Our case for voting Hillary

I will watch the VP debate

  • Yes I want to be educated

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • No I'm gonna vote trump

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
No, he's not fit. Neither is Hillary. Vote third party

Vote Jill Stein...vote for integrity.
You seem like a gun nut and very anti Hillary. No one who leans left would say something like this: "I can't believe the level of corruption the Left in this country exhibit, in allowing this corrupt woman to be their presidential candidate."
because someone who leans left would see the corruption that is the Republican party.

So you are yet another righty who's telling us liberals who to vote for. You aren't voting 3rd party. Who you kidding? Not me. You're voting Trump.

You are wrong on almost all counts. I do, however, feel that the "gun problem" is not a problem with guns but a problem with people.

I am VERY anti-Hillary. I believe she's a corrupt liar who will say ANYTHING to get elected and feel that the fact that you defend and support her shows that YOU are not a Progressive but instead are a poser just as your candidate is.

So, to summarize, I'm not trying to kid you because you are ABSOLUTELY just another Hillarybot who has no real beliefs except that your evil candidate should be President based on nothing. In fact, you are far more likely to vote for Trump because you don't believe in anything.
I hope you live in a state where your vote doesn't matter.

I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.
Vote Jill Stein...vote for integrity.
You seem like a gun nut and very anti Hillary. No one who leans left would say something like this: "I can't believe the level of corruption the Left in this country exhibit, in allowing this corrupt woman to be their presidential candidate."
because someone who leans left would see the corruption that is the Republican party.

So you are yet another righty who's telling us liberals who to vote for. You aren't voting 3rd party. Who you kidding? Not me. You're voting Trump.

You are wrong on almost all counts. I do, however, feel that the "gun problem" is not a problem with guns but a problem with people.

I am VERY anti-Hillary. I believe she's a corrupt liar who will say ANYTHING to get elected and feel that the fact that you defend and support her shows that YOU are not a Progressive but instead are a poser just as your candidate is.

So, to summarize, I'm not trying to kid you because you are ABSOLUTELY just another Hillarybot who has no real beliefs except that your evil candidate should be President based on nothing. In fact, you are far more likely to vote for Trump because you don't believe in anything.
I hope you live in a state where your vote doesn't matter.

I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Yes, my loony right wing positions like I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think pot and all drugs should be legal, think prostitution, euthinasia, gambling and all other victimless vices should be legal, I oppose the wars in the middle east and think we should leave actually entirely and we should slash our military by 1/3 to 1/2.

But I'm not Democrat, so that's Republican. You're a fucking moron. And you proved my point on your being a Democrat shill
You seem like a gun nut and very anti Hillary. No one who leans left would say something like this: "I can't believe the level of corruption the Left in this country exhibit, in allowing this corrupt woman to be their presidential candidate."
because someone who leans left would see the corruption that is the Republican party.

So you are yet another righty who's telling us liberals who to vote for. You aren't voting 3rd party. Who you kidding? Not me. You're voting Trump.

You are wrong on almost all counts. I do, however, feel that the "gun problem" is not a problem with guns but a problem with people.

I am VERY anti-Hillary. I believe she's a corrupt liar who will say ANYTHING to get elected and feel that the fact that you defend and support her shows that YOU are not a Progressive but instead are a poser just as your candidate is.

So, to summarize, I'm not trying to kid you because you are ABSOLUTELY just another Hillarybot who has no real beliefs except that your evil candidate should be President based on nothing. In fact, you are far more likely to vote for Trump because you don't believe in anything.
I hope you live in a state where your vote doesn't matter.

I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Yes, my loony right wing positions like I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think pot and all drugs should be legal, think prostitution, euthinasia, gambling and all other victimless vices should be legal, I oppose the wars in the middle east and think we should leave actually entirely and we should slash our military by 1/3 to 1/2.

But I'm not Democrat, so that's Republican. You're a fucking moron. And you proved my point on your being a Democrat shill
You're a libertarian. So is Rand and Ron Paul. They caucus with the Republicans so eat a dick Mr. Republican. Libertarians are even dumber than traditional Republicans. But smarter than tea baggers.
Hillary's resume

1. no merit
2. business career was all frauds
3. takes credit for that which she didn't = cattle futures a great example
4. dyke
5. enabler of sex predator
6. eager and ready to sell out our troops for more Iscariot Silver
Trump has no experience and the GOP ideas he wants to impose are no different than bush with a twist of libertarian teabaggers. Sounds horrible
How much "experience" did BONOBO have when the fucking 'OJ Jury' elected him.
The little fag turned out to be a fucking disaster as a president! The whole world knows it! World leaders have been making jokes about the idiot for years! His fucking GENIUS evaluation that ISIS was a "JV team" said all that ever needs to be said about the pussy.
How many jobs had BONOBO created before running?
Maybe one. The guy who washed up after BONOBO at the gay bar!
45% of you have decided you're voting for trump. This thread isn't for you. This is for the 5% of voters who are undecided.

1. Trump will sign all of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation. Anti abortion, labor, environmental, workers rights, tax breaks to the Rick. Trumps gonna screw us.

2. The supreme Court. He's going to appoint a rwnj. He has to. The religious right endorses trump. Trumps pick will be another yes to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnells agenda too.

A vote for trump is a vote for the GOP agenda. It is not pro worker. And a vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein is a vote for trump.

Trumps a joke and no way he will win but we can't take him lightly. I hear a lot of independent voters who don't realize a vote for trump is a vote for an agenda that doesn't match trumps rhetoric.

We will see this at the vp debate tomorrow.

Pence will push for a religious fucking fanatic for next SCOTUS judge and the funeral industry will boom with funerals for fetal tissue from abortions, AT THE COST OF THE TAXPAYER.
Sounds like an excellent choice!
Imagine how fast honest decent hard working middle class Americans will tolerate having six month old babies be murdered in the womb when they can put an end to the genocide?
You are wrong on almost all counts. I do, however, feel that the "gun problem" is not a problem with guns but a problem with people.

I am VERY anti-Hillary. I believe she's a corrupt liar who will say ANYTHING to get elected and feel that the fact that you defend and support her shows that YOU are not a Progressive but instead are a poser just as your candidate is.

So, to summarize, I'm not trying to kid you because you are ABSOLUTELY just another Hillarybot who has no real beliefs except that your evil candidate should be President based on nothing. In fact, you are far more likely to vote for Trump because you don't believe in anything.
I hope you live in a state where your vote doesn't matter.

I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Yes, my loony right wing positions like I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think pot and all drugs should be legal, think prostitution, euthinasia, gambling and all other victimless vices should be legal, I oppose the wars in the middle east and think we should leave actually entirely and we should slash our military by 1/3 to 1/2.

But I'm not Democrat, so that's Republican. You're a fucking moron. And you proved my point on your being a Democrat shill
You're a libertarian. So is Rand and Ron Paul. They caucus with the Republicans so eat a dick Mr. Republican. Libertarians are even dumber than traditional Republicans. But smarter than tea baggers.

Yes, intelligent, informed people such as yourself think it's just idiotic to think we can take care of ourselves. You know that government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can. Pure logic, Spock
Vote Jill Stein...vote for integrity.
You seem like a gun nut and very anti Hillary. No one who leans left would say something like this: "I can't believe the level of corruption the Left in this country exhibit, in allowing this corrupt woman to be their presidential candidate."
because someone who leans left would see the corruption that is the Republican party.

So you are yet another righty who's telling us liberals who to vote for. You aren't voting 3rd party. Who you kidding? Not me. You're voting Trump.

You are wrong on almost all counts. I do, however, feel that the "gun problem" is not a problem with guns but a problem with people.

I am VERY anti-Hillary. I believe she's a corrupt liar who will say ANYTHING to get elected and feel that the fact that you defend and support her shows that YOU are not a Progressive but instead are a poser just as your candidate is.

So, to summarize, I'm not trying to kid you because you are ABSOLUTELY just another Hillarybot who has no real beliefs except that your evil candidate should be President based on nothing. In fact, you are far more likely to vote for Trump because you don't believe in anything.
I hope you live in a state where your vote doesn't matter.

I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Still no answer as to how you're not a mind swillingly partisan Democrat shill
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I hope you live in a state where your vote doesn't matter.

I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Yes, my loony right wing positions like I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think pot and all drugs should be legal, think prostitution, euthinasia, gambling and all other victimless vices should be legal, I oppose the wars in the middle east and think we should leave actually entirely and we should slash our military by 1/3 to 1/2.

But I'm not Democrat, so that's Republican. You're a fucking moron. And you proved my point on your being a Democrat shill
You're a libertarian. So is Rand and Ron Paul. They caucus with the Republicans so eat a dick Mr. Republican. Libertarians are even dumber than traditional Republicans. But smarter than tea baggers.

Yes, intelligent, informed people such as yourself think it's just idiotic to think we can take care of ourselves. You know that government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can. Pure logic, Spock
Those are just right wing talking points. What do you want me to do with that? If you want to have a discussion lets do it but to claim that I or we feel that "government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can".

That's just right wing bullshit. Be more specific. Maybe after the GOP loses another election cycle you'll start to realize your tactics suck and aren't working.
I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Yes, my loony right wing positions like I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think pot and all drugs should be legal, think prostitution, euthinasia, gambling and all other victimless vices should be legal, I oppose the wars in the middle east and think we should leave actually entirely and we should slash our military by 1/3 to 1/2.

But I'm not Democrat, so that's Republican. You're a fucking moron. And you proved my point on your being a Democrat shill
You're a libertarian. So is Rand and Ron Paul. They caucus with the Republicans so eat a dick Mr. Republican. Libertarians are even dumber than traditional Republicans. But smarter than tea baggers.

Yes, intelligent, informed people such as yourself think it's just idiotic to think we can take care of ourselves. You know that government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can. Pure logic, Spock
Those are just right wing talking points. What do you want me to do with that? If you want to have a discussion lets do it but to claim that I or we feel that "government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can".

That's just right wing bullshit. Be more specific. Maybe after the GOP loses another election cycle you'll start to realize your tactics suck and aren't working.

As you just observed I'm libertarian you fucking tool.

You really have to boil the world down to Republican and Democrat, don't you? Otherwise the Democrat talking points you memorized don't work and you're sure not going to think your way through them
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Yes, my loony right wing positions like I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think pot and all drugs should be legal, think prostitution, euthinasia, gambling and all other victimless vices should be legal, I oppose the wars in the middle east and think we should leave actually entirely and we should slash our military by 1/3 to 1/2.

But I'm not Democrat, so that's Republican. You're a fucking moron. And you proved my point on your being a Democrat shill
You're a libertarian. So is Rand and Ron Paul. They caucus with the Republicans so eat a dick Mr. Republican. Libertarians are even dumber than traditional Republicans. But smarter than tea baggers.

Yes, intelligent, informed people such as yourself think it's just idiotic to think we can take care of ourselves. You know that government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can. Pure logic, Spock
Those are just right wing talking points. What do you want me to do with that? If you want to have a discussion lets do it but to claim that I or we feel that "government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can".

That's just right wing bullshit. Be more specific. Maybe after the GOP loses another election cycle you'll start to realize your tactics suck and aren't working.

As you just observed I'm libertarian you fucking tool.

You really have to boil the world down to Republican and Democrat, don't you? Otherwise the Democrat talking points you memorized don't work and you're sure not going to think your way through them
Libertarians and Republicans and Tea Baggers Oh My. All douche bags.
Vote Jill Stein...vote for integrity.
You seem like a gun nut and very anti Hillary. No one who leans left would say something like this: "I can't believe the level of corruption the Left in this country exhibit, in allowing this corrupt woman to be their presidential candidate."
because someone who leans left would see the corruption that is the Republican party.

So you are yet another righty who's telling us liberals who to vote for. You aren't voting 3rd party. Who you kidding? Not me. You're voting Trump.

You are wrong on almost all counts. I do, however, feel that the "gun problem" is not a problem with guns but a problem with people.

I am VERY anti-Hillary. I believe she's a corrupt liar who will say ANYTHING to get elected and feel that the fact that you defend and support her shows that YOU are not a Progressive but instead are a poser just as your candidate is.

So, to summarize, I'm not trying to kid you because you are ABSOLUTELY just another Hillarybot who has no real beliefs except that your evil candidate should be President based on nothing. In fact, you are far more likely to vote for Trump because you don't believe in anything.
I hope you live in a state where your vote doesn't matter.

I hope you move to a nation where your corrupt worldview won't affect my nation.
I feel the same way about you guys. You've moved so far to the right you frighten us. The crazy GOP/RUSH/Fox lies and propaganda has now become what your Presidential nominee is. No longer are the crazies in the GOP on just USMB. No longer can Rush and Fox lie so the Republicans don't have to, now the Republican front runner is a lying birther. Got to love it. And you wonder why you don't win elections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump “is doing the party and country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him.”

“If he loses,” Graham wrote, “it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.”

Oh I forgot, he's a RINO. LOL. But Trump isn't? Just wait till he loses. Then we will see Republicans throw him under the bus.

Good grief, you are stupid. Go tell a Republican, I don't care.
Yes, my loony right wing positions like I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think pot and all drugs should be legal, think prostitution, euthinasia, gambling and all other victimless vices should be legal, I oppose the wars in the middle east and think we should leave actually entirely and we should slash our military by 1/3 to 1/2.

But I'm not Democrat, so that's Republican. You're a fucking moron. And you proved my point on your being a Democrat shill
You're a libertarian. So is Rand and Ron Paul. They caucus with the Republicans so eat a dick Mr. Republican. Libertarians are even dumber than traditional Republicans. But smarter than tea baggers.

Yes, intelligent, informed people such as yourself think it's just idiotic to think we can take care of ourselves. You know that government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can. Pure logic, Spock
Those are just right wing talking points. What do you want me to do with that? If you want to have a discussion lets do it but to claim that I or we feel that "government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can".

That's just right wing bullshit. Be more specific. Maybe after the GOP loses another election cycle you'll start to realize your tactics suck and aren't working.

As you just observed I'm libertarian you fucking tool.

You really have to boil the world down to Republican and Democrat, don't you? Otherwise the Democrat talking points you memorized don't work and you're sure not going to think your way through them
Libertarians and Republicans and Tea Baggers Oh My. All douche bags.

More like Republicans and Tea Baggers and Hillarybots! Oh My! All douche bags.
Yes, my loony right wing positions like I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think pot and all drugs should be legal, think prostitution, euthinasia, gambling and all other victimless vices should be legal, I oppose the wars in the middle east and think we should leave actually entirely and we should slash our military by 1/3 to 1/2.

But I'm not Democrat, so that's Republican. You're a fucking moron. And you proved my point on your being a Democrat shill
You're a libertarian. So is Rand and Ron Paul. They caucus with the Republicans so eat a dick Mr. Republican. Libertarians are even dumber than traditional Republicans. But smarter than tea baggers.

Yes, intelligent, informed people such as yourself think it's just idiotic to think we can take care of ourselves. You know that government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can. Pure logic, Spock
Those are just right wing talking points. What do you want me to do with that? If you want to have a discussion lets do it but to claim that I or we feel that "government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can".

That's just right wing bullshit. Be more specific. Maybe after the GOP loses another election cycle you'll start to realize your tactics suck and aren't working.

As you just observed I'm libertarian you fucking tool.

You really have to boil the world down to Republican and Democrat, don't you? Otherwise the Democrat talking points you memorized don't work and you're sure not going to think your way through them
Libertarians and Republicans and Tea Baggers Oh My. All douche bags.

Another vacuous, contentless post from you.

You still trying to figure out how you're not a Democrat shill? I still have nothing back from you on that
You're a libertarian. So is Rand and Ron Paul. They caucus with the Republicans so eat a dick Mr. Republican. Libertarians are even dumber than traditional Republicans. But smarter than tea baggers.

Yes, intelligent, informed people such as yourself think it's just idiotic to think we can take care of ourselves. You know that government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can. Pure logic, Spock
Those are just right wing talking points. What do you want me to do with that? If you want to have a discussion lets do it but to claim that I or we feel that "government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can".

That's just right wing bullshit. Be more specific. Maybe after the GOP loses another election cycle you'll start to realize your tactics suck and aren't working.

As you just observed I'm libertarian you fucking tool.

You really have to boil the world down to Republican and Democrat, don't you? Otherwise the Democrat talking points you memorized don't work and you're sure not going to think your way through them
Libertarians and Republicans and Tea Baggers Oh My. All douche bags.

Another vacuous, contentless post from you.

You still trying to figure out how you're not a Democrat shill? I still have nothing back from you on that
I'm not going to waste time trying to convert you. I'll just glow from now until Clinton wins.

Oh, and isn't it strange that no one wants to nominate any of the Republicans who lost to Trump? NO ONE is talking about running Rubio in 2020. Not Jeb, Christie, Ryan, Cruz.

But now Republicans all have a hard on over Pence because he handled himself well in the VP debate. BFD. See you in 4 years.
Yes, intelligent, informed people such as yourself think it's just idiotic to think we can take care of ourselves. You know that government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can. Pure logic, Spock
Those are just right wing talking points. What do you want me to do with that? If you want to have a discussion lets do it but to claim that I or we feel that "government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can".

That's just right wing bullshit. Be more specific. Maybe after the GOP loses another election cycle you'll start to realize your tactics suck and aren't working.

As you just observed I'm libertarian you fucking tool.

You really have to boil the world down to Republican and Democrat, don't you? Otherwise the Democrat talking points you memorized don't work and you're sure not going to think your way through them
Libertarians and Republicans and Tea Baggers Oh My. All douche bags.

Another vacuous, contentless post from you.

You still trying to figure out how you're not a Democrat shill? I still have nothing back from you on that
I'm not going to waste time trying to convert you. I'll just glow from now until Clinton wins.

Oh, and isn't it strange that no one wants to nominate any of the Republicans who lost to Trump? NO ONE is talking about running Rubio in 2020. Not Jeb, Christie, Ryan, Cruz.

But now Republicans all have a hard on over Pence because he handled himself well in the VP debate. BFD. See you in 4 years.

Exactly, you're a Democrat shill
Those are just right wing talking points. What do you want me to do with that? If you want to have a discussion lets do it but to claim that I or we feel that "government can take care of you and make your decisions for you better than you can".

That's just right wing bullshit. Be more specific. Maybe after the GOP loses another election cycle you'll start to realize your tactics suck and aren't working.

As you just observed I'm libertarian you fucking tool.

You really have to boil the world down to Republican and Democrat, don't you? Otherwise the Democrat talking points you memorized don't work and you're sure not going to think your way through them
Libertarians and Republicans and Tea Baggers Oh My. All douche bags.

Another vacuous, contentless post from you.

You still trying to figure out how you're not a Democrat shill? I still have nothing back from you on that
I'm not going to waste time trying to convert you. I'll just glow from now until Clinton wins.

Oh, and isn't it strange that no one wants to nominate any of the Republicans who lost to Trump? NO ONE is talking about running Rubio in 2020. Not Jeb, Christie, Ryan, Cruz.

But now Republicans all have a hard on over Pence because he handled himself well in the VP debate. BFD. See you in 4 years.

Exactly, you're a Democrat shill
Yes I am. I am so anti Republican I can't stand it. I have been paying very close attention for 45 years and the GOP is evil.
As you just observed I'm libertarian you fucking tool.

You really have to boil the world down to Republican and Democrat, don't you? Otherwise the Democrat talking points you memorized don't work and you're sure not going to think your way through them
Libertarians and Republicans and Tea Baggers Oh My. All douche bags.

Another vacuous, contentless post from you.

You still trying to figure out how you're not a Democrat shill? I still have nothing back from you on that
I'm not going to waste time trying to convert you. I'll just glow from now until Clinton wins.

Oh, and isn't it strange that no one wants to nominate any of the Republicans who lost to Trump? NO ONE is talking about running Rubio in 2020. Not Jeb, Christie, Ryan, Cruz.

But now Republicans all have a hard on over Pence because he handled himself well in the VP debate. BFD. See you in 4 years.

Exactly, you're a Democrat shill
Yes I am. I am so anti Republican I can't stand it. I have been paying very close attention for 45 years and the GOP is evil.

And yet, there's almost no difference between the Republicans and Democrats. You're a couple of government loving dependency whore parties
Libertarians and Republicans and Tea Baggers Oh My. All douche bags.

Another vacuous, contentless post from you.

You still trying to figure out how you're not a Democrat shill? I still have nothing back from you on that
I'm not going to waste time trying to convert you. I'll just glow from now until Clinton wins.

Oh, and isn't it strange that no one wants to nominate any of the Republicans who lost to Trump? NO ONE is talking about running Rubio in 2020. Not Jeb, Christie, Ryan, Cruz.

But now Republicans all have a hard on over Pence because he handled himself well in the VP debate. BFD. See you in 4 years.

Exactly, you're a Democrat shill
Yes I am. I am so anti Republican I can't stand it. I have been paying very close attention for 45 years and the GOP is evil.

And yet, there's almost no difference between the Republicans and Democrats. You're a couple of government loving dependency whore parties
Until 2018 when you go crawling back to the GOP.

In fact, who you voting for Senate house & governor? If you're voting GOP then tell me again how there's no difference between the parties.
45% of you have decided you're voting for trump. This thread isn't for you. This is for the 5% of voters who are undecided.

1. Trump will sign all of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation. Anti abortion, labor, environmental, workers rights, tax breaks to the Rick. Trumps gonna screw us.

2. The supreme Court. He's going to appoint a rwnj. He has to. The religious right endorses trump. Trumps pick will be another yes to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnells agenda too.

A vote for trump is a vote for the GOP agenda. It is not pro worker. And a vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein is a vote for trump.

Trumps a joke and no way he will win but we can't take him lightly. I hear a lot of independent voters who don't realize a vote for trump is a vote for an agenda that doesn't match trumps rhetoric.

We will see this at the vp debate tomorrow.
Another vacuous, contentless post from you.

You still trying to figure out how you're not a Democrat shill? I still have nothing back from you on that
I'm not going to waste time trying to convert you. I'll just glow from now until Clinton wins.

Oh, and isn't it strange that no one wants to nominate any of the Republicans who lost to Trump? NO ONE is talking about running Rubio in 2020. Not Jeb, Christie, Ryan, Cruz.

But now Republicans all have a hard on over Pence because he handled himself well in the VP debate. BFD. See you in 4 years.

Exactly, you're a Democrat shill
Yes I am. I am so anti Republican I can't stand it. I have been paying very close attention for 45 years and the GOP is evil.

And yet, there's almost no difference between the Republicans and Democrats. You're a couple of government loving dependency whore parties
Until 2018 when you go crawling back to the GOP.

In fact, who you voting for Senate house & governor? If you're voting GOP then tell me again how there's no difference between the parties.

I left the GOP in 1990, why would this be the election I'd go back? I see them getting worse, not better.

Democrats just keep your balls in a jar on the mantle, don't they? You're so lost in partisan hackery you can't imagine anyone not being the partisan shill that you are

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