I want you all to see what BLM Chicago just posted!!

Why? I could give them a little leeway had they just said they support Palestine, or they support the innocent Palestinians who are being killed. But they paired the statement with a picture that depicts a solder that can easily be compared to the paragliding attack that killed innocent concert attendants just listening to music. What part of that do you support?

Thank you. You stated that very well.
There it is folks!! Butchers paraglided in, murdering people savagely, and Tommy is not going to denounce an organization that is celebrating it!! Wow, that is truly despicable, but hey, he's a leftist so what else would you expect?
^ There it is folks - conservative delusion.

Israel = Brutal terror state committing endless war crimes
This is beyond disgraceful!
I think all of you will understand what this image represents.


That is all that is it!

10:17 AM · Oct 10, 2023
And this is the group wailing against racism?! And then they advertise how they stand with the monsters who are hunting down and murdering every Jewish man, woman, and child they can find.

And the next time a cop shoots a common street thug threatening his life, they’ll be all about how AWFUL bigotry is.
Deport Americans ? Really ?

Thomas Jefferson would, and did; so did Abraham Lincoln. Being born here doesn't mean they aren't wastes of space.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

Doesn't distinguish between assholes born here or anywhere else.
There it is folks!! Butchers paraglided in, murdering people savagely, and Tommy is not going to denounce an organization that is celebrating it!! Wow, that is truly despicable, but hey, he's a leftist so what else would you expect?
Since they were killing people at a concert there must have been black support for the shooter in Las Vegas.
Sounds like BLM is openly admitting they support a terrorist organization…Hamas…which of course begs the question, is BLM admitting they are like Hamas?
I don't see Hamas' name mentioned anywhere in that tweet.

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