Our case for voting Hillary

I will watch the VP debate

  • Yes I want to be educated

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • No I'm gonna vote trump

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
45% of you have decided you're voting for trump. This thread isn't for you. This is for the 5% of voters who are undecided.

1. Trump will sign all of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation. Anti abortion, labor, environmental, workers rights, tax breaks to the Rick. Trumps gonna screw us.

2. The supreme Court. He's going to appoint a rwnj. He has to. The religious right endorses trump. Trumps pick will be another yes to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnells agenda too.

A vote for trump is a vote for the GOP agenda. It is not pro worker. And a vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein is a vote for trump.

Trumps a joke and no way he will win but we can't take him lightly. I hear a lot of independent voters who don't realize a vote for trump is a vote for an agenda that doesn't match trumps rhetoric.

We will see this at the vp debate tomorrow.

I love partisan spin!

Both Donald John Trump and Hillary Clinton are jokes and it shows in the polling data that give Gary Johnson and Jill Stein voters to look at!

" Johnson's decision to stay in the race isn't just an academic question. He and Weld are doing well enough in swing states to pull votes from both Trump and Clinton. In the latest CNN/ORC poll of Colorado — a state Clinton must win and which her campaign thought was already safe — Johnson is polling at 13% among likely voters while Clinton trails Trump 42% to 41%. "

Why is Gary Johnson still in the race - CNNPolitics.com

Now you will utter the same nonsense that third party candidates like Johnson and Stein can not win, but what you and your candidate do not understand he ( Johnson ) will not win but how much damage will he do to her chances of winning states like Colorado, Florida and few other states?

You have to win the electoral college and third party candidates like Johnson and Stein could steal enough votes to toss the state to Trump...

So as you write about the five percent voter the reality the voters you need to catch is more than five percent in many states and if you fail, well understand you lost because your candidate arrogance of not understanding some people are voting for Johnson not because they think he can win but because they can not stomach Clinton nor Trump!
If you want trump picking the supreme Court vote Gary stein
I'm not going to waste time trying to convert you. I'll just glow from now until Clinton wins.

Oh, and isn't it strange that no one wants to nominate any of the Republicans who lost to Trump? NO ONE is talking about running Rubio in 2020. Not Jeb, Christie, Ryan, Cruz.

But now Republicans all have a hard on over Pence because he handled himself well in the VP debate. BFD. See you in 4 years.

Exactly, you're a Democrat shill
Yes I am. I am so anti Republican I can't stand it. I have been paying very close attention for 45 years and the GOP is evil.

And yet, there's almost no difference between the Republicans and Democrats. You're a couple of government loving dependency whore parties
Until 2018 when you go crawling back to the GOP.

In fact, who you voting for Senate house & governor? If you're voting GOP then tell me again how there's no difference between the parties.

I left the GOP in 1990, why would this be the election I'd go back? I see them getting worse, not better.

Democrats just keep your balls in a jar on the mantle, don't they? You're so lost in partisan hackery you can't imagine anyone not being the partisan shill that you are
It comes down to two things.

1. Do you want Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell legislation signed? If you do don't vote hillary.

2. Do you want trump/cons appointing the next 2 or 3 supremes.

These are all that should matter
You seem like a gun nut and very anti Hillary. No one who leans left would say something like this: "I can't believe the level of corruption the Left in this country exhibit, in allowing this corrupt woman to be their presidential candidate."
because someone who leans left would see the corruption that is the Republican party.

So you are yet another righty who's telling us liberals who to vote for. You aren't voting 3rd party. Who you kidding? Not me. You're voting Trump.

You are wrong on almost all counts. I do, however, feel that the "gun problem" is not a problem with guns but a problem with people.

I am VERY anti-Hillary. I believe she's a corrupt liar who will say ANYTHING to get elected and feel that the fact that you defend and support her shows that YOU are not a Progressive but instead are a poser just as your candidate is.

So, to summarize, I'm not trying to kid you because you are ABSOLUTELY just another Hillarybot who has no real beliefs except that your evil candidate should be President based on nothing. In fact, you are far more likely to vote for Trump because you don't believe in anything.
I hope you live in a state where your vote doesn't matter.

I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Good grief, you are stupid. Go tell a Republican, I don't care.

Why wouldn't we give Democrats another 4 years?

The Labor Department said today that average hourly pay took a big step higher last month, rising 10 cents an hour to an average $25.92. That is 2.8 percent higher than a year ago and is the biggest 12-month increase in seven years.

45% of you have decided you're voting for trump. This thread isn't for you. This is for the 5% of voters who are undecided.

1. Trump will sign all of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation. Anti abortion, labor, environmental, workers rights, tax breaks to the Rick. Trumps gonna screw us.

2. The supreme Court. He's going to appoint a rwnj. He has to. The religious right endorses trump. Trumps pick will be another yes to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnells agenda too.

A vote for trump is a vote for the GOP agenda. It is not pro worker. And a vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein is a vote for trump.

Trumps a joke and no way he will win but we can't take him lightly. I hear a lot of independent voters who don't realize a vote for trump is a vote for an agenda that doesn't match trumps rhetoric.

We will see this at the vp debate tomorrow.
Was I right or what?

Trump Administration To Undo Efforts To Boost College Racial Diversity

Roe V. Wade

The tax break to the rich and crumbs to us?

Still Harley Davidson going overseas

The tax breaks didn't produce raises or growth. Just bigger ceo paychecks.
45% of you have decided you're voting for trump. This thread isn't for you. This is for the 5% of voters who are undecided.

1. Trump will sign all of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation. Anti abortion, labor, environmental, workers rights, tax breaks to the Rick. Trumps gonna screw us.

2. The supreme Court. He's going to appoint a rwnj. He has to. The religious right endorses trump. Trumps pick will be another yes to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnells agenda too.

A vote for trump is a vote for the GOP agenda. It is not pro worker. And a vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein is a vote for trump.

Trumps a joke and no way he will win but we can't take him lightly. I hear a lot of independent voters who don't realize a vote for trump is a vote for an agenda that doesn't match trumps rhetoric.

We will see this at the vp debate tomorrow.
So you're still trying convince people uart a criminal-supporting, Ultra partisan idiot?!

Hillary took MILLIONS from the KGB Bank, as did her husband and her campaign manager. Her husband met directly with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and her campaign manager was partners in his business with prominent businessmen who had Direct connections to the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin himself. Her campaign manager was the co-conspirator with manafort almost a decade ago in money laundering, but he was protected by the lead witch hunter Mueller from indictment.

In the days leading up to the election, Hillary was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she did commit, to include mishandling classified, obstruction, and even espionage. Had any Republican been in the same situation they would have been driven out of the election by the Democratic Party and they're fake news defending media.

Hillary Clinton proves she could not even defeat an old Socialist Party member who is running against her for the Democratic party nomination, not without rigging primaries, cheating in debate, engaging in election fraud during primaries, and having the Democratic National Committee stack the deck against Bernie Sanders and supporters, which resulted in them giving her the nomination she could not win on her own.

Just before the election, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations publicly announced she had committed crimes, but that he was not going to recommend indictment because she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law. What a glowing recommendation for Hillary Clinton to become the president of the United States...

After having been given the DNC nomination, she violated election laws, violated campaign Finance laws, and even engaged in treason by collaborating with and paying foreign spies and Russians for a Russian propaganda filled document which used illegally in the election against her opponent, a document which she gave to the FBI who used it illegally to acquire warrant to spy on the GOP nominee during an election.

The FBI, in turn, affected the biggest scandal in US history, dwarfing Watergate, by participating in the Obama Administration conspiracy to prevent the GOP nominee from winning the election and being determined to affect a treasonous COUP of removing Donald Trump from the White House should he win.

Don't worry. You don't have to worry about anyone thinking you are an ignorant Ultra partisan Hillary Clinton supporter. You have proved, like so many others, that you are so much more. In the face of overwhelming evidence of all of this you supported this liar, this cheater, this criminal, the spelling, this traitor who compromised our national security and betrayed country because of her personal, selfish goal of becoming president of the United States: "IT'S MY TURN."

There is no excuse, there is no justification, for voting for this domestic enemy of United States. Not even partisan insanity justifies it.

And throughout the investigation that has followed, more and more evidence proving the existence and execution of this conspiracy has been found and revealed.

I thought Barack Obama was the worst president ever, even a traitor, for financing, supplying, supporting, arming, training, defending, protecting, and even dragging the United States into unconstitutional Wars during his president to help terrorist, to include the terrorist who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01.

I thought Barack Obama was a traitor for helping our enemies, like Iran, during his presidency, for working more to help Mexican drug cartels, terrorists, human traffickers, MS-13 gang members, violent illegals, and people who provided Sanctuary to all of these criminals in violation of US immigration law.

I thought Barack Obama was the worst president in our nation's history and a traitor due to the fact that during 8 years in office he weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election, who unconstitutionally and illegally spied on American citizens, on reporters, on the media, on US Senators, on USSC judges, on GOP Presidential candidates...and even the current President.

I believe all of that pales in comparison, however, to the orchestrated presidential cabinet and US government agencies working under him attempting to manipulate the outcome of the 2016 presidential election so that the Democrats would stay in power and that the selling Hillary Clinton would become our president, and being determined to treasonously out the newly elected President should Trump win, which he did.

I honestly think that the Democrats now, after failing in their conspiracy, or trying to prolong this investigation, keeping the focus off all of their crimes, conspiracy, and treason, until the statute of limitations on their actions has run out. I personally believe, however, that there should be no statue of limitations on treason, and on this Scandal which is the worst in US history.

So, in light of all the evidence of this having going on, there is no justification in Hell, or excuse, for voting for that proving criminal traitor who should have been in a maximum-security prison wearing an orange jumpsuit on Election Day rather than waiting on the results of the election having been allowed to remain in the race.
it's so simple, yet so terrifying. Trump merely has to call the war room at the department of defense and state the secret codes that confirm he is the president and give the order. that's it. a nuclear strike.

the most conservative estimate of a trump nuclear strike is a global catastrophe that would end civilization itself!

a vote for secretary clinton equals peace!
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Trump Administration To Undo Efforts To Boost College Racial Diversity

This is great news. The racial discrimination ("diversity") supported by Brock Hussiane Obama has ended. The Donald is being consistent with Martin Luther King's common sense concept that people be judged on their cognitive abilities when getting into college, not their race!

Thank God Crooked Hillary lost in a landslide to The Donald like I predicted! Free at last! Well after the "Deep State" Swamp is drained at least which is taking quite a while. Last I heard is Swamp Rat Rosenstine (which means Brock Hussaine Obama also) is actually spying on Congressmen on the oversight committee!

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Exactly, you're a Democrat shill
Yes I am. I am so anti Republican I can't stand it. I have been paying very close attention for 45 years and the GOP is evil.

And yet, there's almost no difference between the Republicans and Democrats. You're a couple of government loving dependency whore parties
Until 2018 when you go crawling back to the GOP.

In fact, who you voting for Senate house & governor? If you're voting GOP then tell me again how there's no difference between the parties.

I left the GOP in 1990, why would this be the election I'd go back? I see them getting worse, not better.

Democrats just keep your balls in a jar on the mantle, don't they? You're so lost in partisan hackery you can't imagine anyone not being the partisan shill that you are
It comes down to two things.

1. Do you want Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell legislation signed? If you do don't vote hillary.

2. Do you want trump/cons appointing the next 2 or 3 supremes.

These are all that should matter

Yes and yes.
Yes I am. I am so anti Republican I can't stand it. I have been paying very close attention for 45 years and the GOP is evil.

And yet, there's almost no difference between the Republicans and Democrats. You're a couple of government loving dependency whore parties
Until 2018 when you go crawling back to the GOP.

In fact, who you voting for Senate house & governor? If you're voting GOP then tell me again how there's no difference between the parties.

I left the GOP in 1990, why would this be the election I'd go back? I see them getting worse, not better.

Democrats just keep your balls in a jar on the mantle, don't they? You're so lost in partisan hackery you can't imagine anyone not being the partisan shill that you are
It comes down to two things.

1. Do you want Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell legislation signed? If you do don't vote hillary.

2. Do you want trump/cons appointing the next 2 or 3 supremes.

These are all that should matter

Yes and yes.

The only case for voting for Hillary is that you're a socialist. Obviously you're not, Sealybobo is
And yet, there's almost no difference between the Republicans and Democrats. You're a couple of government loving dependency whore parties
Until 2018 when you go crawling back to the GOP.

In fact, who you voting for Senate house & governor? If you're voting GOP then tell me again how there's no difference between the parties.

I left the GOP in 1990, why would this be the election I'd go back? I see them getting worse, not better.

Democrats just keep your balls in a jar on the mantle, don't they? You're so lost in partisan hackery you can't imagine anyone not being the partisan shill that you are
It comes down to two things.

1. Do you want Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell legislation signed? If you do don't vote hillary.

2. Do you want trump/cons appointing the next 2 or 3 supremes.

These are all that should matter

Yes and yes.

The only case for voting for Hillary is that you're a socialist. Obviously you're not, Sealybobo is
What does that mean? Do you even know? Is being in favor of social security being a socialist?
Until 2018 when you go crawling back to the GOP.

In fact, who you voting for Senate house & governor? If you're voting GOP then tell me again how there's no difference between the parties.

I left the GOP in 1990, why would this be the election I'd go back? I see them getting worse, not better.

Democrats just keep your balls in a jar on the mantle, don't they? You're so lost in partisan hackery you can't imagine anyone not being the partisan shill that you are
It comes down to two things.

1. Do you want Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell legislation signed? If you do don't vote hillary.

2. Do you want trump/cons appointing the next 2 or 3 supremes.

These are all that should matter

Yes and yes.

The only case for voting for Hillary is that you're a socialist. Obviously you're not, Sealybobo is
What does that mean? Do you even know? Is being in favor of social security being a socialist?

No, that's just dumb.
"Trump's gonna screw us"? The DOW is hovering around 25,000 and Black unemployment is at a historic record low. How come the crazy left didn't foresee that one when they predicted that he would lose?
Until 2018 when you go crawling back to the GOP.

In fact, who you voting for Senate house & governor? If you're voting GOP then tell me again how there's no difference between the parties.

I left the GOP in 1990, why would this be the election I'd go back? I see them getting worse, not better.

Democrats just keep your balls in a jar on the mantle, don't they? You're so lost in partisan hackery you can't imagine anyone not being the partisan shill that you are
It comes down to two things.

1. Do you want Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell legislation signed? If you do don't vote hillary.

2. Do you want trump/cons appointing the next 2 or 3 supremes.

These are all that should matter

Yes and yes.

The only case for voting for Hillary is that you're a socialist. Obviously you're not, Sealybobo is
What does that mean? Do you even know? Is being in favor of social security being a socialist?

Where did I mention social security? I can't find that
You are wrong on almost all counts. I do, however, feel that the "gun problem" is not a problem with guns but a problem with people.

I am VERY anti-Hillary. I believe she's a corrupt liar who will say ANYTHING to get elected and feel that the fact that you defend and support her shows that YOU are not a Progressive but instead are a poser just as your candidate is.

So, to summarize, I'm not trying to kid you because you are ABSOLUTELY just another Hillarybot who has no real beliefs except that your evil candidate should be President based on nothing. In fact, you are far more likely to vote for Trump because you don't believe in anything.
I hope you live in a state where your vote doesn't matter.

I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Good grief, you are stupid. Go tell a Republican, I don't care.

Why wouldn't we give Democrats another 4 years?

The Labor Department said today that average hourly pay took a big step higher last month, rising 10 cents an hour to an average $25.92. That is 2.8 percent higher than a year ago and is the biggest 12-month increase in seven years.

Crain's Chicago Business
sealybobo you really should let this thread die.

It is one of the most erroneous things you have ever predicted.
I am guessing that 100% of voters hope that Hillary runs again.

That would also guarantee a Trump re-election.
Trump is kicking arse at the debate anyway.

Too bad he's not as good at running the country as he is running for POTUS.

Recession Warnings Grow As Stocks Slide Following Weak Economic Data From China, Germany
Investors are worried that the trade war between the U.S. and China may drag on through 2020 and cause more economic damage.

We never saw headlines like this under Obama and we wouldn't see them if Hillary was POTUS.

Stocks sank Wednesday after the bond market threw up one of its last remaining warning flags on the economy.

The yield on the 10-year Treasury briefly dropped below the two-year Treasury’s yield Wednesday morning. It’s rare for short-term yields to rise above longer-term ones, and when it happens, market watchers call it “an inverted yield curve” and brace for the possibility of a recession hitting in a year or two.

Trump's fake good economy.

Weak economic data around the world also unnerved investors, who flipped back into selling mode after driving a rally Tuesday on hopeful signals that the U.S.-China trade war may not be worsening so much.

Germany, Europe’s largest economy, shrank 0.1% in the spring from the first three months of the year due to the global trade war and troubles in the auto industry. Data from China also showed that factory output, retail spending and investment weakened in July for the world’s second-largest economy.

“The bad news for global economies is stacking up much faster than most economists thought, so trying to keep up is exhausting,” Kevin Giddis, head of fixed income capital markets at Raymond James, wrote in a report.

The S&P 500 fell 1.7%, as of 10 a.m. Eastern time, giving back all of the prior day’s jump after the U.S. delayed some of the tariffs threatened on Chinese imports. The Dow lost 435 points, or 1.7%, to 25,841, and the Nasdaq composite lost 1.9%.

“The relief rally inspired by the Trump administration delaying tariffs on some Chinese imports was short lived - blink and you missed it,” said Fiona Cincotta, senior market analyst at City Index.

Much of the market’s focus was on the U.S. yield curve, which has historically been one of the more reliable recession indicators.

If all this talk about yield curves sounds familiar, it should. Other parts of the curve have already inverted, beginning late last year. But each time, some market watchers cautioned not to make too much of it. Academics tend to pay the most attention to the spread between the three-month Treasury and the 10-year Treasury, which inverted in the spring. Traders often pay more attention to the two-year and 10-year spread.

Each of the last five times the two-year and 10-year Treasury yields have inverted, a recession has followed. The average amount of time is around 22 months, according to Raymond James’ Giddis.

Recession Warnings Grow As Stocks Slide Following Weak Economic Data From China, Germany | HuffPost
Part of the problem is that ignorant Trump-hating snowflakes and average Americans like farmers who are day-to-day impacted by what's going on between the US and China see what is going on as only ECONOMIC instead of what it REALLY is - WAR!

Wars are fought militarily, through cyber, psychologically, and ECONOMICALLY. China has been doing this for decades. In any war there are going to be casualties, blows taken, and sacrifices made. Americans want their 'money' NOW, and they have been willing to be China's bit@h and just 'get what they can get', allowing China to steal out intellectual property / technology, manipulate their currency, lies and break promises, etc..... Trump is the only President to have actually stood up to China in decades, if not ever.

In order to 'win' this economic war Americans need to see it as what it is - a WAR - and be motivated / convinced that it is in the nation's best interest to do what must be done to 'win'...now. That is going to take sacrifice, like in any war. Democrats - Trump-hating liberals - are simultaneously not only hoping Trump fails (which means America fails / loses) but they are actively attempting to undermine the President's attempt to won this war. THAT is 'treason'.

Too 'extreme'? Too 'dramatic'? Hardly. During their 3+ year failed coup attempt / witch hunt of the President based on Russian Counter-Intelligence propaganda sold to the 2016 DNC Candidate it was revealed that high-ranking Democrat Diane Feinstein had been helping China spy on the United States for DECADES by having a Chinese spy on her team / in her inner circle. Not 5 minutes was spent investigating Feinstein, her husband, or her treason.
I am not undecided, I totally oppose both Trump and Hillary...
What did I say? I said those Supreme Court picks were very important. How do women who voted for Trump feel about that decision now after the cons took away their right to choose? This is my big fat I TOLD YOU SO. LOL.
sealybobo you really should let this thread die.

It is one of the most erroneous things you have ever predicted.
I didn't predict anything. But my case for why we should vote Hillary just came true the other day when the Supreme's outlawed abortion. Any woman who was pro choice and voted for Trump, ha ha. Told you so.

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