I think Trump is going to lose

So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
You must not be watching his pressers... it’s like a guy trying to figure out what somebody wrote for him as he tries to read it. It’s so apparent that he has no clue what’s going on and is only thinking about campaigning and politics. A total embarrassment
I disagree Completely. He is the most transparent president. Which of his policies do you dislike? Be specific.
I think the wall is idiotic and money can be spent in much better ways to better secure our border.

Any suggestions?
A bunch but we’d have to tackle that in a different thread
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.

About what?
Anything and everything. If you’ve ever heard him speak then you’ve heard it. He is up there blowing smoke so that involves lying l, exaggerating and spreading falsehoods to try and make him look as good as possible. He is not an honest person he is a con and sales man

Blowing smoke? You’re referring to Obama?
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
You must not be watching his pressers... it’s like a guy trying to figure out what somebody wrote for him as he tries to read it. It’s so apparent that he has no clue what’s going on and is only thinking about campaigning and politics. A total embarrassment
I disagree Completely. He is the most transparent president. Which of his policies do you dislike? Be specific.
I think the wall is idiotic and money can be spent in much better ways to better secure our border.

Any suggestions?
A bunch but we’d have to tackle that in a different thread

You really like to circumvent, don’t you?

A Japanese business practice.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
You must not be watching his pressers... it’s like a guy trying to figure out what somebody wrote for him as he tries to read it. It’s so apparent that he has no clue what’s going on and is only thinking about campaigning and politics. A total embarrassment
I disagree Completely. He is the most transparent president. Which of his policies do you dislike? Be specific.
I think the wall is idiotic and money can be spent in much better ways to better secure our border. Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. I think he has destroyed our environmental protection policies on many different levels. But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. He gets bullet points and big picture and then relies on others to do the details while he goes out and spreads false promises and information . That is a very dangerous way to govern in my opinion.
Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. --- Not a policy pure opinion.

But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. More opinion not policy.

The Wall is a policy. Border Patrol agents support it and they are the experts? I believe them not politicians or posters on message boards.

So you have named one policy. One that border patrol agents support. Rest is just you don't like him because he is mean. OK.
Nice attempt to dismiss but I named several policies that you want to call opinion. That’s fine though, I don’t expect you to agree with me. I don’t care that he is mean, I care that he is dishonest and divisive.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.

About what?
Anything and everything. If you’ve ever heard him speak then you’ve heard it. He is up there blowing smoke so that involves lying l, exaggerating and spreading falsehoods to try and make him look as good as possible. He is not an honest person he is a con and sales man

Blowing smoke? You’re referring to Obama?
No I’m talking about Trump. Obama had smoke too as do all politicians but very different and not even close to the levels of dishonesty that Trump spews
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.
Actually that is also untrue. I have Explained this to you dozens of times. Why do you lie?
I don’t lie. It is document and indisputable that Trump constantly lies. Pick any date that there is a recorded public statement from Trump and I’m pretty sure I can show you a lie.
Nope. Media lies. If Trump says he weighs 250 but really weighs 252 the media calls it a lie.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.

About what?
Anything and everything. If you’ve ever heard him speak then you’ve heard it. He is up there blowing smoke so that involves lying l, exaggerating and spreading falsehoods to try and make him look as good as possible. He is not an honest person he is a con and sales man
I disagree. He tells it like it is IMO. So far we are just trading opinions.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
Trump will win BIGLEY!
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
You must not be watching his pressers... it’s like a guy trying to figure out what somebody wrote for him as he tries to read it. It’s so apparent that he has no clue what’s going on and is only thinking about campaigning and politics. A total embarrassment
I disagree Completely. He is the most transparent president. Which of his policies do you dislike? Be specific.
I think the wall is idiotic and money can be spent in much better ways to better secure our border. Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. I think he has destroyed our environmental protection policies on many different levels. But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. He gets bullet points and big picture and then relies on others to do the details while he goes out and spreads false promises and information . That is a very dangerous way to govern in my opinion.
Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. --- Not a policy pure opinion.

But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. More opinion not policy.

The Wall is a policy. Border Patrol agents support it and they are the experts? I believe them not politicians or posters on message boards.

So you have named one policy. One that border patrol agents support. Rest is just you don't like him because he is mean. OK.
Nice attempt to dismiss but I named several policies that you want to call opinion. That’s fine though, I don’t expect you to agree with me. I don’t care that he is mean, I care that he is dishonest and divisive.
Nope. You spoke big picture. Only specific one you named was the Wall.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.

About what?
Anything and everything. If you’ve ever heard him speak then you’ve heard it. He is up there blowing smoke so that involves lying l, exaggerating and spreading falsehoods to try and make him look as good as possible. He is not an honest person he is a con and sales man

Blowing smoke? You’re referring to Obama?
No I’m talking about Trump. Obama had smoke too as do all politicians but very different and not even close to the levels of dishonesty that Trump spews

Well, I shan’t stop eating in the DC Trump Hotel, despite your frantic efforts to demonise him.

The nearest thing to Europe that side of the Pond.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.
Actually that is also untrue. I have Explained this to you dozens of times. Why do you lie?
I don’t lie. It is document and indisputable that Trump constantly lies. Pick any date that there is a recorded public statement from Trump and I’m pretty sure I can show you a lie.
Nope. Media lies. If Trump says he weighs 250 but really weighs 252 the media calls it a lie.
You’re right, the media is very nit picky. They call small exaggerations lies and sometimes they take statements out of context to attack Trump which in itself is a lie by the media. All that happens. But that’s not all that happens all the time. Those instances are a small percentage of the things being reported. the majority Of reports are Trumps own words and statements and many many many falsehoods.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.

About what?
Anything and everything. If you’ve ever heard him speak then you’ve heard it. He is up there blowing smoke so that involves lying l, exaggerating and spreading falsehoods to try and make him look as good as possible. He is not an honest person he is a con and sales man
I disagree. He tells it like it is IMO. So far we are just trading opinions.
It’s not really opinion. I hear him talk and I hear him telling lies. There’s a fact checker site that’s tracked over 20,000 falsehoods. He is averaging over 20 falsehoods a day over the past year. Many or small exaggerations and white lies but some are straight up conspiracies and complete falsehoods misleading the American people. It’s a complete embarrassment.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.

About what?
Anything and everything. If you’ve ever heard him speak then you’ve heard it. He is up there blowing smoke so that involves lying l, exaggerating and spreading falsehoods to try and make him look as good as possible. He is not an honest person he is a con and sales man
I disagree. He tells it like it is IMO. So far we are just trading opinions.
It’s not really opinion. I hear him talk and I hear him telling lies. There’s a fact checker site that’s tracked over 20,000 falsehoods. He is averaging over 20 falsehoods a day over the past year. Many or small exaggerations and white lies but some are straight up conspiracies and complete falsehoods misleading the American people. It’s a complete embarrassment.

As clear as mud. You’re just ranting.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.

About what?
Anything and everything. If you’ve ever heard him speak then you’ve heard it. He is up there blowing smoke so that involves lying l, exaggerating and spreading falsehoods to try and make him look as good as possible. He is not an honest person he is a con and sales man

Blowing smoke? You’re referring to Obama?
No I’m talking about Trump. Obama had smoke too as do all politicians but very different and not even close to the levels of dishonesty that Trump spews

Well, I shan’t stop eating in the DC Trump Hotel, despite your frantic efforts to demonise him.

The nearest thing to Europe that side of the Pond.
Eat all you want and wherever you want, why would I care about that?
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.

About what?
Anything and everything. If you’ve ever heard him speak then you’ve heard it. He is up there blowing smoke so that involves lying l, exaggerating and spreading falsehoods to try and make him look as good as possible. He is not an honest person he is a con and sales man
I disagree. He tells it like it is IMO. So far we are just trading opinions.
It’s not really opinion. I hear him talk and I hear him telling lies. There’s a fact checker site that’s tracked over 20,000 falsehoods. He is averaging over 20 falsehoods a day over the past year. Many or small exaggerations and white lies but some are straight up conspiracies and complete falsehoods misleading the American people. It’s a complete embarrassment.

As clear as mud. You’re just ranting.
That I am, for good cause. I don’t like being lied to by our elected leaders.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
Trump has been attacked every day. That much is true. The main stream media attacks and he responds. It's been that way since before he was elected and I suspect it will continue that way as long as he is in office. They hate him because they helped elect him and they're really annoyed that the games they were playing back in the Presidential race backfired on them.
Trump gets attacked so often because he lies all the time.

About what?
Anything and everything. If you’ve ever heard him speak then you’ve heard it. He is up there blowing smoke so that involves lying l, exaggerating and spreading falsehoods to try and make him look as good as possible. He is not an honest person he is a con and sales man

Blowing smoke? You’re referring to Obama?
No I’m talking about Trump. Obama had smoke too as do all politicians but very different and not even close to the levels of dishonesty that Trump spews

Well, I shan’t stop eating in the DC Trump Hotel, despite your frantic efforts to demonise him.

The nearest thing to Europe that side of the Pond.
Eat all you want and wherever you want, why would I care about that?

I’ve no idea why you would care.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
You must not be watching his pressers... it’s like a guy trying to figure out what somebody wrote for him as he tries to read it. It’s so apparent that he has no clue what’s going on and is only thinking about campaigning and politics. A total embarrassment
I disagree Completely. He is the most transparent president. Which of his policies do you dislike? Be specific.
I think the wall is idiotic and money can be spent in much better ways to better secure our border. Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. I think he has destroyed our environmental protection policies on many different levels. But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. He gets bullet points and big picture and then relies on others to do the details while he goes out and spreads false promises and information . That is a very dangerous way to govern in my opinion.
Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. --- Not a policy pure opinion.

But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. More opinion not policy.

The Wall is a policy. Border Patrol agents support it and they are the experts? I believe them not politicians or posters on message boards.

So you have named one policy. One that border patrol agents support. Rest is just you don't like him because he is mean. OK.
Nice attempt to dismiss but I named several policies that you want to call opinion. That’s fine though, I don’t expect you to agree with me. I don’t care that he is mean, I care that he is dishonest and divisive.
Nope. You spoke big picture. Only specific one you named was the Wall.
Apologies. You want specifics and that’s a fair request. I don’t like the wall, backing out of the Paris climate accord, how he collects billions in Tariffs from US companies and pretends like China is paying them, I dont like his bully approach with NATO to get countries to ramp up their own defense spending, I don’t like his health care policy where he promised a very quick repeal and replace for Obamacare and all he has done is nothing but sue to try and deconstruct the ACA. I don’t like his diplomacy tactics where he kisses ass to the strongmen and strong arms our allies. It’s dangerous and weakens our position in the world. I could keep going but I think that’s enough for now.
There will be massive voter fraud on election night. Truck loads of “mail-in ballots” will appear from nowhere. Dems can’t afford to lose this election, they are betting everything on it.
That is the ONLY way Senile Joe can "win."
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
You must not be watching his pressers... it’s like a guy trying to figure out what somebody wrote for him as he tries to read it. It’s so apparent that he has no clue what’s going on and is only thinking about campaigning and politics. A total embarrassment
I disagree Completely. He is the most transparent president. Which of his policies do you dislike? Be specific.
I think the wall is idiotic and money can be spent in much better ways to better secure our border. Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. I think he has destroyed our environmental protection policies on many different levels. But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. He gets bullet points and big picture and then relies on others to do the details while he goes out and spreads false promises and information . That is a very dangerous way to govern in my opinion.
Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. --- Not a policy pure opinion.

But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. More opinion not policy.

The Wall is a policy. Border Patrol agents support it and they are the experts? I believe them not politicians or posters on message boards.

So you have named one policy. One that border patrol agents support. Rest is just you don't like him because he is mean. OK.
Nice attempt to dismiss but I named several policies that you want to call opinion. That’s fine though, I don’t expect you to agree with me. I don’t care that he is mean, I care that he is dishonest and divisive.
Nope. You spoke big picture. Only specific one you named was the Wall.
Apologies. You want specifics and that’s a fair request. I don’t like the wall, backing out of the Paris climate accord, how he collects billions in Tariffs from US companies and pretends like China is paying them, I dont like his bully approach with NATO to get countries to ramp up their own defense spending, I don’t like his health care policy where he promised a very quick repeal and replace for Obamacare and all he has done is nothing but sue to try and deconstruct the ACA. I don’t like his diplomacy tactics where he kisses ass to the strongmen and strong arms our allies. It’s dangerous and weakens our position in the world. I could keep going but I think that’s enough for now.
Fair...I agree with you on healthcare and don't like his deficit spend. The rest is why I voted for him. We just have disparate views on the world. Which is fine.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
I’m not embarrassed. I’ll debate you on it if you care to make a counter argument. What do you think I said wrong?
I disagree that Trump was embarrassing himself each day.
You must not be watching his pressers... it’s like a guy trying to figure out what somebody wrote for him as he tries to read it. It’s so apparent that he has no clue what’s going on and is only thinking about campaigning and politics. A total embarrassment
I disagree Completely. He is the most transparent president. Which of his policies do you dislike? Be specific.
I think the wall is idiotic and money can be spent in much better ways to better secure our border. Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. I think he has destroyed our environmental protection policies on many different levels. But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. He gets bullet points and big picture and then relies on others to do the details while he goes out and spreads false promises and information . That is a very dangerous way to govern in my opinion.
Furthermore he is demonizing and dividing us so much with his anti immigrant rhetoric it is pushing us further and further away from getting real reform done. --- Not a policy pure opinion.

But the main issue I have with him and most all his policies are the whirlwind of lies and spin that comes with all of them. He is a sales guy and I’m convinced that he has no idea about specifics and details. More opinion not policy.

The Wall is a policy. Border Patrol agents support it and they are the experts? I believe them not politicians or posters on message boards.

So you have named one policy. One that border patrol agents support. Rest is just you don't like him because he is mean. OK.
Nice attempt to dismiss but I named several policies that you want to call opinion. That’s fine though, I don’t expect you to agree with me. I don’t care that he is mean, I care that he is dishonest and divisive.
Nope. You spoke big picture. Only specific one you named was the Wall.
Apologies. You want specifics and that’s a fair request. I don’t like the wall, backing out of the Paris climate accord, how he collects billions in Tariffs from US companies and pretends like China is paying them, I dont like his bully approach with NATO to get countries to ramp up their own defense spending, I don’t like his health care policy where he promised a very quick repeal and replace for Obamacare and all he has done is nothing but sue to try and deconstruct the ACA. I don’t like his diplomacy tactics where he kisses ass to the strongmen and strong arms our allies. It’s dangerous and weakens our position in the world. I could keep going but I think that’s enough for now.
Fair...I agree with you on healthcare and don't like his deficit spend. The rest is why I voted for him. We just have disparate views on the world. Which is fine.
I got no problem with differing political views. I think it’s very healthy. My major problem with Trump is more style than policy objectives. I don’t think he fosters a good environment for policy debate and progress.

Myra the environment is a tough one with a strong media and Democratic Party going against him. But there are mature ways to deal with that. Trumps way is dishonest and immature and inflamed the issues that keep us stagnant

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