I Pledge To Give President Pussy Grabber The Same Level of Hate & Disrespect Shown President Obama

I raise my Right Hand, and put my left hand on my copy of the U.S. Constitution and pledge the following.

I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

I will give the Orange Haired, Cheeto Faced Facist Pussy Grabbing Ass Hat RePuBliKlan President the exact same level of hate, anger, disrespect that was heaped on upon President Obama.

Fuck der Trumpendiken and the Russian Dictator he loves.

I will fight his Antisemitism.

I will fight his Bigotry.

I will fight his Homophobia.

I will fight his Islamophobia.

I will fight his Misogyny.

I will fight his Racism.

You poor dumb single digit IQ race haters think you have won.

Nope. You were duped. You were played.

No wall will be built.

No mass deportations based on religion.

You bought a huge heaping portion of hot steamy shit and in the end will do what shit down, flow down hill and you will be covered in it.
And what happens when you realize no one cares or gives a crap what you do or think?
I raise my Right Hand, and put my left hand on my copy of the U.S. Constitution and pledge the following.

I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

I will give the Orange Haired, Cheeto Faced Facist Pussy Grabbing Ass Hat RePuBliKlan President the exact same level of hate, anger, disrespect that was heaped on upon President Obama.

Fuck der Trumpendiken and the Russian Dictator he loves.

I will fight his Antisemitism.

I will fight his Bigotry.

I will fight his Homophobia.

I will fight his Islamophobia.

I will fight his Misogyny.

I will fight his Racism.

You poor dumb single digit IQ race haters think you have won.

Nope. You were duped. You were played.

No wall will be built.

No mass deportations based on religion.

You bought a huge heaping portion of hot steamy shit and in the end will do what shit down, flow down hill and you will be covered in it.

Yes we know that the far left is intolerant to anyone not part of the far left religion!

The far left was so respectful GWB and they ignore their own transgressions!

Remind us who on the left you are tolerant of?

Your previous answer to that question was so hilariously retarded it's worth seeing again.
I tolerate you daily.
I raise my Right Hand, and put my left hand on my copy of the U.S. Constitution and pledge the following.

I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

I will give the Orange Haired, Cheeto Faced Facist Pussy Grabbing Ass Hat RePuBliKlan President the exact same level of hate, anger, disrespect that was heaped on upon President Obama.

Fuck der Trumpendiken and the Russian Dictator he loves.

I will fight his Antisemitism.

I will fight his Bigotry.

I will fight his Homophobia.

I will fight his Islamophobia.

I will fight his Misogyny.

I will fight his Racism.

You poor dumb single digit IQ race haters think you have won.

Nope. You were duped. You were played.

No wall will be built.

No mass deportations based on religion.

You bought a huge heaping portion of hot steamy shit and in the end will do what shit down, flow down hill and you will be covered in it.
I'm sure President Trump cares about a whiny butthurt snowflakes opinions.
I raise my Right Hand, and put my left hand on my copy of the U.S. Constitution and pledge the following.

I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

I will give the Orange Haired, Cheeto Faced Facist Pussy Grabbing Ass Hat RePuBliKlan President the exact same level of hate, anger, disrespect that was heaped on upon President Obama.

Fuck der Trumpendiken and the Russian Dictator he loves.

I will fight his Antisemitism.

I will fight his Bigotry.

I will fight his Homophobia.

I will fight his Islamophobia.

I will fight his Misogyny.

I will fight his Racism.

You poor dumb single digit IQ race haters think you have won.

Nope. You were duped. You were played.

No wall will be built.

No mass deportations based on religion.

You bought a huge heaping portion of hot steamy shit and in the end will do what shit down, flow down hill and you will be covered in it.
And what happens when you realize no one cares or gives a crap what you do or think?

He will go back to his park bench job panhandling.

That's hilarious!!!!!

You people with your delusions crack me up.
The hate filled disrespectful hypocrite left was outraged by decades old "locker room talk" alleged to the president elect but they apparently see nothing wrong with the sexually offensive term "pussy grabber" Is that the way the modern left talks to their kids?
The hate filled disrespectful hypocrite left was outraged by decades old "locker room talk" alleged to the president elect but they apparently see nothing wrong with the sexually offensive term "pussy grabber" Is that the way the modern left talks to their kids?

Not to mention, they were fine with a president who was serially accused of everything from sexual abuse to rape. And, his wife who systematically destroyed all the women that accused her husband.

Funny, if Trump is the devil walking the Earth as they seem to feel, why did we not hear a word about it over the past 40 years?
I raise my Right Hand, and put my left hand on my copy of the U.S. Constitution and pledge the following.

I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

I will give the Orange Haired, Cheeto Faced Facist Pussy Grabbing Ass Hat RePuBliKlan President the exact same level of hate, anger, disrespect that was heaped on upon President Obama.

Fuck der Trumpendiken and the Russian Dictator he loves.

I will fight his Antisemitism.

I will fight his Bigotry.

I will fight his Homophobia.

I will fight his Islamophobia.

I will fight his Misogyny.

I will fight his Racism.

You poor dumb single digit IQ race haters think you have won.

Nope. You were duped. You were played.

No wall will be built.

No mass deportations based on religion.

You bought a huge heaping portion of hot steamy shit and in the end will do what shit down, flow down hill and you will be covered in it.

Yes we know that the far left is intolerant to anyone not part of the far left religion!

The far left was so respectful GWB and they ignore their own transgressions!

Remind us who on the left you are tolerant of?

Your previous answer to that question was so hilariously retarded it's worth seeing again.

Another far left drone failed post as they show their hatred for anything not part of the far left religion!
I raise my Right Hand, and put my left hand on my copy of the U.S. Constitution and pledge the following.

I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

I will give the Orange Haired, Cheeto Faced Facist Pussy Grabbing Ass Hat RePuBliKlan President the exact same level of hate, anger, disrespect that was heaped on upon President Obama.

Fuck der Trumpendiken and the Russian Dictator he loves.

I will fight his Antisemitism.

I will fight his Bigotry.

I will fight his Homophobia.

I will fight his Islamophobia.

I will fight his Misogyny.

I will fight his Racism.

You poor dumb single digit IQ race haters think you have won.

Nope. You were duped. You were played.

No wall will be built.

No mass deportations based on religion.

You bought a huge heaping portion of hot steamy shit and in the end will do what shit down, flow down hill and you will be covered in it.

Try to burn our Flag in front of me sometime....PLEASE.
I raise my Right Hand, and put my left hand on my copy of the U.S. Constitution and pledge the following.

I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

I will give the Orange Haired, Cheeto Faced Facist Pussy Grabbing Ass Hat RePuBliKlan President the exact same level of hate, anger, disrespect that was heaped on upon President Obama.

Fuck der Trumpendiken and the Russian Dictator he loves.

I will fight his Antisemitism.

I will fight his Bigotry.

I will fight his Homophobia.

I will fight his Islamophobia.

I will fight his Misogyny.

I will fight his Racism.

You poor dumb single digit IQ race haters think you have won.

Nope. You were duped. You were played.

No wall will be built.

No mass deportations based on religion.

You bought a huge heaping portion of hot steamy shit and in the end will do what shit down, flow down hill and you will be covered in it.

Try to burn our Flag in front of me sometime....PLEASE.
Judicial Review Is a Non-Binding Opinion

If the Injustices think they can legalize treasonous insults, burn the flag in the SCROTUS's chambers and lock them inside.
I raise my Right Hand, and put my left hand on my copy of the U.S. Constitution and pledge the following.

I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

I will give the Orange Haired, Cheeto Faced Facist Pussy Grabbing Ass Hat RePuBliKlan President the exact same level of hate, anger, disrespect that was heaped on upon President Obama.

Fuck der Trumpendiken and the Russian Dictator he loves.

I will fight his Antisemitism.

I will fight his Bigotry.

I will fight his Homophobia.

I will fight his Islamophobia.

I will fight his Misogyny.

I will fight his Racism.

You poor dumb single digit IQ race haters think you have won.

Nope. You were duped. You were played.

No wall will be built.

No mass deportations based on religion.

You bought a huge heaping portion of hot steamy shit and in the end will do what shit down, flow down hill and you will be covered in it.

I stand with you and make The very same pledge!
Trump: Worst president-elect ever!
I raise my Right Hand, and put my left hand on my copy of the U.S. Constitution and pledge the following.

I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

I will give the Orange Haired, Cheeto Faced Facist Pussy Grabbing Ass Hat RePuBliKlan President the exact same level of hate, anger, disrespect that was heaped on upon President Obama.

Fuck der Trumpendiken and the Russian Dictator he loves.

I will fight his Antisemitism.

I will fight his Bigotry.

I will fight his Homophobia.

I will fight his Islamophobia.

I will fight his Misogyny.

I will fight his Racism.

You poor dumb single digit IQ race haters think you have won.

Nope. You were duped. You were played.

No wall will be built.

No mass deportations based on religion.

You bought a huge heaping portion of hot steamy shit and in the end will do what shit down, flow down hill and you will be covered in it.
You just reaffirmed how liberalism is a mental disease.
You have continually confirmed that ignorance and stupidity is culturally induced. I just don't wish to go down into the trailer parks and witness it myself
I will give President Pussy Grabber the same level of distrust and disrespect given to President Obama.

In other words, the exact same way you people treated Bush.
Nope. George W. Bush did not have this type of hostile transition. He was lucky enough And both unfortunate to have 911 occur on his watch. He was smart enough to seize the moment and take the lead by invading Afghanistan in search of OBL. But then he totally fucked up by invading Iraq and then monumentally fucked up by dragging it all out in favor of the military industrial base.

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