I meet nice black folks everyday

Despite the street trash you see on TV!!

I can tell you that most blacks are just trying to get through this crazy world like anyone else
I can attest that I meet many nice ones at work
I do not meet them every day, since now I am retired. I have met far far more good ones than bad ones during my life and worked with many.
Despite the street trash you see on TV!!

I can tell you that most blacks are just trying to get through this crazy world like anyone else
I can attest that I meet many nice ones at work
People are people. There are good ones, bad ones and trash in all races. The problem some black people have today is that they believe the propaganda the liberals have been feeding them ever since LBJ and his racist buddies started his “great society” that was responsible for the destruction of the black family dynamic. Now instead of the vibrant and growing black middle class of post WWII, you have a few very rich black entertainers and sports players, many thousands of educated and successful black professionals. All of whom have moved into the white suburbs and bastions of the wealthy instead of improving the neighborhoods they grew up in. The average remaining inner city black is poorly educated and poor largely because he or she thinks that being educated and well-spoken is being anti-black. The key to succeeding in America has always been education, that’s why black immigrants universally scorn African-Americans for wasting the opportunities that the African-American’s ancestors fought and died for right alongside the whites, Latinos, native Americans and Asians in the revolution, War of 1812,civil war, WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
At my franchise job in central Vegas I meet them all

3/4 of the blacks are very polite and nice . Many are very ghetto but they just want to be treated fairly . I don’t sense any racial problems
The other 1/4th I can’t elaborate on !!Very violent and dangerous
Despite the street trash you see on TV!!

I can tell you that most blacks are just trying to get through this crazy world like anyone else
I can attest that I meet many nice ones at work
Except for 1/4 th of them. LOL.
Despite the street trash you see on TV!!

I can tell you that most blacks are just trying to get through this crazy world like anyone else
I can attest that I meet many nice ones at work
People are people. There are good ones, bad ones and trash in all races. The problem some black people have today is that they believe the propaganda the liberals have been feeding them ever since LBJ and his racist buddies started his “great society” that was responsible for the destruction of the black family dynamic. Now instead of the vibrant and growing black middle class of post WWII, you have a few very rich black entertainers and sports players, many thousands of educated and successful black professionals. All of whom have moved into the white suburbs and bastions of the wealthy instead of improving the neighborhoods they grew up in. The average remaining inner city black is poorly educated and poor largely because he or she thinks that being educated and well-spoken is being anti-black. The key to succeeding in America has always been education, that’s why black immigrants universally scorn African-Americans for wasting the opportunities that the African-American’s ancestors fought and died for right alongside the whites, Latinos, native Americans and Asians in the revolution, War of 1812,civil war, WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
Over twelve-hundred thousand African Americans in WW2 were sent overseas. It was observed that most black soldiers were appointed the task of serving as truck drivers and as stevedores during the war. As mentioned earlier the military maintained a racially segregated force, declaring black soldiers unfit for the combat. Therefore, they were kept from fighting in the front lines along with the white soldiers and given the support duties mostly .

In 1941, the civil right activists and leaders demanded their right to be treated as equal and given the same opportunities at battle fields as their white counterparts. This protest included demand to set up all-black combat unit.

In 1944, during the Battle of the Bulge , African American soldiers were allowed to be a part of combat unit which was previously consisted of all-whites. Surprisingly, over two thousand soldiers were sent to fight at the front lines on voluntary basis.


This decision is regarded as a crucial step toward the desegregation of American military. African American soldier fought with great valor and courage during the World War II sacrificing 708 of their soldiers in the combat.
Despite the street trash you see on TV!!

I can tell you that most blacks are just trying to get through this crazy world like anyone else
I can attest that I meet many nice ones at work
People are people. There are good ones, bad ones and trash in all races. The problem some black people have today is that they believe the propaganda the liberals have been feeding them ever since LBJ and his racist buddies started his “great society” that was responsible for the destruction of the black family dynamic. Now instead of the vibrant and growing black middle class of post WWII, you have a few very rich black entertainers and sports players, many thousands of educated and successful black professionals. All of whom have moved into the white suburbs and bastions of the wealthy instead of improving the neighborhoods they grew up in. The average remaining inner city black is poorly educated and poor largely because he or she thinks that being educated and well-spoken is being anti-black. The key to succeeding in America has always been education, that’s why black immigrants universally scorn African-Americans for wasting the opportunities that the African-American’s ancestors fought and died for right alongside the whites, Latinos, native Americans and Asians in the revolution, War of 1812,civil war, WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
Over twelve-hundred thousand African Americans in WW2 were sent overseas. It was observed that most black soldiers were appointed the task of serving as truck drivers and as stevedores during the war. As mentioned earlier the military maintained a racially segregated force, declaring black soldiers unfit for the combat. Therefore, they were kept from fighting in the front lines along with the white soldiers and given the support duties mostly .

In 1941, the civil right activists and leaders demanded their right to be treated as equal and given the same opportunities at battle fields as their white counterparts. This protest included demand to set up all-black combat unit.

In 1944, during the Battle of the Bulge , African American soldiers were allowed to be a part of combat unit which was previously consisted of all-whites. Surprisingly, over two thousand soldiers were sent to fight at the front lines on voluntary basis.

View attachment 392621

This decision is regarded as a crucial step toward the desegregation of American military. African American soldier fought with great valor and courage during the World War II sacrificing 708 of their soldiers in the combat.
Up until Wilson’s presidency, blacks fought alongside all other races in American wars with great valor. Skin color has nothing to do with character or bravery. Wilson was a bigot and racist.
Despite the street trash you see on TV!!

I can tell you that most blacks are just trying to get through this crazy world like anyone else
I can attest that I meet many nice ones at work
Isn't it funny that you felt it was so unusual that it warranted a thread? All of us know blacks that are just like us. The bad people that are burning , looting, assaulting are both black and white and are lower IQs.
Despite the street trash you see on TV!!

I can tell you that most blacks are just trying to get through this crazy world like anyone else
I can attest that I meet many nice ones at work
People are people. There are good ones, bad ones and trash in all races. The problem some black people have today is that they believe the propaganda the liberals have been feeding them ever since LBJ and his racist buddies started his “great society” that was responsible for the destruction of the black family dynamic. Now instead of the vibrant and growing black middle class of post WWII, you have a few very rich black entertainers and sports players, many thousands of educated and successful black professionals. All of whom have moved into the white suburbs and bastions of the wealthy instead of improving the neighborhoods they grew up in. The average remaining inner city black is poorly educated and poor largely because he or she thinks that being educated and well-spoken is being anti-black. The key to succeeding in America has always been education, that’s why black immigrants universally scorn African-Americans for wasting the opportunities that the African-American’s ancestors fought and died for right alongside the whites, Latinos, native Americans and Asians in the revolution, War of 1812,civil war, WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
Over twelve-hundred thousand African Americans in WW2 were sent overseas. It was observed that most black soldiers were appointed the task of serving as truck drivers and as stevedores during the war. As mentioned earlier the military maintained a racially segregated force, declaring black soldiers unfit for the combat. Therefore, they were kept from fighting in the front lines along with the white soldiers and given the support duties mostly .

In 1941, the civil right activists and leaders demanded their right to be treated as equal and given the same opportunities at battle fields as their white counterparts. This protest included demand to set up all-black combat unit.

In 1944, during the Battle of the Bulge , African American soldiers were allowed to be a part of combat unit which was previously consisted of all-whites. Surprisingly, over two thousand soldiers were sent to fight at the front lines on voluntary basis.

View attachment 392621

This decision is regarded as a crucial step toward the desegregation of American military. African American soldier fought with great valor and courage during the World War II sacrificing 708 of their soldiers in the combat.
Up until Wilson’s presidency, blacks fought alongside all other races in American wars with great valor. Skin color has nothing to do with character or bravery. Wilson was a bigot and racist.
When President Woodrow Wilson stood before Congress to ask for a formal declaration of war on April 2, 1917, his assertion that the world “must be made safe for democracy” resonated with African American communities as an opportunity to fight for their civil rights within the U.S. as part of a broader crusade to secure democracy for Europe.
Most young African American men were ready and willing to prove their patriotism and their mettle. Over 1 million registered for the draft, of which 370,000 were selected for service, and more than 200,000 were shipped off to Europe.
Despite a push by African American leaders for integrated units, black troops remained segregated, and the vast majority of these new soldiers were used for support and labor, rather than combat. While many young soldiers were probably disappointed to spend the war as truck drivers, stevedores, and laborers, their work was vital to the American effort.
The War Department did agree to train 1,200 black officers at a special camp in Des Moines, Iowa and a total of 1,350 African American officers were commissioned during the War. In the face of public pressure, the Army created two all-black combat units, the 92nd and 93rd Divisions.

African American troops fought at Champagne-Marne, Meuse-Argonne, Belleau Woods, Chateau-Thierry, and other major operations. The 92nd and 93rd sustained over 5,000 casualties, including 1,000 soldiers killed in action. The 93rd included two Medal of Honor recipients, 75 Distinguished Service crosses, and 527 French “Croix du Guerre” medals.
Of course, there are many good people of the ethnicity under discussion.

In fact, some of them are nicer in many ways than other ethnicities whom I have met in my 83 years.

One, for example, helped me get a job that I wanted.
Some, I have noticed, have not ripped me off when they could have.
In some ways, they are more tolerant & less judgmental than other ethnicities.

BUT (and here is the big "but"), an unusually large percentage of their young gentlemen seem prone to senseless violence.

So I AM wary when I walk down the street and see a group of such young gentlemen approaching me. And when I do walk, I stop every every few yards to check who is behind me. Even the Rev. Jessie Jackson once admitted that he would be concerned if he knew that he was being followed at night by a young gentleman of his ethnicity.
Despite the street trash you see on TV!!

I can tell you that most blacks are just trying to get through this crazy world like anyone else
I can attest that I meet many nice ones at work
Isn't it funny that you felt it was so unusual that it warranted a thread? All of us know blacks that are just like us. The bad people that are burning , looting, assaulting are both black and white and are lower IQs.
Blacks are just like us in the human sense, but culturally they are tremendously inferior. Sorry, but not all cultures are equal, but the good news is cultures can be changed for the better. Unfortunately i see zero effort to make changes in the black community. Hopefully they will begin working on it in a few generations, but it will take decades before those efforts pay off, so the sooner they start the better..
The 1/4 are utterly the worst of humanity!!
They’re the lowest of the human race
Despite the street trash you see on TV!!

I can tell you that most blacks are just trying to get through this crazy world like anyone else
I can attest that I meet many nice ones at work
Fake news.
The difference with today are that those soldiers of the two world wars were not mad BLM but rather conservative.

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