I Really Like Ron Paul but I'm Enthusiastically Voting for Obama!

I won't return your petty insults.

So if I decide to bury highly enriched uranium on my own private property, is that okay then?
How about Bernie Madoff? All he did was exaggerate a tad about the value of some investments! Yet that darn SEC went in there and said their stupid "regulations" were violated.
So surely you don't think the guys at ENRON should have been told to stop having their fun?
The BP Gulf spill? What BUSINESS is it of the government's how they build and maintain their rigs!

You may now continue calling others confused if you like.

You don't have the ability to obtain ANY uranium, let alone highly enriched uranium. If you had just said 'Toxic Waste', I would reply that it's a matter for the courts.

The rest of your 'examples' deal with businesses perpetrating fraud, or in BP's case, an ACCIDENT.

I'm pretty sure he was talking about individual rights, and asking what kind of limitations you meant to THOSE rights.

But keep it up, you're pretty entertaining...

Well Ron Paul and MANY Libertarians have stated they would eliminate the EPA, SEC etc... Do you disagree with them?
As far as personal rights, I'd like to have a nuke! The 2nd amendment guarantees me the right to "arms" or armament. In the FF's day, they did not have nukes but they did not have even semi-automatic weapons either. However they did have guns AND bombs AND rockets! (I hear some had red glare). So unless you're one of those "The Constitution is a Living Document" types who concedes it must be interpreted I should be able to own a nuke! But alas, common sense prevails... I'm glad.

Oh and the toxic waste a matter for the courts? Um yeah. That's how thousands of Americans have been killed. Because they didn't have a team of $800 / hour lawyers working for them.


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Well Ron Paul and MANY Libertarians have stated they would eliminate the EPA, SEC etc... Do you disagree with them?
As far as personal rights, I'd like to have a nuke! The 2nd amendment guarantees me the right to "arms" or armament. In the FF's day, they did not have nukes but they did not have even semi-automatic weapons either. However they did have guns AND bombs AND rockets! (I hear some had red glare). So unless you're one of those "The Constitution is a Living Document" types who concedes it must be interpreted I should be able to own a nuke! But alas, common sense prevails... I'm glad.

Oh and the toxic waste a matter for the courts? Um yeah. That's how thousands of Americans have been killed. Because they didn't have a team of $800 / hour lawyers working for them.
I am not guy but I will respond here with my take.

Yes, I would completely eliminate the EPA ect. Does that mean all regulations and regulators would go away? Of course not. The EPA, FCC and all the other alphabet soup bullshit is a problem because congress has abdicated their authority to these agencies that are not elected and do not follow the correct process. For all intents and purposes THEY WRITE LAW. Write law without the president's signature, going through the process in the houses of congress or doing anything that may remotely considered the process that a law goes through. That is utter bullshit. Congress needs to get off their collective asses and actually do the job they are paid for instead of handing it over to bloated bureaucracies that continue to make failing decision after failing decision. They make rules just to justify their existence. I have a regulation posted on my wall that covers how to wipe a baby's ass. Is that a regulation that is needed? Of course not and if regulations were not simply rubberstamped and actually had to go through the legal process, we would get a lot fewer regulations that were far more effective. Just because we need to get rid of most of these agencies does not mean that all regulation would disappear.

As to your 2nd amendment right, yes, you do have a right to own a nuke. The constitution is not a 'living' document that can mean anything that you want it to. The FF put a process in place to address this exact issue. It is called an amendment. All we need is a simple amendment that refines the definition of arms. It is funny that no one seems to want to take on the challenge. Instead, we would all rather ignore the constitution and make our own damn rules. Then you call that 'common sense!' That is not common sense, it's crazy.
I like the idea of legalized drugs and prostitution.

But other than that, Obama 2012.
I like the idea of legalized drugs and prostitution.

But other than that, Obama 2012.

Life isnt that bad that you need to fry your brain with drugs. And if you treat them nicely, you dont have to pay women to sleep with you.
Ron Paul is really the only guy worth watching in the debates. He's just so danm honest! I agree with him on a LOT of points too e.g. Why TF are we giving money to foreign politicians when we don't even trust our own; the war on drugs has already been lost etc...
But the stuff I disagree with him on, I disagree with so strongly that I won't vote for him. Plus I find the Libertarian Philosophy very flawed when it comes to The Market correcting itself. I've lived in places that had virturally no corporate regulation. No thanks.
I didn't like Obama at all for about two years. There are two things I'm still pretty furious with him about: ObamaCare and NDAA. Oh well.
But he has kept a LOT of his promises (including ObamaCare, which was one I wish he hadn't).
I didn't blame Bush for high prices and I don't blame Obama (well, maybe just a little but not to the extent the ConservaRepubs would like to believe).
I find this to be the most absurd time in history for the GOP to be so focused on social issues. I am former military and had friends who were Force Recon in Afghanistan. An Army translator listened in on chatter and kept them away from some seriously bad juju. Turned out he was gay. Took weeks to get another guy fluent in Pashtu or whatever TF it was.
So repealing DADT was a seriously big deal to a lot of people.
Also, as the DOO of a charity that helps returning troops and Veterans, I watched them get screwed by the GOP for years. Obama has funded a TON of programs for Vets and the VA that I like a lot. Also, he specifically had language written in that put in place the strongest protective measures of women in the military in history.
When I'm volunteering, the three candidates I hear the most positives things about are #1. Obama #2. Ron Paul and #3. "Anyone but Obama" (from the diehard ConservaRepubs). But there is no denying, this guy is liked a lot more military than any Dem in a long time.
Getting us out of Iraq is a big deal. I know it was already set but gee, have presidents spun things and broken promises before. So okey dokey.
He said he'd take the focus to Afghanistan and go after the people who actually attacked America. He killed more Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders in a couple years, than Bush did in eight. He followed the leads from dozens of SOF ops to Pakistan. Then, right in public, he negotiated the release of a US spy from the Pakistan government. A couple months later, He got Bin Laden and yes, I give him credit for that. Now that we finally MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, he's announced the withdraw from Afghanistan. All Bush's wars are over. The most important one, won by Obama.
And waddya know. We're getting out.
Libya. The Republicans (Boehner, Cantor) were screaming we should "Do Something". Then, with an actual NATO led force, we did. Not one American life. Quick withdraw. So of course, the Republicans suddenly became doves and screamed "Hey! He DID something!". WTF??? Hypocrisy much?
Same thing with Aw Lakhi. Suddenly the GOP sounded more like the ACLU! WTF!!!!

So what are the Republicans offering me? Romney seemed worth a look but he has been forced into Romney Version 5.9 by the other two. Now he is so socially Conservative! For now.

After months of talking about the fact that, even if the Dow is going up and UnEmployment is (according to FOX) going down and manufacturing is going up and.... well whatever, ALL is Doom & Gloom! Also it's all about the DEFICIT! That's the key folks!
So they all released their budgets. All of their budgets RAISE THE DEFICIT!!! WTF??? (okay not Ron Paul).
The same low taxes that haven't made a dam bit of difference in the economy or unemployment for years, will suddenly cure all ills if we elect them. Riiiiight.
Gay marriage? Like I care. But I do think they should be able to visit each other in hospitals and get benefits or whatever? Sure why not.
Contraception? Are you outta your dam mind??? Yeah, THAT will get my vote.
All these social issues leave me and pretty much everyone I know, unimpressed. Especially now.

The GOP candidates suck. Really, badly.
Obama isn't great but during the last year he's been pretty dam good.
I'm voting for him.

Thanks . That was funny as hell. Love the avatar. It's exactly what a holier than thou libtard looks like. You really know how to make a farce out of the entire liberal realm. I'm still trying to wipe tears of hillarity from my eyes. That was a beautiful thing to read. LMAO.
I like the idea of legalized drugs and prostitution.

But other than that, Obama 2012.

Life isnt that bad that you need to fry your brain with drugs. And if you treat them nicely, you dont have to pay women to sleep with you.

I don't drink or use drugs and I have a GF.

I just don't think I should have to pay 40K a year to house a drug prisoner.

The Swiss legalized drugs and treat it as a health problem.
I like the idea of legalized drugs and prostitution.

But other than that, Obama 2012.

Life isnt that bad that you need to fry your brain with drugs. And if you treat them nicely, you dont have to pay women to sleep with you.

I don't drink or use drugs and I have a GF.

I just don't think I should have to pay 40K a year to house a drug prisoner.

The Swiss legalized drugs and treat it as a health problem.

This is something we actually agree on. Amazing eh?
Life isnt that bad that you need to fry your brain with drugs. And if you treat them nicely, you dont have to pay women to sleep with you.

I don't drink or use drugs and I have a GF.

I just don't think I should have to pay 40K a year to house a drug prisoner.

The Swiss legalized drugs and treat it as a health problem.

This is something we actually agree on. Amazing eh?

We could learn a lot from the Swiss on drug treatment and the French on healthcare.

And the Danes on how to live our lives.
I don't drink or use drugs and I have a GF.

I just don't think I should have to pay 40K a year to house a drug prisoner.

The Swiss legalized drugs and treat it as a health problem.

This is something we actually agree on. Amazing eh?

We could learn a lot from the Swiss on drug treatment and the French on healthcare.

And the Danes on how to live our lives.

I haven't researched the French health care system or the Danes lifestyle. Care to elucidate?
I like the idea of legalized drugs and prostitution.

But other than that, Obama 2012.

Life isnt that bad that you need to fry your brain with drugs. And if you treat them nicely, you dont have to pay women to sleep with you.

One can support both of those things without having to partake in them. It's a simple concept of people being free to do with their own bodies as they please.

I long for the day when government finally gets the hell out of our private personal lives.
I like the idea of legalized drugs and prostitution.

But other than that, Obama 2012.

Life isnt that bad that you need to fry your brain with drugs. And if you treat them nicely, you dont have to pay women to sleep with you.

One can support both of those things without having to partake in them. It's a simple concept of people being free to do with their own bodies as they please.

I long for the day when government finally gets the hell out of our private personal lives.

Mostly they are...

It's when people do things Publically that the Issue starts...

Like getting behind the Wheel on Drugs or Booze...

The Line of where Government should or shouldn't be is a Difficult one on an Endless List of Issues.

Both Right and Left have their own and Point and each other about Government Intrusion.


Life isnt that bad that you need to fry your brain with drugs. And if you treat them nicely, you dont have to pay women to sleep with you.

One can support both of those things without having to partake in them. It's a simple concept of people being free to do with their own bodies as they please.

I long for the day when government finally gets the hell out of our private personal lives.

Mostly they are...

It's when people do things Publically that the Issue starts...

Like getting behind the Wheel on Drugs or Booze...

The Line of where Government should or shouldn't be is a Difficult one on an Endless List of Issues.

Both Right and Left have their own and Point and each other about Government Intrusion.



I'm fine with people not being able to smoke blunts while walking down the street, just as I'm fine with people not being able to walk around slurping down a bottle of jack and acting a fool.

But what does that have to do with someone smoking a joint in their living room?
One can support both of those things without having to partake in them. It's a simple concept of people being free to do with their own bodies as they please.

I long for the day when government finally gets the hell out of our private personal lives.

Mostly they are...

It's when people do things Publically that the Issue starts...

Like getting behind the Wheel on Drugs or Booze...

The Line of where Government should or shouldn't be is a Difficult one on an Endless List of Issues.

Both Right and Left have their own and Point and each other about Government Intrusion.



I'm fine with people not being able to smoke blunts while walking down the street, just as I'm fine with people not being able to walk around slurping down a bottle of jack and acting a fool.

But what does that have to do with someone smoking a joint in their living room?

For the most part, it's been happening forever...

Cops aren't Interested in Personal Use amounts of Pot...

They don't have the Time nor Resources for it.

Nobody is in Jail right now for Smoking a Joint in their Living Room.

I can't make my own Booze either... Am I not Free? :thup:


Mostly they are...

It's when people do things Publically that the Issue starts...

Like getting behind the Wheel on Drugs or Booze...

The Line of where Government should or shouldn't be is a Difficult one on an Endless List of Issues.

Both Right and Left have their own and Point and each other about Government Intrusion.



I'm fine with people not being able to smoke blunts while walking down the street, just as I'm fine with people not being able to walk around slurping down a bottle of jack and acting a fool.

But what does that have to do with someone smoking a joint in their living room?

For the most part, it's been happening forever...

Cops aren't Interested in Personal Use amounts of Pot...

They don't have the Time nor Resources for it.

Nobody is in Jail right now for Smoking a Joint in their Living Room.

I can't make my own Booze either... Am I not Free? :thup:



I realize it's hard for you to be objective here because you live in CO where cops actually DON'T care about personal use marijuana. But if they pulled you over and found a little bag on you they would still confiscate it. They're not going to run up in your house over it, but they're not going to let you go pick it up and bring it to your house in the first place.
I'm fine with people not being able to smoke blunts while walking down the street, just as I'm fine with people not being able to walk around slurping down a bottle of jack and acting a fool.

But what does that have to do with someone smoking a joint in their living room?

For the most part, it's been happening forever...

Cops aren't Interested in Personal Use amounts of Pot...

They don't have the Time nor Resources for it.

Nobody is in Jail right now for Smoking a Joint in their Living Room.

I can't make my own Booze either... Am I not Free? :thup:



I realize it's hard for you to be objective here because you live in CO where cops actually DON'T care about personal use marijuana. But if they pulled you over and found a little bag on you they would still confiscate it. They're not going to run up in your house over it, but they're not going to let you go pick it up and bring it to your house in the first place.

So we are clear... I am Against anything that grows and exists Naturally being Illegal.

So... But again, there ain't a person in Prison right now for Smoking a Joint.


For the most part, it's been happening forever...

Cops aren't Interested in Personal Use amounts of Pot...

They don't have the Time nor Resources for it.

Nobody is in Jail right now for Smoking a Joint in their Living Room.

I can't make my own Booze either... Am I not Free? :thup:



I realize it's hard for you to be objective here because you live in CO where cops actually DON'T care about personal use marijuana. But if they pulled you over and found a little bag on you they would still confiscate it. They're not going to run up in your house over it, but they're not going to let you go pick it up and bring it to your house in the first place.

So we are clear... I am Against anything that grows and exists Naturally being Illegal.

So... But again, there ain't a person in Prison right now for Smoking a Joint.



You're the only one talking about prison, bro. You don't have to go to prison to have a felony on your record.

And I don't really care to get into the whole mj legalization argument, but the main reason I have a problem with it being illegal federally is the issue of hemp. It's a potentially huge industry that threatens a lot of other established industries. So it's pretty convenient that it's illegal.
I realize it's hard for you to be objective here because you live in CO where cops actually DON'T care about personal use marijuana. But if they pulled you over and found a little bag on you they would still confiscate it. They're not going to run up in your house over it, but they're not going to let you go pick it up and bring it to your house in the first place.

So we are clear... I am Against anything that grows and exists Naturally being Illegal.

So... But again, there ain't a person in Prison right now for Smoking a Joint.



You're the only one talking about prison, bro. You don't have to go to prison to have a felony on your record.

And I don't really care to get into the whole mj legalization argument, but the main reason I have a problem with it being illegal federally is the issue of hemp. It's a potentially huge industry that threatens a lot of other established industries. So it's pretty convenient that it's illegal.

Hemp is Illegal?...

hemp products - Google Search


So we are clear... I am Against anything that grows and exists Naturally being Illegal.

So... But again, there ain't a person in Prison right now for Smoking a Joint.



You're the only one talking about prison, bro. You don't have to go to prison to have a felony on your record.

And I don't really care to get into the whole mj legalization argument, but the main reason I have a problem with it being illegal federally is the issue of hemp. It's a potentially huge industry that threatens a lot of other established industries. So it's pretty convenient that it's illegal.

Hemp is Illegal?...

hemp products - Google Search



Hemp is entirely illegal to grow and manufacture in the US because you have to grow the marijuana plant to produce hemp products. Hemp products that are legal for purchase in the US are imported products from other countries that meet the zero-tolerance standards for THC...meaning the products contain no THC.

There is no hemp production in the US. NONE.
Well Ron Paul and MANY Libertarians have stated they would eliminate the EPA, SEC etc... Do you disagree with them?
As far as personal rights, I'd like to have a nuke! The 2nd amendment guarantees me the right to "arms" or armament. In the FF's day, they did not have nukes but they did not have even semi-automatic weapons either. However they did have guns AND bombs AND rockets! (I hear some had red glare). So unless you're one of those "The Constitution is a Living Document" types who concedes it must be interpreted I should be able to own a nuke! But alas, common sense prevails... I'm glad.

Oh and the toxic waste a matter for the courts? Um yeah. That's how thousands of Americans have been killed. Because they didn't have a team of $800 / hour lawyers working for them.
I am not guy but I will respond here with my take.

Yes, I would completely eliminate the EPA ect. Does that mean all regulations and regulators would go away? Of course not. The EPA, FCC and all the other alphabet soup bullshit is a problem because congress has abdicated their authority to these agencies that are not elected and do not follow the correct process. For all intents and purposes THEY WRITE LAW. Write law without the president's signature, going through the process in the houses of congress or doing anything that may remotely considered the process that a law goes through. That is utter bullshit. Congress needs to get off their collective asses and actually do the job they are paid for instead of handing it over to bloated bureaucracies that continue to make failing decision after failing decision. They make rules just to justify their existence. I have a regulation posted on my wall that covers how to wipe a baby's ass. Is that a regulation that is needed? Of course not and if regulations were not simply rubberstamped and actually had to go through the legal process, we would get a lot fewer regulations that were far more effective. Just because we need to get rid of most of these agencies does not mean that all regulation would disappear.

As to your 2nd amendment right, yes, you do have a right to own a nuke. The constitution is not a 'living' document that can mean anything that you want it to. The FF put a process in place to address this exact issue. It is called an amendment. All we need is a simple amendment that refines the definition of arms. It is funny that no one seems to want to take on the challenge. Instead, we would all rather ignore the constitution and make our own damn rules. Then you call that 'common sense!' That is not common sense, it's crazy.

This is actually a well-reasoned post. While we disagree on what we want as rights (e.g. owning a nuke), at least you are solid and present points worth consideration i.e. an amendment to define arms. I also really like what you wrote about Congress vs. bureaucracy. I haven't seen it put quite that way before and will be pondering it for some time, I'm sure. In other words, you may have actually influenced my view (unlike most people here, I try to keep an open mind and even consider opposing viewpoints, when well written as something I can learn from). The first thing that comes to mind, is how we would transition every valid regulation into law? Maybe take one area e.g. EPA and phase it out as we get a few thousand laws on the books? Then the next. But even then, there should be an arm to enfoce those laws, correct? See - you already have me thinking!
Also, not one insult! While I will return fire, I try to never throw the first volley. Well done sir!

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