I look african american

You need to get a grip and accept yourself for what you are. Quit worrying so much about trying to be somebody else, and be you. You suck at being somebody else.
No. Looks like a douchey white dude with a bunch of trashy tattoos no one will take seriously to me.

And there is no such thing as African American. You're either born in America and American or you're born in Africa and you're African.

African American denotes being black. Elon musk and Charlize Theron are both from Africa so are millions of other white people and Indian descent people.
My Italian cousin looks like the Poster Boy for Islamist suicide bombers. In the past ten years he has been stopped at airports, in traffic, and in malls, by officials simply trying to be cautious. Fortunately he has a good sense of humor. His first response is, "Hey, Paisano!"

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