I just invented the apple upside down pie........


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
No I didn't drop it.

Make and bake your apple pie according to instructions.
When done, remove it from the oven and place on stove top to cool.
Forget to turn off the burner you were cooking diner with that you placed the baked pie on top of and walk away for about a half hour........
When you realize from the burning smell that's something's wrong run back in the kitchen, remove the pie from the burner, turn the burner off and cuss (optional) for about five minutes.
when pie has cooled enough turn it over on a plate and cut the charred bottom off, discard burnt, bottom crust.
And there you have it, apple upside down pie.
I don't see cussing as "optional" in that situation...I believe it's a requirement! :)
Whoever came up with the expression "Easy as apple pie" was an alien.
Sorry, Ringel. Bet it was still good with some ice cream on it, though. Maybe a little "smoky?"

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