I showed me mine, you show me yours.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Obama showed three birth certificates, two newspaper announcements of his birth and released 7 years of tax returns. So Romney, if you paid taxes for the 10 years in question, cough them up. Unless you do have something to hide beside taxes paid or not paid. Not releasing them and saying “trust me” don’t cut it. Trust you? I don't think so. Harry is not running for president. Romney has only released a partial 2010 tax return and an estimated 2011 return.

Romney believes he is one of the anointed and he beyond scrutiny but he goes to the bathroom the same way the rest of us do.
The arrogance of only an elite.
Last edited:
Application denied.

Suck it.

Show us your college applications, Mr. President.

Show us your transcripts.

Get student aid? Under what programs? What did you CLAIM on those applications to get aid? Show us, Mr. President.
Application denied.

Suck it.

Show us your college applications, Mr. President.

Show us your transcripts.

Get student aid? Under what programs? What did you CLAIM on those applications to get aid? Show us, Mr. President.

I'm with you buddy. Screw THOSE PEOPLE! Americans have no business seeing just how much Romney has not paid in taxes. All of us GOPer are PROUD that rich people are allowed to keep all theirmoney while the middle class must scrimp and save.


I am all for the selfish, privileged upper class. They deserve so much more than they already have.

Just one thing. Why in the hell would anyone put $100,000,000 into an IRA account? This account is designed so the peons can draw out tax free money in their old age. It is of advantage only if you are kind of poor.

What loophole is Romney exploiting here? If he is operating under the same rules I am there is no advantage here and the money would be tied up for no reason.

I hope he lets the rest of us GOPers in on the secret so we can rip the taxpayers off here too.
Application denied.

Suck it.

Show us your college applications, Mr. President.

Show us your transcripts.

Get student aid? Under what programs? What did you CLAIM on those applications to get aid? Show us, Mr. President.

I'm with you buddy. Screw THOSE PEOPLE! Americans have no business seeing just how much Romney has not paid in taxes. All of us GOPer are PROUD that rich people are allowed to keep all theirmoney while the middle class must scrimp and save.


I am all for the selfish, privileged upper class. They deserve so much more than they already have.

Just one thing. Why in the hell would anyone put $100,000,000 into an IRA account? This account is designed so the peons can draw out tax free money in their old age. It is of advantage only if you are kind of poor.

What loophole is Romney exploiting here? If he is operating under the same rules I am there is no advantage here and the money would be tied up for no reason.

I hope he lets the rest of us GOPers in on the secret so we can rip the taxpayers off here too.

Sorry, pal. But you are NOT in fact entitled to see his tax returns.

We know he pays more in taxes even at a low rate than YOU will ever pay in your lifetime.

Deal wid it.

Obama showed three birth certificates, two newspaper announcements of his birth and released 7 years of tax returns. So Romney, if you paid taxes for the 10 years in question, cough them up. Unless you do have something to hide beside taxes paid or not paid. Not releasing them and saying “trust me” don’t cut it. Trust you? I don't think so. Harry is not running for president. Romney has only released a partial 2010 tax return and an estimated 2011 return.

Romney believes he is one of the anointed and he beyond scrutiny but he goes to the bathroom the same way the rest of us do.
The arrogance of only an elite.

Obama's been facing questions as to his nationality since he first ran for the Illinois state senate in '04. AND YET, it took years to come up with the documentation widely believed to have been altered.

Put Romney or any other Republican in THOSE shoes and I'm guessing you'd suddenly become all inquisitive.

Obama showed three birth certificates, two newspaper announcements of his birth and released 7 years of tax returns. So Romney, if you paid taxes for the 10 years in question, cough them up. Unless you do have something to hide beside taxes paid or not paid. Not releasing them and saying “trust me” don’t cut it. Trust you? I don't think so. Harry is not running for president. Romney has only released a partial 2010 tax return and an estimated 2011 return.

Romney believes he is one of the anointed and he beyond scrutiny but he goes to the bathroom the same way the rest of us do.
The arrogance of only an elite.

Tell me truthfully, if Romney shows his tax returns and there is nothing illegal in them, would you vote for him? I doubt it, so he really owes you nothing.
Application denied.

Suck it.

Show us your college applications, Mr. President.

Show us your transcripts.

Get student aid? Under what programs? What did you CLAIM on those applications to get aid? Show us, Mr. President.

Obama's emplyment and education resume says it all and it is public information and who the fuck care about his college application or transcripts? He got aid, so what the fuck? Romney got a million dollars and it did not make him any smarter.

Obama's resume.

Romey's resume.
Cannot find one.

Obama showed three birth certificates, two newspaper announcements of his birth and released 7 years of tax returns. So Romney, if you paid taxes for the 10 years in question, cough them up. Unless you do have something to hide beside taxes paid or not paid. Not releasing them and saying “trust me” don’t cut it. Trust you? I don't think so. Harry is not running for president. Romney has only released a partial 2010 tax return and an estimated 2011 return.

Romney believes he is one of the anointed and he beyond scrutiny but he goes to the bathroom the same way the rest of us do.
The arrogance of only an elite.

Tell me truthfully, if Romney shows his tax returns and there is nothing illegal in them, would you vote for him? I doubt it, so he really owes you nothing.

I think it's call 'legal tax evasion' Loopholes and tax havens. Legal but not christian or patriotic.
Not really a question of legal or illegal and no one accused him or doing anything illegal.
How many of the previous President's of The United States of America have been demanded to submit their Birth Certificate/College Transcripts?

Please remember to give your answer in the form of a question.
The demand for Romney's tax returns is just hyped up agitation. The government already knows what Romney paid. What the democrats want Romney to make public is who got his charitable donations. Did he donate to anti gay groups, or pro religious groups?
How many of the previous President's of The United States of America have been demanded to submit their Birth Certificate/College Transcripts?

Please remember to give your answer in the form of a question.
How many other Presidents claimed to be from Kenya?

Do I win something?

"Poorly Thought Out Questions" for $800 Alex.
Application denied.

Suck it.

Show us your college applications, Mr. President.

Show us your transcripts.

Get student aid? Under what programs? What did you CLAIM on those applications to get aid? Show us, Mr. President.

I'm with you buddy. Screw THOSE PEOPLE! Americans have no business seeing just how much Romney has not paid in taxes. All of us GOPer are PROUD that rich people are allowed to keep all theirmoney while the middle class must scrimp and save.


I am all for the selfish, privileged upper class. They deserve so much more than they already have.

Just one thing. Why in the hell would anyone put $100,000,000 into an IRA account? This account is designed so the peons can draw out tax free money in their old age. It is of advantage only if you are kind of poor.

What loophole is Romney exploiting here? If he is operating under the same rules I am there is no advantage here and the money would be tied up for no reason.

I hope he lets the rest of us GOPers in on the secret so we can rip the taxpayers off here too.

Sorry, pal. But you are NOT in fact entitled to see his tax returns.

We know he pays more in taxes even at a low rate than YOU will ever pay in your lifetime.

Deal wid it.

We are Not entitled to see Romneys tax returns.
We are entitled to see every piece of paper Obama ever submitted.
No double standard there.
Application denied.

Suck it.

Show us your college applications, Mr. President.

Show us your transcripts.

Get student aid? Under what programs? What did you CLAIM on those applications to get aid? Show us, Mr. President.

Obama's emplyment and education resume says it all and it is public information and who the fuck care about his college application or transcripts? He got aid, so what the fuck? Romney got a million dollars and it did not make him any smarter.

Obama's resume.

Romey's resume.
Cannot find one.

The President's resume may or may not match whatever he said in his college application, loan application, program applications, etc. His grades may or may not have been good regardless what he claimed about his grades later.

So, no.

Again, your claim is simply false, Lil Ol'. That's all. Nothing new.

Obama showed three birth certificates, two newspaper announcements of his birth and released 7 years of tax returns. So Romney, if you paid taxes for the 10 years in question, cough them up. Unless you do have something to hide beside taxes paid or not paid. Not releasing them and saying “trust me” don’t cut it. Trust you? I don't think so. Harry is not running for president. Romney has only released a partial 2010 tax return and an estimated 2011 return.

Romney believes he is one of the anointed and he beyond scrutiny but he goes to the bathroom the same way the rest of us do.
The arrogance of only an elite.

Just show me one law that he has broken, only one. Obama has a guy on the cabinet that waqs deliquent on his taxes what about him.
Application denied.

Suck it.

Show us your college applications, Mr. President.

Show us your transcripts.

Get student aid? Under what programs? What did you CLAIM on those applications to get aid? Show us, Mr. President.


How many of the 43-previous (Caucasian)President's of The United States of America had demands for their birth Certificate/College Transcripts?
Application denied.

Suck it.

Show us your college applications, Mr. President.

Show us your transcripts.

Get student aid? Under what programs? What did you CLAIM on those applications to get aid? Show us, Mr. President.


How many of the 43-previous (Caucasian)President's of The United States of America had demands for their birth Certificate/College Transcripts?

Several, and several mere candidates, too.

Fuckin' John F'n Kerry's campaign tried to dis W for HIS college grades until it got revealed that John F'n Kerry's grades were LOWER!

We all KNOW how W did in school because HIS records were released.

And, I'm content that Pres. Obama was born in Hawaii. But when the fuckin' guy's own literary agent sells him as having been born in Kenya, then there IS a legitimate basis to demand production of some proof that he IS a Natural Born Citizen. That's a Constitutional requirement. It applies, by the way, REGARDLESS of dopey libs' plodding dishonest efforts to make any and every challenge a way of claiming "RACISM!"

If this President back in his drug tokin' days applied for financial aid under any of various programs where his place of birth might have been a concern in the application process, it might prove interesting to see if he said the same thing THEN than he claims NOW.

That's why. It's his HONESTY that is being called into question, not a concern with race, you hack.
The goal of the left is to paint Romney as a rich man who pays no tax. I think they do not care that his tax returns for the last 10 years may be perfectly correct and entirely legal. They simply want to pry.

Had there been anything wrong with his returns, don't you think the IRS would have audited already.

Harry Reid's "the news is out" proclamation means absolutely nothing except that the Democrats are TRULY desperate to come up with damaging rumors about Romney because they can't come up with a goddamned single good thing about Obama and his cohorts!

Obama is THE WORST president in decades!
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Kerry's Transcripts were NEVER requested. He made the public himself. When your trying to tell a LIE...remember some of us do pay attention to the news and NEVER LISTEN TO FIXED NEWS

Obama showed three birth certificates, two newspaper announcements of his birth and released 7 years of tax returns. So Romney, if you paid taxes for the 10 years in question, cough them up. Unless you do have something to hide beside taxes paid or not paid. Not releasing them and saying “trust me” don’t cut it. Trust you? I don't think so. Harry is not running for president. Romney has only released a partial 2010 tax return and an estimated 2011 return.

Romney believes he is one of the anointed and he beyond scrutiny but he goes to the bathroom the same way the rest of us do.
The arrogance of only an elite.

Tell me truthfully, if Romney shows his tax returns and there is nothing illegal in them, would you vote for him? I doubt it, so he really owes you nothing.

I think it's call 'legal tax evasion' Loopholes and tax havens. Legal but not christian or patriotic.
Not really a question of legal or illegal and no one accused him or doing anything illegal.

So are you saying that Romney shouldn't take legal deductions because it's not christian or patriotic? Do you hold all people to that standard or just Romney? Did you have a problem with the Obama's sheltering $48,000 dollars by giving it to their children?
If you want to see tax returns, why not Harry Reid's as he's refused to show his. Reid's are truly more germane to the debate because he is one of those that actually writes tax policy and has a much greater conflict of interest factor than a president does. Or did you not realize that it is CONGRESS that writes tax policy?
Romney is a rich man that unlike Obama, won't need to trade political favors for campaign cash. Romney also knows how to balance a budget. Obama has proven that he has no clue.

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