I may not like the police, but I support them


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
I know this is hard for some of you to understand, but you can actually support or take the side of something or someone that you don't like, merely because there might be a bigger danger.

In this case, the bigger danger is criminals. Personally, I'm neither criminal nor police! And that applies to most of us. But in this particular battle, I take the side of the police.
I know this is hard for some of you to understand, but you can actually support or take the side of something or someone that you don't like, merely because there might be a bigger danger.

In this case, the bigger danger is criminals. Personally, I'm neither criminal nor police! And that applies to most of us. But in this particular battle, I take the side of the police.

I support the men in blue when they do their jobs in the manner that they should be done, but I will never support misbehavior just because they are wearing blue.
First, how can you not like the police? If you need them in a pinch, they will be there. Even if you've had bad experiences with some, you can't blame all of them. It's like saying, "I don't like weathermen". Far too generalized a comment.

Support those who do their job professionally and with integrity. The vast majority of police in uniform do a good job and a dangerous one. The best officers rarely require force and it is always in response to a legitimate situation that required it. They should be supported fully as they represent their profession well. Thee officers don't want the bad apples, it's an insult to them also. Which is why they need to be held accountable when they break the law or their oath.

In Canada we have a covert system that undermines our economy and rights. Those in uniform aren't to blame, the covert apparatus is and Canada is getting crushed because of it.
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First, how can you not like the police? If you need them in a pinch, they will be there. Even if you've had bad experiences with some, you can't blame all of them. It's like saying, "I don't like weathermen". Far too generalized a comment.

Support those who do their job professionally and with integrity. The vast majority of police in uniform do a good job and a dangerous one. The best officers rarely require force and it is always in response to a legitimate situation that required it. They should be supported fully as they represent their profession well. Thee officers don't want the bad apples, it's an insult to them also. Which is why they need to be held accountable when they break the law or their oath.

In Canada we have a covert system that undermines our economy and rights. Those in uniform aren't to blame, the covert apparatus is and Canada is getting crushed because of it.
When seconds count, the police are minutes away. Police have their purpose which is to find out what went wrong when a person who illegal breaks into another's property ends up dead because the owner happened to exercise their 2nd amendment rights. Also the police are supposed to be there to uphold the law, but as we have seen, there have been a few bad eggs, that give the rest of the police a bad name.

Liberal Hypocrisy1.jpg
When I was a boy, and later as a man, I've heard the old saying. One aw shit will wipe out a million attaboy's. In other words, one thing you've done wrong will erase a million things you've done right.

Let's pretend for a moment. In this scenario, I'm a Deacon of the Church, a business owner with a fine reputation. I have a good family, and am active in numerous charities. You are my neighbor. We are friends, I stood by your side when your son was injured in a car accident, and you stood by mine when my Mother died. We've shared joys and sorrows together.

One Saturday afternoon you come by and after some small talk ask me for a favor. If anyone asks, I am supposed to tell them you were with me in the basement watching a ballgame on TV. It's nothing important, but you need the favor. I agree, I know you, you are a good man.

Later, I find out that you were a suspect in a hit an run that left a child crippled and brain damaged. The family is seeking answers, and has to face the decision of pulling the plug on their only son.

I remember that the truck you were driving had a broken headlight, but I don't call the police. I know you, and I can't imagine telling your wife, and your kids that I am the one who sent you to prison for this. I know you did it, I know it in my heart. But I also know that no one will challenge my word. I am too well respected, too much a figure in the community.

Besides, I know you also are busy with Charity work. You drive the elderly to the stores and visit with them at the nursing home. You do a lot of good things, and even if you did hit the boy, I'm sure it was an accident.

Am I a good man in that scenario? Or have I destroyed all my good works? I've chosen to lie, to let a guilty man I know go free and to actively cover up the accident that took a life, and shattered a family. I can justify it any number of ways, but in the end I've chosen to do the wrong thing, even if it is for what I believe are the right reasons.

That is where we are with the Police. They turn their backs on misconduct by their fellow officers. They turn their backs on the criminals in their own ranks. When they are faced with the choice of doing the right thing, or not, they choose not when it is a friend, or fellow cop. Yes, they choose to do the wrong thing. They have reasons easily as good as the scenario above. Some would argue they have better reasons.

But how good can those reasons be? A study conducted of Judges, Prosecutors, and Defense Attorneys found that these experts of the legal field believe that cops lie in about one out of five cases. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases going on right now have a lie in there somewhere, told by the police. What does that matter you ask, so long as the criminals are managed.

But what you are accepting is the idea we must have criminals to deal with criminals as a society. Odd isn't it, that you don't argue for greater accountability to drive the criminals from the police force. Odd that you tacitly acknowledge, and then accept as a given that the police will be criminal. But you argue in essence that they aren't criminal 100% of the time, which in your imagination "true" criminals are.

The truth is that nobody is 100% criminal all the time. Murderers have things they care about, family, friends. Hitler supposedly loved animals and children. Castro was a Communist Dictator and people fled the island nation of Cuba in homemade rafts and boats. Yet nobody ever pined for the good old days under Batista. Well other than a few American Business owners.

So what do we say about a group of people who are not evil all the time, but are evil from time to time. Doesn't that evil equal an aw shit? The same cop who spends time consoling a little boy at an accident in a heartwarming act of compassion will turn around and write a report swearing that his fellow officer used only the force required on the handcuffed suspect who was not resisting. Or that cop will swear that the other cop didn't plant the drugs on the guy they were arresting.

What is the difference then? When someone goes to jail for a crime they didn't commit, doesn't that make the cops criminals even if they don't do it every single time?

These are those good cops you are talking about. The ones who conspired to lock up a brother officer in an insane asylum because he had recorded them discussing how to break the law. So where were these good cops protecting us from criminals? Apparently there were none in that entire precinct. Adrian Schoolcraft - Wikipedia

I don't hate the police. I don't trust them. I don't believe them, and I want nothing to do with them. What I want is for them to be what the propaganda says they are. Not faultless defenders of whatever. But good people who do the right thing, and tell the truth. When they have a corrupt officer who is lying, the cops should be lined up to tell their supervisors about it. The supervisors should be lining up to get the guy investigated and fired. A corrupt or bad cop should last about a day before someone is reporting him and getting him off the force.

They last years. They last entire careers, and then they retire. The true extent of their misdeeds may never be known.
First, how can you not like the police? If you need them in a pinch, they will be there. Even if you've had bad experiences with some, you can't blame all of them. It's like saying, "I don't like weathermen". Far too generalized a comment.

Support those who do their job professionally and with integrity. The vast majority of police in uniform do a good job and a dangerous one. The best officers rarely require force and it is always in response to a legitimate situation that required it. They should be supported fully as they represent their profession well. Thee officers don't want the bad apples, it's an insult to them also. Which is why they need to be held accountable when they break the law or their oath.

In Canada we have a covert system that undermines our economy and rights. Those in uniform aren't to blame, the covert apparatus is and Canada is getting crushed because of it.

I know this is hard for some of you to understand, but you can actually support or take the side of something or someone that you don't like, merely because there might be a bigger danger.

In this case, the bigger danger is criminals. Personally, I'm neither criminal nor police! And that applies to most of us. But in this particular battle, I take the side of the police.

I support the men in blue when they do their jobs in the manner that they should be done, but I will never support misbehavior just because they are wearing blue.

So you support obnoxious citizens instead

I know this is hard for some of you to understand, but you can actually support or take the side of something or someone that you don't like, merely because there might be a bigger danger.

In this case, the bigger danger is criminals. Personally, I'm neither criminal nor police! And that applies to most of us. But in this particular battle, I take the side of the police.

I support the men in blue when they do their jobs in the manner that they should be done, but I will never support misbehavior just because they are wearing blue.

So you support obnoxious citizens instead


Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.
I know this is hard for some of you to understand, but you can actually support or take the side of something or someone that you don't like, merely because there might be a bigger danger.

In this case, the bigger danger is criminals. Personally, I'm neither criminal nor police! And that applies to most of us. But in this particular battle, I take the side of the police.

I support the men in blue when they do their jobs in the manner that they should be done, but I will never support misbehavior just because they are wearing blue.

So you support obnoxious citizens instead


Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room

I know this is hard for some of you to understand, but you can actually support or take the side of something or someone that you don't like, merely because there might be a bigger danger.

In this case, the bigger danger is criminals. Personally, I'm neither criminal nor police! And that applies to most of us. But in this particular battle, I take the side of the police.

I support the men in blue when they do their jobs in the manner that they should be done, but I will never support misbehavior just because they are wearing blue.

So you support obnoxious citizens instead


Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


You think a cop should beat or kill someone for their attitude?
I know this is hard for some of you to understand, but you can actually support or take the side of something or someone that you don't like, merely because there might be a bigger danger.

In this case, the bigger danger is criminals. Personally, I'm neither criminal nor police! And that applies to most of us. But in this particular battle, I take the side of the police.

I support the men in blue when they do their jobs in the manner that they should be done, but I will never support misbehavior just because they are wearing blue.

So you support obnoxious citizens instead


Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


Contempt of court is a crime. Contempt of cop is not. Want to make it a crime? Pass a law.
I know this is hard for some of you to understand, but you can actually support or take the side of something or someone that you don't like, merely because there might be a bigger danger.

In this case, the bigger danger is criminals. Personally, I'm neither criminal nor police! And that applies to most of us. But in this particular battle, I take the side of the police.

I support the men in blue when they do their jobs in the manner that they should be done, but I will never support misbehavior just because they are wearing blue.

So you support obnoxious citizens instead


Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


Contempt of court is a crime. Contempt of cop is not. Want to make it a crime? Pass a law.

Your on the fucking streets, you want to be disrespectful and obnoxious to cops? I have no problem if they beat the crap out of you.

Save it for the court room.

I support the men in blue when they do their jobs in the manner that they should be done, but I will never support misbehavior just because they are wearing blue.

So you support obnoxious citizens instead


Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


Contempt of court is a crime. Contempt of cop is not. Want to make it a crime? Pass a law.

Your on the fucking streets, you want to be disrespectful and obnoxious to cops? I have no problem if they beat the crap out of you.

Save it for the court room.


Why? The cops will just bust you for reporting their misconduct.

The courts, just like you, take the cops side.
I support the men in blue when they do their jobs in the manner that they should be done, but I will never support misbehavior just because they are wearing blue.

So you support obnoxious citizens instead


Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


Contempt of court is a crime. Contempt of cop is not. Want to make it a crime? Pass a law.

Your on the fucking streets, you want to be disrespectful and obnoxious to cops? I have no problem if they beat the crap out of you.

Save it for the court room.


Of course you don't, but you're a pig.
So you support obnoxious citizens instead


Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


Contempt of court is a crime. Contempt of cop is not. Want to make it a crime? Pass a law.

Your on the fucking streets, you want to be disrespectful and obnoxious to cops? I have no problem if they beat the crap out of you.

Save it for the court room.


Why? The cops will just bust you for reporting their misconduct.

The courts, just like you, take the cops side.

Not if you act like a god damn decent human being...

That's your fucking problem clown..
So you support obnoxious citizens instead


Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


Contempt of court is a crime. Contempt of cop is not. Want to make it a crime? Pass a law.

Your on the fucking streets, you want to be disrespectful and obnoxious to cops? I have no problem if they beat the crap out of you.

Save it for the court room.


Of course you don't, but you're a pig.

No I am a realist.. I am not going to sugar coat this, you don't want to get your ass kicked you don't want to get shot?

Show the cops God damn respect and don't act like a obnoxious Jack ass.

.then you will live to see another day.

Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


Contempt of court is a crime. Contempt of cop is not. Want to make it a crime? Pass a law.

Your on the fucking streets, you want to be disrespectful and obnoxious to cops? I have no problem if they beat the crap out of you.

Save it for the court room.


Of course you don't, but you're a pig.

No I am a realist.. I am not going to sugar coat this, you don't want to get your ass kicked you don't want to get shot?

Show the cops God damn respect and don't act like a obnoxious Jack ass.

.then you will live to see another day.


Nope. I as right the first time. You are a pig. Cops aren't allowed to behave like that just because someone doesn't kiss their ass.
Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


Contempt of court is a crime. Contempt of cop is not. Want to make it a crime? Pass a law.

Your on the fucking streets, you want to be disrespectful and obnoxious to cops? I have no problem if they beat the crap out of you.

Save it for the court room.


Why? The cops will just bust you for reporting their misconduct.

The courts, just like you, take the cops side.

Not if you act like a god damn decent human being...

That's your fucking problem clown..

So the woman asked to be sexually assaulted by her behavior? Do women who don't dress the way you believe they should ask to be raped?
Not what I said, but being obnoxious is legal. Cops aren't supposed to beat or kill anyone just for their attitude.

Any smart person would save it for the court room


Contempt of court is a crime. Contempt of cop is not. Want to make it a crime? Pass a law.

Your on the fucking streets, you want to be disrespectful and obnoxious to cops? I have no problem if they beat the crap out of you.

Save it for the court room.


Of course you don't, but you're a pig.

No I am a realist.. I am not going to sugar coat this, you don't want to get your ass kicked you don't want to get shot?

Show the cops God damn respect and don't act like a obnoxious Jack ass.

.then you will live to see another day.


So fear the police. Because even if it is wrong and illegal for them to do something they have every right to do whatever they want?

So you support them acting like thugs, the very thugs they supposedly are there to stop. Besides might makes right what justification do you have?
You may not like the police and you may may not have a brain. ah ahhhhh ah ah, ahhh ah ahhh ah ah.

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