I Love The left

Today the Chinese credit-rating agency Dagong Global Credit cut its rating of the U.S. by one notch to A-minus from A. The agency said that the agreement in Washington between Democrats and Republicans to reopen the government and come to a temporary debt deal does not defuse worries in the long term. When the news broke, gold prices spiked about $40 higher.
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Frankly, there are leaders on both sides who should be tried for their crimes against freedom... but that's another story entirely.

I agree, Congress needs to be collectively hanged. Chris Christie, love him or hate him, was being honest and stating the obvious: "If I was in the Senate I'd kill myself".

He VOTED, he did not EXTORT. Do you know the difference?

So..... When Unions shut down a Company while on strike, is that 'extortion' too?

If so, then shouldn't they all be in Prison?

Or are you just a hypocritical bitch?

That's what I thought

So you are against it for Repubs but for it for unions.

Way to stand on principals asshole

Comparing the obligations of an elected official to comply with federal law to union workers striking against a private employer???.....(Edge has lost his edge, not that he ever had one in the first place...)
Today the Chinese credit-rating agency Dagong Global Credit cut its rating of the U.S. by one notch to A-minus from A. The agency said that the agreement in Washington between Democrats and Republicans to reopen the government and come to a temporary debt deal does not defuse worries in the long term. When the news broke, gold prices spiked about $40 higher.

Means nothing. In fact, over the last 5 days, Gold is actually down. By $4

All the Chinese are doing is trying to get us to pay a higher interest rate on the money they're lending us. Which is actually our money anyway.

So we take money from the Chinese, turn around and buy Chinese stuff. Then they lend it back to us and we buy more Chinese stuff.

Nobody cares what the Chinese think. We could bankrupt them in a week if we wanted to.

Gold is a hedge against inflation. That's it. It's a HORRIBLE investment, IMO. It's more like gambling than investing.

You buy it, you gotta pay somebody to store it for you, it pays no dividends like stocks do or bonds do, it just sits there and costs you money while you sit at home and hope the cost of it goes up.

Then what? If you redeem it, guess what you get paid with? American dollars.

Gold is a fool's game. Some people have done alright in it but many more have lost or wasted money on it.

Just my $.02
So..... When Unions shut down a Company while on strike, is that 'extortion' too?

If so, then shouldn't they all be in Prison?

Or are you just a hypocritical bitch?

That's what I thought

So you are against it for Repubs but for it for unions.

Way to stand on principals asshole

Comparing the obligations of an elected official to comply with federal law to union workers striking against a private employer???.....(Edge has lost his edge, not that he ever had one in the first place...)

You're a lying douchebag.

The House of Representatives DID comply with federal Law.

They sent a 'budget bill' to the Senate. The Senate didn't like it so they refused to act on it.

The House tried to send several bills to the Senate, but the Senate refused them, too.

If ANYBODY broke the law, it was the Senate.

And you are truly one stupid human being.

And a lying scumbag.

Now, we can argue whether or not the House SHOULD have sent the Senate what they wanted.

We can also argue whether the Senate should have signed what the House sent them.

But I promise you this.... Anybody that says the House 'broke' the law is just too stupid to live.

Take that personally because that's how I meant it
So..... When Unions shut down a Company while on strike, is that 'extortion' too?

If so, then shouldn't they all be in Prison?

Or are you just a hypocritical bitch?

That's what I thought

So you are against it for Repubs but for it for unions.

Way to stand on principals asshole

Way to lie, you lying bitch.

Nowhere did I say I was against Unions shutting down a business through a legal strike. Nowhere.

You're a lying bitch.

I can, and will, spend all day debating anybody on politics, sports, women, cars or anything else I'm interested in and the conversation will stay completely respectful on my part until...

Until you start in with your lying, bullshit, juvenile dimocrap scumbag ways.

Eat shit, bitch. And stop lying.

Wow, you need some Valium or perhaps something a bit more like a lobotomy.
So..... When Unions shut down a Company while on strike, is that 'extortion' too?

If so, then shouldn't they all be in Prison?

Or are you just a hypocritical bitch?

That's what I thought

So you are against it for Repubs but for it for unions.

Way to stand on principals asshole

Way to lie, you lying bitch.

Nowhere did I say I was against Unions shutting down a business through a legal strike. Nowhere.

You're a lying bitch.

I can, and will, spend all day debating anybody on politics, sports, women, cars or anything else I'm interested in and the conversation will stay completely respectful on my part until...

Until you start in with your lying, bullshit, juvenile dimocrap scumbag ways.

Eat shit, bitch. And stop lying.

Cry louder the people in the balcony want to hear
Senators take an oath to uphold the law when they take office, not undermine it to their benefit, nor hold hostage any part of the law for their own personal gain. The Tea Baggers behind the shutdown have broken the law:

Oath of Office
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Discerning folks, because of the 1stAmendment, are able to separate the foolish and the criminal and the well meaning and the keepers in politics.

And a court of law can determine and rule if a civil suit is frivolous or has merit. (Even though most judges are pretty corrupt themselves).
So you are against it for Repubs but for it for unions.

Way to stand on principals asshole

Way to lie, you lying bitch.

Nowhere did I say I was against Unions shutting down a business through a legal strike. Nowhere.

You're a lying bitch.

I can, and will, spend all day debating anybody on politics, sports, women, cars or anything else I'm interested in and the conversation will stay completely respectful on my part until...

Until you start in with your lying, bullshit, juvenile dimocrap scumbag ways.

Eat shit, bitch. And stop lying.

Wow, you need some Valium or perhaps something a bit more like a lobotomy.

Stop lying. It's all I ask.

Is that too much for you?

I've corrected several conservatives in here for posting incorrect information. ALL of them responded in a mature fashion.

But you? Your side?

You're lying scumbags. You'r entire life is a lie. The way you debate is a lie. The way you go through life is lie.

Lying scumbags. All of you.

Nowhere did I say I was against Unions LEGALLY striking an employer and shutting him down.

But a resident dimocrap SCUMBAG comes along and erects a fallacious Straw Man by saying I did.

THAT is a lie.

I did not say it.

And if I were like you (back-stabbing scumbag) I'd report it and try to get the poster punished or banned.

But I'm not. I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.

And you're a piece of shit.

Eat some
Liberal scum don't care if their leaders commit federal crimes with Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, Libya, etc but they want to arrest GOP members for actually following the Constitution....it just shows they are insane in addition to being scum.
Senators take an oath to uphold the law when they take office, not undermine it to their benefit, nor hold hostage any part of the law for their own personal gain. The Tea Baggers behind the shutdown have broken the law:

Oath of Office
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

You are truly an idiot. I mean, a first class moron. Brain damged. Stupid beyond belief.

Let me run this by you one more time.... The House of Representatives DID send the Senate a 'budget bill'.

The Senate didn't like it and refused to act on it.

The House then tried to send over several more bills but the senate refused to act on them, too.

Pleas explain to us how the House 'broke the law'.

You can't. Know why?

All you're doing is repeating lies from DailyKooks or MoveOn.

It's all you're doing.

You bear the responsibility of discerning the truth or falsity of a claim before you post it in here, ergo...

You're a lying bitch
Don't you just love the left?

They love you. They love Republicans too.

Just look.... They want to give elected Representatives an all-expense paid vacation in a Federal Penal facility.

And I'm sure they'd just love to do the same for any and all of you who don't agree with them.

The love.... Feel the love from the left

MoveOn.org Petition Calls For “Arresting And Trying House GOP Leadership For Sedition”…

Via MoveOn.org:


True to their “progressive” roots many are calling for Republicans to be hanged.



Rest here…

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

It's a damned shame there are so many ignorant people in this country. The have no freaking idea what our laws are. Lawmakers are immune from prosecution for everything the do or say in their respective chambers, even for blatant treason like prince harry committed in the well of the senate.
Senators take an oath to uphold the law when they take office, not undermine it to their benefit, nor hold hostage any part of the law for their own personal gain. The Tea Baggers behind the shutdown have broken the law:

Oath of Office
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Funny, your dear leader took the same oath, but you see no problem with him illegally delaying parts of the ACA or ignoring immigrations law or attempting to rule through regulations on things he can't get congress to pass. Your hypocrite is showing!

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