I wash my hands of the GOP

The dis-honorable Mr Cruz knew he had no chance to end healthcare, but he was willing to shut down the government to boost his name recognition for this election. He was scheming and willing to hurt the country for personal gain back then. Do you think he is above that now?

I wholeheartedly disagree. I know this is the MEME from the Establishment GOP and elite Democrats... it has nothing to do with the truth.

Here's a synopsis of what happened.... Republicans and Democrats passed a continuing resolution (budget) which included funding for the roll-out of Obamacare. The Senate was going to send the budget to the president to sign and keep the government going... because the last continuing resolution was running out and this president, six years in, had still not presented an actual BUDGET to Congress. So the republican-led Senate's LAST hope of stopping Obamacare was to defund the roll-out... they controlled the purse. Ted Cruz RAN on the promise he would STOP Obamacare! ...So did a whole bunch of others who sidled up to the Establishment to back-stab Ted Cruz and promote this MEME about Cruz taking a stand for nothing. He stood for exactly what he promised to stand for in the critical moment where it needed to be stood for.... his fellow republicans, save for a few, abandoned him.

Cruz did not filibuster in order to shut down the government. The shutting down of government is always at the pleasure of the president. OBAMA was willing to shut the government down. Ted Cruz simply wanted to defund the roll-out of Obamacare, as he promised he would do. I will always believe, had republicans in the senate stood WITH Ted Cruz, they may have shut the government down for a while.... but the Democrats would have eventually capitulated on the funding of the roll-out. But the Establishment goobs waved the white flag and gave up... then, totally blamed their defeat and failure on Ted Cruz!
This "synapses" serves only as certifying you as a lunatic.

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Cruz did not filibuster in order to shut down the government. The shutting down of government is always at the pleasure of the president. OBAMA was willing to shut the government down. Ted Cruz simply wanted to defund the roll-out of Obamacare, as he promised he would do. I will always believe, had republicans in the senate stood WITH Ted Cruz, they may have shut the government down for a while.... but the Democrats would have eventually capitulated on the funding of the roll-out. But the Establishment goobs waved the white flag and gave up... then, totally blamed their defeat and failure on Ted Cruz!
That's exactly the point. Cruz, a very junior senator, gave the president an ultimatum. It's my way or the high way. No Republican stood with him because obamacare had gone through the process, right or wrong and obama made it clear no buget would get signed off on unless it was included.

That's what's known as reality. It was a signature piece of legislation obama wasn't going to back down from, everybody but Cruz knew it and he went on a suicide run and the GOP predictably got the blame. If you refuse to weight all the consequences you will be a very poor negotiator and Cruz is just too hard core for most people. If only we all agreed with him isn't a good defense.

I'm sorry, but Ted Cruz and others didn't run for office or get re-elected with the promise they would go along with Obamacare because it's the president's signature legislation. You don't fucking know what people would have done! Not funding the roll out in the CR is not abolishing Obamacare. It just means the roll out has to be postponed until funding gets approved. Turns out, the roll out had to be postponed anyway because the website didn't work.

Now you have to believe, had republicans stood with Cruz and shut the government down for a few weeks, the government employees union would be anxious and burning the phone lines up to their congressmen. And you'd have to think, just maybe a few of the Democrats would start saying... you know, maybe it's not a bad idea to postpone this for a bit, at least until we get the website fixed.... let's give him what he wants and pass the damn CR without the funding for the roll out! Okay... so Obama vetoes it... Government is still shut down... how long before enough Democrats say... this is ridiculous... we're going to override the veto! ... Again, no one knows what anyone WOULD HAVE done... we never got there.

Nope... wave the white flag... law of the land... elections have consequences... move on! We're gonna lose anyway, might as well give up now! That's what we got from the GOP leaders. That wasn't ANY kind of fucking "negotiation" ...that is what is called "capitulation!"
Again, shit brains…what do you think not shooting at the Russian planes is doing? That is an example of not “screwing around” with Russia.

But since you’ve brought it up; the Cold War is over (as Obama (the status quo)) has said for about 20 years now—glad you’ve caught up. Terrorism is the place where we spend blood and Treasure. Trump has said he will spend both blood and treasure over in the middle east.

HRC has not.

Sorry those are the facts. Gentlemen start your spin-gens.

Obama has been supporting the Ukraine in it's conflict with Russia. He has organized sanctions to wage economic warfare against Russia. He has increased military forces in Eastern Europe.

This is hardly "not screwing around with them".

If HIllary has not said she would not spend blood and treasure in the ME, it is only because she has not received anything but soft ball questions from the media.

I note you do not claim that she has a policy position of NOT spending such blood and treasure.

Ahh, the old “blame the media” strategy. It’s literally Drumpf’s only excuse.

If that is “screwing around with Russia"….you’re woefully negligent of world politics. But that was obvious from the beginning.

Clearly the media does just give Hillary softball questions

You think that's funny, LOL.

So Hillary, how did you get to be so smart and wonderful?

Oh stop, that's so hard, I hate to brag ...

Frustration at having Drumpf as your standard bearer is setting in already. Good.

You Republicans are going to be embarrassed by Trump in this election, it's what you get for being a RWNJ
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!
But if everyone else that is self-identifying as you are, are all for you, doesn't that make them conservative, therefore you conservative?

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No, because Conservatism isn't defined by what the popular clique says it is today. There are a certain set of principles... I know you probably don't understand that word... it's the fundamental source or basis for something. If you don't stand for the principles of Conservatism, you're not a Conservative. You can certainly CALL yourself one... I can CALL myself a baloney sandwich!
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!

So are you implying that conservatives are too stupid to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing in their midst?

It's frustrating because I really don't know what the problem is. It's almost as if they are mesmerized by his celebrity. And it;s not dummies... it's people I have long respected as leading Conservative voices... Jeff Sessions, Laura Ingraham, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Ben Carson... people who should know better. Maybe they just want to be on the side of the winner and it doesn't matter who that is? It doesn't make sense, Trump is the least likely to beat Hillary according to every poll taken. But there should be some explanation as to why stalwart Conservatives are completely abandoning principles for the popularity of Trump.
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!

So are you implying that conservatives are too stupid to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing in their midst?

It's frustrating because I really don't know what the problem is. It's almost as if they are mesmerized by his celebrity. And it;s not dummies... it's people I have long respected as leading Conservative voices... Jeff Sessions, Laura Ingraham, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Ben Carson... people who should know better. Maybe they just want to be on the side of the winner and it doesn't matter who that is? It doesn't make sense, Trump is the least likely to beat Hillary according to every poll taken. But there should be some explanation as to why stalwart Conservatives are completely abandoning principles for the popularity of Trump.

You first heard of Ben Carson when all of us did.....the day he insulted the president to his face at a prayer breakfast. He became an instant hero to nutbags. He's in it for the book sales....just like Ingraham, Cain and Hannity. You dupe!
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!

So are you implying that conservatives are too stupid to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing in their midst?

It's frustrating because I really don't know what the problem is. It's almost as if they are mesmerized by his celebrity. And it;s not dummies... it's people I have long respected as leading Conservative voices... Jeff Sessions, Laura Ingraham, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Ben Carson... people who should know better. Maybe they just want to be on the side of the winner and it doesn't matter who that is? It doesn't make sense, Trump is the least likely to beat Hillary according to every poll taken. But there should be some explanation as to why stalwart Conservatives are completely abandoning principles for the popularity of Trump.

I don't know about the others, but Hannity is not a Trump supporter other than that he said he will support the Republican nominee
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!

So are you implying that conservatives are too stupid to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing in their midst?

It's frustrating because I really don't know what the problem is. It's almost as if they are mesmerized by his celebrity. And it;s not dummies... it's people I have long respected as leading Conservative voices... Jeff Sessions, Laura Ingraham, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Ben Carson... people who should know better. Maybe they just want to be on the side of the winner and it doesn't matter who that is? It doesn't make sense, Trump is the least likely to beat Hillary according to every poll taken. But there should be some explanation as to why stalwart Conservatives are completely abandoning principles for the popularity of Trump.

The people you mentioned are all - first and foremost - in the entertainment business. They don't want to piss off their listeners/viewers.

Knowing this, their support of Trump makes sense.
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!

So are you implying that conservatives are too stupid to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing in their midst?

It's frustrating because I really don't know what the problem is. It's almost as if they are mesmerized by his celebrity. And it;s not dummies... it's people I have long respected as leading Conservative voices... Jeff Sessions, Laura Ingraham, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Ben Carson... people who should know better. Maybe they just want to be on the side of the winner and it doesn't matter who that is? It doesn't make sense, Trump is the least likely to beat Hillary according to every poll taken. But there should be some explanation as to why stalwart Conservatives are completely abandoning principles for the popularity of Trump.

You first heard of Ben Carson when all of us did.....the day he insulted the president to his face at a prayer breakfast. He became an instant hero to nutbags. He's in it for the book sales....just like Ingraham, Cain and Hannity. You dupe!

It was a great speech. What did you think was insulting? All the personal responsibility?

Threads like this one are like music to my Liberal ears. The GOP is in complete free fall now. At this point, it no longer even matters who they nominate.

You are right, it matters not who the GOP puts up. Any canidate will send the old hag Hellary back to the kitchen.
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!

So are you implying that conservatives are too stupid to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing in their midst?

It's frustrating because I really don't know what the problem is. It's almost as if they are mesmerized by his celebrity. And it;s not dummies... it's people I have long respected as leading Conservative voices... Jeff Sessions, Laura Ingraham, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Ben Carson... people who should know better. Maybe they just want to be on the side of the winner and it doesn't matter who that is? It doesn't make sense, Trump is the least likely to beat Hillary according to every poll taken. But there should be some explanation as to why stalwart Conservatives are completely abandoning principles for the popularity of Trump.

The people you mentioned are all - first and foremost - in the entertainment business. They don't want to piss off their listeners/viewers.

Knowing this, their support of Trump makes sense.
Trump's capable of proposing legislation to overturn Roe while at the same time using federal funds for abortions for women with the zika virius. Heads could explode. Very entertaining.
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!

So are you implying that conservatives are too stupid to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing in their midst?

It's frustrating because I really don't know what the problem is. It's almost as if they are mesmerized by his celebrity. And it;s not dummies... it's people I have long respected as leading Conservative voices... Jeff Sessions, Laura Ingraham, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Ben Carson... people who should know better. Maybe they just want to be on the side of the winner and it doesn't matter who that is? It doesn't make sense, Trump is the least likely to beat Hillary according to every poll taken. But there should be some explanation as to why stalwart Conservatives are completely abandoning principles for the popularity of Trump.

The people you mentioned are all - first and foremost - in the entertainment business. They don't want to piss off their listeners/viewers.

Knowing this, their support of Trump makes sense.
Trump's capable of proposing legislation to overturn Roe while at the same time using federal funds for abortions for women with the zika virius. Heads could explode. Very entertaining.

And he will PUNISH those evil harlots!
As the republican party has swung so far to the right to the point of being absurd, I can't support any of its candidates. I've always been a centrist, believing in elements of both sides and voting sometimes republican and sometimes democrat. Now, the party has, as far as I'm concerned, gone over the right side edge. The current problem is, I cannot side with the left either. So, I guess I'll just vote for some independent party candidate, that way, no matter which of the fools gets into office, I can at least say I didn't vote for either one.
I don't know about the others, but Hannity is not a Trump supporter other than that he said he will support the Republican nominee

:rofl: Shhhh.... Hannity looks at Trump like he's expecting to be asked to the prom or something!
Bobby Knight said, "that sonofabitch coulda played for me"...referring to Trump. Pretty good endorsement I would say...
Yea Bobby knight...and David Duke, both wonderful endorsements. How many people do you think give a rats ass about what Bobby knight says?!?

Sorry to sounds rude but trump looses to Hilary. His economic policy is on par with Bernie sanders...so what about trump is aligned with my principles.
------------------------------- doesn't sound rude , its just you speculating and forming an opinion . Trump may lose to hilary , so what Sakinago . Should people like me support jebito bush or kasich , roobio just so the republican rinos MIGHT win the election for THEMSELVES Sakanago ??
That's not opinion that trump has an unfavorability rating of 67%, second highest in the history of recording favorability ratings of candidates. It's also not opinion that in all but one poll, Hilary beats trump by an average of 8.5%, much worse than Romney vs Obama. It's also not opinion that trump cannot break out of 30 or so percent threshold of supporters in the Republican Party alone, if so, trump would have secured the nomination long ago...what happens when the election becomes national? It's also not opinion that trumps economic policies are the same of that on the left, tariffs, wealth taxes, and tax increases in general. Those are trumps own policies. Not only that, but since the GOP field has thinned out, Cruz beats trump nationally. My decision is not based on my meer opinion of the guy (I do think he's just a bad person Fyi), but rather on what he says, which I vehemently disagree with as a conservative, and Also the reality of the sheer numbers that the candidate has, he's a terrible candidate by the numbers. And you best believe the media has better dirt on him than "is he racist?". They're just saving it till he secures the nomination, then they'll bust it out so Hilary can walk right in to the White House.

And why bring up candidates who have dropped out? I never said I liked either of those two. I don't like Rubio, who is actually a good candidate against Hilary, and Jeb was an absolute joke. No need to use them as strawmen
What % of the repub vote did trump get in last Tuesday's election?
You mean In the northeast? Which trump was already going to win? In all of those states trump just won this past Tuesday, he looses badly to Hilary in the general. Much more badly than Cruz would vs Hilary. Cruz got more votes in Wisconsin, where it was a tighter race than trump did in his New York victory blowout...which is his home state. Trump looses Utah to Hilary, which is a good old fashioned red state USA. Name a swing state in the general election, if trump is the nominee, allll of those states go to Hilary. In states that are probably red states in the past, they turn into probably blue states with trump as the nominee
Doubtful. I would be very, very cautious about making irreversible predictions in a crazy Election Year like this one - a.k.a. The Year of the Populists.
Threads like this one are like music to my Liberal ears. The GOP is in complete free fall now. At this point, it no longer even matters who they nominate.


Why? You actually like one party dictatorships?
Not particularly. But since the GOP has proven to be such a colossal fuck up for about the last century, I for one am not sad to see them finally go down in flames.

Democrats have ruled this country for longer and more continuously than the repubs have. In that time the elite have increased the amount of wealth they control far more under dem rule than repub rule. So I guess you're OK with the middle class being destroyed?
The rich get richer no matter which party's in charge. Meanwhile, the worst economic disasters over that time came from the hands of the GOP.
------------------------------------------------ what economic disasters Faun ?? Heck , I am older , not rich , I am blue collar and I survived all your claimed economic disasters just fine . What disasters do you speak of . Heck , there are ups and downs In the economy but I as an average guy have never been too affected . Besides that a country like the USA should be more substantial than just constant easy living Faun .
I guess you missed the Great Depression and the Great Recession. :dunno:
Why? You actually like one party dictatorships?
Not particularly. But since the GOP has proven to be such a colossal fuck up for about the last century, I for one am not sad to see them finally go down in flames.

Democrats have ruled this country for longer and more continuously than the repubs have. In that time the elite have increased the amount of wealth they control far more under dem rule than repub rule. So I guess you're OK with the middle class being destroyed?
The rich get richer no matter which party's in charge. Meanwhile, the worst economic disasters over that time came from the hands of the GOP.
------------------------------------------------ what economic disasters Faun ?? Heck , I am older , not rich , I am blue collar and I survived all your claimed economic disasters just fine . What disasters do you speak of . Heck , there are ups and downs In the economy but I as an average guy have never been too affected . Besides that a country like the USA should be more substantial than just constant easy living Faun .
I guess you missed the Great Depression and the Great Recession. :dunno:
-----------------------------------great depression was before my time but my Mother and her 10 brothers and sisters survived although they were all very very poor . Recessions , I've been working since I first had kids in 1970 and recessions never did anything with us except maybe I didn't buy a new motorcycle or other TOY. I was happy that we always ate and always had a roof over our heads . My opinion is that most Americans are too fat and happy or soft and a little bit of adversity or a smaller paycheck gets them to whining Faun .
Not particularly. But since the GOP has proven to be such a colossal fuck up for about the last century, I for one am not sad to see them finally go down in flames.

Democrats have ruled this country for longer and more continuously than the repubs have. In that time the elite have increased the amount of wealth they control far more under dem rule than repub rule. So I guess you're OK with the middle class being destroyed?
The rich get richer no matter which party's in charge. Meanwhile, the worst economic disasters over that time came from the hands of the GOP.
------------------------------------------------ what economic disasters Faun ?? Heck , I am older , not rich , I am blue collar and I survived all your claimed economic disasters just fine . What disasters do you speak of . Heck , there are ups and downs In the economy but I as an average guy have never been too affected . Besides that a country like the USA should be more substantial than just constant easy living Faun .
I guess you missed the Great Depression and the Great Recession. :dunno:
-----------------------------------great depression was before my time but my Mother and her 10 brothers and sisters survived although they were all very very poor . Recessions , I've been working since I first had kids in 1970 and recessions never did anything with us except maybe I didn't buy a new motorcycle or other TOY. I was happy that we always ate and always had a roof over our heads . My opinion is that most Americans are too fat and happy or soft and a little bit of adversity or a smaller paycheck gets them to whining Faun .
Your personal experiences are irrelevant. The country went through both economic disasters even if you weren't alive for one or not severely affected by the other. Both at the hands of the GOP.
Democrats have ruled this country for longer and more continuously than the repubs have. In that time the elite have increased the amount of wealth they control far more under dem rule than repub rule. So I guess you're OK with the middle class being destroyed?
The rich get richer no matter which party's in charge. Meanwhile, the worst economic disasters over that time came from the hands of the GOP.
------------------------------------------------ what economic disasters Faun ?? Heck , I am older , not rich , I am blue collar and I survived all your claimed economic disasters just fine . What disasters do you speak of . Heck , there are ups and downs In the economy but I as an average guy have never been too affected . Besides that a country like the USA should be more substantial than just constant easy living Faun .
I guess you missed the Great Depression and the Great Recession. :dunno:
-----------------------------------great depression was before my time but my Mother and her 10 brothers and sisters survived although they were all very very poor . Recessions , I've been working since I first had kids in 1970 and recessions never did anything with us except maybe I didn't buy a new motorcycle or other TOY. I was happy that we always ate and always had a roof over our heads . My opinion is that most Americans are too fat and happy or soft and a little bit of adversity or a smaller paycheck gets them to whining Faun .
Your personal experiences are irrelevant. The country went through both economic disasters even if you weren't alive for one or not severely affected by the other. Both at the hands of the GOP.
--------------------------------------------- unprepared whiners is what they were Faun !!

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