I really believe there maybe a Civil War if republicans don't win the next election!!

What "Russia hoax"? And that phone call was a crime. If Joe Biden had do it you'd have had a stroke.
Besides, The Russian Interference was investigated by Trumps own DOJ. Impeachment is a Constitutional process. Which member of Congress insinuated any kind of armed revolution if the Dem's didn't get a conviction in the Senate?
It’s simply election rallies. They say crazy shit and crazies vote for them. Then they fleece the govt for money. Jokes on the crazies.
Besides, The Russian Interference was investigated by Trumps own DOJ. Impeachment is a Constitutional process. Which member of Congress insinuated any kind of armed revolution if the Dem's didn't get a conviction in the Senate?
Prog areas deserve to be nuked. A Red Flag crisis will nuke rural areas needed by our own government to keep the globalist agenda.
Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) spread lies about the 2020 election and suggested there could be "bloodshed" over future elections.

I really do believe it. Republicans don't honor judges anymore, and republicans don't honor police.
There no more law and order republicans.

Florida Is Blocking Money From 2 School Districts Over Mask Mandates, Defying A JudgFlorida Is Blocking Money From 2 School Districts Over Mask Mandates, Defying A Judge : NPR

They say they honor vets, but that will be over with as soon as they impeach Biden.

What do they honor, power!
do you get paid by the stupid?
We are already in a civil war. The democrats became violent, sending their terrorist Brown Shirts out to burn, rape, loot, and murder starting a year and a half ago. The Nazis used Goering's tactic of the 1/6 Reichstag Fire to distract from the nonstop Kristalnacht democrats have engaged in for 18 months. Remember, the democrat fascists stormed the Capitol to stop the Kavanaugh confirmation in 2018 with praise from Eva Braun-Pelosi and other ranking Nazis. The farce of the Reichstag Fire is laughable and only survives due to the corrupt Reich press spewing it out in 30 second sound bites disjointed from reality while covering up for Chaz/Chop, Portland, Chicago, Los Angeles, DC, etc.

When the Nazis are rousted next year, I have little doubt they will increase the violence they are currently engaged in.
We are already in a civil war. The democrats became violent, sending their terrorist Brown Shirts out to burn, rape, loot, and murder starting a year and a half ago. The Nazis used Goering's tactic of the 1/6 Reichstag Fire to distract from the nonstop Kristalnacht democrats have engaged in for 18 months. Remember, the democrat fascists stormed the Capitol to stop the Kavanaugh confirmation in 2018 with praise from Eva Braun-Pelosi and other ranking Nazis. The farce of the Reichstag Fire is laughable and only survives due to the corrupt Reich press spewing it out in 30 second sound bites disjointed from reality while covering up for Chaz/Chop, Portland, Chicago, Los Angeles, DC, etc.

When the Nazis are rousted next year, I have little doubt they will increase the violence they are currently engaged in.
Ah the stooopid Herr Goebbels appears!
"Waters said: “We’ve got to stay on the street and we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.”

That's a long way from calling for bloodshed asshole
She said get in their faces. Did she not?
What would have been different if Biden had said "The Afghan Army is not reliable and will collapse before we exit"?
If he said we should have made sure all the people, dogs and weapons were taken away before we left then his approval would be off the charts. Leaving dogs behind to get slaughtered is insane.
Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) spread lies about the 2020 election and suggested there could be "bloodshed" over future elections.

I really do believe it. Republicans don't honor judges anymore, and republicans don't honor police.
There no more law and order republicans.

Florida Is Blocking Money From 2 School Districts Over Mask Mandates, Defying A JudgFlorida Is Blocking Money From 2 School Districts Over Mask Mandates, Defying A Judge : NPR

They say they honor vets, but that will be over with as soon as they impeach Biden.

What do they honor, power!

This is you, right?

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) spread lies about the 2020 election and suggested there could be "bloodshed" over future elections.

I really do believe it. Republicans don't honor judges anymore, and republicans don't honor police.
There no more law and order republicans.

Florida Is Blocking Money From 2 School Districts Over Mask Mandates, Defying A JudgFlorida Is Blocking Money From 2 School Districts Over Mask Mandates, Defying A Judge : NPR

They say they honor vets, but that will be over with as soon as they impeach Biden.

What do they honor, power!

Civil war would mean that the majority of true american citizens that love this country will stand up and fight. They will not.

For the past 18 months we have seen american being shit on by our own government, our own government ignore american citizens commit racist and hate filled acts against the public in forms of "protests", we have watched antifa and blm on tv yelling hate filled racist and often threatening remarks at americans, seen our government let countless illegals walk over the border, watched our government kill civilians and soldiers in Afghanistan as they looked on ignoring them, watched them cause inflation and shrug their shoulders, seen foriegn countries cripple out gas pipelines with cyber attacks and the president shrug his shoulders, seen the speaker of the house with hold stimulus money from millions of americans because she wanted to make trump look bad, and a lot more.

And what did the majority of true america loving citizens do through all of that? Nothing. They sat there like cucks watching someone fuck their wife.

So no, there wont be a civil war because the majority of people who love america will do absolutely nothing at all. They will sit there and suck it.

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