I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?

So where is this evidence that he paid $750. in taxes? Provide us a reliable link. I have one from ABC that states Trump lost over a billion dollars since announcing his candidacy. How could one lose a billion dollars that he never had? Oh yea, I believe it's an ABC link too so you can't bitch about the source either.
If he kept his promise we would know. But you like being lied to.
Well I'll believe the Border Patrol reports over some blogger on the internet any day of the week. When Dementia got in jobs were available that nobody was taking. That's part of why we have the inflation we've had over the past year or so. He got in with two vaccines and a third one right behind it. Notice when the unemployment numbers improved? That's right, when the pork money stopped in September. Those are reflected in the November jobs numbers right before our most major holiday.

Our state did a study on the additional unemployment numbers. According to them state and fed unemployment paid about 58K a year compared to a working person that pays all those taxes. We still have companies looking for workers because making 58K you can live in your mothers basement for years if you don't wrecklessly spend that money. In fact our Target stores are offering up to $24.00 an hour just to attract workers. The job used to pay 8.00 an hour.
You talk about dementia? Do you believe Trump is perfectly sane? Do you think he's a pathological Liar? A severe Narcissist? A foreign affairs expert? An historian? A stable genius as he loves to claim?
Well I'll believe the Border Patrol reports over some blogger on the internet any day of the week. When Dementia got in jobs were available that nobody was taking. That's part of why we have the inflation we've had over the past year or so. He got in with two vaccines and a third one right behind it. Notice when the unemployment numbers improved? That's right, when the pork money stopped in September. Those are reflected in the November jobs numbers right before our most major holiday.

Our state did a study on the additional unemployment numbers. According to them state and fed unemployment paid about 58K a year compared to a working person that pays all those taxes. We still have companies looking for workers because making 58K you can live in your mothers basement for years if you don't wrecklessly spend that money. In fact our Target stores are offering up to $24.00 an hour just to attract workers. The job used to pay 8.00 an hour.
You outline how the working man is getting shafted. The blame can be spread around but the largest contributer to that condition is Reaganism and the emergence of Supply Side Economics. Both parties have not solved it but the GOP has made it far worse through their ongoing genuflecting to Corporate America. Case in point. The Laughable "middle class" tax cuts.
You outline how the working man is getting shafted. The blame can be spread around but the largest contributer to that condition is Reaganism and the emergence of Supply Side Economics. Both parties have not solved it but the GOP has made it far worse through their ongoing genuflecting to Corporate America. Case in point. The Laughable "middle class" tax cuts.
Repubs have drastically increased debt with their policy. The working people will have to pay for it.
So where is this evidence that he paid $750. in taxes? Provide us a reliable link. I have one from ABC that states Trump lost over a billion dollars since announcing his candidacy. How could one lose a billion dollars that he never had? Oh yea, I believe it's an ABC link too so you can't bitch about the source either.
This from Marketwatch and NY Times. Trump in 2016 said avoiding paying taxes “makes me smart.” The returns show that “he is simply pouring more money into many businesses than he is taking out,” the Times said, with most of his core U.S. properties losing millions or even tens of millions of dollars a year.

Trump has long defied presidential tradition by refusing to release his tax returns. The Times has previously acquired fragments of Trump’s tax-return information and published stories about them, but this appears to be the most detailed collection of data about his finances. The Times said all the records were legally obtained.

The trove of financial data reportedly shows vast tax write-offs because of business losses and a financially struggling property empire.

“Ultimately, Mr. Trump has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life,” the Times wrote.
He didn’t stop illegals, he did stop legal immigrants and now we have a worker shortage. Economy couldn’t hit 3% gdp, that is weak. Deficits increased every single year. Fuel prices are low when the world shuts down, it’s supply and demand. Tax cuts lead to huge deficits. Giant failure.

Is that right, then how under President Trump did we never hit $3.00 a gallon nationally during the best economy most Americans alive have ever experienced? WTF does GDP mean? We had the greatest economy in 50 years with that same GDP. Try looking at history for crying out loud. GDP increases when we are coming out of a slow economy or recession and slows down during a booming economy. This is economics 101. But you don't even need that. All you have to look at is our unemployment rate and median household income during Trump do determine GDP doesn't mean shit.

Like I said, the commies controlled Congress 2 out of 4 years in the Trump administration. A PRESIDENT DOESN'T SPEND MONEY, congress does. The President simply approves of it or vetoes the spending.

Now, I know you won't read any of these articles. I understand the torment truth is to a leftist, but I just want to say none of them mention legal immigrants in this country. They are all about illgals.
This from Marketwatch and NY Times. Trump in 2016 said avoiding paying taxes “makes me smart.” The returns show that “he is simply pouring more money into many businesses than he is taking out,” the Times said, with most of his core U.S. properties losing millions or even tens of millions of dollars a year.

Trump has long defied presidential tradition by refusing to release his tax returns. The Times has previously acquired fragments of Trump’s tax-return information and published stories about them, but this appears to be the most detailed collection of data about his finances. The Times said all the records were legally obtained.

The trove of financial data reportedly shows vast tax write-offs because of business losses and a financially struggling property empire.

“Ultimately, Mr. Trump has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life,” the Times wrote.

Yeah, thanks for the leftist no link with a paywall.
I truly would like to understand your thinking.
I have no argument with you regarding Trump being a braggart. A loud mouth. All those adjectives you come up with. But in my 60 years of working with bosses, the few that accomplished anything, i.e. got things done were like Trump! And Trump in 3 years because COVID devoured almost all of 2020 news, lives, etc. got things done!
Attached is a list of things Obama wanted and Biden wanted and some are happening now.
So I'm asking those few of you that look beyond the peccadilloes of Trump. Beyond his bragging, etc. and tell me how has Biden with 47 years of political experiences helped the country?
1) Look at today's gas prices: A year ago nationally $2.152... Today nationally $3.321 a $1.169 increase on 54%!

View attachment 553451
Why? look at the attached chart: Obama stopped for all purposes signing and Trump was increasing!
And these are just two charts showing the affect of Obama/Biden on our economy after Trump had done something that hadn't been done for 62 years by other presidents!
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
So gas prices affect EVERYONE here but the attached sheet shows MORE ways Obama now Biden want to shut down our economy!
Why would any president want companies to go bankrupt? Obama did.
Why would any president want 500,000 people let go from 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes?
Why would any president want 34 million barrels of oil per month floating on the open ocean?
Truly those of you that I mentioned earlier that have some intelligence. Can't you look beyond the petty foibles of Trump and see HE GOT THINGS done in just 3 years! And by the way... some of you that are vaccinated... it was Trump's Operation Warp speed that got the FDA going to start in late 2020 vaccinations. Totally done by Trump!
View attachment 553453

View attachment 553454
Rut row! You made a major mistake in your heading; you should have said Trump instead of Biden! Bigly!!!
You outline how the working man is getting shafted. The blame can be spread around but the largest contributer to that condition is Reaganism and the emergence of Supply Side Economics. Both parties have not solved it but the GOP has made it far worse through their ongoing genuflecting to Corporate America. Case in point. The Laughable "middle class" tax cuts.

Nothing laughable about it. In fact I just got my taxes done yesterday and my CPA stated those cuts are still helping me and my father (we get our taxes done together, kind of like a father and son thing). Why is that, because Trump increased the amount for taxable income and as you said, nobody ever changed it with good reason.

Ronald Reagan has been out of office for nearly 35 years. Since then we had two commie administration totaling 16 years, each with their own party running Congress for two years each, plus a year into this administration the same. They never even mentioned Reagan, supply side, or taxation. Now why do you suppose that is? Could it be after careful study, they worked and are still working today?
Nothing laughable about it. In fact I just got my taxes done yesterday and my CPA stated those cuts are still helping me and my father (we get our taxes done together, kind of like a father and son thing). Why is that, because Trump increased the amount for taxable income and as you said, nobody ever changed it with good reason.

Ronald Reagan has been out of office for nearly 35 years. Since then we had two commie administration totaling 16 years, each with their own party running Congress for two years each, plus a year into this administration the same. They never even mentioned Reagan, supply side, or taxation. Now why do you suppose that is? Could it be after careful study, they worked and are still working today?
So you're unaware of the yawning income gap? How do you suppose that happened? I'm not excusing any president for not fixing it. Clinton was the last one to try and it worked remarkably well. The corporatism comes in a matter of degrees. BTW, whatever breaks you are talking about were made temporary while corporate America enjoys permanent rewards for being Big Daddy. Biden just tried to right that ship a little but, then he counted on the GOP to at least have a smattering of members on board but their philosophy has been and is, "Deny Anything from the Democrats no matter how it effects middle America."
So you're unaware of the yawning income gap? How do you suppose that happened? I'm not excusing any president for not fixing it. Clinton was the last one to try and it worked remarkably well. The corporatism comes in a matter of degrees. BTW, whatever breaks you are talking about were made temporary while corporate America enjoys permanent rewards for being Big Daddy. Biden just tried to right that ship a little but, then he counted on the GOP to at least have a smattering of members on board but their philosophy has been and is, "Deny Anything from the Democrats no matter how it effects middle America."
Also from CNBC:
Almost all of the individual tax cuts do expire at the end of 2025, unless Congress extends them. That means the old, higher tax rates would return, including the top rate of 39.6% (the TCJA changed the top rate to the current 37%). Corporate tax cuts enacted as part of the law do not expire, nor does the new inflation calculation.

Taxes will increase because of the process Congress used to pass the law, known as the budget reconciliation process. This is an expedited process for legislation that can be used for changes to federal spending, budgets and debt limits. In the Senate, it allows for the passage of legislation with a simple majority, blocking a filibuster from the opposing party. It’s been used to pass Reagan- and Bush-era tax cuts.
But when Dems need to use the nuclear option to help the working man with programs to Build Back Better, enact child care credits, etc. the right cries Foul!
BTW. When they speak of the New Inflation Calculation they are speaking of Chained CPI that artificially slows and lowers the actual CPI which COLAS were based on. More fuel for the income gap.
And now we have a worker shortage…

So I read your link. According to your source, legal immigration declined by 580,000 in a six year period. Averaged out, that's less than 100,000 legal immigrants per year. That in no way justifies a labor shortage in a country of 340 million people.

Now, normally I would give this a once over, but according to the same source (Forbes) written two months later, it revealed that many of those not allowed into the country were Venezuelans. Furthermore about a 25% increase in H1-B visas were denied. We all remember that story of how Disney World was importing high tech people to replace Americans. Trump didn't like that business policy very much. Americans should be doing those jobs even if it costs companies a little more money.

So I read your link. According to your source, legal immigration declined by 580,000 in a six year period. Averaged out, that's less than 100,000 legal immigrants per year. That in no way justifies a labor shortage in a country of 340 million people.

Now, normally I would give this a once over, but according to the same source (Forbes) written two months later, it revealed that many of those not allowed into the country were Venezuelans. Furthermore about a 25% increase in H1-B visas were denied. We all remember that story of how Disney World was importing high tech people to replace Americans. Trump didn't like that business policy very much. Americans should be doing those jobs even if it costs companies a little more money.

Trump's idea of immigration policy was based on race, hate and abject cruelty. He would turn everyone seeking help or asylum into bogeymen to spread more venom. And fools like you bought into it.
Really good VP material, here, huh Moon Bats?

She was probably addressing a Righty audience. They never understand any fuckin' thing.

She was talking to a Negro audience from a Negro radio station. You know who the Negros are don't you? They are the dumbshit House Neggras of the filthy ass Democrat Party.
She was talking to a Negro audience from a Negro radio station. You know who the Negros are don't you? They are the dumbshit House Neggras of the filthy ass Democrat Party.
Did you learn how to make a noose as a child?

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