I wash my hands of the GOP

------------------------------------------------ what economic disasters Faun ?? Heck , I am older , not rich , I am blue collar and I survived all your claimed economic disasters just fine . What disasters do you speak of . Heck , there are ups and downs In the economy but I as an average guy have never been too affected . Besides that a country like the USA should be more substantial than just constant easy living Faun .
I guess you missed the Great Depression and the Great Recession. :dunno:
-----------------------------------great depression was before my time but my Mother and her 10 brothers and sisters survived although they were all very very poor . Recessions , I've been working since I first had kids in 1970 and recessions never did anything with us except maybe I didn't buy a new motorcycle or other TOY. I was happy that we always ate and always had a roof over our heads . My opinion is that most Americans are too fat and happy or soft and a little bit of adversity or a smaller paycheck gets them to whining Faun .
Your personal experiences are irrelevant. The country went through both economic disasters even if you weren't alive for one or not severely affected by the other. Both at the hands of the GOP.
--------------------------------------------- unprepared whiners is what they were Faun !!
Who knows why you think your personal experience matters? Regardless of what you think of others, the country still went through the Great Depression. Still went through the Great Recession. Again, your personal experience has absolutely no place in this discussion. Just because you and others may not have been all that affected by economic disasters doesn't mean the country didn't endure them.
------------------------------------------ and then the softies that are employed fund the social security of the old baby boomers Faun .
HRC will not be abandoned by her Party members. Drumpf will.

As bad as I hate to say it, I believe you may be right. There will be 30% of the party who will stay at home if Trump wins the nomination, and 30% will stay home if Cruz wins.... and we can't defeat HRC that way.
-------------------------------------------- and then you moderate rinos that support the gop republican rinos get exactly what you deserve Boss .
and WHO is this WE that loses to 'hrc' ?? I support Trump or Cruz and that's it . I could not care less if the 'gop' wins . In fact if they were to run a jebito bush , a roobio or Kasich I will vote for the 'hrc' Boss .
HRC will not be abandoned by her Party members. Drumpf will.

As bad as I hate to say it, I believe you may be right. There will be 30% of the party who will stay at home if Trump wins the nomination, and 30% will stay home if Cruz wins.... and we can't defeat HRC that way.
-------------------------------------------- and then you moderate rinos that support the gop republican rinos get exactly what you deserve Boss .

Well... I am NOT a moderate or a rino. I am a constitutional conservative and have been for 40 years.

and WHO is this WE that loses to 'hrc' ?? I support Trump or Cruz and that's it . I could not care less if the 'gop' wins . In fact if they were to run a jebito bush , a roobio or Kasich I will vote for the 'hrc' Boss .

I don't care about the "GOP" either... but if we're all going to get mad at the GOP, it's not likely we're going to vote for the GOP candidate for president, is it? :dunno: Just seems to be common fucking goat sense to me.

The thing that blows my mind is, you and I are on the SAME TEAM! Our principles and interests line up exactly! You say you will vote for Trump or Cruz, and I probably will too! You say you will vote for HRC if the GOP somehow installs someone else... I don't know that I could ever vote for HRC but I would probably stay home.

I am making an objective observation based on what I've seen and heard... mostly here at USMB. Trump vs. Cruz has gotten so hostile and nasty that the two factions are in danger of destroying any chance the GOP has in November. I wish it wasn't like that, but that's how I see it.

I blame this on TRUMP because, out of the gate, Ted Cruz met with Trump and they seemed to both be on the same page. Neither was attacking the other, they both seemed to align politically with their message... everything was looking like it could be the making of an unbeatable ticket. Then Trump wen't nasty. After dispatching Carson, he started in on Cruz... all the way down to the personal attacks on his family.

There was no need for that. Trump was leading in the polls, had a clear path to win the nomination... had he stayed clean and debated Cruz on substance and eventually went on to win... no one supporting Cruz would have any problem supporting Trump. But "Mr. Deal Maker" ...."Mr. I can work with anybody" ...didn't take the high road... he, with his supporters joining in, trashed and denigrated and smeared Ted Cruz up one side and down the other. Now you have the situation where Cruz supporters aren't going to support Trump and Trump supporters aren't going to support Cruz. And the Liberal Democrat base are absolutely GIDDY about this!
Trump's not a Conservative, right.

Wasn't Paul Ryan a Conservative? Two months ago he addressed a group at a private dinner in SC and his topic was -- Income Disparity!

Wasn't Dubya a "Compassionate" Conservative? What did that get you?

Bush is not a conservative, Paul Ryan is not a conservative, Romney, McCain also are not conservatives.
respectfully , I don't think that there is hate between thoughtful Cruz or Trump supporters . I myself will go either way Boss.
In the context of nato expansion, Western involvement in Georgian and the regime change in the Ukraine, such push back is to be expected.

You will find no examples of me complaining that Obama was not aggressive enough with Russia.

The Cold War is over. Stop screwing around with Russia.

Again, shit brains…what do you think not shooting at the Russian planes is doing? That is an example of not “screwing around” with Russia.

But since you’ve brought it up; the Cold War is over (as Obama (the status quo)) has said for about 20 years now—glad you’ve caught up. Terrorism is the place where we spend blood and Treasure. Trump has said he will spend both blood and treasure over in the middle east.

HRC has not.

Sorry those are the facts. Gentlemen start your spin-gens.

Obama has been supporting the Ukraine in it's conflict with Russia. He has organized sanctions to wage economic warfare against Russia. He has increased military forces in Eastern Europe.

This is hardly "not screwing around with them".

If HIllary has not said she would not spend blood and treasure in the ME, it is only because she has not received anything but soft ball questions from the media.

I note you do not claim that she has a policy position of NOT spending such blood and treasure.

Ahh, the old “blame the media” strategy. It’s literally Drumpf’s only excuse.

If that is “screwing around with Russia"….you’re woefully negligent of world politics. But that was obvious from the beginning.

I see that you dismissed my minor point about the media and made fun of Trump's name.
Drumpf changed his name. Blame him; not me.

Other than that you in no way addressed my points, regarding our hostile actions towards Russia, nor what Hilllary's ME policy will be.

Meanwhile in the real world, economic sanctions are internationally considered the methodology by which executives show muscle without antagonizing the target too much. It’s only been that way for about 50 years turd breath…

HRC wil have a policy of striking when sufficiently provoked and avoiding long commitments to Boots on the ground which, as we have seen from the disastrous Bush years, is a losing strategy.

Trumpfs Strategy was to (at one time) “kick ISIS’s ass”…but today it is something different. Who knows how many more times he’ll flip flop. It’s a long way until November.

the war she voted for .....
I don't know about the others, but Hannity is not a Trump supporter other than that he said he will support the Republican nominee

:rofl: Shhhh.... Hannity looks at Trump like he's expecting to be asked to the prom or something!

He also has a great time with Cruz. He's not a Trump supporter in the sense that he supports Trump over Cruz. You need to listen to him more, not sure where you got that, but it wasn't from Hannity
He also has a great time with Cruz. He's not a Trump supporter in the sense that he supports Trump over Cruz. You need to listen to him more, not sure where you got that, but it wasn't from Hannity

No really... it sounds like they are having a "good time" when Hannity is ripping Cruz a new asshole because he mentioned Fox's recent love affair with Trump. Hannity got all flustered and popped back something about having had Cruz on more... but Cruz was the first candidate to declare, he had a head start. Plus, for months, Fox completely ignored Trump while they were promoting their establishment boys. Within the past month or so, Trump has dominated in appearances on Fox and that was what Cruz was pointing out. But it was all for show anyway, Hannity is a terrible actor... you could tell that he had planned on getting "tough" with Ted Cruz about something.... to dovetail with his fawning apologies for Trump in every breath he's taken recently.

It all plays into the meme... Cruz is "Lyin' Ted!" ...Trump is going to make a great GOP nominee! The "fair and balanced" people are telling you so.... believe it!
I see that you dismissed my minor point about the media and made fun of Trump's name.
Drumpf changed his name. Blame him; not me.

Other than that you in no way addressed my points, regarding our hostile actions towards Russia, nor what Hilllary's ME policy will be.

Meanwhile in the real world, economic sanctions are internationally considered the methodology by which executives show muscle without antagonizing the target too much. It’s only been that way for about 50 years turd breath…

HRC wil have a policy of striking when sufficiently provoked and avoiding long commitments to Boots on the ground which, as we have seen from the disastrous Bush years, is a losing strategy.

Trumpfs Strategy was to (at one time) “kick ISIS’s ass”…but today it is something different. Who knows how many more times he’ll flip flop. It’s a long way until November.

1. Overthrowing a Russia Friendly government on Russia's border with a large russian population was a very hostile act.

2. Yes, Economic Sanctions have been a heavily used tool. It is still a very hostile act. Your assumption that they will not antagonize the target "much" is reckless and irresponsible. Economic Warfare against Japan led to Pearl Harbor, for one good historical example.

3. Increasing military forces near Russia, is a serious threat, and one that we should NOT have made.

Seriously, have a doctor evaluate you. You seem to really have dung for brains. Crack open a history book and figure out just how breathtakingly wrong you are fuckstick….

As for Japan. You may note it was 1941. You may note that worldwide markets are much different in 2016. You may note that the availability of products in 2016 is much more diversified than it was in 1941. You may note all of that but if history is any indication, I’m giving you way too much credit. You’re literally as dumb as a pile of shit.

Save your drama, queenie, for someone who might be impressed by it.

Having more diversified products in 2016 does not make Economic Warfare any less of a hostile act.

My points stand.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You’re the one talking about WWIII and you’re calling someone else a “drama queen”!!!!
Thanks for yet another reason to laugh at you.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.
Drumpf changed his name. Blame him; not me.

Meanwhile in the real world, economic sanctions are internationally considered the methodology by which executives show muscle without antagonizing the target too much. It’s only been that way for about 50 years turd breath…

HRC wil have a policy of striking when sufficiently provoked and avoiding long commitments to Boots on the ground which, as we have seen from the disastrous Bush years, is a losing strategy.

Trumpfs Strategy was to (at one time) “kick ISIS’s ass”…but today it is something different. Who knows how many more times he’ll flip flop. It’s a long way until November.

1. Overthrowing a Russia Friendly government on Russia's border with a large russian population was a very hostile act.

2. Yes, Economic Sanctions have been a heavily used tool. It is still a very hostile act. Your assumption that they will not antagonize the target "much" is reckless and irresponsible. Economic Warfare against Japan led to Pearl Harbor, for one good historical example.

3. Increasing military forces near Russia, is a serious threat, and one that we should NOT have made.

Seriously, have a doctor evaluate you. You seem to really have dung for brains. Crack open a history book and figure out just how breathtakingly wrong you are fuckstick….

As for Japan. You may note it was 1941. You may note that worldwide markets are much different in 2016. You may note that the availability of products in 2016 is much more diversified than it was in 1941. You may note all of that but if history is any indication, I’m giving you way too much credit. You’re literally as dumb as a pile of shit.

Save your drama, queenie, for someone who might be impressed by it.

Having more diversified products in 2016 does not make Economic Warfare any less of a hostile act.

My points stand.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You’re the one talking about WWIII and you’re calling someone else a “drama queen”!!!!
Thanks for yet another reason to laugh at you.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You need a whole team of psychologists don't you boy?
He also has a great time with Cruz. He's not a Trump supporter in the sense that he supports Trump over Cruz. You need to listen to him more, not sure where you got that, but it wasn't from Hannity

No really... it sounds like they are having a "good time" when Hannity is ripping Cruz a new asshole because he mentioned Fox's recent love affair with Trump. Hannity got all flustered and popped back something about having had Cruz on more... but Cruz was the first candidate to declare, he had a head start. Plus, for months, Fox completely ignored Trump while they were promoting their establishment boys. Within the past month or so, Trump has dominated in appearances on Fox and that was what Cruz was pointing out. But it was all for show anyway, Hannity is a terrible actor... you could tell that he had planned on getting "tough" with Ted Cruz about something.... to dovetail with his fawning apologies for Trump in every breath he's taken recently.

It all plays into the meme... Cruz is "Lyin' Ted!" ...Trump is going to make a great GOP nominee! The "fair and balanced" people are telling you so.... believe it!

He asks them all hard questions. This isn't like the liberal media. He's harder on Kasich than anyone. I listen regularly to Hannity on TV and radio. And I'm a Cruz supporter. You don't know what you're talking about, Hannity isn't a Trump supporter. You're just wrong. He will be though when Trump wins the nomination, he's clear about that, he'll support whoever is the Republican
HRC will not be abandoned by her Party members. Drumpf will.

As bad as I hate to say it, I believe you may be right. There will be 30% of the party who will stay at home if Trump wins the nomination, and 30% will stay home if Cruz wins.... and we can't defeat HRC that way.

Maybe the Party Leadership shouldn't have joined in the LEft's campaign to marginalize their own front runner, and much of their base.

That's the choice that lead to this level of division.
1. Overthrowing a Russia Friendly government on Russia's border with a large russian population was a very hostile act.

2. Yes, Economic Sanctions have been a heavily used tool. It is still a very hostile act. Your assumption that they will not antagonize the target "much" is reckless and irresponsible. Economic Warfare against Japan led to Pearl Harbor, for one good historical example.

3. Increasing military forces near Russia, is a serious threat, and one that we should NOT have made.

Seriously, have a doctor evaluate you. You seem to really have dung for brains. Crack open a history book and figure out just how breathtakingly wrong you are fuckstick….

As for Japan. You may note it was 1941. You may note that worldwide markets are much different in 2016. You may note that the availability of products in 2016 is much more diversified than it was in 1941. You may note all of that but if history is any indication, I’m giving you way too much credit. You’re literally as dumb as a pile of shit.

Save your drama, queenie, for someone who might be impressed by it.

Having more diversified products in 2016 does not make Economic Warfare any less of a hostile act.

My points stand.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You’re the one talking about WWIII and you’re calling someone else a “drama queen”!!!!
Thanks for yet another reason to laugh at you.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You need a whole team of psychologists don't you boy?

And your response to my serious and honest post, was NOTHING but the Logical Fallacy of Ad hominem.

One of the primary propaganda techniques of the left.

As nothing in your post challenged or even addressed anything in my post, I will repost it for you and ask you to try again, only this time with a real answer, if you dare.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You jerk.
Seriously, have a doctor evaluate you. You seem to really have dung for brains. Crack open a history book and figure out just how breathtakingly wrong you are fuckstick….

As for Japan. You may note it was 1941. You may note that worldwide markets are much different in 2016. You may note that the availability of products in 2016 is much more diversified than it was in 1941. You may note all of that but if history is any indication, I’m giving you way too much credit. You’re literally as dumb as a pile of shit.

Save your drama, queenie, for someone who might be impressed by it.

Having more diversified products in 2016 does not make Economic Warfare any less of a hostile act.

My points stand.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You’re the one talking about WWIII and you’re calling someone else a “drama queen”!!!!
Thanks for yet another reason to laugh at you.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You need a whole team of psychologists don't you boy?

And your response to my serious and honest post, was NOTHING but the Logical Fallacy of Ad hominem.

One of the primary propaganda techniques of the left.

As nothing in your post challenged or even addressed anything in my post, I will repost it for you and ask you to try again, only this time with a real answer, if you dare.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You jerk.

We don't have a policy of hostility towards Russia. We have a policy of self-interest for the United States. (Whether Obama has pursued that well is another issue.)

If that clashes with Russia, so be it. We are the most powerful nation on earth, and we don't have to subsume our interests to a declining power.

Russia pursues its interests in the same manner. Except the rise of Russian nationalism is driven in part by anti-Western sentiment that is deeply rooted in its society dating back to the Cold War.

And Russia was far more of a nuclear power then than now. And we didn't back down then either.

When the USSR was a global nuclear power, we aggressively pursued our interests. We didn't kowtow to them. There was no WWIII then, and there won't be now.

It's fascinating to watch the so-called right in America want to cozy up to the statist, expansionist Russia. It was the left that wanted to do that in the past.
Seriously, have a doctor evaluate you. You seem to really have dung for brains. Crack open a history book and figure out just how breathtakingly wrong you are fuckstick….

As for Japan. You may note it was 1941. You may note that worldwide markets are much different in 2016. You may note that the availability of products in 2016 is much more diversified than it was in 1941. You may note all of that but if history is any indication, I’m giving you way too much credit. You’re literally as dumb as a pile of shit.

Save your drama, queenie, for someone who might be impressed by it.

Having more diversified products in 2016 does not make Economic Warfare any less of a hostile act.

My points stand.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You’re the one talking about WWIII and you’re calling someone else a “drama queen”!!!!
Thanks for yet another reason to laugh at you.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You need a whole team of psychologists don't you boy?

And your response to my serious and honest post, was NOTHING but the Logical Fallacy of Ad hominem.

One of the primary propaganda techniques of the left.

As nothing in your post challenged or even addressed anything in my post, I will repost it for you and ask you to try again, only this time with a real answer, if you dare.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You jerk.

I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I’m dealing with someone who cannot conduct an informed discussion on politics. Its almost as if you’re in 3rd grade. Seriously…no spin there. You have made no point except to worry about WWIII (ignoring the MAD policy that has kept the world from WWIII for 60+ years). You have made no point except to bring up the lamest and I do mean absolutely lame, steps that a President Drumpf would take to strengthen the military alleging that the strengthening would come to focusing on terrorism (ignoring that we have been fighting Al Queda and ISIS for nearly 14 years).

Simply put, you’re an idiot who craves attention. I choose not to engage in the same way I did in the past because you are way out of your depth. Not to say that I’m an expert on the subject matter but I have forgotten more about geopolitics than you’ll ever know; what’s worse is that you think you know something. You do not.
Save your drama, queenie, for someone who might be impressed by it.

Having more diversified products in 2016 does not make Economic Warfare any less of a hostile act.

My points stand.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You’re the one talking about WWIII and you’re calling someone else a “drama queen”!!!!
Thanks for yet another reason to laugh at you.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You need a whole team of psychologists don't you boy?

And your response to my serious and honest post, was NOTHING but the Logical Fallacy of Ad hominem.

One of the primary propaganda techniques of the left.

As nothing in your post challenged or even addressed anything in my post, I will repost it for you and ask you to try again, only this time with a real answer, if you dare.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You jerk.

We don't have a policy of hostility towards Russia. We have a policy of self-interest for the United States. (Whether Obama has pursued that well is another issue.)

If that clashes with Russia, so be it. We are the most powerful nation on earth, and we don't have to subsume our interests to a declining power.

Russia pursues its interests in the same manner. Except the rise of Russian nationalism is driven in part by anti-Western sentiment that is deeply rooted in its society dating back to the Cold War.

And Russia was far more of a nuclear power then than now. And we didn't back down then either.

When the USSR was a global nuclear power, we aggressively pursued our interests. We didn't kowtow to them. There was no WWIII then, and there won't be now.

It's fascinating to watch the so-called right in America want to cozy up to the statist, expansionist Russia. It was the left that wanted to do that in the past.

Can you explain to me how American interests were served by our supporting the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine? For one example.
HRC will not be abandoned by her Party members. Drumpf will.

As bad as I hate to say it, I believe you may be right. There will be 30% of the party who will stay at home if Trump wins the nomination, and 30% will stay home if Cruz wins.... and we can't defeat HRC that way.

Maybe the Party Leadership shouldn't have joined in the LEft's campaign to marginalize their own front runner, and much of their base.

That's the choice that lead to this level of division.
------------------------------------------------ i love the Division . I can't imagine calling a lefty an Ally Correl .
Save your drama, queenie, for someone who might be impressed by it.

Having more diversified products in 2016 does not make Economic Warfare any less of a hostile act.

My points stand.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You’re the one talking about WWIII and you’re calling someone else a “drama queen”!!!!
Thanks for yet another reason to laugh at you.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You need a whole team of psychologists don't you boy?

And your response to my serious and honest post, was NOTHING but the Logical Fallacy of Ad hominem.

One of the primary propaganda techniques of the left.

As nothing in your post challenged or even addressed anything in my post, I will repost it for you and ask you to try again, only this time with a real answer, if you dare.

The issue we are discussing is whether or not to have a policy of hostility towards Russia, a large nation with a large nuclear stockpile.

Considering a very real possible outcome of such a policy, ie WWIII, is not "drama" but mature and responsible thinking.

IN the context of our having a disagreement, your overblown rhetoric about how stupid i "must" be based solely on me having a different opinion than you, yes is you being a drama queen.

And narrow minded.

My point stands, you have not done anything to challenge it, other than call me names.

Our political class has been stuck in COld War thinking and knee jerk hostility towards Russia.

Trump would be a serious change from that outdated thinking.

A change for the good.

Lets take steps to avoid WWIII.

Vote Trump.

You jerk.

I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I’m dealing with someone who cannot conduct an informed discussion on politics. Its almost as if you’re in 3rd grade. Seriously…no spin there. You have made no point except to worry about WWIII (ignoring the MAD policy that has kept the world from WWIII for 60+ years). You have made no point except to bring up the lamest and I do mean absolutely lame, steps that a President Drumpf would take to strengthen the military alleging that the strengthening would come to focusing on terrorism (ignoring that we have been fighting Al Queda and ISIS for nearly 14 years).

Simply put, you’re an idiot who craves attention. I choose not to engage in the same way I did in the past because you are way out of your depth. Not to say that I’m an expert on the subject matter but I have forgotten more about geopolitics than you’ll ever know; what’s worse is that you think you know something. You do not.

Stating your negative opinions about my points and personally insulting me is not a valid argument supporting your views, nor debunking mine.

Just because you strongly state something, repeatedly, does not actually make it true.

That is Magical Thinking combined with the Logical Fallacy of Proof By Assertion.

If I am as bad as you say, then why are you wasting time with me? Just put me on ignore.

BUT, that would prevent you from employing the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ad Nauseam.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing."

And just to be clear, you are a dishonest asshole for being like this.

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