I wash my hands of the GOP

So you finally noticed the right wing is nuts. Good for you. What took you so long? They have been nuts for a long time.

Nuts? No. They just took a look at Dems big gov't lovin' and decided they wanted in on that action.

Oh wait ... yes, they are nuts.

Take a long hard look at Louie Gohmert and explain how a party that embraces him is or has been anything but nuts.

He lost, dumb ass

Who lost? Louie Gohmert? When?

You realize you're on the Internet, right?

Click "new tab"

And type in "Louie Gohmert lost speaker"

And see that the party that according to the dumb ass Bulldog "embraces" him gave him 3 votes for speaker

Damn you're as dumb as him. Crazy Louie got more votes than 8 other republicans who were running for speaker. He's still the representative for the 1st district of Texas.
Take a long hard look at Louie Gohmert and explain how a party that embraces him is or has been anything but nuts.

He lost, dumb ass

Who lost? Louie Gohmert? When?

You realize you're on the Internet, right?

Click "new tab"

And type in "Louie Gohmert lost speaker"

And see that the party that according to the dumb ass Bulldog "embraces" him gave him 3 votes for speaker

You didn't say he lost speaker, you said "he lost". Where did you specify that you were speaking specifically of Speaker of the House?

That was his claim to fame, challenging Boner and losing, it's what he's known for. If I say Neil Armstrong's first step, would you ask, where? In his kitchen?

Louie has many claims to fame. He is an ever flowing fountain of stupid quotes. My personal favorite is his claim that someone was casting aspersions on his asparagus, and then there was his fear of Saria law, and anchor babies, and his amazing meltdown on Anderson Cooper's show. The man is certifiably insane. A fine example of a republican politician.
For all you anti-Trumpsters.... Let me say this, I'm not a devotee, but seriously, what is it that makes Hillary better? For all intents and purposes, her negatives are the same. She's just a shrill. She has serious ethics issues. Aside form being married to Bill, what exactly are her accomplishments? And for you right-wingers that carry on about Trumps' associations with the left, remember, he's a global businessman, greasing the skids on all sides is what they do.

Trump's negatives are significantly worse.
For all you anti-Trumpsters.... Let me say this, I'm not a devotee, but seriously, what is it that makes Hillary better? For all intents and purposes, her negatives are the same. She's just a shrill. She has serious ethics issues. Aside form being married to Bill, what exactly are her accomplishments? And for you right-wingers that carry on about Trumps' associations with the left, remember, he's a global businessman, greasing the skids on all sides is what they do.

Trump's negatives are significantly worse.

For one thing Balance of Power will limit what he can do IF he is as goofy as you fear.

On the other hand, the Dems in Congress and quite a few Republicans will go alone with Hillary's leftist agenda.

Trump is a real outsider. Hillary is part of the Machine and her goals are supported by like minds all though out government and society.
I'm voting for Hillary though I sure as hell don't fucking want to. Trump is an absolute disaster, completely unqualified to be President. If Cruz or someone else somehow pulls it off, I won't vote for her.

Since Trump pretty much guarantees the Senate to the Democrats and puts the House in play, I'll vote for the Republican candidate for Senate, whoever that may be, since Democrats controlling everything would be a disaster. But I like my Blue Dog Congresswoman, and the last Republican she beat was an idiot, so I'm torn on that one.

How do you imagine that Trump's lack of "qualifications" for presidency will manifest in a result worse than Hillary successfully advancing her leftist agenda?

He's a thin-skinned, emotional, divisive, undisciplined, lazy, uninformed charlatan who has zero experience in government.

That is the temperament and experience of an individual who should not have the nuclear codes nor run the most powerful nation on earth.

I want the Clintons to go away, but I trust her more than I do Trump.

He is not going to nuke anyone. HIs stated foreign policy is more restrained than HIllary's.

He is the only one who does not have a desire to keep poking Russia with a stick.

For one very important example.

You are unbelievably daft.
Sorry, I just want this to be said... As of now, I officially wash my hands of the GOP and anything that comes from the GOP in the next election cycle. IF Trump wins the GOP nomination and can somehow be elected president, I wash my hands of any policy or action he may take as president. I want this ON RECORD so that whenever things go tits up, I can show you where I rejected this man from the start and never wanted him to be the president. He does not represent me or the Conservative movement.

Why do I mention this? Because I already know what is going to come down should Trump win.... The Left will collectively attack everything he does, questionable or unquestionable, as being "far right" ...the fault of "the tea party" and "ultra-conservatives" and we'll be kicked in the balls repeatedly and held accountable. I want it KNOWN that this Constitutional Conservative is NOT associated with Donald Trump or any of his policies.
Thursday, April 26, 2016..... Recorded for posterity!

Now, to my fellow Trumpophile colleagues on the GOP side... With all due respect, I will refrain from getting down in the mud and wallowing around in personal insults with you. I am henceforth going to treat you in the same manner as liberal lefties who insist on trolling and harassing, personally insulting and denigrating, as opposed to discussing the issues on merit. You will be dispatched and your arguments summarily dismissed.

I personally think you are going to have that moment come in the 'glorious coming Trump reign' as president, when you realize what a Y-uge disastrous mistake you've made. Where that light-bulb goes off and you say... OMG, I can't believe I fell for this guy! When this all happens... I want everyone to know, I tried my best to tell you.... and he doesn't represent Constitutional Conservatives or the things we stand for. He will be WORSE than a Mitt Romney or John McCain could ever have dreamed of being. And every single bit of it will be laid at the feet of "The Conservative Right" by the radicals on the left. Here and now... I am NOT associated with this!

Why do you care what others think? It literally makes no difference
I'm voting for Hillary though I sure as hell don't fucking want to. Trump is an absolute disaster, completely unqualified to be President. If Cruz or someone else somehow pulls it off, I won't vote for her.

Since Trump pretty much guarantees the Senate to the Democrats and puts the House in play, I'll vote for the Republican candidate for Senate, whoever that may be, since Democrats controlling everything would be a disaster. But I like my Blue Dog Congresswoman, and the last Republican she beat was an idiot, so I'm torn on that one.

How do you imagine that Trump's lack of "qualifications" for presidency will manifest in a result worse than Hillary successfully advancing her leftist agenda?

He's a thin-skinned, emotional, divisive, undisciplined, lazy, uninformed charlatan who has zero experience in government.

That is the temperament and experience of an individual who should not have the nuclear codes nor run the most powerful nation on earth.

I want the Clintons to go away, but I trust her more than I do Trump.

He is not going to nuke anyone. HIs stated foreign policy is more restrained than HIllary's.

He is the only one who does not have a desire to keep poking Russia with a stick.

For one very important example.

You are unbelievably daft.

And it is telling that in your disagreement you don't actually state in what way or how you think that I am wrong.

Trump is the candidate who sees that the Cold War is over and has no desire to keep screwing around with Russia.

Hillary, Cruz, in that are status quo figures who will maintain the current stance of hostility.

Vote Trump. Vote against WWIII.
Maybe so... and AGAIN... It will be the worst thing to ever happen for the Constitutional Conservative movement. Because ANYTHING he does is going to be blamed and tied to "The Far Right" ....(aka: Conservatives)! This man simply does not represent what most Constitutional Conservatives support. He is saying things that he needs to say in order to get elected. Once elected, he will govern as the moderate liberal that he has always been.

He already has established his "built-in" excuse... Just as Obama did with the "Bush's fault" meme... Whenever you get a great big liberal shit sandwich.... hey, that's part of "Deal Making!" ...you gotta choke down the shit sandwich here.... had to do it! So, some of you are going to go along with him for a while... then it's going to get more and more obvious that he doesn't represent who you are.

So you finally noticed the right wing is nuts. Good for you. What took you so long? They have been nuts for a long time.

Nuts? No. They just took a look at Dems big gov't lovin' and decided they wanted in on that action.

Oh wait ... yes, they are nuts.

Take a long hard look at Louie Gohmert and explain how a party that embraces him is or has been anything but nuts.

He lost, dumb ass

No he didn't. People in East Texas are basically good people, but really dumb.

No, he isn't speaker of the house
I'm voting for Hillary though I sure as hell don't fucking want to. Trump is an absolute disaster, completely unqualified to be President. If Cruz or someone else somehow pulls it off, I won't vote for her.

Since Trump pretty much guarantees the Senate to the Democrats and puts the House in play, I'll vote for the Republican candidate for Senate, whoever that may be, since Democrats controlling everything would be a disaster. But I like my Blue Dog Congresswoman, and the last Republican she beat was an idiot, so I'm torn on that one.

How do you imagine that Trump's lack of "qualifications" for presidency will manifest in a result worse than Hillary successfully advancing her leftist agenda?

He's a thin-skinned, emotional, divisive, undisciplined, lazy, uninformed charlatan who has zero experience in government.

That is the temperament and experience of an individual who should not have the nuclear codes nor run the most powerful nation on earth.

I want the Clintons to go away, but I trust her more than I do Trump.

He is not going to nuke anyone. HIs stated foreign policy is more restrained than HIllary's.

He is the only one who does not have a desire to keep poking Russia with a stick.

For one very important example.

You are unbelievably daft.

And it is telling that in your disagreement you don't actually state in what way or how you think that I am wrong.

Trump is the candidate who sees that the Cold War is over and has no desire to keep screwing around with Russia.

Hillary, Cruz, in that are status quo figures who will maintain the current stance of hostility.

Vote Trump. Vote against WWIII.

You may have missed it with your head so far up your ass that you cough up dandruff; the current administration (i.e. the Status Quo) had it’s military challenged by Russia twice in international waters. Neither challenge drew a response. This drew outrage from RWNJ’s.

Again, you are unbelievably daft.
How do you imagine that Trump's lack of "qualifications" for presidency will manifest in a result worse than Hillary successfully advancing her leftist agenda?

He's a thin-skinned, emotional, divisive, undisciplined, lazy, uninformed charlatan who has zero experience in government.

That is the temperament and experience of an individual who should not have the nuclear codes nor run the most powerful nation on earth.

I want the Clintons to go away, but I trust her more than I do Trump.

He is not going to nuke anyone. HIs stated foreign policy is more restrained than HIllary's.

He is the only one who does not have a desire to keep poking Russia with a stick.

For one very important example.

You are unbelievably daft.

And it is telling that in your disagreement you don't actually state in what way or how you think that I am wrong.

Trump is the candidate who sees that the Cold War is over and has no desire to keep screwing around with Russia.

Hillary, Cruz, in that are status quo figures who will maintain the current stance of hostility.

Vote Trump. Vote against WWIII.

You may have missed it with your head so far up your ass that you cough up dandruff; the current administration (i.e. the Status Quo) had it’s military challenged by Russia twice in international waters. Neither challenge drew a response. This drew outrage from RWNJ’s.

Again, you are unbelievably daft.

In the context of nato expansion, Western involvement in Georgian and the regime change in the Ukraine, such push back is to be expected.

You will find no examples of me complaining that Obama was not aggressive enough with Russia.

The Cold War is over. Stop screwing around with Russia.
He's a thin-skinned, emotional, divisive, undisciplined, lazy, uninformed charlatan who has zero experience in government.

That is the temperament and experience of an individual who should not have the nuclear codes nor run the most powerful nation on earth.

I want the Clintons to go away, but I trust her more than I do Trump.

He is not going to nuke anyone. HIs stated foreign policy is more restrained than HIllary's.

He is the only one who does not have a desire to keep poking Russia with a stick.

For one very important example.

You are unbelievably daft.

And it is telling that in your disagreement you don't actually state in what way or how you think that I am wrong.

Trump is the candidate who sees that the Cold War is over and has no desire to keep screwing around with Russia.

Hillary, Cruz, in that are status quo figures who will maintain the current stance of hostility.

Vote Trump. Vote against WWIII.

You may have missed it with your head so far up your ass that you cough up dandruff; the current administration (i.e. the Status Quo) had it’s military challenged by Russia twice in international waters. Neither challenge drew a response. This drew outrage from RWNJ’s.

Again, you are unbelievably daft.

In the context of nato expansion, Western involvement in Georgian and the regime change in the Ukraine, such push back is to be expected.

You will find no examples of me complaining that Obama was not aggressive enough with Russia.

The Cold War is over. Stop screwing around with Russia.

Again, shit brains…what do you think not shooting at the Russian planes is doing? That is an example of not “screwing around” with Russia.

But since you’ve brought it up; the Cold War is over (as Obama (the status quo)) has said for about 20 years now—glad you’ve caught up. Terrorism is the place where we spend blood and Treasure. Trump has said he will spend both blood and treasure over in the middle east.

HRC has not.

Sorry those are the facts. Gentlemen start your spin-gens.
He is not going to nuke anyone. HIs stated foreign policy is more restrained than HIllary's.

He is the only one who does not have a desire to keep poking Russia with a stick.

For one very important example.

You are unbelievably daft.

And it is telling that in your disagreement you don't actually state in what way or how you think that I am wrong.

Trump is the candidate who sees that the Cold War is over and has no desire to keep screwing around with Russia.

Hillary, Cruz, in that are status quo figures who will maintain the current stance of hostility.

Vote Trump. Vote against WWIII.

You may have missed it with your head so far up your ass that you cough up dandruff; the current administration (i.e. the Status Quo) had it’s military challenged by Russia twice in international waters. Neither challenge drew a response. This drew outrage from RWNJ’s.

Again, you are unbelievably daft.

In the context of nato expansion, Western involvement in Georgian and the regime change in the Ukraine, such push back is to be expected.

You will find no examples of me complaining that Obama was not aggressive enough with Russia.

The Cold War is over. Stop screwing around with Russia.

Again, shit brains…what do you think not shooting at the Russian planes is doing? That is an example of not “screwing around” with Russia.

But since you’ve brought it up; the Cold War is over (as Obama (the status quo)) has said for about 20 years now—glad you’ve caught up. Terrorism is the place where we spend blood and Treasure. Trump has said he will spend both blood and treasure over in the middle east.

HRC has not.

Sorry those are the facts. Gentlemen start your spin-gens.

Obama has been supporting the Ukraine in it's conflict with Russia. He has organized sanctions to wage economic warfare against Russia. He has increased military forces in Eastern Europe.

This is hardly "not screwing around with them".

If HIllary has not said she would not spend blood and treasure in the ME, it is only because she has not received anything but soft ball questions from the media.

I note you do not claim that she has a policy position of NOT spending such blood and treasure.
How do you imagine that Trump's lack of "qualifications" for presidency will manifest in a result worse than Hillary successfully advancing her leftist agenda?

He's a thin-skinned, emotional, divisive, undisciplined, lazy, uninformed charlatan who has zero experience in government.

That is the temperament and experience of an individual who should not have the nuclear codes nor run the most powerful nation on earth.

I want the Clintons to go away, but I trust her more than I do Trump.

He is not going to nuke anyone. HIs stated foreign policy is more restrained than HIllary's.

He is the only one who does not have a desire to keep poking Russia with a stick.

For one very important example.

You are unbelievably daft.

And it is telling that in your disagreement you don't actually state in what way or how you think that I am wrong.

Trump is the candidate who sees that the Cold War is over and has no desire to keep screwing around with Russia.

Hillary, Cruz, in that are status quo figures who will maintain the current stance of hostility.

Vote Trump. Vote against WWIII.

You may have missed it with your head so far up your ass that you cough up dandruff; the current administration (i.e. the Status Quo) had it’s military challenged by Russia twice in international waters. Neither challenge drew a response. This drew outrage from RWNJ’s.

Again, you are unbelievably daft.

Putin was trying to embarrass our dickless commander in chief. it worked
You are unbelievably daft.

And it is telling that in your disagreement you don't actually state in what way or how you think that I am wrong.

Trump is the candidate who sees that the Cold War is over and has no desire to keep screwing around with Russia.

Hillary, Cruz, in that are status quo figures who will maintain the current stance of hostility.

Vote Trump. Vote against WWIII.

You may have missed it with your head so far up your ass that you cough up dandruff; the current administration (i.e. the Status Quo) had it’s military challenged by Russia twice in international waters. Neither challenge drew a response. This drew outrage from RWNJ’s.

Again, you are unbelievably daft.

In the context of nato expansion, Western involvement in Georgian and the regime change in the Ukraine, such push back is to be expected.

You will find no examples of me complaining that Obama was not aggressive enough with Russia.

The Cold War is over. Stop screwing around with Russia.

Again, shit brains…what do you think not shooting at the Russian planes is doing? That is an example of not “screwing around” with Russia.

But since you’ve brought it up; the Cold War is over (as Obama (the status quo)) has said for about 20 years now—glad you’ve caught up. Terrorism is the place where we spend blood and Treasure. Trump has said he will spend both blood and treasure over in the middle east.

HRC has not.

Sorry those are the facts. Gentlemen start your spin-gens.

Obama has been supporting the Ukraine in it's conflict with Russia. He has organized sanctions to wage economic warfare against Russia. He has increased military forces in Eastern Europe.

This is hardly "not screwing around with them".

If HIllary has not said she would not spend blood and treasure in the ME, it is only because she has not received anything but soft ball questions from the media.

I note you do not claim that she has a policy position of NOT spending such blood and treasure.

Ahh, the old “blame the media” strategy. It’s literally Drumpf’s only excuse.

If that is “screwing around with Russia"….you’re woefully negligent of world politics. But that was obvious from the beginning.
You are unbelievably daft.

And it is telling that in your disagreement you don't actually state in what way or how you think that I am wrong.

Trump is the candidate who sees that the Cold War is over and has no desire to keep screwing around with Russia.

Hillary, Cruz, in that are status quo figures who will maintain the current stance of hostility.

Vote Trump. Vote against WWIII.

You may have missed it with your head so far up your ass that you cough up dandruff; the current administration (i.e. the Status Quo) had it’s military challenged by Russia twice in international waters. Neither challenge drew a response. This drew outrage from RWNJ’s.

Again, you are unbelievably daft.

In the context of nato expansion, Western involvement in Georgian and the regime change in the Ukraine, such push back is to be expected.

You will find no examples of me complaining that Obama was not aggressive enough with Russia.

The Cold War is over. Stop screwing around with Russia.

Again, shit brains…what do you think not shooting at the Russian planes is doing? That is an example of not “screwing around” with Russia.

But since you’ve brought it up; the Cold War is over (as Obama (the status quo)) has said for about 20 years now—glad you’ve caught up. Terrorism is the place where we spend blood and Treasure. Trump has said he will spend both blood and treasure over in the middle east.

HRC has not.

Sorry those are the facts. Gentlemen start your spin-gens.

Obama has been supporting the Ukraine in it's conflict with Russia. He has organized sanctions to wage economic warfare against Russia. He has increased military forces in Eastern Europe.

This is hardly "not screwing around with them".

If HIllary has not said she would not spend blood and treasure in the ME, it is only because she has not received anything but soft ball questions from the media.

I note you do not claim that she has a policy position of NOT spending such blood and treasure.
I thought you said before that Obama was a pussy how he was dealing with Russia now you're saying he's being too tough on them? What a bunch of flip floppers
And it is telling that in your disagreement you don't actually state in what way or how you think that I am wrong.

Trump is the candidate who sees that the Cold War is over and has no desire to keep screwing around with Russia.

Hillary, Cruz, in that are status quo figures who will maintain the current stance of hostility.

Vote Trump. Vote against WWIII.

You may have missed it with your head so far up your ass that you cough up dandruff; the current administration (i.e. the Status Quo) had it’s military challenged by Russia twice in international waters. Neither challenge drew a response. This drew outrage from RWNJ’s.

Again, you are unbelievably daft.

In the context of nato expansion, Western involvement in Georgian and the regime change in the Ukraine, such push back is to be expected.

You will find no examples of me complaining that Obama was not aggressive enough with Russia.

The Cold War is over. Stop screwing around with Russia.

Again, shit brains…what do you think not shooting at the Russian planes is doing? That is an example of not “screwing around” with Russia.

But since you’ve brought it up; the Cold War is over (as Obama (the status quo)) has said for about 20 years now—glad you’ve caught up. Terrorism is the place where we spend blood and Treasure. Trump has said he will spend both blood and treasure over in the middle east.

HRC has not.

Sorry those are the facts. Gentlemen start your spin-gens.

Obama has been supporting the Ukraine in it's conflict with Russia. He has organized sanctions to wage economic warfare against Russia. He has increased military forces in Eastern Europe.

This is hardly "not screwing around with them".

If HIllary has not said she would not spend blood and treasure in the ME, it is only because she has not received anything but soft ball questions from the media.

I note you do not claim that she has a policy position of NOT spending such blood and treasure.

Ahh, the old “blame the media” strategy. It’s literally Drumpf’s only excuse.

If that is “screwing around with Russia"….you’re woefully negligent of world politics. But that was obvious from the beginning.

Clearly the media does just give Hillary softball questions
You may have missed it with your head so far up your ass that you cough up dandruff; the current administration (i.e. the Status Quo) had it’s military challenged by Russia twice in international waters. Neither challenge drew a response. This drew outrage from RWNJ’s.

Again, you are unbelievably daft.

In the context of nato expansion, Western involvement in Georgian and the regime change in the Ukraine, such push back is to be expected.

You will find no examples of me complaining that Obama was not aggressive enough with Russia.

The Cold War is over. Stop screwing around with Russia.

Again, shit brains…what do you think not shooting at the Russian planes is doing? That is an example of not “screwing around” with Russia.

But since you’ve brought it up; the Cold War is over (as Obama (the status quo)) has said for about 20 years now—glad you’ve caught up. Terrorism is the place where we spend blood and Treasure. Trump has said he will spend both blood and treasure over in the middle east.

HRC has not.

Sorry those are the facts. Gentlemen start your spin-gens.

Obama has been supporting the Ukraine in it's conflict with Russia. He has organized sanctions to wage economic warfare against Russia. He has increased military forces in Eastern Europe.

This is hardly "not screwing around with them".

If HIllary has not said she would not spend blood and treasure in the ME, it is only because she has not received anything but soft ball questions from the media.

I note you do not claim that she has a policy position of NOT spending such blood and treasure.

Ahh, the old “blame the media” strategy. It’s literally Drumpf’s only excuse.

If that is “screwing around with Russia"….you’re woefully negligent of world politics. But that was obvious from the beginning.

Clearly the media does just give Hillary softball questions

You think that's funny, LOL.

So Hillary, how did you get to be so smart and wonderful?

Oh stop, that's so hard, I hate to brag ...
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!
But if everyone else that is self-identifying as you are, are all for you, doesn't that make them conservative, therefore you conservative?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
In the context of nato expansion, Western involvement in Georgian and the regime change in the Ukraine, such push back is to be expected.

You will find no examples of me complaining that Obama was not aggressive enough with Russia.

The Cold War is over. Stop screwing around with Russia.

Again, shit brains…what do you think not shooting at the Russian planes is doing? That is an example of not “screwing around” with Russia.

But since you’ve brought it up; the Cold War is over (as Obama (the status quo)) has said for about 20 years now—glad you’ve caught up. Terrorism is the place where we spend blood and Treasure. Trump has said he will spend both blood and treasure over in the middle east.

HRC has not.

Sorry those are the facts. Gentlemen start your spin-gens.

Obama has been supporting the Ukraine in it's conflict with Russia. He has organized sanctions to wage economic warfare against Russia. He has increased military forces in Eastern Europe.

This is hardly "not screwing around with them".

If HIllary has not said she would not spend blood and treasure in the ME, it is only because she has not received anything but soft ball questions from the media.

I note you do not claim that she has a policy position of NOT spending such blood and treasure.

Ahh, the old “blame the media” strategy. It’s literally Drumpf’s only excuse.

If that is “screwing around with Russia"….you’re woefully negligent of world politics. But that was obvious from the beginning.

Clearly the media does just give Hillary softball questions

You think that's funny, LOL.

So Hillary, how did you get to be so smart and wonderful?

Oh stop, that's so hard, I hate to brag ...

Frustration at having Drumpf as your standard bearer is setting in already. Good.
And yet, exit polling has shown he is winning the votes of most self identified conservatives voting in the Republican primaries, so it would sound to me like he is very much representative of conservatives.

Well that's because Trump "self-identifies" as a Conservative! DUH!

What you label yourself as has NOTHING to do with what you ARE!

So are you implying that conservatives are too stupid to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing in their midst?

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