i think its safe to say we know how a democrat POTUS would lead in the pandemic !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
and we know how a dem potus would handle the pandemic .....just look at how dem governors are locking people up and surveilling people with drones and encouraging citizen to inform on their neighbor tactics that were used in the old USSR and NAZI Germany ! take all that into account its easy to deduce that a dem commander in chief with the vast power that title wields would have no problem suspending habeas corpus and declaring marshal law !
when the rest of the country gest open and rolling again blue states are going to see more and more protesting to ease restrictions and call for dem governors to step down . the lefts overreach of power will cost them with voters in nov .
and we know how a dem potus would handle the pandemic .....just look at how dem governors are locking people up and surveilling people with drones and encouraging citizen to inform on their neighbor tactics that were used in the old USSR and NAZI Germany ! take all that into account its easy to deduce that a dem commander in chief with the vast power that title wields would have no problem suspending habeas corpus and declaring marshal law !
A democrat would be competent and keep people alive. Now stfu
and we know how a dem potus would handle the pandemic .....just look at how dem governors are locking people up and surveilling people with drones and encouraging citizen to inform on their neighbor tactics that were used in the old USSR and NAZI Germany ! take all that into account its easy to deduce that a dem commander in chief with the vast power that title wields would have no problem suspending habeas corpus and declaring marshal law !
A democrat would be competent and keep people alive. Now stfu
Jail ain't much of a living.
and we know how a dem potus would handle the pandemic .....just look at how dem governors are locking people up and surveilling people with drones and encouraging citizen to inform on their neighbor tactics that were used in the old USSR and NAZI Germany ! take all that into account its easy to deduce that a dem commander in chief with the vast power that title wields would have no problem suspending habeas corpus and declaring marshal law !
A democrat would be competent and keep people alive. Now stfu
Yea NYC LOL 6 months and didn’t wipe the train down!? WTF
Actually, a Democratic President would probably have screwed up as much as — well, almost as much as — Trump has. The question now of shutting down, or opening up, sections of the economy, is inherently a very difficult one. Any Democratic President (like every Governor regardless of party) would face the same real and conflicting pressures.

Even if we were better prepared, had more PPE, had earlier adopted “social distancing,” our politically divided and super-individualistic society limits us and how we respond.

Even a competent Republican President would have been better for the nation, had he just acted responsibly, admitted mistakes were made, really been a “uniter” of people — not a divider.
and we know how a dem potus would handle the pandemic .....just look at how dem governors are locking people up and surveilling people with drones and encouraging citizen to inform on their neighbor tactics that were used in the old USSR and NAZI Germany ! take all that into account its easy to deduce that a dem commander in chief with the vast power that title wields would have no problem suspending habeas corpus and declaring marshal law !
A democrat would be competent and keep people alive. Now stfu
like cuomo ?? or de blasio ? and what about left wing leaders in other countries being ravaged ? why are dem led states having higher infection rates ! and how about the old folks infected being ordered by dem leaders to be placed back into the homes for the elderly ?
Actually, a Democratic President would probably have screwed up as much as — well, almost as much as — Trump has. The question now of shutting down, or opening up, sections of the economy, is inherently a very difficult one. Any Democratic President (like every Governor regardless of party) would face the same real and conflicting pressures.

Even if we were better prepared, had more PPE, had earlier adopted “social distancing,” our politically divided and super-individualistic society limits us and how we respond.

Even a competent Republican President would have been better for the nation, had he just acted responsibly, admitted mistakes were made, really been a “uniter” of people — not a divider.
the only people causing division are dems and the communist msm ! calling protesters nazis for wanting to go back to work so they can feed their families.
and we know how a dem potus would handle the pandemic .....just look at how dem governors are locking people up and surveilling people with drones and encouraging citizen to inform on their neighbor tactics that were used in the old USSR and NAZI Germany ! take all that into account its easy to deduce that a dem commander in chief with the vast power that title wields would have no problem suspending habeas corpus and declaring marshal law !
A democrat would be competent and keep people alive. Now stfu

Don't you believe it. The anti-white party is hell bent on making whites a minority as soon as possible. In doing so, they are paving a path to a single-party country, and they won't let anything stand in their way.

If a commie like Hillary were President, the very last thing she would have done is issue any travel bans. That would have ushered in more and more infected people.

The Democrats only care about power--not Americans. This is why they shot down Kate's Law. This is why they morphed from sanctuary cities into sanctuary states after Trump was elected. This is why they shutdown the federal government for the longest period of time in history over a wall. This is why they want an end to ICE. This is why they turn a blind eye to the cries of Angel mothers. This is why during the first two weeks of March, they were trying to pass a bill to stop Trump's authority to issue travel bans without their consent, amid a growing worldwide crisis.

So what makes you think for one minute that a Democrat would have done a better job than our President is doing today???
and we know how a dem potus would handle the pandemic .....just look at how dem governors are locking people up and surveilling people with drones and encouraging citizen to inform on their neighbor tactics that were used in the old USSR and NAZI Germany ! take all that into account its easy to deduce that a dem commander in chief with the vast power that title wields would have no problem suspending habeas corpus and declaring marshal law !
A democrat would be competent and keep people alive. Now stfu
Are you referring to Cuomo?
I didn't think so.
and we know how a dem potus would handle the pandemic .....just look at how dem governors are locking people up and surveilling people with drones and encouraging citizen to inform on their neighbor tactics that were used in the old USSR and NAZI Germany ! take all that into account its easy to deduce that a dem commander in chief with the vast power that title wields would have no problem suspending habeas corpus and declaring marshal law !

OBEY the left or be PUNISHED!!

They raised $280,000 on her Go Fund Me page. Nice bucks to get for seven days of sitting in jail.

This ill-tempered neanderthal "judge" is being absolutely pilloried here in N. Texas. He didn't like duh disrespekk from the white wimmenz. Shelley is blond, beautiful and built like a brick shit house. You do the math.

This is in Dallas County, where they let felons out of jail and publicly announced they won't prosecute for theft under $750. It's been pointed out she could have stolen $749 worth of shit from the grocery store and been home free. Abbott and the rest of the state are ready to remove this insensitive marxist mother fuck.


THAT put a mother in the Dallas County jail where child molestors and other felons were let out due to Kung Flu concerns. Fucking animal.

They raised $280,000 on her Go Fund Me page. Nice bucks to get for seven days of sitting in jail.

This ill-tempered neanderthal "judge" is being absolutely pilloried here in N. Texas. He didn't like duh disrespekk from the white wimmenz. Shelley is blond, beautiful and built like a brick shit house. You do the math.

This is in Dallas County, where they let felons out of jail and publicly announced they won't prosecute for theft under $750. It's been pointed out she could have stolen $749 worth of shit from the grocery store and been home free. Abbott and the rest of the state are ready to remove this insensitive marxist mother fuck.


THAT put a mother in the Dallas County jail where child molestors and other felons were let out due to Kung Flu concerns. Fucking animal.

Well......just as long as they let her kids stay in jail with her. We all know how sensitive liberals are when our government separates kids from their mothers. Who is this judge anyway? What party is he from?

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