I really believe there maybe a Civil War if republicans don't win the next election!!

Most of them are all talk. But there is definitely a Trump-inspired dangerous element there with the Proud Boys, militias, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, etc. We'll have to watch them like a hawk.
Bet it chaps your drawers that their vote counts as much as yours does.
I will save my comment until this reaches the Rubber Room. Being a Penedope thread, it should happen soon, the content certainly qualifies.
Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) spread lies about the 2020 election and suggested there could be "bloodshed" over future elections.

I really do believe it. Republicans don't honor judges anymore, and republicans don't honor police.
There no more law and order republicans.

Florida Is Blocking Money From 2 School Districts Over Mask Mandates, Defying A JudgFlorida Is Blocking Money From 2 School Districts Over Mask Mandates, Defying A Judge : NPR

They say they honor vets, but that will be over with as soon as they impeach Biden.

What do they honor, power!
You are a loon.
Speaking of fantasy. Seems you believed one when you voted for an incompetent boob named Bidum.

You keep lying to yourself about what a great POTUS that idiot is. He'll prove you wrong and has done so already and will continue to do so.
Dangerously vindictive people need to be watched carefully and have their access to the public severely limited.
Indeed they do. Pay no attention to the guys with the earpieces watching your house.
Indeed they do. Pay no attention to the guys with the earpieces watching your house.
Those black helicopters are innocent too. Just keep an eye out for guys following you home. It will never be the same person twice, but they will always get off the bus at your stop.
Those black helicopters are innocent too. Just keep an eye out for guys following you home. It will never be the same person twice, but they will always get off the bus at your stop.
I don't ride the bus.
It chaps my drawers that some votes count far more than others.

The Republican Party has been on a 30 year mission to figure out how to maintain control of the country despite being a clear minority of the population.

Most Americans don't identify with either party so both parties are always figuring how to maintain control despite both being clear minorities. Currently 26% identify as Republicans and 27% identify as Democrats. Both parties for the most part have sit mid to upper 20's. More Americans identify as independents mid 40's to upper 40's.

Both parties want to cram America with their agenda, that is why neither party can maintain power for long.
Most Americans don't identify with either party so both parties are always figuring how to maintain control despite both being clear minorities. Currently 26% identify as Republicans and 27% identify as Democrats. Both parties for the most part have sit mid to upper 20's. More Americans identify as independents mid 40's to upper 40's.

Both parties want to cram America with their agenda, that is why neither party can maintain power for long.
I’m not talking about party identity. I’m talking about a minority of votes from the people of the country.
I was sure I saw you on the short one the other day when my limo pulled up to the stop light. You were making faces at the clouds.
Your limo?


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