I think Trump is going to lose

I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
She's not VP...so her voting record actually means something!
As for Biden? It's laughable that anyone thinks that senile old man was given anything of importance to do. From what is coming out now he was seen as a joke by the Obama inner circle.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
Fuck that shit She's next in line behind a man one foot in the grave and slipping if Biden wins
I laugh every time y’all try and use the senile, dementia, basement or deathbed attacks. They are weak minded and petty.
With all due respect, Slade? Joe Biden has never been an intelligent man. Now he's an elderly, not very intelligent man! An elderly, not very intelligent man who's starting to suffer from dementia! You get him off script and it's scary how much he's slipped. He literally can't string together a coherent thought! It comes out as a bunch of gibberish followed by a "C'mon man!"
yes I understand that’s the narrative your going with. Same jibberish can be done for Trump if you string the right clips together. It’s child’s play and a weak minded argument. Boring
You do realize Biden has lied about his education and other scholar endeavors
Has he? Well that’s no bueno. I don’t like liars. What did he say?
Ok excellent 1987! Wonderful. Well I’m all read up on this situation and yes Biden lies during an interview about his academic record. He then went on record apologizing for the lie and correcting the record on the issues he was accused of lying about. He attributes the event to being pissed off by the line of questioning and exaggerating or not fully recalling the events.

shame on him for lying. Kudos for admitting to it, apologizing and correcting the record.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
She's not VP...so her voting record actually means something!
As for Biden? It's laughable that anyone thinks that senile old man was given anything of importance to do. From what is coming out now he was seen as a joke by the Obama inner circle.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
Fuck that shit She's next in line behind a man one foot in the grave and slipping if Biden wins
I laugh every time y’all try and use the senile, dementia, basement or deathbed attacks. They are weak minded and petty.
With all due respect, Slade? Joe Biden has never been an intelligent man. Now he's an elderly, not very intelligent man! An elderly, not very intelligent man who's starting to suffer from dementia! You get him off script and it's scary how much he's slipped. He literally can't string together a coherent thought! It comes out as a bunch of gibberish followed by a "C'mon man!"
yes I understand that’s the narrative your going with. Same jibberish can be done for Trump if you string the right clips together. It’s child’s play and a weak minded argument. Boring
You think it's a "narrative" that I'm going with when I say that Joe Biden had never been an intelligent man? He had to cheat to get through law school. He finished WAY down in his class rankings as both an undergrad and at law school! He's run for President pretty much continually since Richard Nixon was in office and he's ALWAYS said or done something so monumentally stupid that he's had to withdraw his name from the race! The only reason he's not doing so THIS time is that his handlers won't let him anywhere NEAR an unscripted question let alone a somewhat hostile reporter with a tough question! C'mon Man!!!! Joe's a joke...
Sounds like you proabbaly shouldn’t vote for him though. I along with millions of others disagree with your characterization though. There is much more to a personal than cherry picked partisan talking points so we will see how it plays out in Nov. my guess is you’re going to have to get used to a President Biden.

It's not a characterization, Slade! Joe Biden has been the same guy for the better part of fifty years. He's not the answer to our problems...he's been one of the ones creating those problems with his votes and his legislation. Trotting him out at this point as the "savior" is an amusing thing to watch. To be quite blunt...I don't think they can get away with it unless they can keep him hidden until election day.
I do agree in part that Biden is not the answer to our problems in a sense except for one major thing... he is in a good place to repair the relationships burned by Trump. He isn’t going to innovate us into a new direction as a country but perhaps he can restore a small sense of civil discourse and try to get our congress and world allies back to healthier communications. I think he is fine for 4 years. Clear the Trump mess and then run some younger and hopefully smart And savvy candidates for 2024
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
She's not VP...so her voting record actually means something!
As for Biden? It's laughable that anyone thinks that senile old man was given anything of importance to do. From what is coming out now he was seen as a joke by the Obama inner circle.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
Fuck that shit She's next in line behind a man one foot in the grave and slipping if Biden wins
I laugh every time y’all try and use the senile, dementia, basement or deathbed attacks. They are weak minded and petty.
With all due respect, Slade? Joe Biden has never been an intelligent man. Now he's an elderly, not very intelligent man! An elderly, not very intelligent man who's starting to suffer from dementia! You get him off script and it's scary how much he's slipped. He literally can't string together a coherent thought! It comes out as a bunch of gibberish followed by a "C'mon man!"
yes I understand that’s the narrative your going with. Same jibberish can be done for Trump if you string the right clips together. It’s child’s play and a weak minded argument. Boring
You do realize Biden has lied about his education and other scholar endeavors
Has he? Well that’s no bueno. I don’t like liars. What did he say?
Ok excellent 1987! Wonderful. Well I’m all read up on this situation and yes Biden lies during an interview about his academic record. He then went on record apologizing for the lie and correcting the record on the issues he was accused of lying about. He attributes the event to being pissed off by the line of questioning and exaggerating or not fully recalling the events.

shame on him for lying. Kudos for admitting to it, apologizing and correcting the record.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
So I guess the question for you, Slade is this...

Will you vote for someone who's own handlers don't trust?
I don’t buy into this “handler” narrative either. Sorry
So you think Biden's people DO trust him to speak in public? When have they demonstrated that?
I think Biden and his team have a strategy to lay low while Trump self destructs in the pandemic. I also think they will be ramping up the interviews after the convention and as we get closer to the election
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
She's not VP...so her voting record actually means something!
As for Biden? It's laughable that anyone thinks that senile old man was given anything of importance to do. From what is coming out now he was seen as a joke by the Obama inner circle.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
Fuck that shit She's next in line behind a man one foot in the grave and slipping if Biden wins
I laugh every time y’all try and use the senile, dementia, basement or deathbed attacks. They are weak minded and petty.
With all due respect, Slade? Joe Biden has never been an intelligent man. Now he's an elderly, not very intelligent man! An elderly, not very intelligent man who's starting to suffer from dementia! You get him off script and it's scary how much he's slipped. He literally can't string together a coherent thought! It comes out as a bunch of gibberish followed by a "C'mon man!"
yes I understand that’s the narrative your going with. Same jibberish can be done for Trump if you string the right clips together. It’s child’s play and a weak minded argument. Boring
You do realize Biden has lied about his education and other scholar endeavors
Has he? Well that’s no bueno. I don’t like liars. What did he say?
Ok excellent 1987! Wonderful. Well I’m all read up on this situation and yes Biden lies during an interview about his academic record. He then went on record apologizing for the lie and correcting the record on the issues he was accused of lying about. He attributes the event to being pissed off by the line of questioning and exaggerating or not fully recalling the events.

shame on him for lying. Kudos for admitting to it, apologizing and correcting the record.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
Biden also claimed he got three degrees
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
She's not VP...so her voting record actually means something!
As for Biden? It's laughable that anyone thinks that senile old man was given anything of importance to do. From what is coming out now he was seen as a joke by the Obama inner circle.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
None...the Vice President in the past has been described as being worth a pail of warm spit. Which is why it's laughable that Joe Biden is touting all of HIS success as a VP!
Good then you don’t need to go after Kampala’s record as her office is meaningless and powerless and you can argue against anything Biden touts as an accomplishment from his VP days
Fuck that shit She's next in line behind a man one foot in the grave and slipping if Biden wins
I laugh every time y’all try and use the senile, dementia, basement or deathbed attacks. They are weak minded and petty.
With all due respect, Slade? Joe Biden has never been an intelligent man. Now he's an elderly, not very intelligent man! An elderly, not very intelligent man who's starting to suffer from dementia! You get him off script and it's scary how much he's slipped. He literally can't string together a coherent thought! It comes out as a bunch of gibberish followed by a "C'mon man!"
yes I understand that’s the narrative your going with. Same jibberish can be done for Trump if you string the right clips together. It’s child’s play and a weak minded argument. Boring
You do realize Biden has lied about his education and other scholar endeavors
Has he? Well that’s no bueno. I don’t like liars. What did he say?
Ok excellent 1987! Wonderful. Well I’m all read up on this situation and yes Biden lies during an interview about his academic record. He then went on record apologizing for the lie and correcting the record on the issues he was accused of lying about. He attributes the event to being pissed off by the line of questioning and exaggerating or not fully recalling the events.

shame on him for lying. Kudos for admitting to it, apologizing and correcting the record.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
Biden also claimed he got three degrees
History, political science and law. What’s the issue?
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
Pushing national politics? What does that even mean? Joe Biden is running for President of the United States and his handlers think it better if he doesn't make appearances? Are you kidding me? Where is the main stream media on this, Slade? Are they REALLY going to let someone get elected President who may very well be suffering from a bad case of dementia?
I don't think they'll let Biden debate 3 times. I'm guessing maybe they'll let him do it once and you can be sure that it will be with a pet network that will handle him with kid gloves...probably feed him the questions ahead of time...and jump in to protect him if Trump starts ripping apart or he starts to lose it on stage!
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
You embarrassed yourself with that post. Not the first or the last time that you have done this.
So if you're "pissed off" about a question you don't like...you're allowed to lie about it?

You really believe that Joe Biden didn't fully recall where in his class he graduated? That's amusing! Let me put it this way, Slade. Anyone that can't remember important things like that from their own lives has no business running the US.
I’m not pissed off about anything. Don’t know why you’d say that.

you have every right to hold a presidential nominee to high standards. If not recalling what place in his class he graduates or lying about it disqualifies him for you then I totally understand. Now my question is, do you hold Trump to the same standards. If I showed you some quotes of him telling untruths about his academic history would you disqualify him as well?
Ah, Slade? You're the one who described Biden as "pissed off". Like four posts ago? Are you getting as senile as Joe?

The reason I question Biden's qualifications is that he's being hidden away from the public and the press. I've quite frankly never seen anything even close to what's happening with his campaign. Have you?
Oh yes, Biden said he was pissed off... my bad, I misunderstood, thought you we’re talking about me.

as for his campaign, I don’t really see it as kicked off yet. He just announced his VP, laid out some platform objectives and the convention is happening tonight so I expect to see it ramp up from here on out.

All this hiding in the basement by handlers bullshit is completely retarded.... especially since we are in a pandemic... I’d rather see a leader acting responsibly instead of doing the shit Trumps doing. That Tulsa Rally was completely irresponsible
So why isn't Joe Biden having interviews, Slade? Trump does it almost daily. Why isn't Biden?
I literally just answered that. Re read what I wrote and lmk if you think I’m wrong and why
Because of the pandemic? Seriously? Amazing how the guy who stocks the shelves down at the Winn Dixie can show up and do his job for the last five months...but the guy who wants to be President of the United States can't wear a mask and take questions from the press corps! This has ZERO to do with Joe Biden acting responsibly...this is all about the Biden campaign limiting his exposure as much as they possibly can because they KNOW he's not up to answering tough questions that he hasn't been prepped for and given a teleprompter to read off of!
Of course he can do it but apparently he and his campaign didn’t like the strategy of pushing national politics too hard while Trump was out there embarrassing himself each day. And it’s been working for him so it appears that the strategy has been good. It obviously got under your skin which i can only assume is because you don’t think it’s good for Trump.
Pushing national politics? What does that even mean? Joe Biden is running for President of the United States and his handlers think it better if he doesn't make appearances? Are you kidding me? Where is the main stream media on this, Slade? Are they REALLY going to let someone get elected President who may very well be suffering from a bad case of dementia?
He made many appearances in local communities. Look up his schedule. He didn’t go national and push a big politicized agenda like Trump has been doing but that strategy seems to have been working pretty well for him. I imagine he will be Ramping it up over we the next few weeks.

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