I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?

And all of this while ...

Nolte: Joe Biden’s America Pays Putin $70 Million Per Day for Oil​

Just so the failure is clear:
Because trumps policies all failed. He couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth. Deficits increased every single year drastically. Tariffs led to a giant farmer bailout and nothing much else. He cut back on legal immigration and now there is a worker shorter. Even crime went up. Giant failure.

The right is the party of anger, stupidity and conspiracy theories. They have excuses rather than success.

You keep posting that when nobody cares. Just like you leftists kept posting how Mexico is not paying for the wall. Again, nobody cares.

Trumps border polices were a great success; reduced border crossings by 90% in 2019.
Trumps economic polices great success. Not only did our job creators create more jobs, working Americans paid less taxes.
Trumps attempt at getting rid of Commie Care failed because of RINO's like McCain, but he managed to get rid of Commie Care fines on our least capable of paying them.
Leftists laughed at Trump when he said he would have a vaccine out by 2020, and he had two by the end of that year with a third one on the way.
Leftists blamed Trump for all the covid deaths, and they elected somebody that had more deaths with three vaccines that Trump didn't have.
Trumps energy policies made us the worlds eporter in energy, and kept us under $3.00 a gallon for gasoline in spite of our huge economic success.

So keep telling people what Trump didn't do because NOBODY CARES! We'll stay focused on the main things he did succeed at.
Again UNLIKE You I provide proof!

In 2007, Jeff Bezos, then a multibillionaire and now the world’s richest man, did not pay a penny in federal income taxes.
He achieved the feat again in 2011. In 2018, Tesla founder Elon Musk, the second-richest person in the world,
also paid no federal income taxes.
Michael Bloomberg
managed to do the same in recent years.
Billionaire investor Carl Icahn did it twice.
George Soros
paid no federal income tax three years in a row.
Thanks for making the point for me that the 1% needs to be taxed fairly.
Fact: The President doesn't spend money, the Congress does. The Communists controlled the Congress for half of Trumps term.
Ah, the excuse party again. His policy increased deficits. Repubs had full control his first two years and deficits increased.
You keep posting that when nobody cares. Just like you leftists kept posting how Mexico is not paying for the wall. Again, nobody cares.

Trumps border polices were a great success; reduced border crossings by 90% in 2019.
Trumps economic polices great success. Not only did our job creators create more jobs, working Americans paid less taxes.
Trumps attempt at getting rid of Commie Care failed because of RINO's like McCain, but he managed to get rid of Commie Care fines on our least capable of paying them.
Leftists laughed at Trump when he said he would have a vaccine out by 2020, and he had two by the end of that year with a third one on the way.
Leftists blamed Trump for all the covid deaths, and they elected somebody that had more deaths with three vaccines that Trump didn't have.
Trumps energy policies made us the worlds eporter in energy, and kept us under $3.00 a gallon for gasoline in spite of our huge economic success.

So keep telling people what Trump didn't do because NOBODY CARES! We'll stay focused on the main things he did succeed at.
You don’t care that his major policies all failed? Do you hate your country that much? We can’t afford his level of failure.
You don’t care that his major policies all failed? Do you hate your country that much? We can’t afford his level of failure.

Right, we can't afford that level of failure, so you elected a clown that spent nearly his entire adult life in politics and accomplished nothing, his failure in Afghanistan left us with the most well armed terrorist group in the entire world with 85 billion dollars of US military equipment, record high inflation, a huge labor shortage leading us to a supply chain shortage, a broken border that left us with 2 million untested and unvaxed illegals that he's busing or flying all over the country while hundreds of thousands of Americans have died, and all you're worried about is GDP? Speaking of GDP, the US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you trust your fellow communists reporting.
Right, we can't afford that level of failure, so you elected a clown that spent nearly his entire adult life in politics and accomplished nothing, his failure in Afghanistan left us with the most well armed terrorist group in the entire world with 85 billion dollars of US military equipment, record high inflation, a huge labor shortage leading us to a supply chain shortage, a broken border that left us with 2 million untested and unvaxed illegals that he's busing or flying all over the country while hundreds of thousands of Americans have died, and all you're worried about is GDP? Speaking of GDP, the US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and that's only if you trust your fellow communists reporting.
So you can’t deny the trump failures so now you make shit up about Biden. Trump said he’d get us out of Afghanistan, Biden actually did it. No regrets. Being out a huge success.

Fed fixes inflation, that’s still trumps guy. Another trump failure? And you supported tariffs, but now you have a problem with inflation? Haha
The only reason you communists care about his taxes is because you have nothing else on him. Like your GDP post NOBODY CARES!!!!
His major policy were all a giant failure. That’s a big deal to anyone who loves their country. Clearly you do not.
You're delusional. Every one of those properties are either mortgaged to the hilt or are just bearing his name. And for you to believe the valuations stated here, proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that you are indeed a Trump Sheep. The supposed values of every single one on that list are cooked up for justifying loans and they will never appear on a tax return because he devalues all of that nonsense to avoid taxes. Just look at how much he paid in taxes over the last ten years when they become public. 5 years have already shown he paid next to nothing. Shit! Even he doesn't claim that kind of wealth. My best guess based on others who have looked into it is that his net worth is under 300 Million. And now that the Russia sanctions are imposed and the almost total devaluation of the Ruble, Russia has no money to pay him for all of the suites and offices that they have bought. So, he'll soon be hurtin' for certin'! And that's not even counting the civil torts and other suits and legal fees he faces.

People do not become billionaires by buying bad properties and letting them devalue.
His major policy were all a giant failure. That’s a big deal to anyone who loves their country. Clearly you do not.

What major policy was that? What can be more major than stopping illegals, running our economy at top notch, keeping businesses in the US, low fuel prices and taxes. Name me one thing that's more major than any of those things.
People do not become billionaires by buying bad properties and letting them devalue.
First you have to believe he's a billionaire. Many do not. The reason he only paid $750 in Fed taxes in 2016-17 is that he reported huge losses. Like he always does. He's a scoundrel. When will you come to that realization? Answer: Never
Still with the 2,000,000 illegals lie? And worker shortage had a lot to do with covid and the lies your Orange daddy told to allow it to spread like wildfire, and the rallies with morons not wearing masks because they worship the fuckin' self named "chosen one" Do you even have a single honest cell in your being? Then you fit the mold of Trumpsheep to a T!

Well I'll believe the Border Patrol reports over some blogger on the internet any day of the week. When Dementia got in jobs were available that nobody was taking. That's part of why we have the inflation we've had over the past year or so. He got in with two vaccines and a third one right behind it. Notice when the unemployment numbers improved? That's right, when the pork money stopped in September. Those are reflected in the November jobs numbers right before our most major holiday.

Our state did a study on the additional unemployment numbers. According to them state and fed unemployment paid about 58K a year compared to a working person that pays all those taxes. We still have companies looking for workers because making 58K you can live in your mothers basement for years if you don't wrecklessly spend that money. In fact our Target stores are offering up to $24.00 an hour just to attract workers. The job used to pay 8.00 an hour.
You keep posting that when nobody cares. Just like you leftists kept posting how Mexico is not paying for the wall. Again, nobody cares.

Trumps border polices were a great success; reduced border crossings by 90% in 2019.
Trumps economic polices great success. Not only did our job creators create more jobs, working Americans paid less taxes.
Trumps attempt at getting rid of Commie Care failed because of RINO's like McCain, but he managed to get rid of Commie Care fines on our least capable of paying them.
Leftists laughed at Trump when he said he would have a vaccine out by 2020, and he had two by the end of that year with a third one on the way.
Leftists blamed Trump for all the covid deaths, and they elected somebody that had more deaths with three vaccines that Trump didn't have.
Trumps energy policies made us the worlds eporter in energy, and kept us under $3.00 a gallon for gasoline in spite of our huge economic success.

So keep telling people what Trump didn't do because NOBODY CARES! We'll stay focused on the main things he did succeed at.
Delusions. Are they fun?
First you have to believe he's a billionaire. Many do not. The reason he only paid $750 in Fed taxes in 2016-17 is that he reported huge losses. Like he always does. He's a scoundrel. When will you come to that realization? Answer: Never

So where is this evidence that he paid $750. in taxes? Provide us a reliable link. I have one from ABC that states Trump lost over a billion dollars since announcing his candidacy. How could one lose a billion dollars that he never had? Oh yea, I believe it's an ABC link too so you can't bitch about the source either.
What major policy was that? What can be more major than stopping illegals, running our economy at top notch, keeping businesses in the US, low fuel prices and taxes. Name me one thing that's more major than any of those things.
He didn’t stop illegals, he did stop legal immigrants and now we have a worker shortage. Economy couldn’t hit 3% gdp, that is weak. Deficits increased every single year. Fuel prices are low when the world shuts down, it’s supply and demand. Tax cuts lead to huge deficits. Giant failure.

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