I Take This Personally. I built this, and now… [Opening of Sacramento Railyards' first apartment complex delayed due to vandalism]

“Renegade animals” is an absurdly kind term for these creatures.

This state, and especially this part of it, is infested with nominally-human forms of life that just somehow completely failed to develop into actual human beings; that are nothing better than violent, destructive wild animals.

We have a corrupt state government, and corrupt local governments, ruled by Democraps that openly take the side of these violent animals against the side of actual human beings.
Humanoids, a Distinct Species
The Repubs hold no important offices in california

At least own up to your own failures
Are you claiming there are no Rs in the State legislature and no Rs seated in CA Federal House seats? If so, you’re wrong.
Are you claiming there are no Rs in the State legislature and no Rs seated in CA Federal House seats? If so, you’re wrong.
when democrats fail miserably its always the other sides fault....duh, everybody know that tired old excuse
Are you claiming there are no Rs in the State legislature and no Rs seated in CA Federal House seats? If so, you’re wrong.

There are a few, but the Democraps have supermajorities in both houses. Both our Senators are Democraps, and a supermajority of our members of the House are Democraps.

Our election process in this state has been rigged to favor Democraps.

California serves as a model for what happens when you let one party get too strongly in power.
Okay. Now tell me what the R Party is doing to stop this?
We have a lot more Conservative elected leaders in the city and county where I live. Most of them are Republicans.

In addition DeSantis has fired two Democrat District Attorneys in Florida that were doing the typical Democrat weak on crime shit. One in Tampa and one in Orlando. He replaced them with two much more tough on crime Republican DAs.

I am just as critical of Republicans being not much different than Democrats that you are most of the time. Especially in DC. However, on a local level there can be a difference.
There are a few, but the Democraps have supermajorities in both houses. Both our Senators are Democraps, and a supermajority of our members of the House are Democraps.

Our election process in this state has been rigged to favor Democraps.

California serves as a model for what happens when you let one party get too strongly in power.
Seems like a perfect opportunity for an R politician to make a name for themselves. Why don’t they?
Are you claiming there are no Rs in the State legislature and no Rs seated in CA Federal House seats? If so, you’re wrong.
None in positions of authority

You can bullshit yourself if it makes you happy - and there are a lot of libs in cali doing just that or the dems would be out of power by now

But dont try to snow me
None in positions of authority

You can bullshit yourself if it makes you happy - and there are a lot of libs in cali doing just that or the dems would be out of power by now

But dont try to snow me
Oh please. The Rs are doing nothing. They are just as bad as the Ds.
What is it that you delusionally imagine that the Republicans can do in California?
Generations Rot From the Top Down

Disown their sons and daughters, who became Democrats, Antifa, and RINO appeasers of Preppy Progressivism. Far-Right Orange County, California has gone Far Left because of the inevitable decadence of hereditary power.

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