“I really think you should press the button to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth.”

Like Rachel Dayan-----and some of the Israeli soldiers back in the day------I never thought much
of Moshe Dayan's BRAIN. His mistakes---especially
regarding his GIVE-AWAY of the JEWISH TEMPLE
MOUNT----reverberate, even today
The Jewish temple was destroyed 2000 years ago in a Jewish war with Rome.
IMO Jewish people are very loyal to civil rights. At least that's been my experience.
right----and still are----UNFORTUNATELY---the
donkey has been, historically, graced with borrowed
Charisma re: CIVIL RIGHTS -----an honor the do not
now, and perhaps NEVER DID ---deserve
The Jewish temple was destroyed 2000 years ago in a Jewish war with Rome.
SO? what is your point?------' Your allah won over the dead bodies of thousands of millions ' ? allah
won Biafra and hindu East Bengal too---mazel tov
Once again you show how much your head is up your ass. If anything.....leftists hate Jews with a passion. Many blacks on the left are communists and they hate Jews as much as Muslims. Christians have a kinship with Israel you'll never understand.

The problem with you is your ideas are rooted in the past. Most of the bigots who hated Jews were Southern Democrats....or Democrats in general...and almost all of them are dead.....except the guy currently occupying the Oval Office.

The left always blames the right for the evils the left itself is guilty of.
The left always blames the right for the evils the left itself is guilty of.
Democrats began doing this the moment they started accepting communists under their tent.
Watergate was a perfect example of this.

Every Republican that enters politics can expect they same treatment from Democrats.
The left always blames the right for the evils the left itself is guilty of.
The guys flying Swastikas are all on your side.

You smooch the butts of those Nazis. You have to. They're your base.

I'm just making it clear where the two sides stand. Democrats punch Nazis, while Republicans suck Nazi ass. Not all Repubicans are antisemites, but they all run cover for antisemites. Like they're all doing on this thread.
The Jewish temple was destroyed 2000 years ago in a Jewish war with Rome.
so? destruction of a building is a WIN in the eyes of your pals? GOOD ----time to bomb the filthy black turd in the sand in the place muzzies call mecca
so? destruction of a building is a WIN in the eyes of your pals? GOOD ----time to bomb the filthy black turd in the sand in the place muzzies call mecca
A win? I had nothing to do with the destruction of the temple.
A win? I had nothing to do with the destruction of the temple.
did I suggest that you did? Your comment seems to
"suggest" that roman atrocities establish the ethos
of earthlings or the justification of Anglicans
The guys flying Swastikas are all on your side.

You smooch the butts of those Nazis. You have to. They're your base.

I'm just making it clear where the two sides stand. Democrats punch Nazis, while Republicans suck Nazi ass. Not all Repubicans are antisemites, but they all run cover for antisemites. Like they're all doing on this thread.
Democrats and the Nazi Card

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the odds-on favorite to become the Democratic National Committee's chairman, had a long association with the anti-Semitic Nation of Islam. He compared then-President George W. Bush and 9/11 to Adolf Hitler and the destruction of the Reichstag, the German parliament building: "9/11 is the juggernaut in American history and it allows ... it's almost like, you know, the Reichstag fire," Ellison said. "After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it, and it put the leader of that country (Hitler) in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted."

Comparing Republicans to Nazis has long been a national pastime of the Democratic Party.


If not the Nazi card, it's the race card or the sexist card or the homophobic card. This "I'm right; you're evil" brand of politics has a lot to do with why voters elected Donald Trump, rather than Hillary "basket of deplorables" Clinton, to serve as our next president.
…emphasis added
Nope. I have never wanted to "press a button" and kill all the Jews. That is a far right wankfest. Why do you feel the need to cover for them ?

Sweetie ... I am sorry of you failed to recognize that my comparing his silly nonsense directly to yours ...
And the additional indication that that the two of you "were made for each other" ...
Is a condemnation of both of you and of the highest order ... Screw 'cover' ... I couldn't have insulted him more ... :auiqs.jpg:

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Paul Joseph Watson works for Alex Jones on Infowars and invents stories that idiots believe in.

I think that his views will find favour with many of his fellow travellers on the right but perhaps will disappoint his many Jewish fans.

Basically the far right might conceal its true motives for a period but the truth always comes out in the end.
Isn't he your fellow countryman, you worthless waste of oxygen?
He had nothing to do with the destruction of the temple.
WHAT INSIGHT ---suradie!! I will help you LOTS---
the destruction of that building did not DESTROY
da joooish gawd----not nice but not THE END as
you seem to surmise

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