I Just Flew In :D

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Hello everybody, this is currently my silver lining to an upsetting day. For the last forum I was on people weren't being treated fairly and I wasn't allowed to be myself. Cause I was a part of a Christian forum and they didn't like the fact that I love Harry Potter and Halloween and all kinds of spooky things. However, it looks like I'm really going to like it here because there's a variety of things on here for me to do and there's even a category for religion. :)

Not to mention the fact that I am a Conservative and I'm not sure what the main political views are on here but I really like what the top of the page says that this is a place where our voices count and that's an important part of being an American to me. So although it didn't work out for me on my other forum, it looks like I will be free to be myself on here. I am very friendly, love animals, and love to write. My first name is April but I also like to be called my nickname of Rilly. I can't wait to meet you all and hopefully there will be some other Potterheads on here that I can find that love Jesus as well. :)

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Welcome to the site, Potterhead. There are MANY conservatives on this site, (myself included.) You'll feel right at home here.

Thank you for the welcome and btw a couple of things that I forgot to mention about myself. I'm obviously a Hufflepuff which is why I posted that picture and I have special needs. Also, I see that you liked my second comment. Was it because it talked about Jesus, Trump, or both? (For the record the magic in Harry Potter to me isn't like the kind of magic that the Bible speaks against and it's fake as well. :) Also, to me,.. Halloween is just about costumes, candy, pumpkins, parties and hayrides. :D)

:welcome: now escape while you still can :scared1:

Huh?? Why I just got here lol

Umm,.. Jesus is my Lord and Savior but I am a Trump supporter. :)
No problem. Lots of other people here are labeled as rinos too.

Hmm,.. that's interesting. Your siggy says that God loves you even if fake Christians don't That must mean that you're a Christian too. :)

Read all the books, seen, and own, all the movies.

But, that's as far as it goes.

as one of the Resident Gods of the Board, :) (we prefer to be referred to as Mods), I hope you take time to read the USMB Rules and Guidelines
Btw, thank you everybody for the welcome. I'm going to go get some things done but I'll be around the forum more later on. Oh and with me,.. you're going to get a lot of fun and interesting games and activities in the general discussion area. Ever been to Disneyland before? Well you can now go there virtually. Want to go camping? You can do that as well. ;) Talk to you guys later!! :D

Read all the books, seen, and own, all the movies.

But, that's as far as it goes.

as one of the Resident Gods of the Board, :) (we prefer to be referred to as Mods), I hope you take time to read the USMB Rules and Guidelines

Thanks I read all of the rules before I posted here and I don't think I should have a problem with any of them because I am a very kind person and mostly they were all about not posting hateful comments. Thank you for the welcome though. :)
Hello everybody, this is currently my silver lining to an upsetting day. For the last forum I was on people weren't being treated fairly and I wasn't allowed to be myself. Cause I was a part of a Christian forum and they didn't like the fact that I love Harry Potter and Halloween and all kinds of spooky things. However, it looks like I'm really going to like it here because there's a variety of things on here for me to do and there's even a category for religion. :)

Not to mention the fact that I am a Conservative and I'm not sure what the main political views are on here but I really like what the top of the page says that this is a place where our voices count and that's an important part of being an American to me. So although it didn't work out for me on my other forum, it looks like I will be free to be myself on here. I am very friendly, love animals, and love to write. My first name is April but I also like to be called my nickname of Rilly. I can't wait to meet you all and hopefully there will be some other Potterheads on here that I can find that love Jesus as well. :)

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Hi Potterhead2021
I find the Conservatives do better arguing politics because of Constitutional principles Liberals won't cite if they don't believe in people being the government by these laws. They use majority rule and parties to establish their beliefs, so that becomes self defeating and contradictory.

The secular thinkers do better arguing in the religion section because Christians and Theists cannot prove what is faith based. Any arguments there either go in circles or end with nothing proven, just people preaching to the choir. The most that can be resolved is learning that arguing using your own beliefs or ways of saying things isn't going to translate to the people who disagree since you aren't even speaking the same language.

For that matter, I tend to promote research and understanding into Christian spiritual healing as a better approach than arguing over proof of people's beliefs.

If you want to discuss WHY Christians say nix to dark energy witchcraft, we can share experiences and ideas there!

As for politics, the board and Mods favor free speech: except for Clean Debate Zone and places that have specific rules for staying on topic, the two main rules are if you post a citation in your Original Post, you need a line of personal comment not just posting a link (also no spam advertising, or redirecting traffic, the usual rules). If you post a reply, at least one line must relate to the Original Post or topic. This rule loses some ppl who cannot handle 99% of a post being personal attacks while only 1 part touched the topic. But Mods will let things stand and not delete msgs as long as 1 line relates to the OP topic. Very open to getting personal so this can cause complaints.

But you have your free speech here for sure! Enjoy and I look forward to hearing from you and reading what you share

Yours truly
Houston TX
Univeralist Christian/Constitutionalist
Hey can one of you do me a HUGE favor?? (I think this is allowed to be asked and there's no harm in trying) Can one of you please go to www.christianityboard.com and look for a member by the name of JohnDB and tell him that April is looking for him underneath the username Potterhead2021. I think he will really like this place and I would tell him myself but I am banned from there for reasons listed in my OP. Actually, he probably would like it a LOT better here than there. So if you could please sign up for there just to get him for me I would really appreciate it. :smiliehug:
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Hey can one of you do me a HUGE favor?? (I think this is allowed to be asked and there's no harm in trying) Can one of you please go to www.christianityboards.com and look for a member by the name of JohnDB and tell him that April is looking for him underneath the username Potterhead2021. I think he will really like this place and I would tell him myself but I am banned from there for reasons listed in my OP. Actually, he probably would like it a LOT better here than there. So if you could please sign up for there just to get him for me I would really appreciate it. :smiliehug:

Uh ... You don't want to know what John said about you.
We are willing to give you a chance to get settled in.

Welcome Aboard

Hey can one of you do me a HUGE favor?? (I think this is allowed to be asked and there's no harm in trying) Can one of you please go to www.christianityboards.com and look for a member by the name of JohnDB and tell him that April is looking for him underneath the username Potterhead2021. I think he will really like this place and I would tell him myself but I am banned from there for reasons listed in my OP. Actually, he probably would like it a LOT better here than there. So if you could please sign up for there just to get him for me I would really appreciate it. :smiliehug:

Uh ... You don't want to know what John said about you.
We are willing to give you a chance to get settled in.

Welcome Aboard


Actually it might be Christianityboard but you know JohnDB?? Thanks but was that question not allowed? I really want him to be here. He's my best friend. :(
Actually it might be Christianityboard but you know JohnDB?? Thanks but was that question not allowed? I really want him to be here. He's my best friend. :(

Don't worry, it was just a joke and I don't know, and haven't really spoken with John.

There is a rule against "linking to, discussing, or promoting other Message Boards" ...
However, I am not a Mod, and won't Report you either.

There are other rules referring to offsite links to possible "data mining and personal information"
I am not aware of how business is handled at the site you referenced, or if that even applies.

Anyway ... Enjoy Your Stay.


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