I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

yep, and then found their citizens deserved actual leadership and ensured their businesses and jobs.
fake story and disinformation. Fact is many demofk governors and other demofks of shut down states traveled to florida because it was open. Funny shit huh?
What was OPEN in FL that wasn't OPEN in WA, or another Blue State?
Be specific.
I live in Florida, Winco..we reopened WAY before other States did! That was due to Ron DeSantis' political courage and he took MAJOR heat from the Main Stream Media and Democrats for that decision but did the right thing!
Sure, and I live in WA and very little 'closed down'
They (food places) had to offer delivery or outside dinning.
The grocery stores will still open.
The medical offices were still open.

What exactly was "Completely Shut Down."
Nah I'm white, male and rich. I'll blend right in. Lots of us liberals existed in Nazi Germany. Some of us even had to go to war and fight for the nazi's. It's terrible when your country is taken over by nazis/republicans.
You’re calling Republicans “Nazis,” and you don’t think you’ve been brainwashed?
When you're fired, you're forced.

Hundreds of hospital staffers fired or suspended for refusing ...

View attachment 923517
ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
https://abcnews.go.com › story
Sep 30, 2021 — Hundreds of health care workers across the country are being fired and leaving hospitals in droves for not complying with COVID-19 vaccine ...

When you quit, it your choice.

Vaccination-related employee departures at 55 hospitals, ...

View attachment 923518
Becker's Hospital Review
https://www.beckershospitalreview.com › workforce
Jan 27, 2023 — Eleven Olean (N.Y.) General Hospital workers resigned because of the state's vaccination mandate, which requires healthcare workers at hospitals ...

If you work on a construction site you have to wear a hard hat (and obey many other safety rules)....
Vaccine conspiracy theorists are hurting Florida. Now it's measles

Cute try.

Measles outbreak in Chicago: What to know about the virus
By ALYSA GUFFEY | [email protected] | Chicago Tribune
PUBLISHED: March 27, 2024 at 5:00 a.m. | UPDATED: March 27, 2024 at 9:57 a.m.

Chicago health officials recorded the city’s first measles case in five years earlier this month with an unknown origin.

Soon after, an outbreak spread to the city’s largest migrant shelter. On Tuesday, Chicago’s total sat at 31 cases with two reported in suburban Will County and Lake County.


Why is this happening now and not years past?

It's what happened from Jan 21st 2017 to March 2020 that people remember about Trump.

The Covid thing was the exception to the rule. Dems plan on introducing another Covid strain during Trump 2.0? Things were ROCKING under Trump 1.0 until dems introduced Covid and shut the country down. They knew Trump was WELL on his way to a 2nd term. Gotta give 'em credit though, they did a great job of causing a panic and then blaming Trump.
Trump, worst president in US history.
Just imagine if said person could earn a very modest and completely safe interest of 2% compounded over 44 years.
Sure, but let's be realistic.
Really, let's think about the lower income earners.
If they got extra money in their paycheck, because no money was taken out for SS.
At 6.2 %. rate, a person making $4,000 per month, the Government currently would withhold $248 from that earner and put it in the SS fund.

You really think that the low income worker would INVEST that $248 rather than spend that $248.

It all sounds great in your utopia, and I understand your stance of, let the earner INVEST that $248 on their own....I get it.
But Reality is that they won't INVEST that money.
Yes. I knew three people who died:

1) an elderly woman in her late 80s
2) an elderly man in his late 80s with cancer
3) a 40-year-old woman with stage 4 breast cancer

In the last case, this unfortunate woman had been admitted to the hospital as she neared the end, and caught COVID there. She died shortly thereafter, and she counted as a COVID death - when in truth she was just weeks, or less, away from death by breast cancer.
Explain the CDC excess deaths... Not the three people you know...

The Statistics on the age of people dying is well documented

We have that stats...
But lets be quite clear, 1.2m dying from COVID is looking like the lower end of the figures...
Lets just look at Florida:

This is reported

This is the excess deaths:

Now it would be expected that because reduced travel and less recreation that there would be much less deaths than expected.
Europe had a lot of time with less than expected dying.

So lets be clear, when you break those excess deaths down, something killed more than 1.2m Americans in that period and the hospitals were full of COVID patients..
Successful usually means you took an inordinate amount of the benefits of work other people did.

We need to soak the rich on taxes, like we did before Reagan screwed everything up.

Although I do like the idea of harvesting them for organ donors.
Nonsense in my employers case, he started the company in his house, and built it up, he put up the capital himself and worked his arse off!
You are nothing but a commie!
Nonsense in my employers case, he started the company in his house, and built it up, he put up the capital himself and worked his arse off!
You are nothing but a commie!
Joe B, like many radical leftists, has contempt for successful, motivated, talented people who provide livelihoods for others while making excuses and defending illegals, welfare recipients, and criminals.
Let's tap into the scientist in you. Let's say you and me are buds and I'm contageous. What would you do? You'd stay away.

I'm sure 45% of Chinese people are like Trump supporters. Going to parties, not social distancing.

Science and logic says if you did isolate every case, eventually it would go away. So clearly some people weren't following the rules. So what you are saying is it's impossible to make everyone act responsible. Sorry we tried.
If you and I worked together then I would suggest that YOU stay home and I go to work! Instead of that, Government had both of us stay home. Explain the "logic" in that to me!
It’s a cult thing
Yes, Republicans rallying around a habitual line crosser reminds me of Germans who for some reason allowed a guy like Hitler to get into power.

Or they remind me of Putin supporters. Russians Rootin for Pootin.
What was OPEN in FL that wasn't OPEN in WA, or another Blue State?
Be specific.

Sure, and I live in WA and very little 'closed down'
They (food places) had to offer delivery or outside dinning.
The grocery stores will still open.
The medical offices were still open.

What exactly was "Completely Shut Down."
everything that wasn't considered essential.

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