“I really think you should press the button to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth.”

If you weren’t such MSM idiots you would know that MSM

Makes this shit up
leave shit out
LIE about the facts
and right now shutting down the people who do not agree wiht these leftist K*****, this is what leftist little bitches do they remove, delete, hide what they don’t like.

All you gotta do is go to the COnspiracy section and look at how many factual articles sit in there not from because I could care less I know what this place is already being google bitch doesn’t take long to figure out…

When your googles bitch your the bitch of the Elites who obey their master not having any idea ass kissers are the first ones they come for. ..


We can be sure INFOWARS WILL ALWAYS HAVE THEIR RESPONSE with the truth. Leftist pigs can’t do that .

Paul Joseph Watson works for Alex Jones on Infowars and invents stories that idiots believe in.

I think that his views will find favour with many of his fellow travellers on the right but perhaps will disappoint his many Jewish fans.

Basically the far right might conceal its true motives for a period but the truth always comes out in the end.


Before I give my opinion on it, I'd like to see some proof that is Watson who said it, since whoever is on recording, it sounds like an average British faggot.
The right seems to be held together by its hatred of minorities. They dont seem to have any policies outside of that.
You are a lying sack of shit.

I am BLOODY tired of the fuckwit leftist lies.

If you fucking ASS WIPES didn't spend so much time lying maybe you could figure out how to run the country or something
It seems that they are keen to talk about anything else but the OP.
Why wont right wingers condemn this character ?

I dont think the answer is a mystery of any sortt.

I see from the article that Watson moves in elevated right wing circles. Trump,dopey Candace and Farage.

He is also banned from Twatter. No doubt Elon will welcome him back into the Klaven soon.
you are a lunatic

Paul Joseph Watson works for Alex Jones on Infowars and invents stories that idiots believe in.

I think that his views will find favour with many of his fellow travellers on the right but perhaps will disappoint his many Jewish fans.

Basically the far right might conceal its true motives for a period but the truth always comes out in the end.
You’re a retard, taint.
The Q-cult is openly antisemitic. That's a third of the Republican party.

Not all Republicans are antisemites, but all of them tolerate the very numerous antisemites among them. They all run cover for those antisemites. Just look at this thread.

They have to. That's their base. Republicans know they can't win elections without the white supremacist antisemite demographic.
Progs better check their own for antisemitism. For there is a good percentage of them who are. In the end when things get bad we in America have a bevy of groups to blame. And we sure are divided.
If you weren’t such MSM idiots you would know that MSM

Makes this shit up
leave shit out
LIE about the facts
and right now shutting down the people who do not agree wiht these leftist K*****, this is what leftist little bitches do they remove, delete, hide what they don’t like.

All you gotta do is go to the COnspiracy section and look at how many factual articles sit in there not from because I could care less I know what this place is already being google bitch doesn’t take long to figure out…

When your googles bitch your the bitch of the Elites who obey their master not having any idea ass kissers are the first ones they come for. ..


We can be sure INFOWARS WILL ALWAYS HAVE THEIR RESPONSE with the truth. Leftist pigs can’t do that .
Mr Watson can always sue for defamation.Maybe he should to clear his name.
Of course the fact that he hasnt commented on this should not imply guilt.

Let me turn this around.

What is it in his character that makes you think he wouldnt say these things ?

It seems very plausible to me.
The right seems to be held together by its hatred of minorities. They dont seem to have any policies outside of that.
Keep telling yourself that lie like a parrot.
You're just repeating false lib talking-points.
If the GOP didn't have policies the Democrat Party wouldn't have anything to be against.
And if it weren't for fear-mongering and hatred....Democrats wouldn't have anything to talk about.
Mr Watson can always sue for defamation.Maybe he should to clear his name.
Of course the fact that he hasnt commented on this should not imply guilt.

Let me turn this around.

What is it in his character that makes you think he wouldnt say these things ?

It seems very plausible to me.
Who cares what he says.
This is the same shit you folks always do.
Someone pisses you off and you just start making shit up about them.
That's what Russian Collusion was officially all about. Making shit up.
When Israel finally got out of Lebanon in May 2000 they planted thousands of land mines. Do you remember how they tried to take the Litani river?
No. Seems to me you're missing the point.
Obama gave Iran billions so they could use it to to commit acts of terror and kill Jews.
And they didn't just kill Jews but other Muslims.
Iran was responsible for most of the devastation in Syria....them and the Russians.
And let's not forget all of the IEDs they built to use in Afghanistan and Iraq against our troops.
Yesser.....Obama is a traitor because he gave aide to our enemies....and Congress let him get away with it.
Much of the weapons and military equipment Biden left in Afghanistan ended up in Iran, btw.
No. Seems to me you're missing the point.
Obama gave Iran billions so they could use it to to commit acts of terror and kill Jews.
And they didn't just kill Jews but other Muslims.
Iran was responsible for most of the devastation in Syria....them and the Russians.
That's a malicious lie.. You don't know anything about Syria. Syria was a failed state by 2005 and on the Clean Break Strategy list since 1996.
That's a malicious lie.. You don't know anything about Syria. Syria was a failed state by 2005 and on the Clean Break Strategy list since 1996.
So it's okay to cause a civil war, destroy whole cities, and cause a massive migration of Syrians throughout Europe?
That money Obama gave Iran helped pay for that.

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