I miss Bill Clinton, at least he believed in America

Reagan lied under oath.

Why no impeachment?


More cartoons as if I'm what? Dude I was a kid when Reagan was president. I was worried about getting high and finding a piece of ass. I didn't give a damn about any politician or their lies. You might as well hold me responsible for any mistakes Lincoln made while your at it.

Cartoons about what?

Google Iran/Contra.

Reagan completely lied about it.

Your smiley face. It's as if I'm ignoring facts from last year. If Reagan lied under oath so be it. Hop in your time machine and deal with it. But there's no need to drag me into a contest over it.
Clinton destroyed America with his legislative agenda and disgraced the office with his Impeachment, but I would STILL take him over the rank armature hour we now have.

I disagree, Obama has been the best thing that's ever happened to the Democrat Party. I mean look at the record! Record debt, deficits, no budget, credit downgrade, lost the Kennedy Seat, lost governorship in VA and NJ, swamped in a historic landslide in 2010 and even Axelrod say we can't keep going down the same path!

Does is get any better than that, for now at least?
Of course neocons loved him,Clinton signed welfare reform,bank deregulation and NAFTA.

He was competent and worked with both sides....unlike the current incompetent prez who preaches divisiveness, wealth bashing while he hangs out with wall street and takes all the money they give him.
Of course neocons loved him,Clinton signed welfare reform,bank deregulation and NAFTA.[/QUOTE]

Thank you....FINALLY someone admitting it was the Dems that started it all! Lol!

Except it was legislation authored by Republican, Lindsey Graham. In any case..it wasn't enacted until Bush came to power..

And he had plenty of time..and cause to reverse it. Starting with the Arthur Anderson/Enron meltdown.
This is classic.

Then I guess you guys should have supported putting tax rates back where Clinton put them in 93,

which were higher than even Obama ever proposed.
Clinton was a brilliant politician and knew when to be pragmatic. While I didn't agree with all of his policies I did appreciate his willingness to work with the opposite side.

Right up until they impeached him...and tried to remove him from office..after closing down government twice.

True "Americans".

Void the popular vote with by using extreme political sanctions for trivial matters.

Denying, under oath, that you received a blowjob in the Oval Office when in fact you did isn't a "trivial" matter, Sallow. It's a grave breach of trust and decency.

How is the view from your horse?
Right up until they impeached him...and tried to remove him from office..after closing down government twice.

True "Americans".

Void the popular vote with by using extreme political sanctions for trivial matters.

Denying, under oath, that you received a blowjob in the Oval Office when in fact you did isn't a "trivial" matter, Sallow. It's a grave breach of trust and decency.

How is the view from your horse?

Anyone else who commits perjury in a congressional inquiry should be let off the hook then?

Aren't you sick of the double standard?
Clinton was a brilliant politician and knew when to be pragmatic. While I didn't agree with all of his policies I did appreciate his willingness to work with the opposite side.

Right up until they impeached him...and tried to remove him from office..after closing down government twice.

True "Americans".

Void the popular vote with by using extreme political sanctions for trivial matters.

Denying, under oath, that you received a blowjob in the Oval Office when in fact you did isn't a "trivial" matter, Sallow. It's a grave breach of trust and decency.

Bill Clinton the guy who invented the "Politics of personal destruction" sticks up for Mitt Romney, Bain Capital US Entrepreneurship and free enterprise while the Macaca in Chief centers his campaign around Bain being a financial vampire.

Ahh for the good old days when Democrats believed in America

The Godfather first scene - YouTube

Now Bill Clinton is "Out of control" and sabotaging Obama because he dares to praise a selfmade American success.

Bill Clinton is out of control - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

I'm not sure about this...first Clinton praises Romney, then he does this............

Former President Bill Clinton warned that a Mitt Romney presidency would be "calamitous" for America and the world, going further than even President Barack Obama in depicting the consequences of a return to Republican rule of the White House.

With Obama standing to one side, Clinton slammed the Republican presidential candidate by name.

Clinton: Romney would be 'calamitous' for US | Fox News

What is it he wants??? Sorry...i've never trusted him and have always thought he was a slimeball.

Clinton said Romney was a good businessman..and has a different vision for America then Obama.

And..Romney was a good businessman. He's worth more millions of Americans..combined.

If that's your wish for America..that people that have gobbled up the wealth in the private sector, rule it..

Vote Romney.

Yeah.....that's what we need.....another.....​

Will Obama and the Dems campaign on the stimulative nature of unemployment or is that just a joke?
Will Obama and the Dems campaign on the stimulative nature of unemployment or is that just a joke?

It's a joke in which they already know the punchline and therefore avoid it because it isn't funny and know the outcome.
Clinton destroyed America with his legislative agenda and disgraced the office with his Impeachment, but I would STILL take him over the rank armature hour we now have.

I disagree, Obama has been the best thing that's ever happened to the Democrat Party. I mean look at the record! Record debt, deficits, no budget, credit downgrade, lost the Kennedy Seat, lost governorship in VA and NJ, swamped in a historic landslide in 2010 and even Axelrod say we can't keep going down the same path!

Ya' might want to mention that to "Turtle" McConnell.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-A09a_gHJc]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]​
Clinton destroyed America with his legislative agenda and disgraced the office with his Impeachment, but I would STILL take him over the rank armature hour we now have.

I disagree, Obama has been the best thing that's ever happened to the Democrat Party. I mean look at the record! Record debt, deficits, no budget, credit downgrade, lost the Kennedy Seat, lost governorship in VA and NJ, swamped in a historic landslide in 2010 and even Axelrod say we can't keep going down the same path!

Ya' might want to mention that to "Turtle" McConnell.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-A09a_gHJc]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]​

“The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class, and that gives people a chance to get ahead, and their kids a chance to get ahead, and an economy that continues down the road we’re on,” -- Axelrod who also apparently wants to make Obama a one-termer

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