I watch Piers Morgan Live...

...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete fucking idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

The Associated Press

Australia's Mass Murders still kill loads of people without guns. Killers are going to kill.

Whiskey Au Go Go fire - Fire lit in club killed 15
Douglas Crabbe - Truck driver deliberately crashed his truck into a hotel, killing five and badly wounding 16.
Russell Street Bombing - 23 wounded when a car bomb ignites outside a Police Building. One of the wounded, a female police officer, died later of injuries from the explosion.
Sydney Hilton bombing - Two garbage men were killed and 12 passers-by were injured by a bomb planted in a garbage bin outside the Sydney Hilton Hotel in 1978. A police officer who was wounded died later.
^^^These kinds of things happen in America too. The mass shootings happen in America IN ADDITION to the type of things that you have listed in your post.

As well, once again, liberals seems to be very literal in their understanding when a point is made and an example given. I didn't list every example of every modern, industrialized country that has strong gun control laws and in which there are not mass shootings because of those gun control laws. Don't be so literal and think the only comparison or only example is Australia. Virtually every modern, first world, industrialized country, along with not having capital punishment, has strict gun control laws. Why? Because they are not cultures of madness and violence. Because they opt for sanity instead of living in fear and paranoia, and instead of meeting violence with more violence, they meet it with measured intelligence and reasonable solutions. Every country is going to have violence, crime, and murders. That is not the point.

As well, Americans are under the mistaken illusion that they are 'special' and have more freedoms and more rights than people in other countries. That is simply not true. It is something we are taught in school, but it is another illusion. The people in other modern, industrialized, first world countries have as much freedom and as many civil rights as Americans do. They may not be the exact same ones, but they are virtually and literally just as free as Americans to say and do as they please. Americans are not 'special' people with a 'special set of freedoms' that other people in other countries don't have. You need to get over that misconception about America. In fact, something that makes Americans less free is their 2 dimensional vision of the world, their two dimensional political system, and their 2 dimensional thinking: everything being pretty much black and white. That kind of vision and understanding of reality holds America and Americans back no end. They do it themselves. They don't need government or anything or anyone else to put locks on them: they put the locks on themselves by putting locks on their brains.
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I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

The Associated Press
One thing is guaranteed by the enactment of more strict gun laws in the USA: Criminals will not abide by them and will have increased assurance that their victims will likely NOT be armed.

Australia is not the USA. Australia did not fight a war to become a free nation. Australia has not had its own internal war. Australia's population is roughly 24 million....the USA, about 315 million. Australia has more strict immigration policies (they did not admit fat people :lol:).

Comparing Australia to the USA is not a valid test.

In Piers' not so great Britain, criminals are reverting to knives to rob and kill innocent victims. UK is a titular MONARCHY where the people seem to enjoy being subjects of the Royal Family. (What a ridiculous arrangement!)

In little ole Kennesaw, Georgia, where each household is required by law to have a working firearm, the crime rate is lower than most other places in the USA.

The argument that stricter gun control would make us safer is pure emotion and poppycock. Guns are NOT going to disappear from the hands of criminals. The most effective defense against an armed criminal is an armed citizen.

Asa as much as I love you man,Australia is a world leader in many things,your dismissal of our gun-law policy is way out of line.

We decided many years ago that the general public were not permitted guns(apart from farmers and shooting clubs etc,.who are strictly controlled),Only the Military and the Police are allowed to carry guns,people professionally trained to use a firearm.

Well common sense and a fluid mentality should and does here in Paradise make the reality of NO GUNS a safer place to live..........your comparison of the difference in population ratio's is a complete furfy(nonsence)........Your comparision of Australians not having to have a war of independence is futile and irrelevant.....by the way America since independence have been continually at war with someone.......I like many others think a lot of Americans have deep seated introverted siege mentality......hiding behind some amendment your forebears put into law....these very outstanding men were right at the time but if they were alive today with all the mass shootings and murders ad-nausium sic would most definitely repeal such a law.These were educated men.

After the Port Arthur massacre and the Gun Buy Back.......we had the US National R.A here spewing their discredited Bullshit.....The Australian Government rightly thew them out of the country.....this discredited organization have such political power (they pay off Congressmen in the most blatant fashion to persue their agenda)Ghastly that it is.

No your summation like so many is totally flawed.

Americans who have been Welcomed to these shores,find it amazing that we have such a Gun policy but love the safety and way of life here.

We have a special bond with the US and when your Navy are here for R+R,families open their doors to them litrally,you can ask any Military person from the US and they will confirm this.

America could and should learn from us,our outstanding Health Care,Aged Care,Unemployment and Safety Net system.....Our policy of plain cigarette packaging,which has reduced folk smoking which the US tabacco industry try to kill.

No we always fight above our weight...AND WIN.

SAY NO TO GUNS........there is NO SAFETY IN YOUR GUN LAWS,infact quite the contrary.

Asa,don't take this personally,but how on earth do Americans think that by carrying a Gun or High Powered Weapon can be safer!!!!!!!!!!!!.steve

ps excuse and Grammar or Spelling errors today

You're government doesn't trust you with guns. How does it feel to be treated like a child?
He's a liberal nut job, talk show host, that thinks all guns should be taken away from Americans.

In other words he is a real joke.

He also has an accent and the leads liberals to believe he is real smart.

Amazing what liberals believe. They laugh at Palin and take Obama and Morgan seriously.

They also take comedians and prop them up as geniuses, and then they ridicule others.

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Here's the deal.

Guns have to be bad.

If you wear a gun t-shirt, you are bad.

Play war, you are evil.

Make a gun with your finger, you are suspended.

How can the guns be evil if teachers have guns to protect students?

The ideology is more important than actual securing the children.

That's the bottom line...until you understand that, you won't understand the resistance to common sense.
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Here's the deal.

Guns have to be bad.

If you wear a gun t-shirt, you are bad.

Play war, you are evil.

Make a gun with your finger, you are suspended.

How can the guns be evil if teachers have guns to protect students?

The ideology is more important than actual securing the children.

That's the bottom line...until you understand that, you won't understand the resistance to common sense.

Excellent point.
It's not about keeping the kids safe.
It's about keeping the gun agenda pure.
One thing is guaranteed by the enactment of more strict gun laws in the USA: Criminals will not abide by them and will have increased assurance that their victims will likely NOT be armed.

Australia is not the USA. Australia did not fight a war to become a free nation. Australia has not had its own internal war. Australia's population is roughly 24 million....the USA, about 315 million. Australia has more strict immigration policies (they did not admit fat people :lol:).

Comparing Australia to the USA is not a valid test.

In Piers' not so great Britain, criminals are reverting to knives to rob and kill innocent victims. UK is a titular MONARCHY where the people seem to enjoy being subjects of the Royal Family. (What a ridiculous arrangement!)

In little ole Kennesaw, Georgia, where each household is required by law to have a working firearm, the crime rate is lower than most other places in the USA.

The argument that stricter gun control would make us safer is pure emotion and poppycock. Guns are NOT going to disappear from the hands of criminals. The most effective defense against an armed criminal is an armed citizen.

Asa as much as I love you man,Australia is a world leader in many things,your dismissal of our gun-law policy is way out of line.

We decided many years ago that the general public were not permitted guns(apart from farmers and shooting clubs etc,.who are strictly controlled),Only the Military and the Police are allowed to carry guns,people professionally trained to use a firearm.

Well common sense and a fluid mentality should and does here in Paradise make the reality of NO GUNS a safer place to live..........your comparison of the difference in population ratio's is a complete furfy(nonsence)........Your comparision of Australians not having to have a war of independence is futile and irrelevant.....by the way America since independence have been continually at war with someone.......I like many others think a lot of Americans have deep seated introverted siege mentality......hiding behind some amendment your forebears put into law....these very outstanding men were right at the time but if they were alive today with all the mass shootings and murders ad-nausium sic would most definitely repeal such a law.These were educated men.

After the Port Arthur massacre and the Gun Buy Back.......we had the US National R.A here spewing their discredited Bullshit.....The Australian Government rightly thew them out of the country.....this discredited organization have such political power (they pay off Congressmen in the most blatant fashion to persue their agenda)Ghastly that it is.

No your summation like so many is totally flawed.

Americans who have been Welcomed to these shores,find it amazing that we have such a Gun policy but love the safety and way of life here.

We have a special bond with the US and when your Navy are here for R+R,families open their doors to them litrally,you can ask any Military person from the US and they will confirm this.

America could and should learn from us,our outstanding Health Care,Aged Care,Unemployment and Safety Net system.....Our policy of plain cigarette packaging,which has reduced folk smoking which the US tabacco industry try to kill.

No we always fight above our weight...AND WIN.

SAY NO TO GUNS........there is NO SAFETY IN YOUR GUN LAWS,infact quite the contrary.

Asa,don't take this personally,but how on earth do Americans think that by carrying a Gun or High Powered Weapon can be safer!!!!!!!!!!!!.steve

ps excuse and Grammar or Spelling errors today

You're government doesn't trust you with guns. How does it feel to be treated like a child?

Great actually,we are a very educated people an can se the merits in such a law.

As for a child.....Take a look in the MIRROR........why are you an apologist for the Gun Lobby?steve:cool:
I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

The Associated Press
One thing is guaranteed by the enactment of more strict gun laws in the USA: Criminals will not abide by them and will have increased assurance that their victims will likely NOT be armed.

Australia is not the USA. Australia did not fight a war to become a free nation. Australia has not had its own internal war. Australia's population is roughly 24 million....the USA, about 315 million. Australia has more strict immigration policies (they did not admit fat people :lol:).

Comparing Australia to the USA is not a valid test.

In Piers' not so great Britain, criminals are reverting to knives to rob and kill innocent victims. UK is a titular MONARCHY where the people seem to enjoy being subjects of the Royal Family. (What a ridiculous arrangement!)

In little ole Kennesaw, Georgia, where each household is required by law to have a working firearm, the crime rate is lower than most other places in the USA.

The argument that stricter gun control would make us safer is pure emotion and poppycock. Guns are NOT going to disappear from the hands of criminals. The most effective defense against an armed criminal is an armed citizen.

Asa as much as I love you man,Australia is a world leader in many things,your dismissal of our gun-law policy is way out of line.

We decided many years ago that the general public were not permitted guns(apart from farmers and shooting clubs etc,.who are strictly controlled),Only the Military and the Police are allowed to carry guns,people professionally trained to use a firearm.

Well common sense and a fluid mentality should and does here in Paradise make the reality of NO GUNS a safer place to live..........your comparison of the difference in population ratio's is a complete furfy(nonsence)........Your comparision of Australians not having to have a war of independence is futile and irrelevant.....by the way America since independence have been continually at war with someone.......I like many others think a lot of Americans have deep seated introverted siege mentality......hiding behind some amendment your forebears put into law....these very outstanding men were right at the time but if they were alive today with all the mass shootings and murders ad-nausium sic would most definitely repeal such a law.These were educated men.

After the Port Arthur massacre and the Gun Buy Back.......we had the US National R.A here spewing their discredited Bullshit.....The Australian Government rightly thew them out of the country.....this discredited organization have such political power (they pay off Congressmen in the most blatant fashion to persue their agenda)Ghastly that it is.

No your summation like so many is totally flawed.

Americans who have been Welcomed to these shores,find it amazing that we have such a Gun policy but love the safety and way of life here.

We have a special bond with the US and when your Navy are here for R+R,families open their doors to them litrally,you can ask any Military person from the US and they will confirm this.

America could and should learn from us,our outstanding Health Care,Aged Care,Unemployment and Safety Net system.....Our policy of plain cigarette packaging,which has reduced folk smoking which the US tabacco industry try to kill.

No we always fight above our weight...AND WIN.

SAY NO TO GUNS........there is NO SAFETY IN YOUR GUN LAWS,infact quite the contrary.

Asa,don't take this personally,but how on earth do Americans think that by carrying a Gun or High Powered Weapon can be safer!!!!!!!!!!!!.steve

ps excuse and Grammar or Spelling errors today



try this... Violent Crime Rates U.S. VS Australia | Extrano's Alley, a gun blog

It appears your government is not totally forthcoming with crime stats. Why would that be? Are they trying to hide the FACT that gun confiscation hasn't improved the level of safety in the land down under?
Thread Cleaned. Zone 1 Posting Rules apply here. No Hi-Jacking or Derailing Threads. Civil Discourse is the focus here.
I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

The Associated Press
I believe there has been one mass shooting in Australia since the confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens. I'll stand corrected if proven wrong.

Also, I believe the crime rate in the UK has risen since their own confiscation. Criminals have reverted to blades and other weapons. I'll also stand corrected on that point if proven wrong.

I can appreciate your point of view. I have been to Lisbon and Terceira Island...stayed at Lages for several days...had a delightful day (and meal) in Angra do Heroismo...adored the stone fences and Chic-Fil-A cows in between. The Azores are utterly beautiful and Lisbon even more so. The view from the castle is picture postcard perfect. I can understand the people being disinclined to commit crimes, but I suspect there are criminals there too.

Portugal seems to outdo the US in drug related crimes per capita.
Drug offences 3,758 per 100,000 people 560.1 per 100,000 people

Other comparisons on the site list total offenses, not per capita.
NationMaster - Crime stats: Portugal vs United States

Crime in Portugal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Main article: Drug policy of Portugal

Portugal has arguably the most liberal laws concerning possession of illicit drugs in the Western world. In 2001 Portugal decriminalized possession of effectively all drugs that are still illegal in other developed nations including, but not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and LSD. While possession is legal, trafficking and possession of more than "10 days worth of personal use" are still punishable by jail time and fines. Since decriminalization was implemented, Portugal has seen rapid improvement in the number of deaths from drug overdoses as well as a decline in new HIV infections. [7]
This is commendable. The US should follow suit.

I do not promote the arming of Portugal's citizens. I also do not promote the disarming of US citizens. Our countries are not similar in ways to make such changes work for either.
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No offense, but I never have cared what Australia does. They have no impact on US politics or law, they are simply not that big of a power that we should care.

They seem nice though.
In his Monday letter, Peter Van Patten misled many readers with his lack of factual information. The United States overall has hundreds of gun laws, many which are not obeyed by criminals or mentally ill people and we will always have an element in society who will not obey these laws. Personally, I do not see the need of 20- to 100-round magazines for civilian use. However, the mentality of the gun control advocates is to over-reach and over-regulate by emotional reasoning.

You state gun-related deaths here are 10 to 100 times that of other developed countries. Check the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and reports from the United Nations and you will find your statement to be inaccurate. You further state Australia had no increase in violent crime after a gun ban. Not true. The Australian Bureau of Criminology states its murder rate in 2006 with firearms was the highest ever at 16.3 percent. The ban started in 1997.

Also since the ban, here are the crime increases:

In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent, robbery 6.2 percent, sexual assault/rape 29.2 percent and overall crime rose 42.2 percent. Those numbers are quite a startling difference from ''virtually eliminating gun deaths and no substantial increase in violent crime.'' And since the ban, Australian women are raped three times more often than American women. Using Australia as an model to lead people into a false sense of security that an anti-gun policy could create a safer society is an injustice.

Violent crime rose after gun ban in Australia | syracuse.com
In his Monday letter, Peter Van Patten misled many readers with his lack of factual information. The United States overall has hundreds of gun laws, many which are not obeyed by criminals or mentally ill people and we will always have an element in society who will not obey these laws. Personally, I do not see the need of 20- to 100-round magazines for civilian use. However, the mentality of the gun control advocates is to over-reach and over-regulate by emotional reasoning.

You state gun-related deaths here are 10 to 100 times that of other developed countries. Check the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and reports from the United Nations and you will find your statement to be inaccurate. You further state Australia had no increase in violent crime after a gun ban. Not true. The Australian Bureau of Criminology states its murder rate in 2006 with firearms was the highest ever at 16.3 percent. The ban started in 1997.

Also since the ban, here are the crime increases:

In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent, robbery 6.2 percent, sexual assault/rape 29.2 percent and overall crime rose 42.2 percent. Those numbers are quite a startling difference from ''virtually eliminating gun deaths and no substantial increase in violent crime.'' And since the ban, Australian women are raped three times more often than American women. Using Australia as an model to lead people into a false sense of security that an anti-gun policy could create a safer society is an injustice.

Violent crime rose after gun ban in Australia | syracuse.com

You know....................I might be able to believe the blog from Syracuse.com if he had actually bothered to link to his statistics that they'd put forth.

But....................without links, it's just like any other post on here with b.s. and no backup.
In his Monday letter, Peter Van Patten misled many readers with his lack of factual information. The United States overall has hundreds of gun laws, many which are not obeyed by criminals or mentally ill people and we will always have an element in society who will not obey these laws. Personally, I do not see the need of 20- to 100-round magazines for civilian use. However, the mentality of the gun control advocates is to over-reach and over-regulate by emotional reasoning.

You state gun-related deaths here are 10 to 100 times that of other developed countries. Check the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and reports from the United Nations and you will find your statement to be inaccurate. You further state Australia had no increase in violent crime after a gun ban. Not true. The Australian Bureau of Criminology states its murder rate in 2006 with firearms was the highest ever at 16.3 percent. The ban started in 1997.

Also since the ban, here are the crime increases:

In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent, robbery 6.2 percent, sexual assault/rape 29.2 percent and overall crime rose 42.2 percent. Those numbers are quite a startling difference from ''virtually eliminating gun deaths and no substantial increase in violent crime.'' And since the ban, Australian women are raped three times more often than American women. Using Australia as an model to lead people into a false sense of security that an anti-gun policy could create a safer society is an injustice.

Violent crime rose after gun ban in Australia | syracuse.com

You know....................I might be able to believe the blog from Syracuse.com if he had actually bothered to link to his statistics that they'd put forth.

But....................without links, it's just like any other post on here with b.s. and no backup.

Which is not much different than the posts that demand Australia’s gun control laws have significantly impacted homicide rates in Australia. The Truth is that those laws cannot be shown to have a correlation to the significant reductions in homicides there. If you look at the actual numbers:
Australia - Homicide rate
you find that a law passed in 1996 does not have any real correlation to the drop in homicides that does not even start until 2002. That is a 6 year gap between the real decreases and the actual law. Why did it take that long for the law to be effective? How can you attribute decreases in crime to a law that was passed 6 years ago but had zero effect in the meantime?

That is a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. You cannot show the correlation when such a l;arge time gap exists and NO gains were made through that time.
I believe there has been one mass shooting in Australia since the confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens. I'll stand corrected if proven wrong.

You can’t prove a negative. IOW, you need to show a mass shooting since the ban to establish that it occurred.

I believe that you are incorrect though mass KILLINGS have occurred after the ban.
I believe there has been one mass shooting in Australia since the confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens. I'll stand corrected if proven wrong.

You can’t prove a negative. IOW, you need to show a mass shooting since the ban to establish that it occurred.

I believe that you are incorrect though mass KILLINGS have occurred after the ban.

More mass killings are done with artillery and bombs and gas chambers and chemical weapons than are done with guns. In our own history, the attack on our embassy in Lebanon, the Oklahoma City bombing, the attack on the Cole, 9-11, all done without the use of guns. The Boston bombers intended to kill and maim many, but they didn't use guns. Take away the guns and those intending to commit mass murder will find a way. Does it really matter to you if your loved ones are shot to death or blown up with dynamite or whatever?

It is not the guns that are the problem but the culture itself. Provide a culture built on solid values of personal responsibility, integrity, and value for life, and you will have very little violent crime. Switzerland enjoys a very peaceful society even though it is among the world's most heavily armed nations.

Build a culture built on entitlement mentality, victim mentality, and hatred and blame of others for all your problems, and lack of respect for life, and you will have much violent crime.
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I believe there has been one mass shooting in Australia since the confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens. I'll stand corrected if proven wrong.

You can’t prove a negative. IOW, you need to show a mass shooting since the ban to establish that it occurred.

I believe that you are incorrect though mass KILLINGS have occurred after the ban.

More mass killings are done with artillery and bombs and gas chambers and chemical weapons than are done with guns. In our own history, the attack on our embassy in Lebanon, the Oklahoma City bombing, the attack on the Cole, 9-11, all done without the use of guns. The Boston bombers intended to kill and maim many, but they didn't use guns. Take away the guns and those intending to commit mass murder will find a way. Does it really matter to you if your loved ones are shot to death or blown up with dynamite or whatever?

It is not the guns that are the problem but the culture itself. Provide a culture built on solid values of personal responsibility, integrity, and value for life, and you will have very little violent crime. Switzerland enjoys a very peaceful society even though it is among the world's most heavily armed nations.

Build a culture built on entitlement mentality, victim mentality, and hatred and blame of others for all your problems, and lack of respect for life, and you will have much violent crime.
Yep, and it is a problem in America because of all that you have mentioned. What blows me away also, is the fact that we have elected a President that doesn't understand these basic things in which you speak, and continues to make a fool of himself when he opens his mouth trying to interject himself into these things in the ways that he does, because he then injects himself without having his act together is what makes him look so bad when he does it, but when you come from an upbringing and political career that has been learned in a bubble, in which has created this bias in which he has in such a way, it is to be expected what we are and have been hearing coming out of his mouth thus far, so there has been no surprise for me actually as is found within these things or is being seen and are heard within these things these days anymore.
And arming teachers probably wouldn't be too effective in thwarting the evil intentions of a mass murderer armed with a bomb or bombs or other weapons of mass destruction. The deed would likely already be done by the time the staff became aware the danger existed.

At least with a mad gunman, a properly trained and skilled armed teacher could take him out before he could commit so much mayhem.
I believe there has been one mass shooting in Australia since the confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens. I'll stand corrected if proven wrong.

You can’t prove a negative. IOW, you need to show a mass shooting since the ban to establish that it occurred.

I believe that you are incorrect though mass KILLINGS have occurred after the ban.

Monash University shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At 11:24am on 21 October,[1] Huan Yun "Allen" Xiang[2] a commerce student at the university,[3] armed with six loaded handguns, opened fire in room E 659 of the Menzies Building on Monash's Clayton campus[4] in an econometrics class containing twelve students.[5] People in the classroom were initially confused by the noise and by Xiang screaming "You never understand me!" from the desk he was standing on.[5]

Xiang killed two students in the room:[2][6]

Xu Hui "William" Wu, an international student from Hong Kong and neighbour of Xiang's in Melbourne; and
Steven Chan, a student from Doncaster.

Xiang wounded five others:[3][5][6][7]

lecturer Lee Gordon-Brown, who was shot in the arm and knee;
student Daniel Urbach, who was wounded in the shoulder and arm;
student Laurie Brown, who was wounded in the leg and abdomen;
student Christine Young, who was shot in the face; and
student Leigh Dat Huynh, who was discharged from hospital within a day.

When Xiang stopped shooting and moved to switch weapons, Lee Gordon-Brown, the injured lecturer, grabbed Xiang's hands as he reached into his jacket. Gordon-Brown and a student in the room, Alastair Boast, a trained wing chun practitioner, tackled him.[3][5][8][9] Bradley Thompson later entered the room and discovered five guns in holsters around Xiang's waist, including two Berettas, a Taurus, a .357 Magnum and a .38-caliber revolver, as well as two magazines from near his hip.

Gordon-Brown and Boast were assisted by a passing lecturer from a nearby room, Brett Inder, to restrain Xiang for thirty minutes until police arrived, while Thompson and university administrator Colin Thornby, provided first aid. They both received Red Cross "Community Hero" awards for their assistance. [1][4][10][11] At least one injured student reportedly left the room and sought help for his injuries from security staff.[12]

Xiang was deemed by police to be unfit for interview but wrote a note referring to William Wu after his arrest saying "I finally ended WW's life."[1][5]

All classes in the Menzies Building were cancelled for the rest of the day and the university set up counselling stations.[12]

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