I miss going out to eat...

The joint up street from me makes a prime rib that melts in yer mouth, i hope they can recover and open again.......~S~

If I want decent prime rib I gotta do for myself. Same thing with barbeque. They just don't know what barbeque is in California. And if I get a yen for hushpuppies, I've gotta make those too. Seafood is scarce as hen's teeth in these parts. Something there was plenty of in the bay area but not up here in the hills. Dayum what I could do to a couple of pounds of king crab legs right about now. That was once my favorite dinner.

Thats what I love about the Gulf Coast. Shit tons of seafood!!!
Although like you I love those two foot long King Crab legs but they're 20 bucks a pound down here.
We'll occasionally splurge and get six pounds or so ....and of course we make a several cups of clarified butter.
I went to Martas this morning. No sign, no menu. Breakfast $4, as usual
Fried farmers cheese, 2 eggs, gallo pinto(bean/rice/spice), couple slabs of smoked bacon,papaya shake, couple tortillas. Normal.
Most others are closed except Mama Anitas across a foot bridge over a river at lunch. Ol lady. No menu. $6.Free extra spoons of whatever you cleaned up heartily. Like grannys house.
Prolly go there Friday or Sat when I go to buy some mountain water for the blind weekend..Love thy neighbors.Both gals are down maybe 75% right now.Us ol farm boys make sure they get a lil something coming in regular.Power company guys too.

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I love me a Long Island Iced Tea!!!
But damn you have to be careful with those things!!!
Another bar north of me serves a Tall Long Island in a wine carafe for 6 bucks a pop. They have about 15 differing versions.

Limit, two per customer if you can still walk.

Our favorite Cajun joint makes some good ones in the ten inch glasses.....no limit.
I found myself at home on several occasions and have no memory of getting there.
The Wife tells me I was driving just fine though.
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The joint up street from me makes a prime rib that melts in yer mouth, i hope they can recover and open again.......~S~

If I want decent prime rib I gotta do for myself. Same thing with barbeque. They just don't know what barbeque is in California. And if I get a yen for hushpuppies, I've gotta make those too. Seafood is scarce as hen's teeth in these parts. Something there was plenty of in the bay area but not up here in the hills. Dayum what I could do to a couple of pounds of king crab legs right about now. That was once my favorite dinner.

Thats what I love about the Gulf Coast. Shit tons of seafood!!!
Although like you I love those two foot long King Crab legs but they're 20 bucks a pound down here.
We'll occasionally splurge and get six pounds or so ....and of course we make a several cups of clarified butter.
Well it's not cheap in California either but I got hooked on them in Alaska where it was both fresh and cheap. Well cheap by Alaskan standards anyway which was expensive as hell back then.
There was a place in Sunset Beach CA who's house special was two pounds of King Crab legs. I was going with the wife back then and we'd go for any special occasion or halfway decent excuse. She'd pack away all two pounds by herself which a lot of people had a hard time believing.
That was the Sandcastle but it's gone now. However a place across the road called Captain Jack's is still there and they had great food too. It's hard to believe they are still there after all these years. When things return to normalcy we just might take a trip to see the captain. I see they have king crab on the menu and that's a good enough excuse.
I hate eating at restaurants. Take out is ok once in a while, but that’s it.

Fuck take out!!!
Every once in a while it's nice to sit back and be served.
No cooking and no clean up.
With a white tablecloth and tinkly piano music in the background and butter pats that aren't wrapped in foil. I may have to drive a couple hundred miles to get to one, but by Jesus, I'm headed to a fancy restaurant when they let me out of here!!!!
The joint up street from me makes a prime rib that melts in yer mouth, i hope they can recover and open again.......~S~

If I want decent prime rib I gotta do for myself. Same thing with barbeque. They just don't know what barbeque is in California. And if I get a yen for hushpuppies, I've gotta make those too. Seafood is scarce as hen's teeth in these parts. Something there was plenty of in the bay area but not up here in the hills. Dayum what I could do to a couple of pounds of king crab legs right about now. That was once my favorite dinner.

Thats what I love about the Gulf Coast. Shit tons of seafood!!!
Although like you I love those two foot long King Crab legs but they're 20 bucks a pound down here.
We'll occasionally splurge and get six pounds or so ....and of course we make a several cups of clarified butter.
Well it's not cheap in California either but I got hooked on them in Alaska where it was both fresh and cheap. Well cheap by Alaskan standards anyway which was expensive as hell back then.
There was a place in Sunset Beach CA who's house special was two pounds of King Crab legs. I was going with the wife back then and we'd go for any special occasion or halfway decent excuse. She'd pack away all two pounds by herself which a lot of people had a hard time believing.
That was the Sandcastle but it's gone now. However a place across the road called Captain Jack's is still there and they had great food too. It's hard to believe they are still there after all these years. When things return to normalcy we just might take a trip to see the captain. I see they have king crab on the menu and that's a good enough excuse.

We make em ourselves since they come pre steamed and all you have to do is reheat em.
There's nothing better than biting into a piece of crab as thick as your forearm and a foot long!!!!
I usually regret all the butter consumption the next day but it's worth it!!!
Paint me a romantic ......but......i'm often out in the gawd's country looking for a quick blue plate special working...i miss the old waitresses asking "would you like some more coffee sunshine?"

I hate eating at restaurants. Take out is ok once in a while, but that’s it.

Fuck take out!!!
Every once in a while it's nice to sit back and be served.
No cooking and no clean up.
With a white tablecloth and tinkly piano music in the background and butter pats that aren't wrapped in foil. I may have to drive a couple hundred miles to get to one, but by Jesus, I'm headed to a fancy restaurant when they let me out of here!!!!

For me it doesn't have to be fancy....it just has to be really good food!!
Oh....and a well stocked bar doesnt hurt.
I dont know about the rest of y'all but I'm sick of chain restaurants and look for Mom and Pop places that cook like their livelihood depends on it. Because it does,and they usually cook because they love to.
One of the simple pleasures in life, especially as me and wife get older, is going out to eat. We usually eat out at least once a week. I hope this lockdown ends soon.

It's funny you brought it up.
I was BSing with the pool guy this morning and he said the same thing.
I miss going out to eat too. I used to go out for steak or wings once a week
I hate eating at restaurants. Take out is ok once in a while, but that’s it.

Fuck take out!!!
Every once in a while it's nice to sit back and be served.
No cooking and no clean up.
No idea what really happened to (or is in) your food.

Annoying waiter/waitress, crowds, waiting around, price gouging...

...and do not get me started on tipping.
The joint up street from me makes a prime rib that melts in yer mouth, i hope they can recover and open again.......~S~

If I want decent prime rib I gotta do for myself. Same thing with barbeque. They just don't know what barbeque is in California. And if I get a yen for hushpuppies, I've gotta make those too. Seafood is scarce as hen's teeth in these parts. Something there was plenty of in the bay area but not up here in the hills. Dayum what I could do to a couple of pounds of king crab legs right about now. That was once my favorite dinner.

Thats what I love about the Gulf Coast. Shit tons of seafood!!!
Although like you I love those two foot long King Crab legs but they're 20 bucks a pound down here.
We'll occasionally splurge and get six pounds or so ....and of course we make a several cups of clarified butter.
Well it's not cheap in California either but I got hooked on them in Alaska where it was both fresh and cheap. Well cheap by Alaskan standards anyway which was expensive as hell back then.
There was a place in Sunset Beach CA who's house special was two pounds of King Crab legs. I was going with the wife back then and we'd go for any special occasion or halfway decent excuse. She'd pack away all two pounds by herself which a lot of people had a hard time believing.
That was the Sandcastle but it's gone now. However a place across the road called Captain Jack's is still there and they had great food too. It's hard to believe they are still there after all these years. When things return to normalcy we just might take a trip to see the captain. I see they have king crab on the menu and that's a good enough excuse.

We make em ourselves since they come pre steamed and all you have to do is reheat em.
There's nothing better than biting into a piece of crab as thick as your forearm and a foot long!!!!
I usually regret all the butter consumption the next day but it's worth it!!!
With the butter running down your chin. Dayum now I am hungry.
One of the simple pleasures in life, especially as me and wife get older, is going out to eat. We usually eat out at least once a week. I hope this lockdown ends soon.
I was going out to lunch once a week with friends who are either retired or still working. I miss seeing them, I don't see why outdoor patio areas at restaurants couldn't be opened with appropriate social distancing.
Two of the best cooks I know live in my house, so I feel no need to eat someone else's food too often.
I hate eating at restaurants. Take out is ok once in a while, but that’s it.

Fuck take out!!!
Every once in a while it's nice to sit back and be served.
No cooking and no clean up.
With a white tablecloth and tinkly piano music in the background and butter pats that aren't wrapped in foil. I may have to drive a couple hundred miles to get to one, but by Jesus, I'm headed to a fancy restaurant when they let me out of here!!!!

For me it doesn't have to be fancy....it just has to be really good food!!
Oh....and a well stocked bar doesnt hurt.
The only bigger rip off than the price of food at a restaurant is booze at a restaurant/bar.
The joint up street from me makes a prime rib that melts in yer mouth, i hope they can recover and open again.......~S~

If I want decent prime rib I gotta do for myself. Same thing with barbeque. They just don't know what barbeque is in California. And if I get a yen for hushpuppies, I've gotta make those too. Seafood is scarce as hen's teeth in these parts. Something there was plenty of in the bay area but not up here in the hills. Dayum what I could do to a couple of pounds of king crab legs right about now. That was once my favorite dinner.

Thats what I love about the Gulf Coast. Shit tons of seafood!!!
Although like you I love those two foot long King Crab legs but they're 20 bucks a pound down here.
We'll occasionally splurge and get six pounds or so ....and of course we make a several cups of clarified butter.
Well it's not cheap in California either but I got hooked on them in Alaska where it was both fresh and cheap. Well cheap by Alaskan standards anyway which was expensive as hell back then.
There was a place in Sunset Beach CA who's house special was two pounds of King Crab legs. I was going with the wife back then and we'd go for any special occasion or halfway decent excuse. She'd pack away all two pounds by herself which a lot of people had a hard time believing.
That was the Sandcastle but it's gone now. However a place across the road called Captain Jack's is still there and they had great food too. It's hard to believe they are still there after all these years. When things return to normalcy we just might take a trip to see the captain. I see they have king crab on the menu and that's a good enough excuse.

We make em ourselves since they come pre steamed and all you have to do is reheat em.
There's nothing better than biting into a piece of crab as thick as your forearm and a foot long!!!!
I usually regret all the butter consumption the next day but it's worth it!!!
With the butter running down your chin. Dayum now I am hungry.
That wasn't butter.
I hate eating at restaurants. Take out is ok once in a while, but that’s it.

Fuck take out!!!
Every once in a while it's nice to sit back and be served.
No cooking and no clean up.
No idea what really happened to (or is in) your food.

Annoying waiter/waitress, crowds, waiting around, price gouging...

...and do not get me started on tipping.

We walk into our favorite Cajun joint and they have our drinks on the table before we get there.
We know most of the customers at any given time and we exchange warm greetings.
I hang out with my favorite bartender and my Wife helped our favorite waitress get an accounting job when she finished school.
Tips? Yes we tip very well because some of the black clientele dont tip for shit. They're like Canadians in that respect.
We usually tip 40 or 50 bucks on a 150 tab because they treat us so well and I also enjoy seeing them and hearing about their school progress.
I hate eating at restaurants. Take out is ok once in a while, but that’s it.

Fuck take out!!!
Every once in a while it's nice to sit back and be served.
No cooking and no clean up.
With a white tablecloth and tinkly piano music in the background and butter pats that aren't wrapped in foil. I may have to drive a couple hundred miles to get to one, but by Jesus, I'm headed to a fancy restaurant when they let me out of here!!!!

For me it doesn't have to be fancy....it just has to be really good food!!
Oh....and a well stocked bar doesnt hurt.
The only bigger rip off than the price of food at a restaurant is booze at a restaurant/bar.

So be a cheap fuck.
I really dont care what I spend on Dinner or Lunch as long as the food is good and I'm treated well.

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