I thought Trump was Putin's puppet. Why would Trump bomb Syria?


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017

Just who is the real puppet of Putin? Also, will be getting the Trump Russian hooker pee video liberals hyped for months now that Trump has defied Putin?
That's easy. Because he's not Putins bitch.

Putin supports Assad and if he had control of Trump our forces never would have bombed Assad's airbase killing a general.

Trump didn't like the dead civilians so he cleared the attack.

Easy, peasy.
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Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.
I sure hope that the CIA is right about Syria. I hope that the gassing of the Syrian people does not turn out to have been done by the rebels. I am thinking that logically that is the case. For Assad to use gas when he is winning the civil war would seem to me to be a very very stupid thing to do. Why would Assad risk world involvement by using an illegal gas on his own people? Does not make sense to me.
I sure hope that the CIA is right about Syria. I hope that the gassing of the Syrian people does not turn out to have been done by the rebels. I am thinking that logically that is the case. For Assad to use gas when he is winning the civil war would seem to me to be a very very stupid thing to do. Why would Assad risk world involvement by using an illegal gas on his own people? Does not make sense to me.
I was thinking the same thing, it really doesn't make sense. Using chemical weapons would obviously not only intensify international outrage but could strain relations with Assad's only ally Russia. Certainly makes you wonder.
Oh, he is still Putin's bitch, that is why we warned Russia before the attack so they could move their people and tell Assad to move his planes.
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?


Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?


70 plus million dollars to put some holes in a runway and take out a couple buildings. Seems a bad ROI to me.
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?


70 plus million dollars to put some holes in a runway and take out a couple buildings. Seems a bad ROI to me.

We used the money Obama saved when he erased his red line. Inaction has consequences

I sure hope that the CIA is right about Syria. I hope that the gassing of the Syrian people does not turn out to have been done by the rebels. I am thinking that logically that is the case. For Assad to use gas when he is winning the civil war would seem to me to be a very very stupid thing to do. Why would Assad risk world involvement by using an illegal gas on his own people? Does not make sense to me.
It is believed that President Assad is not in control of Syrian military operations which are planned and executed independently by an Alawite officer elite.
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?
That's enough of your idiotic posts.
Permanent Ignore asshole!
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?


70 plus million dollars to put some holes in a runway and take out a couple buildings. Seems a bad ROI to me.
America is a very rich country, maybe the richest in world history. President Trump expects to be the most popular president ever, even better than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln put together.
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?


70 plus million dollars to put some holes in a runway and take out a couple buildings. Seems a bad ROI to me.
America is a very rich country, maybe the richest in world history. President Trump expects to be the most popular president ever, even better than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln put together.
Yes and he's very likely to accomplish just that.
Trump has proven every LIB wrong from the day he rode down the escalator and made his announcement.
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?
That's enough of your idiotic posts.
Permanent Ignore asshole!

Trump needed 5 missiles, so to show we ain't playing no more he sent 50 just incase they don't understand the days of fake lines in sand are over.
Go Trump

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Putin feared Clinton would stand up to him in the Middle East and Europe.
By talking about "America First!", Donald Trump, while clearly unpredictable, gave the impression that he would concern himself with matters in the USA and, consequently, leave Putin to do whats in the Middle East and Europe. It was not so much that Donald Trump would be Putin's puppet but that he would not be an enemy.
It must be admitted that Donald Trump has criticized President Obama every day of his presidency but kept his lip buttoned about Putin. It looked like Putin got what he wanted.
Even now, with Tomahawk missiles raining down on a Syrian air base, Russia has not been criticized by Trump and the Russians were warned about the attack.
Trump wants to have his cake and eat it. He will have infuriated Putin with the attack on a small Syrian airport but he will still want to be pals with Putin. He doesn't get it. This said, Trump needs to keep infuriating Putin and frustrating the Russian's imperial ambition.

Is anyone else concerned it took 50 cruise missiles to take out one air base?
That's enough of your idiotic posts.
Permanent Ignore asshole!

Trump needed 5 missiles, so to show we ain't playing no more he sent 50 just incase they don't understand the days of fake lines in sand are over.
Go Trump

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I understand only a few Syrian aircraft were hit by the missiles which were not off-target and that the runways are not destroyed.
Trump didn't like the dead civilians so he cleared the attack.

Trump doesn't give a shit about dead civilians.

If he did, he would be offering safe harbor to refugees.

This was more about changing the narrative at home.
So in your ten year old mind "changing the narrative at home" means the three investigations underway are going to be side-tracked?
You believe the FBI and Schiff and the Senate Intel committee are going to take their eye off the ball now?
You're a fucking joke!
Apparently you don't believe people can walk and chew gum at the same time.

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