I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

No one… NO ONE…. was going to the hospital in those first days of the pandemic in NY unless they had Covid.

The ship was not outfitted to handle COVID and there weren’t enough patients for it to be needed otherwise
everything about wuhan was a lie. EVERYTHING. take a listen. Even the CDC admits it here through the NY Times. Thanks Jimmy

What about the price of toilet paper, if you could find it?
actually, the supply chain thing during trump was all part of the con of wuhan. people drove around and purchased all the toilet paper on purpose, then demofks shut down the factories and said fk you american deplorables for Trump. demofks had all of the supplies and sold them to their own. What an amazing breed the demofk!!!
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Deficits cause inflation unless they don’t. Monetary expansion causes inflation unless it doesn’t.

Nobody knows nothing. Everyone is guessing.
that includes you! Thanks for admitting it.
As I said, the wrong tool.

The ships are designed to specialize in trauma cases, given their mission is to treat wounded troops. They are not designed to handle an infectious disease outbreak for many reasons. The ships have no way of isolating infectious patients; that's why they will deploy to support only non-COVID-19 cases.

Further complicating their support of the outbreak, some of the patient beds aboard are actually stacked atop one another. The berthing beds for the crew are stacked three deep, and the ship uses metal handrails -- on which coronavirus can survive for hours. Some question whether the ships should be used at all.
And for the last time….the ship was not to house COVID patients, it was to move hospital patients to the ship, thereby making hospital beds available for COVID.

And now you’re questioning whether ships should be used because COVID virus can live for hours on their metal surfaces? Again, it wasn’t for COVID patients.

You are so unwilling to see that Cuomo chose to move COVID elderly into nursing homes to spread the infection instead of making use of the ship - switching out for hospital patients - because you can’t admit that Trump did well, and that the Democrat preferred to kill his own constituents rather than give a “win” to Trump.
Does that include the 400,000 dead ones and their families?
Record Covid deaths under Xiden...tragic....sad, and frankly, given the three vaccine's Trump created and the safety measures he put in place that were working (that Xiden undid on day 1), frankly criminal.

I say prosecute Xiden for manslaughter for that.
Record Covid deaths under Xiden...tragic....sad, and frankly, given the three vaccine's Trump created and the safety measures he put in place that were working (that Xiden undid on day 1), frankly criminal.

I say prosecute Xiden for manslaughter for that.
Trump didn't actually create anything. He asked pharma to work toward a solution as quickly as they could, the mrna thing was already being worked on. Trump merely requested they speed it up.

All the misinformation out there about what trump did or didn't do is so dishonest. but it's trump!!!
The common cold doesn’t kill a million Americans in a year and a half

You’re QKrazy
False recording of covid deaths would lead you to believe that, sure.
The common cold is a pseudonym for minor respiratory illnesses caused by a variety of viruses that does indeed include corona viruses.
That's why a corona virus was chosen for Gain of Function weaponization.
Ask Dr. Fauci, he can confirm all that.
Trump takes credit for that vaccine.
No, Trump takes credit for getting it rolled out. I get that english is a difficult language, try learning it. No where did he take credit for the vaccine.

Former President Trump on Tuesday gave himself credit for the current coronavirus vaccine rollout,
Are any of them surgically tethered to you?

You are not comparing a restraint in a car to something that, according to international law, must only be administered to a patient that fully and freely consents, are you?

Lacking ethnics seems a very left wing thing these days.
I agree on your remark about the left wing.
Nope, I did not remove the safety items in my car or my sons RAM pick up. Both have seat belts and air bags. I have never been against them. I am against shoving Americans around and forcing them to do the democrats bidding. Damn right I am anti Democrat.
The common cold doesn’t kill a million Americans in a year and a half

You’re QKrazy
Fentanyl does. And you are not anti the Biden admin importing tons of it. A piece the size of a tiny pill will kill you. But you don't give a damn. So long as you have Biden to adore.
False recording of covid deaths would lead you to believe that, sure.
The common cold is a pseudonym for minor respiratory illnesses caused by a variety of viruses that does indeed include corona viruses.
That's why a corona virus was chosen for Gain of Function weaponization.
Ask Dr. Fauci, he can confirm all that.
#1, there was no way for anyone to know if someone died of wuhan. None. people made money to say people died due to wuhan. That's just a fact!!!. People may have died during wuhan, but not because of it.
I agree on your remark about the left wing.
Nope, I did not remove the safety items in my car or my sons RAM pick up. Both have seat belts and air bags. I have never been against them. I am against shoving Americans around and forcing them to do the democrats bidding. Damn right I am anti Democrat.
Well technically, wearing seat belts is forced, there are laws you must wear them, even though many don't.
Well technically, wearing seat belts is forced, there are laws you must wear them, even though many don't.
Those not using them easily can get away with not using them.
Those not using them easily can get away with not using them.
yep, but there are laws about wearing them, just like driving with a smart phone in one's hand, yet cops drive right by those doing it. I watch regularly.
yep, but there are laws about wearing them, just like driving with a smart phone in one's hand, yet cops drive right by those doing it. I watch regularly.
I noticed in East Coast cities that I visited reading signs on the major roads saying you must not use a cell phone. I don't see such signs here in Idaho.

While I do not see signs here, this is the current law.

Idaho's Hands-Free Cell Phone StatuteAs of Wednesday (July 1. 2020) drivers in Idaho will only be able to use electronic devices in hands-free mode behind the wheel . This includes when stopped at a red light or stop sign. Basically- holding a cell phone illegal while operating a vehicle.Jun 29, 2020

Now Illegal In Idaho To Use A Handheld Cell Phone In Your Car​

Trump didn't actually create anything. He asked pharma to work toward a solution as quickly as they could, the mrna thing was already being worked on. Trump merely requested they speed it up.

All the misinformation out there about what trump did or didn't do is so dishonest. but it's trump!!!
Obviously, nobody believes Trump was in the lab working on these...calm down

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