I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?

Of course they did. What makes you think that oil companies don't compete against each other like any other business?

What most people don't understand about energy is that oil companies don't set the price. If they did, they could have been charging $10.00 a gallon for generations. The price is set in the commodities market. It works very similar to e-bay except you are buying product contracts instead of the actual product itself.

Oil is not a poor mans game. If you own an oil contract, every time the price of a barrel changes by one dollar, you make (or lose) $1,000 dollars. That means if you controlled an oil contract since the beginning of this year, you would have made over $25,000 on that one contract. Ten contracts, you would have made a quarter mil.

In any case the market moves quickly. You can make a ton of money or lose a ton of money in hours. So when you see us lose a pro-energy President and replace him with an anti-energy President, how would you invest your money if you were in the oil market?

Dementia did more than talk the talk, he walked the walk. His energy policies have been against lower prices and supply since he entered the White House. True, he can't do anything about contracts or drilling signed under President Trump, but wells don't last forever. They need to be replaced when they run dry.

You only have to read the headlines (not the actual article since it's self explanatory):

November of 2019:

Making History: U.S. Exports More Petroleum Than It Imports In September and October​

In December of last year:

U.S. petroleum exports slightly ahead of imports in first half of 2021​

This is just a week ago:

EIA expects US petroleum trade to shift toward net imports during 2022

Seeing a trend here?
Commodities traders like market fluctuations because they can trade quicker and more frequently on the speculations. We need to create new energies and new attitudes before global warming becomes irreversible if it hasn't already. Big oil has been lying to America and the world since the turn of the 20th century. We understand why traders and big oil want it to remain the same. But that's unsustainable.
No, a nuke landing on your head because we no longer have lower fuel prices to use as leverage against Putin's plans. Had we remained the worlds exporter in energy, we could have buried the market in oil bringing the price to it's lowest level in a long time. That means Putin's oil would be worth much less. Furthermore if we apply any major sanctions on Russia, they will cut our oil supply and that puts us in a recession that could last God knows how many years.

Since we have no financial leverage against Putin, he's assuming our only other alternative to his actions are military. If we have to resort to that, better keep your eye in the sky.
You just made the case for a move away from fossil fuels. But your heroes in the POP have resisted change for their own financial purposes. Time for new thinking. Time for policies that benefit someone beside the wealthy.
A Moral Narcissist and Marxist fan boy created the last three biased and incorrect posts.
We can only hope they move on (away)

Remember folks.

No, it's because I know so much more about the subject than you do.

Yes, best economy in 50 years. Before covid hit we had a million more jobs than Americans who could do them. Can you tell me the last time we had an economy like that? I'm 61 years old now and I don't ever recall that in my life. Under Trump new stock market highs, the lowest unemployment for women and every minority group since records were kept, a new high in median household income.
Then I challenge you to look at the economy under Clinton. This is the formula that Biden was trying to reestablish. But your POP were having none of it because they want to protect the 1%. Their lords and masters.
The industry has more leases than ever before and there is no moratorium on new exploration

It had no effect on current leases or current projects. They did pause new drilling permits but that was the first to go.

Wasn't April 2020 the month oil sold for a negative dollar amount.

Some things never change. The GOP bragged about gas prices during the middle of the recession as if it was a good thing for Bush too.
You know the BIG BIG difference between my comments and yours?
PROOF! You offer NO links. Just your uninformed GUESSES!
No one believes a word you write as there are NO links!
You know the BIG BIG difference between my comments and yours?
PROOF! You offer NO links. Just your uninformed GUESSES!
No one believes a word you write as there are NO links!
It's common knowledge that Trumps was leasing land at an accelerated rate, Sucks to be you.
It's common knowledge that Trumps was leasing land at an accelerated rate, Sucks to be you.
Within 2 sentences you contradicted yourself!
YES Trump leased more lands and here is the FACTS...which you didn't provide!
Trump was increasing leases until COVID hit.
And it is THOSE leases that exploration is taking place on today... BUT BIDEN is not signing leases to explore.

Within 2 sentences you contradicted yourself!
YES Trump leased more lands and here is the FACTS...which you didn't provide!
Trump was increasing leases until COVID hit.
And it is THOSE leases that exploration is taking place on today... BUT BIDEN is not signing leases to explore.

View attachment 609212

Like I said there is no shortage of available leased tracks for exportation and no moratorium on exportation.
Like I said there is no shortage of available leased tracks for exportation and no moratorium on exportation.
Exportation? There is NO laws regarding exporting oil.

OH wait... this sounds so much like a Saturday Night Live skit with Emilia Litella!
(Gilda Radner played her)... with modifications of course!
Litella would peer through her reading glasses and, in the character's high-pitched, warbly voice, would read a prepared statement in opposition to an editorial that the TV station had supposedly broadcast. Litella would become increasingly agitated as her statement progressed. Midway in her commentary, it became apparent to the anchor, and the audience, that Litella had misheard or misunderstood the subject of the editorial to which she was responding.
A typical example:
"What is all this fuss I hear about Biden blocking "exportation"... It's terrible!
The news anchor would interrupt Litella to point out her error, along the lines,
"That's 'exploration', Ms. Litella, not 'exportation.'"!
Litella would wrinkle her nose, say something like, "Oh, that's very different,...Never mind!"

The Department of the Interior regulates the extraction of oil and gas from federal lands.

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I truly would like to understand your thinking.
I have no argument with you regarding Trump being a braggart. A loud mouth. All those adjectives you come up with. But in my 60 years of working with bosses, the few that accomplished anything, i.e. got things done were like Trump! And Trump in 3 years because COVID devoured almost all of 2020 news, lives, etc. got things done!
Attached is a list of things Obama wanted and Biden wanted and some are happening now.
So I'm asking those few of you that look beyond the peccadilloes of Trump. Beyond his bragging, etc. and tell me how has Biden with 47 years of political experiences helped the country?
1) Look at today's gas prices: A year ago nationally $2.152... Today nationally $3.321 a $1.169 increase on 54%!

View attachment 553451
Why? look at the attached chart: Obama stopped for all purposes signing and Trump was increasing!
And these are just two charts showing the affect of Obama/Biden on our economy after Trump had done something that hadn't been done for 62 years by other presidents!
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
So gas prices affect EVERYONE here but the attached sheet shows MORE ways Obama now Biden want to shut down our economy!
Why would any president want companies to go bankrupt? Obama did.
Why would any president want 500,000 people let go from 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes?
Why would any president want 34 million barrels of oil per month floating on the open ocean?
Truly those of you that I mentioned earlier that have some intelligence. Can't you look beyond the petty foibles of Trump and see HE GOT THINGS done in just 3 years! And by the way... some of you that are vaccinated... it was Trump's Operation Warp speed that got the FDA going to start in late 2020 vaccinations. Totally done by Trump!
View attachment 553453

View attachment 553454
Because trumps policies all failed. He couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth. Deficits increased every single year drastically. Tariffs led to a giant farmer bailout and nothing much else. He cut back on legal immigration and now there is a worker shorter. Even crime went up. Giant failure.

Biden already hit over 3%
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Then I challenge you to look at the economy under Clinton. This is the formula that Biden was trying to reestablish. But your POP were having none of it because they want to protect the 1%. Their lords and masters.
That was a real economy, and deficits declined….
Exportation? There is NO laws regarding exporting oil.

OH wait... this sounds so much like a Saturday Night Live skit with Emilia Litella!
(Gilda Radner played her)... with modifications of course!
Litella would peer through her reading glasses and, in the character's high-pitched, warbly voice, would read a prepared statement in opposition to an editorial that the TV station had supposedly broadcast. Litella would become increasingly agitated as her statement progressed. Midway in her commentary, it became apparent to the anchor, and the audience, that Litella had misheard or misunderstood the subject of the editorial to which she was responding.
A typical example:
"What is all this fuss I hear about Biden blocking "exportation"... It's terrible!
The news anchor would interrupt Litella to point out her error, along the lines,
"That's 'extraction', Ms. Litella, not 'exportation.'"!
Litella would wrinkle her nose, say something like, "Oh, that's very different,...Never mind!"

The Department of the Interior regulates the extraction of oil and gas from federal lands.

Keep pretending that wasn't a claim I was responding too.

"Next he halted all new oil exploration and drilling on public land"

Now Emily can say "Oh, that's different. Never mind."

Because trumps policies all failed. He couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth. Deficits increased every single year drastically. Tariffs lead to a giant farmer bailout and nothing much else. He cut back on legal immigration and now there is a worker shorter. Even crime went up. Giant failure.

Biden already hit over 3%

Is lying a prerequisite for being a leftist or what?

We had a country with a million more jobs than Americans who could do them. How much more growth do you want than that to call Trump a success, two million more jobs? Trump cut legal immigration? Have a link to that claim? Dementia allowed over 2 million more illegals in this country last year. There is no shortage of workers when your incompetent President allows something like that to happen. The worker shortage was because that imbecile and his cohorts paid people more money to stay home than go to work. How do you talk about deficits when it was the Communists who had control over the House half of Trump's presidency?
Not really. Do you?
Was anti busing like BIDEN. Money should have gone to improving neighborhood schools, not bussing kids all over town. That was just my opinion. Just like I think he could have made a better pick than Kamala. Unfortunately presidents have to pay attention to all the different voices in there party. Unfortunately the last president only heard his own voice.
Is lying a prerequisite for being a leftist or what?

We had a country with a million more jobs than Americans who could do them. How much more growth do you want than that to call Trump a success, two million more jobs? Trump cut legal immigration? Have a link to that claim? Dementia allowed over 2 million more illegals in this country last year. There is no shortage of workers when your incompetent President allows something like that to happen. The worker shortage was because that imbecile and his cohorts paid people more money to stay home than go to work. How do you talk about deficits when it was the Communists who had control over the House half of Trump's presidency?
You call me a liar but can’t actually deny any of my facts? Unemployment rate was low when trump took office, much lower than when he left. It had also been trending down for like 6 years and continued that trend. Trump policy just didn’t mess it up. That’s luck, not an accomplishment.
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Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?​

Umm can you point out an intelligent, thoughtful and logical biden supporter?
I have yet to meet one.
This personal insult stuff serves no good purpose, Why would any one want us divided? cry complain if you must, but is not the goal suppose to be the UNITED States of America?

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