I Thought Barry Hussein Was Closing GTMO

He's tried to but Republicans have terrorized the American people with "He wants to let terrorists go in your backyard". I swear, they are worse than al Qaeda. They certainly cost more in American lives and money.
He's tried to but Republicans have terrorized the American people with "He wants to let terrorists go in your backyard". I swear, they are worse than al Qaeda. They certainly cost more in American lives and money.

He's tried?

He's tried to but Republicans have terrorized the American people with "He wants to let terrorists go in your backyard". I swear, they are worse than al Qaeda. They certainly cost more in American lives and money.

He's tried?


Gee, I don't know. Maybe if we use "Google"?

House Republican Defense Bill Blocks Guantanamo Closing

House Republicans Introduce Bill to Keep Guantanamo Open Forever

GOP Vows To Block Obama's Renewed Effort To Close Gitmo
President Obama has tried to close Gitmo from the first day he took office. He has moved people out of there instead of moving people in there.

What a stupid thread, especially since it was House Republicans who, in their latest budget that they passed, includes $250 million to keep Gitmo open and to construct additions to it.

Meanwhile, President Obama only wants enough funding to close Gitmo and transfer the rest of the prisoners to U.S. soil.

But guess what? House Republicans, in that same bill, barred transfers out of Gitmo.

God you people are stupid.
Christ - this looks like the GWB alleged "waterboarding." At least this is on film/documented.

Christ - if it's so painful - stick the thing up his ass...

Libberhoids should be in faux outrage !!!!

Mos Def Films Guantanamo Force Feeding Demonstration - US News and World Report

I would suggest that someone explain that we have three branches of government and the house is controlled by the Party Of Don't Do A Fucking Thing but "warrior" will never understand something that complicated.

And, he votes.
Who signs those evil "Republican bills" into law?

As explained to school children:


When a bill reaches the President, he has three choices. He can:
1.Sign and pass the bill—the bill becomes a law.
2.Refuse to sign, or veto, the bill—the bill is sent back to the U.S. House of Representatives, along with the President’s reasons for the veto. If the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate still believe the bill should become a law, they can hold another vote on the bill. If two-thirds of the Representatives and Senators support the bill, the President’s veto is overridden and the bill becomes a law.
3.Do nothing (pocket veto)—if Congress is in session, the bill automatically becomes law after 10 days. If Congress is not in session, the bill does not become a law.
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To be fair, some of those that are cleared to leave are stateless. Nobody will take them. Further, congress won't allow the hardcore scumbags in their districts.

Since Barry is so fucking smart, he should have known this would be a problem but Barry can't be bothered with details, therefore, Barry should have never opened that big, fat, gay mouth of his in the first place.
President Obama has tried to close Gitmo from the first day he took office.

But guess what? House Republicans, in that same bill, barred transfers out of Gitmo.

God you people are stupid.

Please explain to this stupid person how the bill was passed without Obama's signature or default by pocket veto. Thanks.

Please explain to this stupid person how the Commander In Chief of our Armed Forces can't order the MILITARY installation of GITMO to transfer inmates, thus closing the facility. Thanks.

This topic was beaten to death in another thread. It basically boiled down to those who worship all things Obama just wouldn't face up to reality.

Let's just say, that the evil Republicans can pass a bill into law without the Democrat controlled Senate or the Democrat President. Impossible but this seems to be your position so let's go with it. The "Republican Bill" is passed. No funds to transfer GITMO prisoners. (Reference 2011 Defense Appropriations Act if I'm not mistaken. If so, please correct me).

OK, so now there are no funds to transfer prisoners out of GITMO by this impossible argument. All the Air and Naval Logistic Commands are funded and under the command of our Commander In Chief. Are we saying that if the Commander In Chief, President Obama picked up the phone and called the base commander of Charleston AFB and told him to send four C-17s to GITMO and pick up all the prisoners and take them to ______, the bird colonel commanding the base is going to tell the Commander In Chief to pound sand? Really guys? That would of course be ridiculous and you Obama people know it but won't admit it.

Here's the deal. Before Obama got elected, he ran on this closing GITMO issue. Once he became POTUS, he started getting those morning Intel briefings. His world changed. Things he thought he knew changed.

You Obama people know he could have closed GITMO his first day in office. You all know he can move those prisoners anytime he wants. You're just not yet at the point where you can't keep from freaking out whenever anyone points out a reasonable and understandable criticism of Obama and you'll stretch the bounds of logic to counter such criticism.

Having spent 11 years reading Top Secret Intel reports in the Air Force at a very low level of need to know, it curls what little hair I have left just imagining the Intel briefings Obama gets every morning. He's hearing stuff that won't be declassified in our lifetimes. He's hearing stuff that may never be declassified and he's having to act on that Intel daily. Obama and Obama only has kept GITMO open for 5 years. He probably has one or several good reasons.
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President Obama has tried to close Gitmo from the first day he took office. He has moved people out of there instead of moving people in there.

What a stupid thread, especially since it was House Republicans who, in their latest budget that they passed, includes $250 million to keep Gitmo open and to construct additions to it.

Meanwhile, President Obama only wants enough funding to close Gitmo and transfer the rest of the prisoners to U.S. soil.

But guess what? House Republicans, in that same bill, barred transfers out of Gitmo.

God you people are stupid.

Obama should be a PRISONER at Gitmo.

There are few things as hilarious to me as people who twist themselves into pretzels attacking the President for policies that they themselves support.

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