I took a healthy chunk out of my middle finger today

A long time ago, I had the middle finger on my right hand bitten off to the first knuckle. That kinda hurt. They were able to sew it back on, but my piano playing days were over.
A quilter's rotary cutter is a precision cutter that has a 45 mm roynd blade that is surgical sharp and looks like a tiny vinyl record except it is high carbon steel as sharp as a surgeon's scalpel. You use it to cut through multiple layers of quilters cotton that speeds the boredom og cutting 3000 square, rectangular, or 60 degree star parallelograms after cutting long strips at 45 degree cross cuts to make star quilts or postage stamp quilts. If you use a 28 mm round blade you can even make a drunkards path or center circle quilts that require a good sewing machine and a few trade secrets for sewing curves together.

The downside of the time you save is that you do not cut yourself because you have to make sure the roller cuts do not wind up taking your fingertip to the emergency room to have a doctor sew it back onto the finger you just shortchanged. I have probably made a thousand charity quilts using a rotary cutter when piecing fabric shapes to order. Only once did I ever have a serious cutas described above. Fortunately I had strong bones back in my teaching days and knew what to do when cut. I was already putting pressure on the finger that day when I retrieved my first aid kit from under the quikt shop counter. It took a couple of weeks to heal. It taught me not to lose sight of safety issues when teaching others how to make a perfect quilt. I love the craft.

Again happy healing and good luck finding the best cover for the wound. Hydrogen peroxide will keep it free of infection a couple of times a day for your 2cor 3 week healing process. Keep it covered and moderately tight till the clean skin grows back together. :thup:
I took a bath tonight. Old spice soap and open wounds suck. Most it hurt all day.

Thankfully I had my Japanese hotties to distract me on the monitor....
Being a machinist I got some pretty could cuts over the years.
I've seen guys get their finger between an end mill and the work piece,of course that was the end of the finger.
Saw a guy that was helping to unload 40 foot 12 inch diameter 1/2 in wall pipe from an 18 wheeler. He grabbed the end of the pipe near the cab and the strap around the pipe was off center to the left. When the forklift driver lifted the pipe it swung towards the cab and the metal rack on the trailer....right into the dudes fingers. It chopped off two of his fingers but left his index finger and middle finger. He got it wrapped up in a dirty shop rag from his pocket real fast!!! I went over and said let me see it....he unwrapped it and I told him to try and move his fingers. When he flexed his fingers the bones of his index and middle finger popped out of the smashed fingers. It looked like something out of a horror movie.

Myself? I was stabbing a buck knife into the underside of the coffee table when I was a kid and my hand slipped up the blade,the cutting edge got me on the first joint of my index finger. At least the knife was really sharp so it didnt really hurt at the time. Of course when I get the courage to check out the damage it was all the way to the bone.
I took a bath tonight. Old spice soap and open wounds suck. Most it hurt all day.

Thankfully I had my Japanese hotties to distract me on the monitor....

I have a tube around here somewhere of basically the vet version of liquid band aid. It'll hurt so bad you think you are gonna pass out when you first put it on but after a few minutes of the OMFG!!!'s you can wipe the sweat off your brow and get back to what you were doing for the rest of the day. Works much better than the human version IMO.
Helping cut meat for my mom once I sliced the end of a finger to the bone. Next day my chiropractor saw it. I thought for sure I was going to lose all the feeling in that finger and that was really bothering me. He had me unwrap it to looked at it and then gave me a bottle of chlorophyll to keep on it. He had me wash it up good, peroxide it and then break open a pill for the thick black green chlorophyll came out. Then he had me put that into the cut pull both sides back together and then wrap it back up. It was just a matter of keep it clean and wrapped after that. Four days later it was fully healed shut and completly heal within six days with barely a scar.
Helping cut meat for my mom once I sliced the end of a finger to the bone. Next day my chiropractor saw it. I thought for sure I was going to lose all the feeling in that finger and that was really bothering me. He had me unwrap it to looked at it and then gave me a bottle of chlorophyll to keep on it. He had me wash it up good, peroxide it and then break open a pill for the thick black green chlorophyll came out. Then he had me put that into the cut pull both sides back together and then wrap it back up. It was just a matter of keep it clean and wrapped after that. Four days later it was fully healed shut and completly heal within six days with barely a scar.
Back in the dark ages we use Mercurochrome.
Bout the size of a sunflower seed and roughly 3/16ths deep. Wrestling with some copper pipe.
Why is it the littlest injuries seem to bleed the most? Damn thing bled for several hours. Didn't help that I kept banging in on shit all day at work.

Right on the knuckle so flipping liberals the finger is now on hiatus lol
I wish you the best recovery!
Liquid skin or some other type of stuff kept in the truck is always a good idea...

Especially when working with fixtures... for whatever reason the customers can't stand the sight of blood on their new junk... even though it cleans up just fine....
And the glue on electrical tape is toxic...it will make any cut worse.

Just saying...

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