“I really think you should press the button to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth.”

Paul Joseph Watson works for Alex Jones on Infowars and invents stories that idiots believe in.

I think that his views will find favour with many of his fellow travellers on the right but perhaps will disappoint his many Jewish fans.

Basically the far right might conceal its true motives for a period but the truth always comes out in the end.
Do you want to censor him Tommy?
Hezbollah was founded to keep Israel out of Lebanon. Quit whining. Israel brought it on themselves.
Hezbollah was founded as an outpost of genocidal,
islamo nazi Iran because of the strategic location of
Lebanon----the entire southern part of Lebanon
which is a virtual wasteland is HIGHLY POPULATED
with murderous islamo-nazi hezbollah operatives
SUPPORTED, TRAINED and ARMED by Iran at very
heavy expense despite virtual starvation in parts of
Hezbollah was founded as an outpost of genocidal,
islamo nazi Iran because of the strategic location of
Lebanon----the entire southern part of Lebanon
which is a virtual wasteland is HIGHLY POPULATED
with murderous islamo-nazi hezbollah operatives
SUPPORTED, TRAINED and ARMED by Iran at very
heavy expense despite virtual starvation in parts of
Israel turned the demographic of Lebanon upside down with Palestinian refugees in 1948-1967. Remember when the Jews were refugees?

Read Moishe Dayan about what Israel has done to Lebanon since 1950. Read about Ariel Sharon's efforts to steal the Litani river.
So let me see if I've got this right:

A fat little Welsh poof who supports the Mullahs who really ARE working toward the nuclear capability with which to commit genocide is highlighting a statement by a complete nobody as somehow indicative of an entire segment of the political spectrum.

Well, at least he got Mac to fall for it.
Mud, your islamic quote "DEATH TO AMERICA"
has made suradie GIGGLE WITH JOY. Reminds me
of the giggling sluts in Yathrib/medina
Of course it's funny. What do you expect from the neighbors you have demonized since the refugees returned to Palestine?
Israel turned the demographic of Lebanon upside down with Palestinian refugees in 1948-1967. Remember when the Jews were refugees?

Read Moishe Dayan about what Israel has done to Lebanon since 1950. Read about Ariel Sharon's efforts to steal the Litani river.
whilst stealing Iran's rain clouds and training snakes
to SPECIFICALLY bite arabs and suradie scraping
the bottom of the khutbah feces fling barrel
Of course it's funny. What do you expect from the neighbors you have demonized since the refugees returned to Palestine?
who me? I have neighbors whom I have
demonized? "refugees" returned to where?
Of course it's funny. What do you expect from the neighbors you have demonized since the refugees returned to Palestine?
oh so THAT's why muhummad's sluts giggled
whilst they watched teen aged boy get their
heads chopped off !!!
They support the end of Israel...especially ihan omar...
Dear me.You are limited in your thinking arent you ?Israel is comitting crimes against humanity even today. opposing that isnt calling for a holocaust like this right wing shit is doing.
The jewish kid i went to school with never oppressed anyone. Mr Watson wants him dead.
So do you by the sound of it as you cant bring yourself to condemn his poison.

Shame on you.
Dear me.You are limited in your thinking arent you ?Israel is comitting crimes against humanity even today. opposing that isnt calling for a holocaust like this right wing shit is doing.
The jewish kid i went to school with never oppressed anyone. Mr Watson wants him dead.
So do you by the sound of it as you cant bring yourself to condemn his poison.

Shame on you.

No...they aren't....the muslim terrorists launching rockets into civilian populations and bombing pizza parlors are the criminals...you doofus.

Yeah.....if what watson said is accurate he is another anti-semite asshole...just like AOC and Ilhan omar....except he is a youtube guy and they are leaders in the democrat party.....do you condemn them?
No...they aren't....the muslim terrorists launching rockets into civilian populations and bombing pizza parlors are the criminals...you doofus.

Yeah.....if what watson said is accurate he is another anti-semite asshole...just like AOC and Ilhan omar....except he is a youtube guy and they are leaders in the democrat party.....do you condemn them?
Watson is a hard right crazy person. Read his bio. It's been posted.

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