‘I voted for you’: Mother of woman, 19, killed by drunk illegal immigrant criticizes Biden

Think. She is angry because her daughter died. Anyone would be.
Yes, but her daughter would still be alive if it wasn't for the Brandon administration.

Now YOU think, numbnut. Not everyone is angry when a close person dies. She is angry because she feels she helped contribute to her death by voting for Poopypants thinking he would do the right things (so much better than Trump would of course), and now the Stuttering Useless Fuck is actually PROTECTING her daughter's murderer putting him ahead of the interests of his own American people!

You might try READING the article to where she pretty mush SPELLS THAT OUT. I know that will be a challenge for a leftard to actually get the facts straight but I bet you can do it.
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Now YOU think, numbnut. Not everyone is angry when a close person dies. She is angry because she feels she helped contribute to her death by voting for Poopypants thinking he would do the right things (so much better that Trump would not of course), and now the Stuttering Useless Fuck is actually PROTECTING her daughter's murderer putting him ahead of the interests of his own American people!

You might try READING the article to where she pretty mush SPELLS THAT OUT. I know that will be a challenge for a leftard to actually get the facts straight but I bet you can do it.
Most republicans are created by convincing them that your hated enemy is responsible for every bad thing that happens to them, even when there is no rational reason to believe that.
sounds like the other party too....
Think. She is angry because her daughter died. Anyone would be.
She is going to lash out, it is part of a greater healing process and she may stay mad at Biden for the rest of her life. The pain she is feeling is the worst. She has a lot of feelings to process. I don't think we should use her and her loss as political fodder.
Most republicans are created by convincing them that your hated enemy is responsible for every bad thing that happens to them, even when there is no rational reason to believe that.
Fear, hate, the two keys to the Democratic and Republican parties, The two party system needs to be fixed.

Fear, hate, the two keys to the Democratic and Republican parties

Horse crap.

Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

Republicans are the party of Liberty, limited government and traditional values. Some Individuals may not always live up to those qualities, but thats what we are. Democrats officially promote evil policies.

There is no comparison.

The two party system needs to be fixed.

No, the immorality of the Left needs to be fixed
Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

Here is America. For all her history, the fount of Americanism was rugged individualism, autonomy, freedom, opportunity, faith, family, law, and guns. America became the world superpower.

American Marcism.jpg

Then in the last decade, the Bolsheviks have come along and discovered America is bad, capitalism is bad, pride in one's country is bad, putting yourself first and taking care of home first is bad, free speech must be controlled so that only those speaking approved ideas are free, and that individualism, freedom and autonomy are bad, opportunity must be given out only to those whom jump and perform best for their dinner, religion is bad, family is bad, law, civility and police are bad, and having the power to defend yourself and resist is very, VERY bad.

But faggotry, pedophilia, drugs, slovenliness, illiteracy, homosexuality, killing the unborn cause it just SUITS you, silencing and oppressing those whom you disagree, rioting, looting and destroying cities, high crime, lawlessness, open borders, forced vaccination, rigging elections toward a desired outcome, are all GOOD. In short order, America has become a dark, oppressed, unlit, unfree, impotent joke of the world.

Ladies and germs, we have been infiltrated by COMMUNISTS. The minority now acts like they are the majority and treat the majority as if they were a pustule.
Here is America. For all her history, the fount of Americanism was rugged individualism, autonomy, freedom, opportunity, faith, family, law, and guns.

View attachment 596182
Then in the last decade, the Bolsheviks have come along and discovered America is bad, capitalism is bad, pride in one's country is bad, putting yourself first and taking care of home first is bad, free speech must be controlled so that only those speaking approved ideas are free, and that individualism, freedom and autonomy are bad, opportunity must be given out only to those whom jump and perform best for their dinner, religion is bad, family is bad, law, civility and police are bad, and having the power to defend yourself and resist is very, VERY bad.

But faggotry, pedophilia, drugs, slovenliness, homosexuality, killing the unborn cause it just SUITS you, silencing and oppressing those whom you disagree, rioting, looting and destroying cities, high crime, lawlessness, open borders, forced vaccination, rigging elections toward a desired outsome, are all GOOD.

Ladies and germs, we have been infiltrated by COMMUNISTS. The minority now acts like they are the majority and treat the majority as if they were a pustule.
The poor woman had a heart breaking loss and needed someone to focus her rage on. She chose the president. Since statistics show that illegal immigrants are no more likely to be responsible for tragic incidents like this than anyone else, the president isn't responsible for her grief , but I hope she finds the comfort she needs anyway.

They have to have a bogie man, a cause for outrage all the time, critical thinking never enters the picture. Thus what I call the right wing noise machine.
LefTard Logic:
”Americans drive drunk and kill people as a result therefore illegal wetbacks should not be deprived of the same opportunity.”
You people are so fucked in the head….Twilight Zone shit!
I imagine she is angry at everyone, her daughter died.

Think. She is angry because her daughter died. Anyone would be.

You sure? No DUI by illegals under Trump?
Watching you twisted minded fools defy reality is actually quite fascinating.
Look, anytime someone loses a loved one the first thing that comes to mind is…”how could this have been prevented”.
Well guess what…a tightly defended border would have prevented her daughters death…guess what Bidens not doing…he’s not defending our border or the interests of the American people.
Fear, hate, the two keys to the Democratic and Republican parties, The two party system needs to be fixed.
Why shouldn’t Republicans “FEAR” what Democrats have in store for America….have you seen ALL of their disgusting shitholes?
Why shouldn’t Republicans “HATE” Democrats for what they’ve done and will do to America?
‘I voted for you’: Mother of woman, 19, killed by drunk illegal immigrant criticizes Biden

The mother of a 19-year-old who was killed by an illegal immigrant in a hit-and-run said she is ‘disappointed’ with the Biden administration’s new policies that will see her daughter’s alleged killer stay in the country despite being in the U.S. illegally.
‘My message is, look out for the American people first,’ Rhonda Exum told Fox News during a panel of victims of crime by illegal immigrants when asked what she would tell Biden’s team when it comes to border policies.
‘Truth be told, this was literally my first time voting and I voted for you, and I feel disappointed right now,’ Exum added.

OP original content: Imagine voting for the first time and the policies of your guy literally kills your child. That sucks. FJB
Who would she blame if her daughter was killed by a MAGAt?

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