at fault is unbridled corporate and Government GREED. That's why the gap in income is wide and getting wider. And that's why families are breaking apart. And to ask for or demand change is looked upon as just the middle class and their damn whiney greed. They are commies! They are Marxists! They are weak minded and they should shut their mouths and suck it up! And all the time they are not to look behind the curtain. Things are way out of balance and that's what economists said would be the death of Capitalism. That imbalance is Unsustainable! It has created wealth at the top that is almost pornographic in its debauchery. It has created hardship on everyone else. We have people living on the streets. We have Veterans being left to fend with their own disabilities from doing the bidding of war profiteers. We have inner cities filled with crime because the hope for a normal existence is just not there. A country is only as good as how it treats the least of us. And that gap is growing as well. Everything is so simple to people like you. If you are struggling, it's your fault. If you feel disenfranchised, that's your fault. We who make the rules like what the result is for us just fuckin' fine! And don't try to expose what's happening or we will label you and shame you because we've conditioned the American people to be our hit squad so that we can keep going to the bank. And each time a politician pushes for some of that finite money to level the playing field a little, the party of the corporation attacks it and sends out that hit squad that they've trained so well. It's a losing proposition.

Wealth is not created through tax brakes. Name me one person that ever became wealthy because of taxes.

Wealth is created through hard work and investments for the most part. Sure, you will find scant individuals who hit the lottery, won a huge lawsuit, or otherwise handed down money, but money doesn't come from any tax breaks.

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 71% of all collected income taxes. If 71% is not their fair share, what is?

In the meantime nearly half of our population pay no actual income taxes at all. I don't mean sales taxes or payroll taxes you get after you retire, I'm talking about income tax, the money that our Congress spends on all federal agencies and social programs outside of SS, disability and Medicare.

Our gap is getting wider because there are simply more things to buy today than lets say 40 years ago. Next week you will happily send your money to the top like everybody else. You will buy gasoline for your car, pay your cable or internet bill, stop at McDonald's for a big mac combo. But one way or another you will transfer your money to the top, and likely several times next week.

So the solution to your dilemma is not taxing the rich. All that does is give Congress more money to waste. The solution to your problem is quit sending your money to the top. The Amish and Quakers don't, why can't you? Take public transportation, get a landline phone instead of your cell phone, use wood for fires to cook and keep warm during the winter, get rid of your internet and write letters and pay with checks through snail mail. But don't send your money to the top and then complain they have too much because you are part of the problem, not taxation.

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