I want to know what 26% people think Obama is doing a good job with the economy.


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
How can anyone think he is doing a good job. We lost our AAA rating. Unemployment is over 9%. Housing market has not come back. The only thing I can think of is the welfare people think he is doing well since they get their welfare check and food stamps on time:rolleyes:
I want to know what 26% people think Obama is doing a good job with the economy.

Easy, because 84% think he isn't doing enough to fight ignorant and greedy Republicans.
26% of people apparently realize he saved us from a full out depression.

The rest are in denial.
Get the guest list to Bohemian Grove and Bilderberger. Those and those that work for-with them is your answer.
You forget that most people aren't political junkies, most people don't follow all this crap day by day.
People whose own economic situation is fine and who don't much care about politics etc. might easily answer yes to a poll question about Obama and the economy.

Hell, George Bush still had over 70% of conservatives approving of his job at the end of his disaster of a presidency. Someone explain THAT if you want to explain something.
I want to know what 26% people think Obama is doing a good job with the economy.

Easy, because 84% think he isn't doing enough to fight ignorant and greedy Republicans.

This is stupid on a couple of levels, not the least of which is basic fucking math.

I thought you guys were supposed to be so much smarter than everybody else?

Anyone who can't see we are in a world of shit is blind, deaf and obviously a dummy.

A dummy that doesn't watch the news and could obviously care less.
How can anyone think he is doing a good job. We lost our AAA rating. Unemployment is over 9%. Housing market has not come back. The only thing I can think of is the welfare people think he is doing well since they get their welfare check and food stamps on time:rolleyes:

Obama's base, lunatic fringe Marxists

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