I hope the fact that even though no one listens, I keep putting out speeches, proves


Nov 17, 2011
I hope the fact that even though no one listens, I keep putting out speeches, proves to you that I have faith.
Other possibility is that I am insane, but that scientifically is impossible, because the world governments have already taken up that position

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQvxBx1XeyY&feature=youtube_gdata]pvsi.net July 21 message to the intelligent souls - YouTube[/ame]


Intelligent souls. the 6 billion humans on this planet, consists mostly of ignorant animals. these animals have voting rights and they destroy any meaning of democracy, because while they are divided by parties, religions, countries and even races, they are well united by the media, which, controlled by the very few, manipulates them as one mass, one large animal. most of these ignorant animals sense, that there is a problem with the way things are run, and they are not very happy, but they are incapable to orientate in which direction to turn. we should not hate these animals, but it is up to us, the intelligent souls to start a new government system. first of all, do not be discouraged, because the new government system will not require any funding, or any sacrifices other then sharing the message of the new government system. Those who control the two legged animal kingdom, are losing control of their flock. if we, the intelligent people, can not unite and create a new world government, it shall be proven to us, that we are no better, and no more deserving then the ignorant animals:

The communists in Russia, national socialists in Germany, todays democrat and republican party, all had and have one thing in common: they all had the scape goat: communists blamed the wealthy land owners, national socialists blamed the Jews, American conservatives blame the liberals, and liberals blame the conservatives. But the new world government, shall address the root of the problem. the new world government shall not be ruled or manipulated by the super rich. it shall be ruled by people with term limits, who are not and have not been a part of any secret society, or religion.

If Jesus, Moses, or Mohammad would be here today, they would all praise me for saying this: religions, were written after them, and it is time, to rewrite the religion in order to unite all people in todays technologically advanced age. as God is my witness, I swear on everything that I have, including my soul, that if I would be the president of the United States, (which I will never be, a leader maybe, but not a president) I, would go to the Muslim nations, such as Iran, tomorrow, talk to their leaders, and in exchange for peace, love, and unity, they, and their top clerics, would all agree to abandon Islam, and we would abandon Christianity, and Jews would abandon Judaism, in order to go back and be able to focus better, on what the prophets were actually teaching.

Now you may ask yourself, "who the hell is this guy, to promise such miracles???".... let me tell you who I am...I am someone who is not on television, and I am very proud not to be associated with those hypocrites, whose whole careers, are blaming someone else. I am a simple man, with a vision. But A much better question you should ask yourself is "who are your leaders on television? where would they be without the publicity of the establishment media? and what is the purpose of elections, if not to replace the establishment?.....what does it take to become the establishment? and where does the money come from to create the establishment?

America, has been completely sold. all we have left is freedom. without love and understanding of our neighbors, and unity, this freedom will be used to kill, steal, and rape. There is a sick animal, inside each and everyone of us, who wishes, for the destruction, in hopes that there will be some left overs for us. I would like to invite you, into another world, which I have found, a world which I am already a part of. it is politicians on television, and the preachers in churches who will be asking you for donations, not me. I will not ever accept donations, even if you offer. I am not promoting my name, because it does not matter who I am, but you can hear it in the tone of my voice, that I speak from my heart. and what is important is my message and not me. you shall never know, who I am, but our unity is vital, just like if you were lost in the jungle, which you are.

Imagine the world, where no one can bribe the government to pass stupid laws, so that the criminals can profit at the cost of working class. a world, where for entertainment, instead of watching countries get blown up and soldiers dying, we can watch the actual crooks who start these wars, put in the ring and forced to fight it out themselves, a world where only creativity and hard work brings wealth, not deceiving or other criminal activities. such a world is possible, and for you to turn away from this vision, is an absolute crime. the solution, is pvsi.net:
Getting rid of religions would be a good start. That's where all the lies originated.
CaféAuLait;5661068 said:
Getting rid of religions would be a good start. That's where all the lies originated.

Strange how ‘choice’ is preached by some on the left but demand that you can’t practice your beliefs.
The difference between beliefs and cults is... can you guess?
Getting rid of religions would be a good start. That's where all the lies originated.

You have no faith Lakhota? I realize you worship at the foot of your Obama god and all and have no link to your brothers and your sisters, but no faith at all?
Getting rid of religions would be a good start. That's where all the lies originated.

You have no faith Lakhota? I realize you worship at the foot of your Obama god and all and have no link to your brothers and your sisters, but no faith at all?
I'm not sure liberals so much worship Obama as they despise the conservative appointed judges who passed the Obamney care

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